@FinneousPJ It was like 2 pages ago. And you participated right when that particular discussion started. So yes, you claiming to have to read "every post out of 4000" is AT BEST disengenuous. After all, you didn't seem to have a problem reading the last two pages to fish out the tribe's name. My populaiton claims are base don what has already been discussed in the thread, so if you think that's a problem, complain to whoever posted it first. I'm also not the only one who has claimed larger numbers are needed to be stable, but somehow I'm the only one who somehow "isn't making an effort"? I'm not surprised you singled out the only openly religious person here, but you could try to be less transparent about it.
The exact amount of people on the island is unknown and the population may or may not be sustainable.
Regardless, it is up to the Sentalese to reach out to join the rest of the world. If they’d rather die out, that is their choice and must be respected.
@FinneousPJ It was like 2 pages ago. And you participated right when that particular discussion started. So yes, you claiming to have to read "every post out of 4000" is AT BEST disengenuous. After all, you didn't seem to have a problem reading the last two pages to fish out the tribe's name. My populaiton claims are base don what has already been discussed in the thread, so if you think that's a problem, complain to whoever posted it first. I'm also not the only one who has claimed larger numbers are needed to be stable, but somehow I'm the only one who somehow "isn't making an effort"? I'm not surprised you singled out the only openly religious person here, but you could try to be less transparent about it.
I said I haven't read every post. Whoever has made the same argument is welcome to provide supporting evidence. I was hoping you might, since you are at least one of the people. If you don't have evidence to support your argument, why are you making it?
EDIT: Actually, the thing that peeved me is that you called your argument scientific.
The exact amount of people on the island is unknown and the population may or may not be sustainable.
Regardless, it is up to the Sentalese to reach out to join the rest of the world. If they’d rather die out, that is their choice and must be respected.
Is it all of their choices though, or just a select few in power?
None of this scenario is as cut and dry as we'd like to believe here in our little forum. We all seem to want to use this as some kind of morality play to further our own beliefs. The truth is likely far more complex. For all we know, the leader of this bunch may be a psychopath pedophile. It's also possible this group might be an anarcho-syndicalist commune or an autonomous collective sharing executive powers among all of their members.
To me, the main point here is that somebody thought it was worth taking a chance on losing their life in order to save those people's souls. We can argue all week about whether he was an idiot or not, but regardless of what we think, he thought it was the right thing to do and he did it. I can at least respect that he took action rather than schedule committee meetings and debate about it for years. Laws aren't applicable here and neither is any action required one way or the other in my humble opinion.
And there is nothing people can do. Donald Trump doesn't listen to people, he listens to his "gut", which means, apparently, whatever Fox News tells him.
The exact amount of people on the island is unknown and the population may or may not be sustainable.
Regardless, it is up to the Sentalese to reach out to join the rest of the world. If they’d rather die out, that is their choice and must be respected.
Is it all of their choices though, or just a select few in power?
None of this scenario is as cut and dry as we'd like to believe here in our little forum. We all seem to want to use this as some kind of morality play to further our own beliefs. The truth is likely far more complex. For all we know, the leader of this bunch may be a psychopath pedophile. It's also possible this group might be an anarcho-syndicalist commune or an autonomous collective sharing executive powers among all of their members.
To me, the main point here is that somebody thought it was worth taking a chance on losing their life in order to save those people's souls. We can argue all week about whether he was an idiot or not, but regardless of what we think, he thought it was the right thing to do and he did it. I can at least respect that he took action rather than schedule committee meetings and debate about it for years. Laws aren't applicable here and neither is any action required one way or the other in my humble opinion.
It's possible to be brave and stupid at the same time. Even if souls CAN be saved, no one alive knows with any certainty how that is accomplished. It's highly likely the island tribe has their own religion, which I'd venture to guess is just as valid as Christianity. Like George Carlin once joked, when he stopped praying to God and started praying to Joe Pesci instead, his prayers were answered at exactly the same rate.
@smeagolheart I'm saying that the tribe living isolated that long is IMPOSSIBLE without outside contact. The inbreediing would have led to CRIPPLING defects within more than a few generations.
How do you know this?
See they don't have a large enough population to have the required genetic diversity to survive for that long without intermingling with other people. Also, see @semiticgod 's comment above.
That's what you keep saying, but how do you know how large their population is and how large a population is required, i.e. actual science. Your "science" is just saying stuff.
Or you could, you know, do some basic research yourself. Its not like I'm sitting on some secret cabal information. A cursory look into genetics should suffice.
"The question of what is the minimum population to have a healthy avoidance of inbreeding is a well-understood problem, one which comes up in husbandry and growing (and selling) laboratory animals. This number is as low as 10-20 pairs, if you diligently randomize mating patterns (such as rotational mating). This is sometimes referred to as "outbred stock"."
I am so amused at the last few paragraphs of that article. "If you find yourself having a decision to make at the end of times, about which mate to save with whom to repopulate the earth, grab the blackest person on the space ship." "If America is hit by a horrible, brand new, virus etc that kills almost everybody, survivors are quite likely to be mostly African-American. A scenario that for some reason never seems to happen in Hollywood movies..."
It's logical with some thought. NO ONE denies that humans started in/came out of Africa, or at least no one who cares about science. Technically speaking they have the "purest" genetics, in terms of drift. Caucasians and Asians drifted from that after leaving Africa.
It's now confirmed that Meng has been arrested for breaking sanctions on Iran. However, the charge doesn't relate to recent activity, but to the period prior to 2014. I've no idea whether the charges are justified or not, but the timing strongly suggests the charges are politically motivated. As I suggested earlier it's hard to see any outcome from this pissing contest other than that everyone loses.
@smeagolheart I'm saying that the tribe living isolated that long is IMPOSSIBLE without outside contact. The inbreediing would have led to CRIPPLING defects within more than a few generations.
How do you know this?
See they don't have a large enough population to have the required genetic diversity to survive for that long without intermingling with other people. Also, see @semiticgod 's comment above.
That's what you keep saying, but how do you know how large their population is and how large a population is required, i.e. actual science. Your "science" is just saying stuff.
Or you could, you know, do some basic research yourself. Its not like I'm sitting on some secret cabal information. A cursory look into genetics should suffice.
"The question of what is the minimum population to have a healthy avoidance of inbreeding is a well-understood problem, one which comes up in husbandry and growing (and selling) laboratory animals. This number is as low as 10-20 pairs, if you diligently randomize mating patterns (such as rotational mating). This is sometimes referred to as "outbred stock"."
