I stumbled onto radical socialist Twitter by accident and I have to say, I'm a fan. No lies detected. I think there is some truth to the fact that once you go far enough to either extreme, you end up with a lot of similar viewpoints.
Some swearing involved so I'm gonna put it in spoiler tags.
And this. Just LMAO. State propaganda in 2020 is something else.
The rest of the world is gonna compete with the U.S for the title of who can treat white men with as little dignity and respect as possible, because that's their view of us apparently.
It's worth noting that Trump has said the 52 sites are of "cultural importance" to Iranians. This is so, so reckless. Imagine if say, a bunch of Cubans parachuted into Philadelphia and bombed the area around the Liberty Bell, or if some North Koreans did the same by blowing up the Space Needle in Seattle. How do you imagine America would respond?? Because that is what Trump is outright screaming to every citizen of Iran. Put yourself in someone else's shoes. They now rightly view themselves in mortal danger.
It's bewildering how on one hand you are very rational about international politics, yet not notice it is identical to what I'd been saying about left/right confrontation.
Or, another analogy, USAF had just exterminated a terrorist, as they call it (I'm highly skeptical military command just issues strikes at random people to celebrate New Year). Saying Trump shouldn't have given the order because Iranians are people too is like... terrorism apology, dude
I quit about 10 years ago. The cravings were crazy. Like you're sitting there and you can literally think of nothing else. Your mind wanders and no matter what the conclusion winds up with some variation on "yeah I'll just go smoke a cigarette and then _______". I also noticed I'd get irritated at the slightest thing and the solution to calm down was just to go smoke a cigarette. For me, it was definitely a chemical addiction. The physical part got replaced with sticking food in my mouth a bit and gained weight. Still, it's better to gain weight than be addicted to nicotine and have all your clothes and car and everywhere you go stink like smoke.
In my case, cigarette was like a part of wardrobe, without which I just felt half naked. I doubt there was any chemistry involved, although it could be because I only smoked in the outside and therefore not enough to develop actual addiction.
I quit about 10 years ago. The cravings were crazy. Like you're sitting there and you can literally think of nothing else. Your mind wanders and no matter what the conclusion winds up with some variation on "yeah I'll just go smoke a cigarette and then _______". I also noticed I'd get irritated at the slightest thing and the solution to calm down was just to go smoke a cigarette. For me, it was definitely a chemical addiction. The physical part got replaced with sticking food in my mouth a bit and gained weight. Still, it's better to gain weight than be addicted to nicotine and have all your clothes and car and everywhere you go stink like smoke.
In my case, cigarette was like a part of wardrobe, without which I just felt half naked. I doubt there was any chemistry involved, although it could be because I only smoked in the outside and therefore not enough to develop actual addiction.
Depends on how much you inhale. The reason so many smoked and inhaled recreational drugs are popular is because of the IMMENSE uptake rate in the lungs. Short of direct injection, there's nothing faster.
I quit about 10 years ago. The cravings were crazy. Like you're sitting there and you can literally think of nothing else. Your mind wanders and no matter what the conclusion winds up with some variation on "yeah I'll just go smoke a cigarette and then _______". I also noticed I'd get irritated at the slightest thing and the solution to calm down was just to go smoke a cigarette. For me, it was definitely a chemical addiction. The physical part got replaced with sticking food in my mouth a bit and gained weight. Still, it's better to gain weight than be addicted to nicotine and have all your clothes and car and everywhere you go stink like smoke.
In my case, cigarette was like a part of wardrobe, without which I just felt half naked. I doubt there was any chemistry involved, although it could be because I only smoked in the outside and therefore not enough to develop actual addiction.
It's addictive but I think it's much more addictive to some people than others. I smoke because I enjoy it. Occasional cigars and Djarum clove cigarettes. I can go weeks without having any nicotine then sometimes I'll have 5 or 6 Djarums in one night (usually involving me binge watching some tv show or playing BG2EE). Caffeine is the same for me. I like coffee and tea and drink quite a bit of it (probably average close to six mugs of coffee a day). However I can skip it for days no problem with no headaches or anything...
