@WarGodZeke Where was Mark Judge? Why wasn't he questioned under oath?
And, to bring this up again, you said the 4th accuser recanted her story and was shown to be lying. Where did this happen? You never did answer my question.
For what it's worth, I also think the 4th accusation is likely a bunch of crap, but I believe that because it was a purposefully vague and unreliable one that was released by Republicans in the same time-frame in which they claimed they had not one, but TWO men willing to come forward saying they committed the assault on Professor Ford. No one seems to have any idea where these men are, nor has anyone explained how two people could have BOTH been the substitute for Kavanaugh. Must be some sort of miracle.
@WarGodZeke Where was Mark Judge? Why wasn't he questioned under oath?
And, to bring this up again, you said the 4th accuser recanted her story and was shown to be lying. Where did this happen? You never did answer my question.
I don't know where he was, but it doesn't change the fact not one witness supports her claims. Who knows why he didn't show up, but the presumed guilt of Kavanaugh isn't my first conclusion.
Here's the link for the accusation retraction by the way:
If Ford is not lying, then what are you suggesting she is doing?? Is she an alchemical creation of Dianne Feinstein and Cory Booker concocted in a lab?? If she isn't lying, and Kavanaugh is innocent, then there is only one possibility, which is that someone else committed the assault, and that Professor Ford is "confused". Is there some angle here I am missing in this equation?? Because the only thing I am seeing here is the "one-armed man did it" theory.
I think the Dems thought they had a chance to oust him because of his party-boy past. Partying in High School and even college doesn't disqualify him. I think he was a douchebag back then personally but that doesn't mean he's a bad person now necessarily.
I do think he's lying about being a virgin in High School and about his drinking however. That does disturb me and solidifies my opinion that most politicians are lying assholes. I think they're advised to lie though, and that's the bigger problem. He could have joked about being a partier back then and that would've made him more real and likeable. I don't understand why politicians think they have to appear to have been Saints their entire lives. Even pastors and priests don't all lie about their past...
I just cannot fathom this idea that Professor Ford was up there lying today. Did anyone look at her?? Even a cursory understanding how human beings feel and react in certain situations would tell you that this was not some elaborate set-up job. Unless she is also an actress who could put Meryl Streep to shame on top of being part of a Democratic sleeper-cell for, what, at LEAST 6 years??
The Democrats were asking about his alcohol use for one simple reason. It was basically a softball question and he couldn't even bother telling the truth about it. They asked him repeatedly about his alcohol use in high school and college because they knew he would lie about it. He wasn't just a liar, he was an incredibly PREDICTABLE liar. The moment he asked Amy Klobuchar if SHE had ever been blackout drunk after she asked him the exact same question, he descended completely into "I know you are but what am I" territory. That is not an answer to a question. It's an easy question. I'll answer it about myself. I drank alot in high school. I rarely (if ever) blacked-out, but it happened once or twice. See how easy that was?? So what the hell is the problem?? Why deny something that was obviously true??
I just cannot fathom this idea that Professor Ford was up there lying today. Did anyone look at her?? Even a cursory understanding how human beings feel and react in certain situations would tell you that this was not some elaborate set-up job. Unless she is also an actress who could put Meryl Streep to shame on top of being part of a Democratic sleeper-cell for, what, at LEAST 6 years??
She's a psychology professor. Of course she would know all about how to play a crowd. I'm not saying she's lying but there is no evidence to back up her story. Having said that, I hope they don't confirm this guy...
@WarGodZeke Then, that's something different. a fourth woman came forward on behalf of her daughter saying she was one of four woman in a bar with Kavanaugh in 1999 When they left he bar, he pushed one of the women up against the wall outside the bar "in a sexual way". All three were left dumbfounded, and one of those woman called the other, who was the letter writer's daughter.
I just cannot fathom this idea that Professor Ford was up there lying today. Did anyone look at her?? Even a cursory understanding how human beings feel and react in certain situations would tell you that this was not some elaborate set-up job. Unless she is also an actress who could put Meryl Streep to shame on top of being part of a Democratic sleeper-cell for, what, at LEAST 6 years??