I am so amused at the last few paragraphs of that article. "If you find yourself having a decision to make at the end of times, about which mate to save with whom to repopulate the earth, grab the blackest person on the space ship." "If America is hit by a horrible, brand new, virus etc that kills almost everybody, survivors are quite likely to be mostly African-American. A scenario that for some reason never seems to happen in Hollywood movies..."
It's logical with some thought. NO ONE denies that humans started in/came out of Africa, or at least no one who cares about science. Technically speaking they have the "purest" genetics, in terms of drift. Caucasians and Asians drifted from that after leaving Africa.
Haha yeah. I'm white as snow and blue-eyed (Finnish, yeah) -- I've never understood the logic of these white nationalists or other proponents of white supremacy. They must not understand genetics or biology. Like, at all.
@smeagolheart I'm saying that the tribe living isolated that long is IMPOSSIBLE without outside contact. The inbreediing would have led to CRIPPLING defects within more than a few generations.
How do you know this?
See they don't have a large enough population to have the required genetic diversity to survive for that long without intermingling with other people. Also, see @semiticgod 's comment above.
That's what you keep saying, but how do you know how large their population is and how large a population is required, i.e. actual science. Your "science" is just saying stuff.
Or you could, you know, do some basic research yourself. Its not like I'm sitting on some secret cabal information. A cursory look into genetics should suffice.
"The question of what is the minimum population to have a healthy avoidance of inbreeding is a well-understood problem, one which comes up in husbandry and growing (and selling) laboratory animals. This number is as low as 10-20 pairs, if you diligently randomize mating patterns (such as rotational mating). This is sometimes referred to as "outbred stock"."
I am so amused at the last few paragraphs of that article. "If you find yourself having a decision to make at the end of times, about which mate to save with whom to repopulate the earth, grab the blackest person on the space ship." "If America is hit by a horrible, brand new, virus etc that kills almost everybody, survivors are quite likely to be mostly African-American. A scenario that for some reason never seems to happen in Hollywood movies..."
It's logical with some thought. NO ONE denies that humans started in/came out of Africa, or at least no one who cares about science. Technically speaking they have the "purest" genetics, in terms of drift. Caucasians and Asians drifted from that after leaving Africa.
@Quickblade I may be misunderstanding what you wrote, but I think what's being suggested is rather the reverse of "pure" genetics. There's considerably more diversity in the genetic make-up in Africa than other continents, so it's less likely that a pandemic there would wipe out all or nearly all the people. In other parts of the world population bottlenecks have meant that people are all descended from far fewer ancestors and thus have less genetic diversity - and hence there is a higher probability of a super disease killing everyone (though that scenario is still incredibly remote).
@smeagolheart I'm saying that the tribe living isolated that long is IMPOSSIBLE without outside contact. The inbreediing would have led to CRIPPLING defects within more than a few generations.
How do you know this?
See they don't have a large enough population to have the required genetic diversity to survive for that long without intermingling with other people. Also, see @semiticgod 's comment above.
That's what you keep saying, but how do you know how large their population is and how large a population is required, i.e. actual science. Your "science" is just saying stuff.
Or you could, you know, do some basic research yourself. Its not like I'm sitting on some secret cabal information. A cursory look into genetics should suffice.
"The question of what is the minimum population to have a healthy avoidance of inbreeding is a well-understood problem, one which comes up in husbandry and growing (and selling) laboratory animals. This number is as low as 10-20 pairs, if you diligently randomize mating patterns (such as rotational mating). This is sometimes referred to as "outbred stock"."
I am so amused at the last few paragraphs of that article. "If you find yourself having a decision to make at the end of times, about which mate to save with whom to repopulate the earth, grab the blackest person on the space ship." "If America is hit by a horrible, brand new, virus etc that kills almost everybody, survivors are quite likely to be mostly African-American. A scenario that for some reason never seems to happen in Hollywood movies..."
It's logical with some thought. NO ONE denies that humans started in/came out of Africa, or at least no one who cares about science. Technically speaking they have the "purest" genetics, in terms of drift. Caucasians and Asians drifted from that after leaving Africa.
Haha yeah. I'm white as snow and blue-eyed (Finnish, yeah) -- I've never understood the logic of these white nationalists or other proponents of white supremacy. They must not understand genetics or biology. Like, at all.
I'm also snow white and blue eyed (mostly English by descent), and the concept of ethnic supremacy is just as bizarre to me. Even a rudimentary understanding of evolution is enough to make it clear that the idea of a superior being is nonsense. Natural selection doesn't create perfect critters; it just gradually promotes certain characteristics whose success is entirely dependent on the environment--and every trait contains a tradeoff; no trait is universally advantageous.
This of course comes after Tillerson said recently that Trump had to be told he couldn't do certain things because they were illegal.
When Pence (or whoever wins in 2020) takes over for President, this tweet is going to Haunt Trump.
“Donald Trump didn’t have the mental capacity needed. He was dumb as a rock and the nation couldn’t get rid of him fast enough. He was lazy as hell. Now it is a whole new ball game!”
I wonder if he looks in the mirror when he tweets shit like this.
The Cohen filing that was just released basically confirms that "Individual 1" instructed Cohen to commit a felony, which means the prosecutors believe Individual 1 also committed a felony. Individual 1 is Donald Trump. The only reason he hasn't been charged is because he is the President. Chew on that for awhile.
OUCH! Tucker Carlson of FOX News Flips on Trump for 'Breaking Promises,' Being 'Incapable'
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/12/6/1817534/-OUCH-Tucker-Carlson-of-FOX-News-Flips-on-Trump-for-Breaking-Promises-Being-Incapable?detail=emaildkre There has been an emerging trend of ordinarily worshipful Fox News shills mustering up the gumption to be mildly critical of Donald Trump. This may be because the boorish behavior, jaw-dropping ignorance, and off-putting narcissism of Trump might finally be starting to produce the same sense of nausea in these otherwise devoted cult followers that the majority Americans feel. Or maybe they just see the writing on the impending indictments from special counsel Robert Mueller.
Mueller: ex-Trump campaign chair lied to investigators about funds, contacts
Trump faces subpoenas that could win one lawsuit and launch a thousand others
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/12/6/1817234/-Trump-faces-subpoenas-that-could-prove-one-lawsuit-and-launch-a-thousand-others?detail=emaildkre Twenty-eight subpoenas from D.C.’s and Maryland’s attorneys general totaling nearly 500 pages have revealed the outline of what will be a remarkable, first-of-its-kind trial. That’s 28 very satisfying uses of “YOU ARE COMMANDED” and 86 references to “requests for production.” Which are, of course, not really requests, given that whole “YOU ARE COMMANDED” part and the judge’s Dec. 4 imprimatur. The attorneys general, joined by Norman Eisen and Deepak Gupta of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), argue that the president is accepting income from foreign and domestic governments via entities in which he has a financial interest, in this case the Trump International Hotel and BLT Prime, the restaurant inside it. That, they say, violates the Constitution’s emoluments clause.