I never caught onto cigarettes. I suppose i'm lucky. I have my fair share of bad habits though.
Iraq makes a democratic decision to expel U.S forces, as is their right, and the response by Marco Rubio is to threaten to take some of their territory. These people are insane and there's nothing they care about other than their madman military adventures across the world. I have so much contempt for these people.
I never caught onto cigarettes. I suppose i'm lucky. I have my fair share of bad habits though.
Iraq makes a democratic decision to expel U.S forces, as is their right, and the response by Marco Rubio is to threaten to take some of their territory. These people are insane and there's nothing they care about other than their madman military adventures across the world. I have so much contempt for these people.
If we don't leave now we are just going to be willfully ignoring all precedent and international law AND going against what they supposedly landed on as their last (but not only) reason for being there in the first place, which is a democracy in Iraq. Guess only a conditional one. There is absolutely nothing more true than the following quote:
There is zero chance this ends well. MAYBE Trump willingly removes all troops, but if he's being TOLD to do so by someone else, that may be another matter entirely. This is quickly becoming a worst-case scenario. Iran is indicating they WILL hit back, and it WILL be against American military targets somewhere in the region. We can't possibly extract in time. And Trump is essentially threatening to purposefully bomb Iranian civilians in return. Madness.
Trump's previous instinct may have been to leave (I'll grant he's at least TALKED a big game about it, even if that isn't reality), but only if it makes him look strong (or he call sell it as looking strong). He will likely view being told to leave as weakness, which he fears projecting more than anything. Not to mention every military advisor and Republican lawmaker he has around him will tell him not to. Trump's pathology is now the issue. He's lashed out and isn't REMOTELY ready to handle the blowback. So everything now hinges on the mood of a malignant narcissist. As international relations collapse around him, Trump is as we speak at his lush resort golfing.
Tucker Carlson has been solid on this, as I would expect. He's quickly becoming one of my favorite political pundits, even if the rest of Fox is a clown show.
Tucker Carlson has been solid on this, as I would expect. He's quickly becoming one of my favorite political pundits, even if the rest of Fox is a clown show.
As someone who has watched Tucker since his early days on Crossfire on CNN to his horrible PBS and MSNBC shows over a decade ago, my take is that he is cultivating a demographic audience that is specifically designed to cater to people of your general world-view, but I mean, I can't prove that's his motivation, and he is saying what he is saying. Trump DOES watch FOX and the network and White House are in a symbiotic relationship. He's listened to Tucker before, but he is FAR more likely to listen to slobbering syncophants like Sean Hannity and Lou Dobbs.
There are now also reports that in the last 24 hours Iranian-Americans were being held for up to 11 hours at the Canadian border. This is unraveling fast.
There are now also reports that in the last 24 hours Iranian-Americans were being held for up to 11 hours at the Canadian border. This is unraveling fast.
Brought to you by the same government that held Japanese Americans in concentration camps in the last World War.
Tucker Carlson has been solid on this, as I would expect. He's quickly becoming one of my favorite political pundits, even if the rest of Fox is a clown show.
As someone who has watched Tucker since his early days on Crossfire on CNN to his horrible PBS and MSNBC shows over a decade ago, my take is that he is cultivating a demographic audience that is specifically designed to cater to people of your general world-view.
I would definitely agree with that, but it's all a matter of sincerity. I don't know whether he is or isn't, but he comes off like he is and says the right things. I never saw him before the past few years but I've heard him say he "made a break" with his past worldview enough times to know that he was once different ideologically.
I believe Carlson is the number 1 show on Fox now, so his input does matter.
This is......not how any of this is supposed to work. And it can put to bed forever the idea Trump's tweets aren't official declarations meant to be ignored. He is specifically saying he is going to conduct a war through Twitter announcements. I just can't get over how stupid this all is. How can a modern society function this way??:
There are now also reports that in the last 24 hours Iranian-Americans were being held for up to 11 hours at the Canadian border. This is unraveling fast.