She's a psychology professor. Of course she would know all about how to play a crowd. I'm not saying she's lying but there is no evidence to back up her story. Having said that, I hope they don't confirm this guy...
Of course there is no physical evidence. The only other evidence we could get is from the man Ford says was in the room with her and Kavanaugh, and he is basically in hiding at the moment. Beyond that, why in the world would anyone believe Kavanaugh when he is clearly lying about drinking and having sex in high school?? WHY is he lying about that?? It makes no goddamn sense.
Who knows why he didn't show up, but the presumed guilt of Kavanaugh isn't my first conclusion.
That should absolutely be your first conclusion:
If Kavanaugh wasn't guilty, his friend Mark Judge would presumably leap at the opportunity to support Kavanaugh under oath, and all of Kavanaugh's friends and supporters would have rushed to have Judge brought forward to testify.
If your buddy is accused of committing a crime and you know he's innocent, why in the world wouldn't you swear it under oath? If you were accused of committing a crime and your buddy knows you're innocent, wouldn't you implore him to come to your defense, knowing he'd support you?
My theory? Judge never had to testify because he couldn't be counted on to commit perjury for Kavanaugh.
Also, Kavanaugh said under oath that Devil's Triangle was a drinking game. It's not. It's slang for a threesome, and somebody posting from a Capitol Hill IP address apparently edited the Wikipedia article right after Kavanaugh lied that it was a drinking game, just to support Kavanaugh's lie.
Again, perjury. Kavanaugh lied under oath that he was a virgin in high school to make Ford's claims seem less plausible, but (1) documentary evidence (his yearbook), (2) other people who knew him as a student, and (3) his own testimony all demonstrate that he had an active sex life in high school.
How many times do you have to lie under oath before you're no longer qualified for the Supreme Court?
Judge Kavanaugh faced another accusation after an anonymous letter, dated Sept. 22, was sent to Senator Cory Gardner, Republican of Colorado.
In the letter, a woman said her daughter had witnessed Judge Kavanaugh drunkenly push her friend, a woman he was dating, up against a wall “very aggressively and sexually” after they left a bar one night in 1998.
On Tuesday, Judge Kavanaugh was questioned about the letter by staff lawyers for the Judiciary Committee about the accusation, which he denied, according to a transcript.
“It’s ridiculous,” he said. “Total ‘Twilight Zone.’ And no, I’ve never done anything like that.”
I never drank in High School and very little in college. I made up for that later in spades after college when I actually had money!
My point is that I did, so I have a little frame of reference for it. If I was ever asked under oath about it, I would readily admit to doing so, because if I didn't, I would know that there are at least 4 or 5 dozen people who could easily (and credibly) call me a liar. And they would be correct for doing so.
This frustrates me so much more than Gorsuch. I considered that seat to be stolen long before I heard anyone speak the phrase "stolen seat" (the GOP made no secret of its intentions and its policy; McConnell said hours after Scalia's death that no Obama pick would even be considered), but at least Gorsuch didn't appear to be a criminal.
Now I have to go to bed not knowing if the next Supreme Court justice of the United States of America is a multiple-time perjurer.
This frustrates me so much more than Gorsuch. I considered that seat to be stolen long before I heard anyone speak the phrase "stolen seat" (the GOP made no secret of its intentions and its policy; McConnell said hours after Scalia's death that no Obama pick would even be considered), but at least Gorsuch didn't appear to be a criminal.
Now I have to go to bed not knowing if the next Supreme Court justice of the United States of America is a multiple-time perjurer.
They are both unconscionable in a supposedly functioning democracy (or Republic, whatever you want to call it). I am more and more convinced that, at best, we are only marginally functioning at this point, and the engine is rapidly running out of steam even on that front.
I just cannot fathom this idea that Professor Ford was up there lying today. Did anyone look at her?? Even a cursory understanding how human beings feel and react in certain situations would tell you that this was not some elaborate set-up job. Unless she is also an actress who could put Meryl Streep to shame on top of being part of a Democratic sleeper-cell for, what, at LEAST 6 years??