After the 2016 election, Saudis booked 500 nights at Trump's D.C. hotel, duped U.S. veterans
Its been determined that a Police Sergeant was fatally shot by a highway patrol officer during a mass shooting in Thousand Oaks, CA.
It's being called "Friendly Fire" incident though I'm not sure if it makes a difference when the guy who shoots you dead has a big smile or not.
Well this should put to bed the ridiculous argument that more guns make everything safer. And it ends the "good guy with a gun" lie when killed you are killed by another "good guy with a gun."
There's also a teacher who forcibly cut one of her students hair while singing the national anthem in what some are calling some sort of meltdown. Good thing teachers aren't armed.
Its been determined that a Police Sergeant was fatally shot by a highway patrol officer during a mass shooting in Thousand Oaks, CA.
It's being called "Friendly Fire" incident though I'm not sure if it makes a difference when the guy who shoots you dead has a big smile or not.
Well this should put to bed the ridiculous argument that more guns make everything safer. And it ends the "good guy with a gun" lie when killed you are killed by another "good guy with a gun."
Well if good guys with guns stopping bad guys with guns is a myth, how do you propose we deal with mass shooters or other armed and dangerous people other than with armed law enforcement officers? Harsh language?
Friendly fire incidents among police is an exceedingly rare event. Didn't happen last year, or the year before, and this is the only one this year.
Its been determined that a Police Sergeant was fatally shot by a highway patrol officer during a mass shooting in Thousand Oaks, CA.
It's being called "Friendly Fire" incident though I'm not sure if it makes a difference when the guy who shoots you dead has a big smile or not.
Well this should put to bed the ridiculous argument that more guns make everything safer. And it ends the "good guy with a gun" lie when killed you are killed by another "good guy with a gun."
Well if good guys with guns stopping bad guys with guns is a myth, how do you propose we deal with mass shooters or other armed and dangerous people other than with armed law enforcement officers? Harsh language?
Friendly fire incidents among police is an exceedingly rare event. Didn't happen last year, or the year before, and this is the only one this year.
Maybe not, But the police aren't all "good Guys with a gun". Four cops in St. Louis beat an undercover officer and then tried to cover it up. On the way to the scene, one of the cops texted “It’s gonna get IGNORANT tonight!!” he texted on Sept. 15, 2017, the day of the verdict. “It’s gonna be a lot of fun beating the hell out of these s---heads once the sun goes down and nobody can tell us apart!!!!”
Two days later, prosecutors say, that’s exactly what Boone did to one black protester. Boone, 35, and two other officers, Randy Hays, 31, and Christopher Myers, 27, threw a man to the ground and viciously kicked him and beat him with a riot baton, even though he was complying with their instructions.
But the three police officers had no idea that the man was a 22-year police veteran working undercover, whom they beat so badly that he couldn’t eat and lost 20 pounds. On Thursday, a federal grand jury indicted the three officers in the assault. They also indicted the men and another officer, Bailey Colletta, 25, for the attack. Prosecutors released text messages showing the officers bragging about assaulting protesters, with Hays even noting that “going rogue does feel good.”
Its been determined that a Police Sergeant was fatally shot by a highway patrol officer during a mass shooting in Thousand Oaks, CA.
It's being called "Friendly Fire" incident though I'm not sure if it makes a difference when the guy who shoots you dead has a big smile or not.
Well this should put to bed the ridiculous argument that more guns make everything safer. And it ends the "good guy with a gun" lie when killed you are killed by another "good guy with a gun."
Well if good guys with guns stopping bad guys with guns is a myth, how do you propose we deal with mass shooters or other armed and dangerous people other than with armed law enforcement officers? Harsh language?
Friendly fire incidents among police is an exceedingly rare event. Didn't happen last year, or the year before, and this is the only one this year.
Maybe not, But the police aren't all "good Guys with a gun". Four cops in St. Louis beat an undercover officer and then tried to cover it up. On the way to the scene, one of the cops texted “It’s gonna get IGNORANT tonight!!” he texted on Sept. 15, 2017, the day of the verdict. “It’s gonna be a lot of fun beating the hell out of these s---heads once the sun goes down and nobody can tell us apart!!!!”
Two days later, prosecutors say, that’s exactly what Boone did to one black protester. Boone, 35, and two other officers, Randy Hays, 31, and Christopher Myers, 27, threw a man to the ground and viciously kicked him and beat him with a riot baton, even though he was complying with their instructions.
But the three police officers had no idea that the man was a 22-year police veteran working undercover, whom they beat so badly that he couldn’t eat and lost 20 pounds. On Thursday, a federal grand jury indicted the three officers in the assault. They also indicted the men and another officer, Bailey Colletta, 25, for the attack. Prosecutors released text messages showing the officers bragging about assaulting protesters, with Hays even noting that “going rogue does feel good.”
How about we do better profiling before we hire people able to use lethal force to enforce laws? Oh, we don't pay them enough to be too picky. Sounds like a problem that has a solution to me.
I've got an idea, how about we tell the truth about how our tax money is spent and spend the allocated money for what the politicians say it will be! I doubt many people would be against paying our law enforcement and fire protection personnel what they're worth. When tax money is spent on other than what it's supposed to be that becomes a major part of the problem. I'm over 50 years old and I can't tell you how many times I've been lied to about what tax revenues are going to be spent on. Fool me once, shame on them, fool me twice, shame on me!
Its been determined that a Police Sergeant was fatally shot by a highway patrol officer during a mass shooting in Thousand Oaks, CA.
It's being called "Friendly Fire" incident though I'm not sure if it makes a difference when the guy who shoots you dead has a big smile or not.
Well this should put to bed the ridiculous argument that more guns make everything safer. And it ends the "good guy with a gun" lie when killed you are killed by another "good guy with a gun."
Well if good guys with guns stopping bad guys with guns is a myth, how do you propose we deal with mass shooters or other armed and dangerous people other than with armed law enforcement officers? Harsh language?
Friendly fire incidents among police is an exceedingly rare event. Didn't happen last year, or the year before, and this is the only one this year.
Police and the military should be armed sure like in every country. We could look to many other countries who don't have the near daily mass shootings that we have in America. No other countries have as many mass shootings as America.
Its been determined that a Police Sergeant was fatally shot by a highway patrol officer during a mass shooting in Thousand Oaks, CA.
It's being called "Friendly Fire" incident though I'm not sure if it makes a difference when the guy who shoots you dead has a big smile or not.