This is not new and has been the norm for awhile in Trump’s America.
It's official. Iran has completely dropped out of the nuclear agreement. There will be zero restrictions on its nuclear program.
Thus far they've effectively just said there will be no restrictions on enrichment. Other aspects of the agreement (including co-operation with international inspectors) remain in place. They've also said (as they have before) that they are willing to return to the agreement in full if the other signatories abide by their own commitments.
I agree though that the prospects for the agreement continuing are looking pretty poor just at the moment ...
I'm not suggesting that Iran is coordinating with Al-Shaabab or anything: That said, I do imagine we will see a general uptick in terrorist activities overseas targeting Americans and American installations simply because of a spreading of American forces and a lessening of American influence.
I think general terrorism is going to get worse before it gets better, now. The world just became less safe for Americans than last week, and not necessarily only in the middle east.
Try this out and see if it works: Drive to the other side of your state. Pick a random house. Break into it. Take over the house with armed force. Build a really expensive dining room table, install a new air conditioner. Stay for 15 goddamn years. Then one day a judge finally says you have to leave. You then insist you aren't leaving until the family that originally lived there pay for the dining room table and air conditioner you put in the home you broke into and commandeered.
THEY DIDN'T ASK TO BE INVADED AND HAVE OUR GROTESQUE MILITARY BASES BUILT IN THEIR COUNTRY!!!!!! It wasn't an order they placed on Amazon that we filled. We just did it because "America, fuck yeah".
This isn't a joke. There are other reporters confirming he said this about sanctioning Iraq. He is still talking about hitting cultural sites in Iran (translation: intentionally bombing civilians). This man is a complete maniac. He's now a cornered animal and god only knows what he is gonna do next.
Trump did this type of nonsense his whole life. He'd stiff contractors, not pay bills, etc. He's a loud mouthed con-man. Usually he was picking on someone smaller than him who could not stand up to the lawyers that he could afford.
Here's some examples there's a million terrible business stories about Trump, not even including the 6 bankruptcies.
He sued a journalist for $5 billion in 2006 who reported his wealth was around 150-200 million. This is a SLAP suit. He's a predatory capitalist who uses his wealth to intimidate others.
Try this out and see if it works: Drive to the other side of your state. Pick a random house. Break into it. Take over the house with armed force. Build a really expensive dining room table, install a new air conditioner. Stay for 15 goddamn years. Then one day a judge finally says you have to leave. You then insist you aren't leaving until the family that originally lived there pay for the dining room table and air conditioner you put in the home you broke into and commandeered.
THEY DIDN'T ASK TO BE INVADED AND HAVE OUR GROTESQUE MILITARY BASES BUILT IN THEIR COUNTRY!!!!!! It wasn't an order they placed on Amazon that we filled. We just did it because "America, fuck yeah".
This isn't a joke. There are other reporters confirming he said this about sanctioning Iraq. He is still talking about hitting cultural sites in Iran (translation: intentionally bombing civilians). This man is a complete maniac. He's now a cornered animal and god only knows what he is gonna do next.
It's not a joke, however, it is just Trump attempting to save face over what has been a disastrous decision.
I am guessing he thought killing the Soleimani, with the death of al-Baghdadi still fresh in people's mind, that he'd have the international and militaristic accomplishments to gloat about in his State of the Union address in early February, ones that would mirror Obama's take down of Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden.
Coupled that with the Senate attempting to get the Impeachment trial over by then (I buy into the theory the real reason Pelosi hasn't delivered the articles yet is so the Senate dismissing the trial early can't be used as a win in his speech), the 2 trade deals (CUSMA and China Phase 1) would give him enough momentum to swing numbers back his way leading into the election.
This killing, not to mention the first attack that led to Embassy protest, backfired enough that he is no longer able to control the message. He (and a lesser extent him administration) didn't understand, or didn't care about the complexity that Iraq, Iran and NATO (not the US), are tied in protecting the country against ISIS and other terrorist organizations. With this assassination, he pretty much screwed all three of them in different ways.