She's a psychology professor. Of course she would know all about how to play a crowd. I'm not saying she's lying but there is no evidence to back up her story. Having said that, I hope they don't confirm this guy...
Of course there is no physical evidence. The only other evidence we could get is from the man Ford says was in the room with her and Kavanaugh, and he is basically in hiding at the moment. Beyond that, why in the world would anyone believe Kavanaugh when he is clearly lying about drinking and having sex in high school?? WHY is he lying about that?? It makes no goddamn sense.
What makes no sense is not picking somebody else at this point. If there's another hit attempt on the next nominee I might start believing this conspiracy crap. This is a direct sell attempt to the far right because I'm telling you there are a LOT of conspiracy nuts in that corner. Trust me, I have to hear all about it all the time. My family probably thinks George Soros personally funded this whole thing while all his Illuminati brethren prayed to Satan over a human sacrifice. I'm NOT remotely kidding...
I never drank in High School and very little in college. I made up for that later in spades after college when I actually had money!
My point is that I did, so I have a little frame of reference for it. If I was ever asked under oath about it, I would readily admit to doing so, because if I didn't, I would know that there are at least 4 or 5 dozen people who could easily (and credibly) call me a liar. And they would be correct for doing so.
I never drank in high school or college. But I hate, hate. HATE the taste of liquor. The only drink I can drink is the Sloe Gin Sour, which I didn't find out about until my late 20's/early 30's. It tastes like a Hawaiian Punch to me, and doesn't make me expel it in a violet regurgitation. My limit is 2. At that point, I wake up feeling like a small, fuzzy animal slept in my mouth all night. I do not like that sensation.
(I also do not smoke. When I was 14, smoking was all the rage, but Marlboro (the big favorite sigs at the time) made me cough like my lungs were coming out. I tried several, and then I tried one of my mom's Cambridges. I said, "This isn't bad. I could get used to this." Whereupon, I stubbed it out and said, "Better not start." and haven't smoked again.
I also don't do coffee, tea or other caffeinated drinks, also because they taste terrible to me. People say to me, "How do you wake up in the morning?" And I'm like, "I open my eyes and roll out of bed.")
@smeagolheart: I realize the all caps are sarcastic, but it's generally best to avoid all caps and sarcasm in political discussions. Please avoid it in the future.
@semiticgod I was quoting the article which I interpret to be parodying Graham/Kavanaugh's testimony.
I never drank in High School and very little in college. I made up for that later in spades after college when I actually had money!
My point is that I did, so I have a little frame of reference for it. If I was ever asked under oath about it, I would readily admit to doing so, because if I didn't, I would know that there are at least 4 or 5 dozen people who could easily (and credibly) call me a liar. And they would be correct for doing so.
I never drank in high school or college. But I hate, hate. HATE the taste of liquor. The only drink I can drink is the Sloe Gin Sour, which I didn't find out about until my late 20's/early 30's. It tastes like a Hawaiian Punch to me, and doesn't make me expel it in a violet regurgitation. My limit is 2. At that point, I wake up feeling like a small, fuzzy animal slept in my mouth all night. I do not like that sensation.
(I also do not smoke. When I was 14, smoking was all the rage, but Marlboro (the big favorite sigs at the time) made me cough like my lungs were coming out. I tried several, and then I tried one of my mom's Cambridges. I said, "This isn't bad. I could get used to this." Whereupon, I stubbed it out and said, "Better not start." and haven't smoked again.
I also don't do coffee, tea or other caffeinated drinks, also because they taste terrible to me. People say to me, "How do you wake up in the morning?" And I'm like, "I open my eyes and roll out of bed.")
Small, rural town. Once you reached a certain age, it was just in the culture. What we did NOT have was a culture of sexual assault, spiking punch bowls, and leaving cryptic sexual messages in the margins of yearbook captions. In fact, in exchange for not having to do cropping (which I wasn't good at) I basically wrote our entire yearbook Senior Year. I assure you the last thing I ever thought about putting inside of it was any reference to the weekend activities of a large amount of the students. And even if I had, my English teacher would have noticed and chewed me a new asshole. I don't know what the hell was going on at Georgetown Prep in the early '80s, but it was nothing good.