Well this should put to bed the ridiculous argument that more guns make everything safer. And it ends the "good guy with a gun" lie when killed you are killed by another "good guy with a gun."
Well if good guys with guns stopping bad guys with guns is a myth, how do you propose we deal with mass shooters or other armed and dangerous people other than with armed law enforcement officers? Harsh language?
I have a simple policy here: we should deal with mass shooters or other armed and dangerous people only with armed law enforcement officers. They're the ones who are qualified to handle these situations safely.
China is burning money on recruiting and training foreign journalists in Chinese-controlled news media, manipulating their access to information, subtly pressuring journalists to toe the Party's line, and choosing to highlight stories that serve the Party's interests. This is news to me--I didn't realize that the Chinese Communist Party was starting to ensnare overly trusting foreigners to serve its propaganda efforts. It's especially worrying because a lot of China watchers like to assume the best out of Beijing, thinking that China has a valid point of view that deserves to be defended.
On the surface, it seems fine. China has an opinion on something? Sure, let's hear it; everyone's entitled to a viewpoint! But the reality is much different: "China's perspective" isn't really the voice of a free-to-speak, free-to-think people telling the world their point of view. "China's perspective" is what China's unelected, repressive government wants people to think, and that's what's being promoted here--not the unimpeded voice of a nation, but the viewpoint of the Chinese Communist Party, which deliberately confuses its interests with those of the Chinese people.
I used to have more generous views about the Chinese state and its ideas about governance. I used to think that the Party genuinely felt that it had a valid "alternative" to liberal democracy, even if I disagreed with it. But when you dig deep enough into their propaganda, you see that the Party has no such illusions. The Party is a cold, calculating entity dedicated to maintaining its own power beyond all other priorities.
That's all there is. There is no ideology behind it.
They have no sense of loyalty to the free marketplace of ideas; they have no intention of communicating in good faith. Their one and only goal is to shield their own power from perceived threats, and their propaganda campaigns are just one weapon in a very large arsenal dedicated to preserving the Party's stranglehold on China.
If I can communicate one message to the people of the world about the Chinese Communist Party's attempts to tell "their side of the story," it's this: don't underestimate the bad faith of the CCP.
So this is extremely sad, cold hearted and malaise.
He's denied because he has "no ties to Guatemala" but he owns a business there and no "negative immigration history."
This man, and other people of his family, are being denied simply because of where they are from and how much money he has in his bank account. What is probably a devastating time for him and his family is being compounded by this racist behaviour.
Here is hoping that the local politicians fighting this, both Democratic and Republican mind you, have enough influence to right this wrong.
So this is extremely sad, cold hearted and malaise.
He's denied because he has "no ties to Guatemala" but he owns a business there and no "negative immigration history."
This man, and other people of his family, are being denied simply because of where they are from and how much money he has in his bank account. What is probably a devastating time for him and his family is being compounded by this racist behaviour.
Here is hoping that the local politicians fighting this, both Democratic and Republican mind you, have enough influence to right this wrong.
Article quotes him as saying he has absolutely no intentions of staying past the funeral. Which would mean, given the usual trajectory of these things, he would be in the United States for 3-5 days, MAX. To bury his daughter. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, curbing illegal immigration is not the main goal of this Administration (and this was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt yesterday when it was revealed Trump has undocumented workers currently working at his own businesses). Malicious cruelty is not only the outcome, it's the motivation and the goal.
China is burning money on recruiting and training foreign journalists in Chinese-controlled news media, manipulating their access to information, subtly pressuring journalists to toe the Party's line, and choosing to highlight stories that serve the Party's interests. This is news to me--I didn't realize that the Chinese Communist Party was starting to ensnare overly trusting foreigners to serve its propaganda efforts. It's especially worrying because a lot of China watchers like to assume the best out of Beijing, thinking that China has a valid point of view that deserves to be defended.
On the surface, it seems fine. China has an opinion on something? Sure, let's hear it; everyone's entitled to a viewpoint! But the reality is much different: "China's perspective" isn't really the voice of a free-to-speak, free-to-think people telling the world their point of view. "China's perspective" is what China's unelected, repressive government wants people to think, and that's what's being promoted here--not the unimpeded voice of a nation, but the viewpoint of the Chinese Communist Party, which deliberately confuses its interests with those of the Chinese people.
I used to have more generous views about the Chinese state and its ideas about governance. I used to think that the Party genuinely felt that it had a valid "alternative" to liberal democracy, even if I disagreed with it. But when you dig deep enough into their propaganda, you see that the Party has no such illusions. The Party is a cold, calculating entity dedicated to maintaining its own power beyond all other priorities.
That's all there is. There is no ideology behind it.
They have no sense of loyalty to the free marketplace of ideas; they have no intention of communicating in good faith. Their one and only goal is to shield their own power from perceived threats, and their propaganda campaigns are just one weapon in a very large arsenal dedicated to preserving the Party's stranglehold on China.
If I can communicate one message to the people of the world about the Chinese Communist Party's attempts to tell "their side of the story," it's this: don't underestimate the bad faith of the CCP.
I wouldn't agree that all individuals involved are acting in bad faith - I'm sure that many Chinese communists are convinced that their system is best for the people. However, I do agree with your main point.
That ties back to some of our other recent discussion, for instance on Chau's behavior in approaching the Sentinelese. At the individual level people can act with the best of motivations, but if they are convinced they know what is best for other people, irrespective of what those people say, there's a problem in my view. That problem has several levels, e.g.: (i) the chances are high that the individual does not in fact know what is best for other people and could therefore make their situation worse unintentionally; (ii) the corrupting effects of a system allowing you to decide what's best for others will mean that many people will start over time confusing what's best for themselves with what's best for others; and (iii) the same corrupting effects of such a system will also draw individuals to it who are not confused at all about motivations - they are very clearly in it just to benefit themselves. While that's a problem in any political system, it's much more so in one that is opaque and not subject to the people's will as there's no clear mechanism for displacing such individuals.
As is mentioned in the article the marginal cost of using coal to generate electricity, i.e. ignoring the cost of building a plant, ignoring the costs of pollution it creates and ignoring the eventual cost of decommissioning the plant, is now greater than the whole-life cost of renewable energy.
I've said a number of times that there is a current need for baseload capacity for energy production and in the very short term it makes sense to keep existing coal plants available for this purpose. However, work should be being done urgently at the moment to find alternatives for that baseload capacity - through for instance using non-intermittent renewable technologies such as tidal energy, or long-term energy storage such as pumped hydro or electrolysis to produce hydrogen from intermittent renewables.