He is losing control over the message about Soleimani's death and this (because money is the only thing Trump really cares about and thinks it's the only thing other people care about) is his attempt to attempt to assert control back over it. He will be told sanctions are the worst possible thing to do right now to Iraq as it'd push them further towards Iran more than it has already been pushed and people will forget about him even mentioning it a week or two from now.
Oh, and while the world was speculating over what's going to happen now? This happened in Kenya. which iirc, is the second set of US death's in Africa since Trump took office. The first one was swept quickly away in the chaos of the Trump administration, and I am saddened that this one will also amount to nothing but a blip.
Ricky Gervais gets it, why is it so hard for everyone else?
“You say you’re woke, but the companies you work for – I mean, unbelievable – Apple, Amazon, Disney. If ISIS started a streaming service, you’d call your agent, wouldn’t ya?,” he asked.
“So if you do win an award tonight, don’t use it as a platform to make a political speech. You are in no position to lecture the public about anything. You know nothing about the real world. Most of you spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg.
“So if you win, right? Come up, accept your little award, thank your agent and your God and f–k off,”
Actually, they ARE in a position to lecture if they want to, because they have 2 or 3 minutes on network TV after a win. They are, quite literally, in a position to lecture the public.
But I mean, yeah, this is one of America's stupid ideas. That somehow only plumbers and construction workers are allowed to have or express political opinions. Ricky Gervais himself was making a political statement with that monologue, which he himself is too oblivious to even realize.
So is it ok for a hollywood starlet to lecture people about immigration and human rights from their Malibu mansion in a White Neighbourhood or from the Hamptons while working for companies that promote Chinese child slave labour?
So is it ok for a hollywood starlet to lecture people about immigration and human rights from their Malibu mansion in a White Neighbourhood or from the Hamptons while working for companies that promote Chinese child slave labour?
I'm saying people at this point much watch these shows simply to bitch about the speeches. They aren't forced to. The Golden Globes aren't mandatory viewing. Frankly, if you want to know what's about 50x more "political" and has infinitely more eyeballs, look at the masturbation over all things military that the NFL engages in on a weekly basis.
So is it ok for a hollywood starlet to lecture people about immigration and human rights from their Malibu mansion in a White Neighbourhood or from the Hamptons while working for companies that promote Chinese child slave labour?
I'm saying people at this point much watch these shows simply to bitch about the speeches. They aren't forced to. The Golden Globes aren't mandatory viewing. Frankly, if you want to know what's about 50x more "political" and has infinitely more eyeballs, look at the masturbation over all things military that the NFL engages in on a weekly basis.
Give the serfs blood and gore like the Romans did.
So is it ok for a hollywood starlet to lecture people about immigration and human rights from their Malibu mansion in a White Neighbourhood or from the Hamptons while working for companies that promote Chinese child slave labour?
Maintaining presence in media space is how they keep earning money.
This is a New Yorker article on the relationship between the US and China. There are a number of interesting pieces of information in it. One that resonated with me is that the US has asked 61 countries to ban Huawei equipment - that only 3 have agreed reflects how much US international influence has reduced in recent years. There's also coverage of other topics we've discussed before, such as the impact of tariffs, theft of intellectual property and the re-education campaign in Xinjiang.
Some swearing involved so I'm gonna put it in spoiler tags.
And this. Just LMAO. State propaganda in 2020 is something else.
The rest of the world is gonna compete with the U.S for the title of who can treat white men with as little dignity and respect as possible, because that's their view of us apparently.
Or, another analogy, USAF had just exterminated a terrorist, as they call it (I'm highly skeptical military command just issues strikes at random people to celebrate New Year). Saying Trump shouldn't have given the order because Iranians are people too is like... terrorism apology, dude
In my case, cigarette was like a part of wardrobe, without which I just felt half naked. I doubt there was any chemistry involved, although it could be because I only smoked in the outside and therefore not enough to develop actual addiction.