I never drank in High School and very little in college. I made up for that later in spades after college when I actually had money!
My point is that I did, so I have a little frame of reference for it. If I was ever asked under oath about it, I would readily admit to doing so, because if I didn't, I would know that there are at least 4 or 5 dozen people who could easily (and credibly) call me a liar. And they would be correct for doing so.
I never drank in high school or college. But I hate, hate. HATE the taste of liquor. The only drink I can drink is the Sloe Gin Sour, which I didn't find out about until my late 20's/early 30's. It tastes like a Hawaiian Punch to me, and doesn't make me expel it in a violet regurgitation. My limit is 2. At that point, I wake up feeling like a small, fuzzy animal slept in my mouth all night. I do not like that sensation.
(I also do not smoke. When I was 14, smoking was all the rage, but Marlboro (the big favorite sigs at the time) made me cough like my lungs were coming out. I tried several, and then I tried one of my mom's Cambridges. I said, "This isn't bad. I could get used to this." Whereupon, I stubbed it out and said, "Better not start." and haven't smoked again.
I also don't do coffee, tea or other caffeinated drinks, also because they taste terrible to me. People say to me, "How do you wake up in the morning?" And I'm like, "I open my eyes and roll out of bed.")
Maybe you should run for office. I'd vote for you (well, at the local level anyway).
I just cannot fathom this idea that Professor Ford was up there lying today. Did anyone look at her?? Even a cursory understanding how human beings feel and react in certain situations would tell you that this was not some elaborate set-up job. Unless she is also an actress who could put Meryl Streep to shame on top of being part of a Democratic sleeper-cell for, what, at LEAST 6 years??
The Democrats were asking about his alcohol use for one simple reason. It was basically a softball question and he couldn't even bother telling the truth about it. They asked him repeatedly about his alcohol use in high school and college because they knew he would lie about it. He wasn't just a liar, he was an incredibly PREDICTABLE liar. The moment he asked Amy Klobuchar if SHE had ever been blackout drunk after she asked him the exact same question, he descended completely into "I know you are but what am I" territory. That is not an answer to a question. It's an easy question. I'll answer it about myself. I drank alot in high school. I rarely (if ever) blacked-out, but it happened once or twice. See how easy that was?? So what the hell is the problem?? Why deny something that was obviously true??
This exchange alone should put woman’s rights up in arms.
Disrespectful, belittling, shouting over her until time was up, then like all abusers, comes back in the room and apologizes once all the damage is done.
As mentioned about six times already, this isn’t a criminal case, it’s a job interview, one where 3 angry old white guys just yelled and shifted blame without actually addressing anything. If that is how you want your country to conduct its politics, all the power to you.
And the reason why they don’t have a witness to back up Ford’s story is because Judge is hiding till this all blows over. IF they want the truth, they can start an investigation starting with his statement. But NOPE, easier to deny and play the victim.
If you compare this to a job interview (which is a far better comparison than a criminal trial) you only need to ask yourself one question: Is it the responsibility of your prospective employer to prove you ARE going to be a liability to the company if they don't want to hire you, or is it up to YOU to convince THEM that you won't be??
I just cannot fathom this idea that Professor Ford was up there lying today. Did anyone look at her?? Even a cursory understanding how human beings feel and react in certain situations would tell you that this was not some elaborate set-up job. Unless she is also an actress who could put Meryl Streep to shame on top of being part of a Democratic sleeper-cell for, what, at LEAST 6 years??
The Democrats were asking about his alcohol use for one simple reason. It was basically a softball question and he couldn't even bother telling the truth about it. They asked him repeatedly about his alcohol use in high school and college because they knew he would lie about it. He wasn't just a liar, he was an incredibly PREDICTABLE liar. The moment he asked Amy Klobuchar if SHE had ever been blackout drunk after she asked him the exact same question, he descended completely into "I know you are but what am I" territory. That is not an answer to a question. It's an easy question. I'll answer it about myself. I drank alot in high school. I rarely (if ever) blacked-out, but it happened once or twice. See how easy that was?? So what the hell is the problem?? Why deny something that was obviously true??