Advocating the continued long term use of coal is not simply environmental insanity, but economic insanity as well even if you ignore environmental effects.
... The Party is a cold, calculating entity dedicated to maintaining its own power beyond all other priorities.
That's all there is. There is no ideology behind it.
They have no sense of loyalty to the free marketplace of ideas; they have no intention of communicating in good faith. Their one and only goal is to shield their own power from perceived threats, and their propaganda campaigns are just one weapon in a very large arsenal dedicated to preserving the Party's stranglehold on China. ..
You might not realize it but you are also describing the Republican party. It has been trending this way for a long time and has nearly matched what you describe in China.
Republicans goal is shielding their power and keeping down perceived enemies. This is true of Trump and the rest of them.
They use state TV propaganda and parrot each other's talking points to create false narratives. They don't communicate or negotiate in good faith. They don't care about the marketplace of ideas or objective reality. They will tell any lie, deny any truth, to gain or hold on to power.
Sure there are still elections but they have been manipulated and are still being manipulated further. Their goal is to ensure they can't lose. If they do manage to lose they try to rig the system and grab all the power they can on the way out.
The Republican party sure seems like they want to be like Chinas ruling party. They want a one party state who silences any dissent or disagreement with their power.
As is mentioned in the article the marginal cost of using coal to generate electricity, i.e. ignoring the cost of building a plant, ignoring the costs of pollution it creates and ignoring the eventual cost of decommissioning the plant, is now greater than the whole-life cost of renewable energy.
I've said a number of times that there is a current need for baseload capacity for energy production and in the very short term it makes sense to keep existing coal plants available for this purpose. However, work should be being done urgently at the moment to find alternatives for that baseload capacity - through for instance using non-intermittent renewable technologies such as tidal energy, or long-term energy storage such as pumped hydro or electrolysis to produce hydrogen from intermittent renewables.
Advocating the continued long term use of coal is not simply environmental insanity, but economic insanity as well even if you ignore environmental effects.
And Trump slapped a 30% tariff on foreign-made solar panels, which adds to the cost of Solar Power, because he seems to hate and want to back out of everything Obama did. Personally, I think it's also because he knows Obama will be more respected as a President that he will ever be, and a better human than he will ever be, and he's lashing out about it. Trump has this innate need to be "the best"- he'll never be the best, and he knows it, and it drives him crazy, so he lashes out.
Some late-breaking news. Under Spoiler, of course.
Appeals court denies Trump bid to reinstate asylum ban
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/appeals-court-denies-trump-bid-to-reinstate-asylum-ban/ar-BBQEKbN?ocid=st&fbclid=IwAR0xGKTaIRXFjCf1LjU2swdOv7FbiBQ8E5FUKoD9aZvHSuWiXLXZSA76HCY Judge Jon Tigar of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California then sided with opponents of President Trump's policy, granting their request for a temporary restraining order against the policy denying asylum to migrants who enter the U.S. illegally. The Trump administration appealed Tigar's decision in late November, saying that court's delay, which lasts for 30 days, undermined the president's determination that an immediate temporary suspension of entry between ports of entry was necessary to address the ongoing and increasing crisis facing our immigration system. Friday's decision denies that appeal, meaning that the ban on illegal immigrants seeking asylum remains unapplied.
Global warming isn’t natural, and here’s how we know
Here Are The Most Interesting Parts Of The Latest Mueller Filings
https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/these-are-new-key-pieces-of-information-in-the-russia-investigation_us_5c0b03a3e4b035a7bf5b3a27?fbclid=IwAR33E6r2Xj5dUH6HNWG1sgizp4cQ4pW11d1pb9bCP2ee0RpJ1CD-7eh1yxo Manafort told “multiple discernible lies,” Mueller’s team said. “These were not instances of mere memory lapses.” Manafort allegedly told five main lies to the special counsel and the FBI. The alleged lies pertained to Manafort’s interactions with suspected Russian spy Konstantin Kilimnik, his contacts with Trump administration officials and a transfer of funds to a firm working for Manafort. Manafort allegedly texted with someone authorizing that person to talk to an administration official on his behalf. Cohen acted “in coordination with and at the direction of Trump” to influence the 2016 presidential election, according to the memo. His efforts included payments to allegedly silence Playboy model Karen McDougal and porn star Stormy Daniels in 2016. Cohen sought reimbursements, which were illegally disguised, for orchestrating the payments to McDougal and Daniels, who claimed they had affairs with Trump about a decade earlier. McDougal and Daniels are referenced in the memo as Woman-1 and Woman-2, respectively. Prosecutors claimed the “principal purpose” of Cohen’s payments to McDougal was to “prevent [her] story from influencing the election.” Prosecutors say Cohen saw himself as the “ultimate fixer” for Trump, adding that he arranged the payments to the women “to increase his power and influence.”
Cohen's sentencing documents show that Trump told him to 'reach out' to Russia
The exact amount of people on the island is unknown and the population may or may not be sustainable.
Regardless, it is up to the Sentalese to reach out to join the rest of the world. If they’d rather die out, that is their choice and must be respected.
EDIT: Actually, the thing that peeved me is that you called your argument scientific.
None of this scenario is as cut and dry as we'd like to believe here in our little forum. We all seem to want to use this as some kind of morality play to further our own beliefs. The truth is likely far more complex. For all we know, the leader of this bunch may be a psychopath pedophile. It's also possible this group might be an anarcho-syndicalist commune or an autonomous collective sharing executive powers among all of their members.
To me, the main point here is that somebody thought it was worth taking a chance on losing their life in order to save those people's souls. We can argue all week about whether he was an idiot or not, but regardless of what we think, he thought it was the right thing to do and he did it. I can at least respect that he took action rather than schedule committee meetings and debate about it for years. Laws aren't applicable here and neither is any action required one way or the other in my humble opinion.
Lost jobs, shrinking growth, and rotting crops — here are the ways Trump's trade war is hurting America
https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-china-trade-war-all-the-industries-hurt-by-us-tariffs-2018-11?fbclid=IwAR0g1dCGrrO90f7LwIzCKwb9GlhBfCf1rsEpyNljrT5iiaOKAI21wvZd-ksDONALD TRUMP'S TRADE WARS HAVE COST NEBRASKA FARMERS OVER $1 BILLION AND COUNTING, FARM BUREAU SAYS
https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trumps-trade-wars-have-cost-nebraska-farmers-over-1-billion-and-1244607?amp=1&fbclid=IwAR1flrelIuLgxtnBl7nt_OhLfQ2V9lzekThyrmklxsPM_Xy8BaSKSSNvKssAnd there is nothing people can do. Donald Trump doesn't listen to people, he listens to his "gut", which means, apparently, whatever Fox News tells him.