Depends on how much you inhale. The reason so many smoked and inhaled recreational drugs are popular is because of the IMMENSE uptake rate in the lungs. Short of direct injection, there's nothing faster.
It's addictive but I think it's much more addictive to some people than others. I smoke because I enjoy it. Occasional cigars and Djarum clove cigarettes. I can go weeks without having any nicotine then sometimes I'll have 5 or 6 Djarums in one night (usually involving me binge watching some tv show or playing BG2EE). Caffeine is the same for me. I like coffee and tea and drink quite a bit of it (probably average close to six mugs of coffee a day). However I can skip it for days no problem with no headaches or anything...
Iraq makes a democratic decision to expel U.S forces, as is their right, and the response by Marco Rubio is to threaten to take some of their territory. These people are insane and there's nothing they care about other than their madman military adventures across the world. I have so much contempt for these people.
If we don't leave now we are just going to be willfully ignoring all precedent and international law AND going against what they supposedly landed on as their last (but not only) reason for being there in the first place, which is a democracy in Iraq. Guess only a conditional one. There is absolutely nothing more true than the following quote:
There is zero chance this ends well. MAYBE Trump willingly removes all troops, but if he's being TOLD to do so by someone else, that may be another matter entirely. This is quickly becoming a worst-case scenario. Iran is indicating they WILL hit back, and it WILL be against American military targets somewhere in the region. We can't possibly extract in time. And Trump is essentially threatening to purposefully bomb Iranian civilians in return. Madness.
Trump's previous instinct may have been to leave (I'll grant he's at least TALKED a big game about it, even if that isn't reality), but only if it makes him look strong (or he call sell it as looking strong). He will likely view being told to leave as weakness, which he fears projecting more than anything. Not to mention every military advisor and Republican lawmaker he has around him will tell him not to. Trump's pathology is now the issue. He's lashed out and isn't REMOTELY ready to handle the blowback. So everything now hinges on the mood of a malignant narcissist. As international relations collapse around him, Trump is as we speak at his lush resort golfing.
As someone who has watched Tucker since his early days on Crossfire on CNN to his horrible PBS and MSNBC shows over a decade ago, my take is that he is cultivating a demographic audience that is specifically designed to cater to people of your general world-view, but I mean, I can't prove that's his motivation, and he is saying what he is saying. Trump DOES watch FOX and the network and White House are in a symbiotic relationship. He's listened to Tucker before, but he is FAR more likely to listen to slobbering syncophants like Sean Hannity and Lou Dobbs.
There are now also reports that in the last 24 hours Iranian-Americans were being held for up to 11 hours at the Canadian border. This is unraveling fast.
Brought to you by the same government that held Japanese Americans in concentration camps in the last World War.
Maybe Saudi ordered Trump to do the hit them?
I would definitely agree with that, but it's all a matter of sincerity. I don't know whether he is or isn't, but he comes off like he is and says the right things. I never saw him before the past few years but I've heard him say he "made a break" with his past worldview enough times to know that he was once different ideologically.
I believe Carlson is the number 1 show on Fox now, so his input does matter.
This is not new and has been the norm for awhile in Trump’s America.
Thus far they've effectively just said there will be no restrictions on enrichment. Other aspects of the agreement (including co-operation with international inspectors) remain in place. They've also said (as they have before) that they are willing to return to the agreement in full if the other signatories abide by their own commitments.
I agree though that the prospects for the agreement continuing are looking pretty poor just at the moment ...
I'm not suggesting that Iran is coordinating with Al-Shaabab or anything: That said, I do imagine we will see a general uptick in terrorist activities overseas targeting Americans and American installations simply because of a spreading of American forces and a lessening of American influence.
I think general terrorism is going to get worse before it gets better, now. The world just became less safe for Americans than last week, and not necessarily only in the middle east.