This exchange alone should put woman’s rights up in arms.
Disrespectful, belittling, shouting over her until time was up, then like all abusers, comes back in the room and apologizes once all the damage is done.
As mentioned about six times already, this isn’t a criminal case, it’s a job interview, one where 3 angry old white guys just yelled and shifted blame without actually addressing anything. If that is how you want your country to conduct its politics, all the power to you.
And the reason why they don’t have a witness to back up Ford’s story is because Judge is hiding till this all blows over. IF they want the truth, they can start an investigation starting with his statement. But NOPE, easier to deny and play the victim.
Maybe we're missing the obvious. Judge is just too drunk or hungover to testify...
I never drank in High School and very little in college. I made up for that later in spades after college when I actually had money!
My point is that I did, so I have a little frame of reference for it. If I was ever asked under oath about it, I would readily admit to doing so, because if I didn't, I would know that there are at least 4 or 5 dozen people who could easily (and credibly) call me a liar. And they would be correct for doing so.
I never drank in high school or college. But I hate, hate. HATE the taste of liquor. The only drink I can drink is the Sloe Gin Sour, which I didn't find out about until my late 20's/early 30's. It tastes like a Hawaiian Punch to me, and doesn't make me expel it in a violet regurgitation. My limit is 2. At that point, I wake up feeling like a small, fuzzy animal slept in my mouth all night. I do not like that sensation.
(I also do not smoke. When I was 14, smoking was all the rage, but Marlboro (the big favorite sigs at the time) made me cough like my lungs were coming out. I tried several, and then I tried one of my mom's Cambridges. I said, "This isn't bad. I could get used to this." Whereupon, I stubbed it out and said, "Better not start." and haven't smoked again.
I also don't do coffee, tea or other caffeinated drinks, also because they taste terrible to me. People say to me, "How do you wake up in the morning?" And I'm like, "I open my eyes and roll out of bed.")
Small, rural town. Once you reached a certain age, it was just in the culture. What we did NOT have was a culture of sexual assault, spiking punch bowls, and leaving cryptic sexual messages in the margins of yearbook captions. In fact, in exchange for not having to do cropping (which I wasn't good at) I basically wrote our entire yearbook Senior Year. I assure you the last thing I ever thought about putting inside of it was any reference to the weekend activities of a large amount of the students. And even if I had, my English teacher would have noticed and chewed me a new asshole. I don't know what the hell was going on at Georgetown Prep in the early '80s, but it was nothing good.
Well, in the Catholic School I went to from 3rd to 8th grade, Four kids were caught with a thermos of liquor in the graveyard during school lunch one day. One of the kids I went to school with, his Dad owned a liquor store (I only know because he gave me 4 Seagram's glasses as a present for Christmas one year. (The school mandated "Secret Santa" thing. Trust me, no one in my family wanted them. My parents drank, but only in a 1 beer/glass of wine with dinner" sort of way. And they served Whiskey sours at parties, and had Green Creme deMenthe/Eggnog on Winter Holidays- I'm not even sure if the eggnog was alcoholic, being prepackaged from the store.
But no, as far as I was aware, there was no big drinking thing in my grade school. I was an outcast in High School, so I was never invited to any parties, but the birthday kind.
More likely the politician is lying than the doctor. Even if she does teach psychology she's a teacher not a performer of psychology lol whatever that is
Kavanaugh obviously lied, filibustered, was belligerent and combative and especially - partisan.
I never drank in High School and very little in college. I made up for that later in spades after college when I actually had money!
My point is that I did, so I have a little frame of reference for it. If I was ever asked under oath about it, I would readily admit to doing so, because if I didn't, I would know that there are at least 4 or 5 dozen people who could easily (and credibly) call me a liar. And they would be correct for doing so.
I never drank in high school or college. But I hate, hate. HATE the taste of liquor. The only drink I can drink is the Sloe Gin Sour, which I didn't find out about until my late 20's/early 30's. It tastes like a Hawaiian Punch to me, and doesn't make me expel it in a violet regurgitation. My limit is 2. At that point, I wake up feeling like a small, fuzzy animal slept in my mouth all night. I do not like that sensation.