It's logical with some thought. NO ONE denies that humans started in/came out of Africa, or at least no one who cares about science. Technically speaking they have the "purest" genetics, in terms of drift. Caucasians and Asians drifted from that after leaving Africa.
This of course comes after Tillerson said recently that Trump had to be told he couldn't do certain things because they were illegal.
“Donald Trump didn’t have the mental capacity needed. He was dumb as a rock and the nation couldn’t get rid of him fast enough. He was lazy as hell. Now it is a whole new ball game!”
I wonder if he looks in the mirror when he tweets shit like this.
1) Tillerson leveled legitimate factual criticism of Trump.
2) Trump responds with hatred and name calling.
3) Joe Public assumes they're both being silly and they're both wrong.
4) Trump continues to commit more crimes and personal corruption.
James Fields Guilty of First-Degree Murder in Death of Charlottesville Protester
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/07/us/james-fields-trial-charlottesville-verdict.htmlThe rest behind Spoiler tag
Donald Trump Jr. Lied on ‘At Least Two Occasions’ to House Committee, According to Rep. Jackie Speier
https://hillreporter.com/donald-trump-jr-lied-on-at-least-two-occasions-to-house-committee-according-to-rep-jackie-speier-17135?fbclid=IwAR1sieneOu1u2lWkGgLMJeF10pQBBEmOMNPxajpQv9lmgemLtAY1u1IQ7GAFeds received whistleblower evidence in 2017 alleging Clinton Foundation wrongdoing
https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/420131-feds-received-whistleblower-evidence-in-2017-alleging-clinton-foundation?amp&fbclid=IwAR3VwbG98dwJO4VPSwqxpftfVuePXPTkT05Y5wS4_3ool-Po5Lec_ln3qkgViral Thread Exploring ‘What If Obama Had Done It’ Proves There’s A Huge Double Standard
https://wokesloth.com/twitter-thread-if-obama-had-done-it-double-standard/jake/?utm_content=bufferb4fd4&utm_medium=facebook&utm_source=thegoodlordabove&utm_campaign=bloomjoy&fbclid=IwAR2F5N4gmItINH41iGY_RSg0nyxQYxeqRvZ8g8a0XX6hcnkH2FNkpWZrvh0Baptist Pastor Mark Harris Caught Cheating In North Carolina Congressional Election
https://www.patheos.com/blogs/progressivesecularhumanist/2018/12/baptist-pastor-mark-harris-caught-cheating-in-north-carolina-congressional-election/?fbclid=IwAR1qhAzMLzAThEK_9Og4akXuV2hhed30XdhEyujv2JHcIJ1fNwBpTi97jVEAs a result of the evidence of election fraud, North Carolina’s State Board of Elections has declined to certify the results of the election given the extraordinary allegations.
This is a developing story. Currently there are talks of holding a new election, and possible criminal investigations.
Previously Harris made headlines by suggesting that women are second class citizens, who should serve their husbands.
And only days before the election Harris made headlines after suggesting that there will be no peace until Jews and Muslims convert to Christianity.
‘Pose’ Producer Ryan Murphy Launches Multi-Million Dollar Initiative to Vote Out Anti-LGBTQ Lawmakers: WATCH
http://www.towleroad.com/2018/12/pose-gives-back/I support this. It's time to move on from hating on people who are different.
The frantic scramble before Mueller got the job
https://www.cnn.com/2018/12/06/politics/rosenstein-comey-firing-obstruction-probe/index.html?utm_source=CNN-News-Alerts&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Trump+obstruction+investigationa225db56-f2b1-4d30-876c-1236fd4c43ee&utm_term=a5f77323-a2a2-8f3b-9361-aa2f9f2c9fe5&m=a7bf6dc7cfa0bfd668ad402fe7150171&p={+"now"+|+date:+"%Y-%m-%d%H:%M"+}&fbclid=IwAR02uPTMMlRtzsz1oHk23p9Wm6lkVWScSd2pQv08A59e5LfxP_ucBdmFppwThe FBI already considered Trump someone who was 'dangerously unbalanced and needed to be reined in'.
N.Y. federal prosecutors seek prison for former Trump lawyer Cohen
https://news.yahoo.com/n-y-federal-prosecutors-seek-prison-former-trump-215039819.html?re=0&.tsrc=notification-brknewsThis isn't Federal, so even if Trump wanted to pardon him, he couldn't.
OUCH! Tucker Carlson of FOX News Flips on Trump for 'Breaking Promises,' Being 'Incapable'
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/12/6/1817534/-OUCH-Tucker-Carlson-of-FOX-News-Flips-on-Trump-for-Breaking-Promises-Being-Incapable?detail=emaildkreThere has been an emerging trend of ordinarily worshipful Fox News shills mustering up the gumption to be mildly critical of Donald Trump. This may be because the boorish behavior, jaw-dropping ignorance, and off-putting narcissism of Trump might finally be starting to produce the same sense of nausea in these otherwise devoted cult followers that the majority Americans feel. Or maybe they just see the writing on the impending indictments from special counsel Robert Mueller.
Mueller: ex-Trump campaign chair lied to investigators about funds, contacts
https://news.yahoo.com/special-counsel-says-trump-ex-campaign-chair-lied-232219085--sector.html?re=0&.tsrc=notification-brknewsTlaib and Ocasio-Cortez pull back the curtain on corporate CEO-driven 'bipartisan' House orientation
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/12/6/1817514/-Tlaib-and-Ocasio-Cortez-pull-back-the-curtain-on-corporate-CEO-driven-bipartisan-House-orientation?detail=emaildkreLike Sixteen Tons, this Country sold it's soul to the companies.
'Time to walk the walk’: Disgusted with unpaid internships, Ocasio-Cortez will pay interns $15/hr
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/12/5/1817315/--Time-to-walk-the-walk-Disgusted-with-unpaid-internships-Ocasio-Cortez-will-pay-interns-15-hr?detail=emaildkreI love this! This is wonderful! Would that every other representative did the same!
Florida Republican is in hot water over big loans he admits may have violated law
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/12/4/1817091/-Florida-Republican-is-in-hot-water-over-big-campaign-loans-he-admits-may-have-violated-law?detail=emaildkreI love those "May have" weasel words. The guy isn't even in Congress yet, and Ross Spano is already in trouble!
Conservative Think Tank Donor Revealed as Russian ‘Oligarch’
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/12/5/1817188/-Conservative-Think-Tank-Donor-Revealed-as-Russian-Oligarch?detail=emaildkreChaos has erupted at a conservative think tank after it was revealed that one of its new donors is Len Blavatnik, the Ukrainian-born billionaire who owns the Warner Music record label.