Try this out and see if it works: Drive to the other side of your state. Pick a random house. Break into it. Take over the house with armed force. Build a really expensive dining room table, install a new air conditioner. Stay for 15 goddamn years. Then one day a judge finally says you have to leave. You then insist you aren't leaving until the family that originally lived there pay for the dining room table and air conditioner you put in the home you broke into and commandeered.
THEY DIDN'T ASK TO BE INVADED AND HAVE OUR GROTESQUE MILITARY BASES BUILT IN THEIR COUNTRY!!!!!! It wasn't an order they placed on Amazon that we filled. We just did it because "America, fuck yeah".
This isn't a joke. There are other reporters confirming he said this about sanctioning Iraq. He is still talking about hitting cultural sites in Iran (translation: intentionally bombing civilians). This man is a complete maniac. He's now a cornered animal and god only knows what he is gonna do next.
Here's some examples there's a million terrible business stories about Trump, not even including the 6 bankruptcies.
He sued a journalist for $5 billion in 2006 who reported his wealth was around 150-200 million. This is a SLAP suit. He's a predatory capitalist who uses his wealth to intimidate others.
It's not a joke, however, it is just Trump attempting to save face over what has been a disastrous decision.
I am guessing he thought killing the Soleimani, with the death of al-Baghdadi still fresh in people's mind, that he'd have the international and militaristic accomplishments to gloat about in his State of the Union address in early February, ones that would mirror Obama's take down of Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden.
Coupled that with the Senate attempting to get the Impeachment trial over by then (I buy into the theory the real reason Pelosi hasn't delivered the articles yet is so the Senate dismissing the trial early can't be used as a win in his speech), the 2 trade deals (CUSMA and China Phase 1) would give him enough momentum to swing numbers back his way leading into the election.
This killing, not to mention the first attack that led to Embassy protest, backfired enough that he is no longer able to control the message. He (and a lesser extent him administration) didn't understand, or didn't care about the complexity that Iraq, Iran and NATO (not the US), are tied in protecting the country against ISIS and other terrorist organizations. With this assassination, he pretty much screwed all three of them in different ways.
He is losing control over the message about Soleimani's death and this (because money is the only thing Trump really cares about and thinks it's the only thing other people care about) is his attempt to attempt to assert control back over it. He will be told sanctions are the worst possible thing to do right now to Iraq as it'd push them further towards Iran more than it has already been pushed and people will forget about him even mentioning it a week or two from now.
Oh, and while the world was speculating over what's going to happen now? This happened in Kenya. which iirc, is the second set of US death's in Africa since Trump took office. The first one was swept quickly away in the chaos of the Trump administration, and I am saddened that this one will also amount to nothing but a blip.
“You say you’re woke, but the companies you work for – I mean, unbelievable – Apple, Amazon, Disney. If ISIS started a streaming service, you’d call your agent, wouldn’t ya?,” he asked.
“So if you do win an award tonight, don’t use it as a platform to make a political speech. You are in no position to lecture the public about anything. You know nothing about the real world. Most of you spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg.
“So if you win, right? Come up, accept your little award, thank your agent and your God and f–k off,”
Starts at :25
But I mean, yeah, this is one of America's stupid ideas. That somehow only plumbers and construction workers are allowed to have or express political opinions. Ricky Gervais himself was making a political statement with that monologue, which he himself is too oblivious to even realize.
So is it ok for a hollywood starlet to lecture people about immigration and human rights from their Malibu mansion in a White Neighbourhood or from the Hamptons while working for companies that promote Chinese child slave labour?
I'm saying people at this point much watch these shows simply to bitch about the speeches. They aren't forced to. The Golden Globes aren't mandatory viewing. Frankly, if you want to know what's about 50x more "political" and has infinitely more eyeballs, look at the masturbation over all things military that the NFL engages in on a weekly basis.
Or how about how woke Disney is by putting a LGBTQ kiss in The Rise of Skywalker that can easily be edited out for Chinese audiences.
Yup, so Progressive till it hits their wallet.
Give the serfs blood and gore like the Romans did.