(I also do not smoke. When I was 14, smoking was all the rage, but Marlboro (the big favorite sigs at the time) made me cough like my lungs were coming out. I tried several, and then I tried one of my mom's Cambridges. I said, "This isn't bad. I could get used to this." Whereupon, I stubbed it out and said, "Better not start." and haven't smoked again.
I also don't do coffee, tea or other caffeinated drinks, also because they taste terrible to me. People say to me, "How do you wake up in the morning?" And I'm like, "I open my eyes and roll out of bed.")
Small, rural town. Once you reached a certain age, it was just in the culture. What we did NOT have was a culture of sexual assault, spiking punch bowls, and leaving cryptic sexual messages in the margins of yearbook captions. In fact, in exchange for not having to do cropping (which I wasn't good at) I basically wrote our entire yearbook Senior Year. I assure you the last thing I ever thought about putting inside of it was any reference to the weekend activities of a large amount of the students. And even if I had, my English teacher would have noticed and chewed me a new asshole. I don't know what the hell was going on at Georgetown Prep in the early '80s, but it was nothing good.
Well, in the Catholic School I went to from 3rd to 8th grade, Four kids were caught with a thermos of liquor in the graveyard during school lunch one day. One of the kids I went to school with, his Dad owned a liquor store (I only know because he gave me 4 Seagram's glasses as a present for Christmas one year. (The school mandated "Secret Santa" thing. Trust me, no one in my family wanted them. My parents drank, but only in a 1 beer/glass of wine with dinner" sort of way. And they served Whiskey sours at parties, and had Green Creme deMenthe/Eggnog on Winter Holidays- I'm not even sure if the eggnog was alcoholic, being prepackaged from the store.
But no, as far as I was aware, there was no big drinking thing in my grade school. I was an outcast in High School, so I was never invited to any parties, but the birthday kind.
Wow, a graveyard drinking club. Sounds like a fun school! I'll bet whoever the priest was taking confession there had to have a flask himself after listening to those guys.
I just cannot fathom this idea that Professor Ford was up there lying today. Did anyone look at her?? Even a cursory understanding how human beings feel and react in certain situations would tell you that this was not some elaborate set-up job. Unless she is also an actress who could put Meryl Streep to shame on top of being part of a Democratic sleeper-cell for, what, at LEAST 6 years??
The Democrats were asking about his alcohol use for one simple reason. It was basically a softball question and he couldn't even bother telling the truth about it. They asked him repeatedly about his alcohol use in high school and college because they knew he would lie about it. He wasn't just a liar, he was an incredibly PREDICTABLE liar. The moment he asked Amy Klobuchar if SHE had ever been blackout drunk after she asked him the exact same question, he descended completely into "I know you are but what am I" territory. That is not an answer to a question. It's an easy question. I'll answer it about myself. I drank alot in high school. I rarely (if ever) blacked-out, but it happened once or twice. See how easy that was?? So what the hell is the problem?? Why deny something that was obviously true??
This exchange alone should put woman’s rights up in arms.
Disrespectful, belittling, shouting over her until time was up, then like all abusers, comes back in the room and apologizes once all the damage is done.
As mentioned about six times already, this isn’t a criminal case, it’s a job interview, one where 3 angry old white guys just yelled and shifted blame without actually addressing anything. If that is how you want your country to conduct its politics, all the power to you.
And the reason why they don’t have a witness to back up Ford’s story is because Judge is hiding till this all blows over. IF they want the truth, they can start an investigation starting with his statement. But NOPE, easier to deny and play the victim.
Maybe we're missing the obvious. Judge is just too drunk or hungover to testify...
No he has three options, all shitty:
1) lie and deny 2) admit he committed attempt rape and throw a third person under the bus (why there was 2 people confessing. One to replace Judge, the other Kavanaugh) 3) admit he committed attempted rape and say it was Kavanaugh there.