Coal falls to level not seen since 1979, as Trump prepares final effort to bail out failing industry
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/12/6/1817443/-Coal-falls-to-level-not-seen-since-1979-as-Trump-prepares-final-effort-to-bail-out-failing-industry?detail=emaildkreAnybody could have told you this. Coal is not the cheap energy source it once was.
Fox News screams 'CHRISTMAS UNDER SIEGE' about church nativity scene featuring infant Jesus in cage
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/12/6/1817467/-Fox-News-screams-CHRISTMAS-UNDER-SIEGE-over-church-nativity-featuring-infant-Jesus-in-a-cage?detail=emaildkrePut up by a church, mind you, to protest about Trump's treatment of Migrants.
Trump picks former 'Fox & Friends' host as ambassador to the UN
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/12/6/1817549/-Trump-picks-former-Fox-News-host-as-ambassador-to-the-UN?detail=emaildkreSigh. Another Fox News Host? Really?
Trump faces subpoenas that could win one lawsuit and launch a thousand others
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/12/6/1817234/-Trump-faces-subpoenas-that-could-prove-one-lawsuit-and-launch-a-thousand-others?detail=emaildkreTwenty-eight subpoenas from D.C.’s and Maryland’s attorneys general totaling nearly 500 pages have revealed the outline of what will be a remarkable, first-of-its-kind trial. That’s 28 very satisfying uses of “YOU ARE COMMANDED” and 86 references to “requests for production.” Which are, of course, not really requests, given that whole “YOU ARE COMMANDED” part and the judge’s Dec. 4 imprimatur.
The attorneys general, joined by Norman Eisen and Deepak Gupta of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), argue that the president is accepting income from foreign and domestic governments via entities in which he has a financial interest, in this case the Trump International Hotel and BLT Prime, the restaurant inside it. That, they say, violates the Constitution’s emoluments clause.
After the 2016 election, Saudis booked 500 nights at Trump's D.C. hotel, duped U.S. veterans
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/12/6/1817444/-After-the-2016-election-the-Saudis-booked-500-nights-at-Trump-s-D-C-hotel-duped-U-S-veterans?detail=emaildkreThat story above kinda leads right into this one.
Undocumented housekeeper speaks out, saying she's been picking up after Trump for years
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/12/6/1817477/-Undocumented-housekeeper-speaks-out-saying-she-s-been-picking-up-after-Trump-for-years?detail=emaildkreHypocrite, they name is Trump. But what isn't new?
Texas congressman goes on anti-Semitic rant so insulting, Fox Business actually apologized on-air
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/12/6/1817446/-Texas-congressman-goes-on-anti-Semitic-rant-so-insulting-Fox-Business-actually-apologized-on-air?detail=emaildkreIt's VERY Unusual for FOX to apologize for anything!
California Republican concedes defeat, giving House Democrats their 40th pickup
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/12/6/1817513/-California-Republican-concedes-defeat-giving-House-Democrats-their-40th-pickup?detail=emaildkreIt's being called "Friendly Fire" incident though I'm not sure if it makes a difference when the guy who shoots you dead has a big smile or not.
Well this should put to bed the ridiculous argument that more guns make everything safer. And it ends the "good guy with a gun" lie when killed you are killed by another "good guy with a gun."
There's also a teacher who forcibly cut one of her students hair while singing the national anthem in what some are calling some sort of meltdown. Good thing teachers aren't armed.
Video in the link
Well if good guys with guns stopping bad guys with guns is a myth, how do you propose we deal with mass shooters or other armed and dangerous people other than with armed law enforcement officers? Harsh language?
Friendly fire incidents among police is an exceedingly rare event. Didn't happen last year, or the year before, and this is the only one this year.
Two days later, prosecutors say, that’s exactly what Boone did to one black protester. Boone, 35, and two other officers, Randy Hays, 31, and Christopher Myers, 27, threw a man to the ground and viciously kicked him and beat him with a riot baton, even though he was complying with their instructions.
But the three police officers had no idea that the man was a 22-year police veteran working undercover, whom they beat so badly that he couldn’t eat and lost 20 pounds. On Thursday, a federal grand jury indicted the three officers in the assault. They also indicted the men and another officer, Bailey Colletta, 25, for the attack. Prosecutors released text messages showing the officers bragging about assaulting protesters, with Hays even noting that “going rogue does feel good.”
Perhaps we use non-lethal weapons to fire back?
I've got an idea, how about we tell the truth about how our tax money is spent and spend the allocated money for what the politicians say it will be! I doubt many people would be against paying our law enforcement and fire protection personnel what they're worth. When tax money is spent on other than what it's supposed to be that becomes a major part of the problem. I'm over 50 years old and I can't tell you how many times I've been lied to about what tax revenues are going to be spent on. Fool me once, shame on them, fool me twice, shame on me!
On the surface, it seems fine. China has an opinion on something? Sure, let's hear it; everyone's entitled to a viewpoint! But the reality is much different: "China's perspective" isn't really the voice of a free-to-speak, free-to-think people telling the world their point of view. "China's perspective" is what China's unelected, repressive government wants people to think, and that's what's being promoted here--not the unimpeded voice of a nation, but the viewpoint of the Chinese Communist Party, which deliberately confuses its interests with those of the Chinese people.
I used to have more generous views about the Chinese state and its ideas about governance. I used to think that the Party genuinely felt that it had a valid "alternative" to liberal democracy, even if I disagreed with it. But when you dig deep enough into their propaganda, you see that the Party has no such illusions. The Party is a cold, calculating entity dedicated to maintaining its own power beyond all other priorities.
That's all there is. There is no ideology behind it.
They have no sense of loyalty to the free marketplace of ideas; they have no intention of communicating in good faith. Their one and only goal is to shield their own power from perceived threats, and their propaganda campaigns are just one weapon in a very large arsenal dedicated to preserving the Party's stranglehold on China.
If I can communicate one message to the people of the world about the Chinese Communist Party's attempts to tell "their side of the story," it's this: don't underestimate the bad faith of the CCP.
So this is extremely sad, cold hearted and malaise.
He's denied because he has "no ties to Guatemala" but he owns a business there and no "negative immigration history."
This man, and other people of his family, are being denied simply because of where they are from and how much money he has in his bank account. What is probably a devastating time for him and his family is being compounded by this racist behaviour.
Here is hoping that the local politicians fighting this, both Democratic and Republican mind you, have enough influence to right this wrong.