1 is the only option he had, but he would have been grilled and demonized. 2 might have been an option if he had remorse, but after writing a book about his exploits and profiting from them, doubt it. 3 he would have been branded a co-conspirator
“It’s ridiculous,” he said. “Total ‘Twilight Zone.’ And no, I’ve never done anything like that.”
Now he is lying about watching The Twilight Zone.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oADlQPJ_Zfc “Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete” ― Rod Serling, Twilight Zone, The Obsolete Man
My friends and I drank in college, but we stayed safe. We never left the dorms (no drinking and driving) and we didn't pressure each other to drink any more than we wanted; there was no "chugging" or anything like that. After the novelty wore off, I think we kind of stopped... I think we only had alcohol a few times over the course of a few weeks. The worst I did was kiss a girl (context matters here), but even when I was drunk, I knew to back off afterwards.
I haven't really drunk since, except for a few random times when somebody offered me alcohol (and invariably I'd never finish it). I think it's because my dad never drank, so drinking beer never seemed like a normal, everyday thing to me. Plus, my mom got unpleasant when she drank, so that might have played a role. I like champagne and Jack Daniels, but I'm way too cheap to buy even beer.
My old Drugs and Society professor was very critical of the criminalization of drugs, but she pointed out that America actually had less alcohol-related problems than Europe precisely because of our higher drinking age (21 instead of 18, for those who aren't aware) that kept kids away from drinking alcohol regularly until they were older. It is one of the most addictive and toxic substances known to humankind. I think it's better to drink infrequently and to drink little.
It's not a great influence on humankind. Not even if you discount all the people who have died to it.
“It’s ridiculous,” he said. “Total ‘Twilight Zone.’ And no, I’ve never done anything like that.”
Now he is lying about watching The Twilight Zone.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oADlQPJ_Zfc “Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete” ― Rod Serling, Twilight Zone, The Obsolete Man
Wait a minute, is that more opinion from @voidofopinion? I'm starting to think your name is a misnomer...
I refuse to believe that the United States of America cannot do better than this.
Here's the link for the accusation retraction by the way:
I do think he's lying about being a virgin in High School and about his drinking however. That does disturb me and solidifies my opinion that most politicians are lying assholes. I think they're advised to lie though, and that's the bigger problem. He could have joked about being a partier back then and that would've made him more real and likeable. I don't understand why politicians think they have to appear to have been Saints their entire lives. Even pastors and priests don't all lie about their past...
The Democrats were asking about his alcohol use for one simple reason. It was basically a softball question and he couldn't even bother telling the truth about it. They asked him repeatedly about his alcohol use in high school and college because they knew he would lie about it. He wasn't just a liar, he was an incredibly PREDICTABLE liar. The moment he asked Amy Klobuchar if SHE had ever been blackout drunk after she asked him the exact same question, he descended completely into "I know you are but what am I" territory. That is not an answer to a question. It's an easy question. I'll answer it about myself. I drank alot in high school. I rarely (if ever) blacked-out, but it happened once or twice. See how easy that was?? So what the hell is the problem?? Why deny something that was obviously true??
I hadn't even heard of the man.
If Kavanaugh wasn't guilty, his friend Mark Judge would presumably leap at the opportunity to support Kavanaugh under oath, and all of Kavanaugh's friends and supporters would have rushed to have Judge brought forward to testify.
If your buddy is accused of committing a crime and you know he's innocent, why in the world wouldn't you swear it under oath? If you were accused of committing a crime and your buddy knows you're innocent, wouldn't you implore him to come to your defense, knowing he'd support you?
My theory? Judge never had to testify because he couldn't be counted on to commit perjury for Kavanaugh.
Also, Kavanaugh said under oath that Devil's Triangle was a drinking game. It's not. It's slang for a threesome, and somebody posting from a Capitol Hill IP address apparently edited the Wikipedia article right after Kavanaugh lied that it was a drinking game, just to support Kavanaugh's lie.
Again, perjury. Kavanaugh lied under oath that he was a virgin in high school to make Ford's claims seem less plausible, but (1) documentary evidence (his yearbook), (2) other people who knew him as a student, and (3) his own testimony all demonstrate that he had an active sex life in high school.