That ties back to some of our other recent discussion, for instance on Chau's behavior in approaching the Sentinelese. At the individual level people can act with the best of motivations, but if they are convinced they know what is best for other people, irrespective of what those people say, there's a problem in my view. That problem has several levels, e.g.:
(i) the chances are high that the individual does not in fact know what is best for other people and could therefore make their situation worse unintentionally;
(ii) the corrupting effects of a system allowing you to decide what's best for others will mean that many people will start over time confusing what's best for themselves with what's best for others; and
(iii) the same corrupting effects of such a system will also draw individuals to it who are not confused at all about motivations - they are very clearly in it just to benefit themselves. While that's a problem in any political system, it's much more so in one that is opaque and not subject to the people's will as there's no clear mechanism for displacing such individuals.
I've said a number of times that there is a current need for baseload capacity for energy production and in the very short term it makes sense to keep existing coal plants available for this purpose. However, work should be being done urgently at the moment to find alternatives for that baseload capacity - through for instance using non-intermittent renewable technologies such as tidal energy, or long-term energy storage such as pumped hydro or electrolysis to produce hydrogen from intermittent renewables.
Advocating the continued long term use of coal is not simply environmental insanity, but economic insanity as well even if you ignore environmental effects.
Republicans goal is shielding their power and keeping down perceived enemies. This is true of Trump and the rest of them.
They use state TV propaganda and parrot each other's talking points to create false narratives. They don't communicate or negotiate in good faith. They don't care about the marketplace of ideas or objective reality. They will tell any lie, deny any truth, to gain or hold on to power.
Sure there are still elections but they have been manipulated and are still being manipulated further. Their goal is to ensure they can't lose. If they do manage to lose they try to rig the system and grab all the power they can on the way out.
The Republican party sure seems like they want to be like Chinas ruling party. They want a one party state who silences any dissent or disagreement with their power.
Appeals court denies Trump bid to reinstate asylum ban
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/appeals-court-denies-trump-bid-to-reinstate-asylum-ban/ar-BBQEKbN?ocid=st&fbclid=IwAR0xGKTaIRXFjCf1LjU2swdOv7FbiBQ8E5FUKoD9aZvHSuWiXLXZSA76HCYJudge Jon Tigar of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California then sided with opponents of President Trump's policy, granting their request for a temporary restraining order against the policy denying asylum to migrants who enter the U.S. illegally.
The Trump administration appealed Tigar's decision in late November, saying that court's delay, which lasts for 30 days, undermined the president's determination that an immediate temporary suspension of entry between ports of entry was necessary to address the ongoing and increasing crisis facing our immigration system.
Friday's decision denies that appeal, meaning that the ban on illegal immigrants seeking asylum remains unapplied.
Global warming isn’t natural, and here’s how we know
https://thelogicofscience.com/2016/06/06/global-warming-isnt-natural-and-heres-how-we-know/?fbclid=IwAR2zxajefxUmtIbSzJGhAsBT0XwkB4lCKTx89MAcUezT4b755244SZlDwfUFact 1: CO2 Traps heat and plays a vital role in our climate
Fact 2: Increasing the CO2 results in more heat being trapped
Fact 3: We (humans) have roughly doubled the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere
Conclusion: We are causing the climate to warm
Nadler: I'm ending investigation into FBI, DOJ when I become chairman
https://thehill.com/homenews/house/420267-nadler-im-ending-investigation-into-fbi-doj-when-i-become-chairman?amp&fbclid=IwAR0uw9HIJwuAqUvzdpr26huXARiz1HPDagfD-1ZChoeKjTiZoBLqlS2In7AThe Democrat poised to lead the House Judiciary Committee next year says he has no intention of continuing the GOP-led investigation into FBI and Justice Department (DOJ) decisionmaking during the 2016 election.
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), who stepped outside of the ongoing closed-door interview with former FBI Director James Comey, told reporters Friday that he plans to end the probe come January.
Here Are The Most Interesting Parts Of The Latest Mueller Filings
https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/these-are-new-key-pieces-of-information-in-the-russia-investigation_us_5c0b03a3e4b035a7bf5b3a27?fbclid=IwAR33E6r2Xj5dUH6HNWG1sgizp4cQ4pW11d1pb9bCP2ee0RpJ1CD-7eh1yxoManafort told “multiple discernible lies,” Mueller’s team said. “These were not instances of mere memory lapses.”
Manafort allegedly told five main lies to the special counsel and the FBI.
The alleged lies pertained to Manafort’s interactions with suspected Russian spy Konstantin Kilimnik, his contacts with Trump administration officials and a transfer of funds to a firm working for Manafort.
Manafort allegedly texted with someone authorizing that person to talk to an administration official on his behalf.
Cohen acted “in coordination with and at the direction of Trump” to influence the 2016 presidential election, according to the memo.
His efforts included payments to allegedly silence Playboy model Karen McDougal and porn star Stormy Daniels in 2016.
Cohen sought reimbursements, which were illegally disguised, for orchestrating the payments to McDougal and Daniels, who claimed they had affairs with Trump about a decade earlier. McDougal and Daniels are referenced in the memo as Woman-1 and Woman-2, respectively.
Prosecutors claimed the “principal purpose” of Cohen’s payments to McDougal was to “prevent [her] story from influencing the election.”
Prosecutors say Cohen saw himself as the “ultimate fixer” for Trump, adding that he arranged the payments to the women “to increase his power and influence.”
Cohen's sentencing documents show that Trump told him to 'reach out' to Russia
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/12/7/1817726/-Cohen-s-sentencing-documents-show-that-Trump-told-him-to-reach-out-to-Russia?detail=emaildkbnIn Friday’s sentencing document Michael Cohen admitted not just that his efforts to make contacts for Trump in Russia extended months into the campaign, but that he had coordinated with Donald Trump and Trump instructed him to reach out to the Russian government. This wasn’t just Russia attempting to reach out to Trump. This is Cohen saying that Trump reached out to the Russian government.
The Cohen filings drop! 40 pages and substantial jail time recommended (51+ months)
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/12/7/1817715/-The-Cohen-filings-drop-40-pages-and-substantial-jail-time-recommended-51-months?detail=emaildkbnJeffrey Toobin on CNN notes that there is corroboration for Individual 1 reaching out to the Russians. We’re now at “high crimes and misdemeanors”.
Cohen spoke with Russian national who offered the campaign 'political synergy'
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/12/7/1817749/-Cohen-spoke-with-Russian-national-who-offered-the-campaign-political-synergy?detail=emaildkbnMust-read: Mueller's office lays out the Michael Cohen's "received the contact information for, and spoke with, a Russian national who claimed to be a 'trusted person' in the Russian Federation who could offer the campaign 'political synergy' and 'synergy on a government level.'"