How many times do you have to lie under oath before you're no longer qualified for the Supreme Court?
1) Dr. Christine Blasey Ford
2) Deborah Ramirez
3) Julie Swetnick
4) Unnamed fourth woman, on behalf of the victim, her daughter.
Judge Kavanaugh faced another accusation after an anonymous letter, dated Sept. 22, was sent to Senator Cory Gardner, Republican of Colorado.
In the letter, a woman said her daughter had witnessed Judge Kavanaugh drunkenly push her friend, a woman he was dating, up against a wall “very aggressively and sexually” after they left a bar one night in 1998.
On Tuesday, Judge Kavanaugh was questioned about the letter by staff lawyers for the Judiciary Committee about the accusation, which he denied, according to a transcript.
“It’s ridiculous,” he said. “Total ‘Twilight Zone.’ And no, I’ve never done anything like that.”
Now I have to go to bed not knowing if the next Supreme Court justice of the United States of America is a multiple-time perjurer.
(I also do not smoke. When I was 14, smoking was all the rage, but Marlboro (the big favorite sigs at the time) made me cough like my lungs were coming out. I tried several, and then I tried one of my mom's Cambridges. I said, "This isn't bad. I could get used to this." Whereupon, I stubbed it out and said, "Better not start." and haven't smoked again.
I also don't do coffee, tea or other caffeinated drinks, also because they taste terrible to me. People say to me, "How do you wake up in the morning?" And I'm like, "I open my eyes and roll out of bed.")
Small, rural town. Once you reached a certain age, it was just in the culture. What we did NOT have was a culture of sexual assault, spiking punch bowls, and leaving cryptic sexual messages in the margins of yearbook captions. In fact, in exchange for not having to do cropping (which I wasn't good at) I basically wrote our entire yearbook Senior Year. I assure you the last thing I ever thought about putting inside of it was any reference to the weekend activities of a large amount of the students. And even if I had, my English teacher would have noticed and chewed me a new asshole. I don't know what the hell was going on at Georgetown Prep in the early '80s, but it was nothing good.
Disrespectful, belittling, shouting over her until time was up, then like all abusers, comes back in the room and apologizes once all the damage is done.
As mentioned about six times already, this isn’t a criminal case, it’s a job interview, one where 3 angry old white guys just yelled and shifted blame without actually addressing anything. If that is how you want your country to conduct its politics, all the power to you.
And the reason why they don’t have a witness to back up Ford’s story is because Judge is hiding till this all blows over. IF they want the truth, they can start an investigation starting with his statement. But NOPE, easier to deny and play the victim.
But no, as far as I was aware, there was no big drinking thing in my grade school. I was an outcast in High School, so I was never invited to any parties, but the birthday kind.
Kavanaugh obviously lied, filibustered, was belligerent and combative and especially - partisan.
1) lie and deny
2) admit he committed attempt rape and throw a third person under the bus (why there was 2 people confessing. One to replace Judge, the other Kavanaugh)
3) admit he committed attempted rape and say it was Kavanaugh there.
1 is the only option he had, but he would have been grilled and demonized.
2 might have been an option if he had remorse, but after writing a book about his exploits and profiting from them, doubt it.
3 he would have been branded a co-conspirator
“Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete”
― Rod Serling, Twilight Zone, The Obsolete Man
I haven't really drunk since, except for a few random times when somebody offered me alcohol (and invariably I'd never finish it). I think it's because my dad never drank, so drinking beer never seemed like a normal, everyday thing to me. Plus, my mom got unpleasant when she drank, so that might have played a role. I like champagne and Jack Daniels, but I'm way too cheap to buy even beer.
My old Drugs and Society professor was very critical of the criminalization of drugs, but she pointed out that America actually had less alcohol-related problems than Europe precisely because of our higher drinking age (21 instead of 18, for those who aren't aware) that kept kids away from drinking alcohol regularly until they were older. It is one of the most addictive and toxic substances known to humankind. I think it's better to drink infrequently and to drink little.
It's not a great influence on humankind. Not even if you discount all the people who have died to it.