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Beamdog Update, February 20, 2019

JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
A month has passed since our last livestream. And what a month this has been!

Catch up on all the latest studio news and updates on our games on the Beamblog!


  • AranthysAranthys Member Posts: 722
    It s not like the PC UI is inherently broken right now...
    you can play the game just fine.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    "We have one full-time writer in-house, and work with external writers as opportunities arise"

    I thought Gaider hired 5? Where did the other 4 magically disappear to. This does not give me any hope that a new game is being worked on at all.

    even though this is said right after:

    "it’s likely that the next things you see from Beamdog will be original products, instead of more Enhanced Editions. We can’t say for certain what the next project is. Right now we’re looking at our options."

    So it is sounding like whatever Gaider was brought in for has been shelved, or else that would have been the next project.

    That also means fan requests of other classic crpgs, something they don't need a writer for, is also not on the agenda.

    I am really curious to know what options they have.
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    We can’t get into any specifics regarding new story content for Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition, but there are things currently in the works. We have one full-time writer in-house, and work with external writers as opportunities arise.

    Do you mean that you have one writer just for NWNEE or as total in the Beamdog team?
  • StaranStaran Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 295
    Not a word on nwn for iOS or 64 bit.
    I guess I shouldn’t be holding my breath.
    I am done.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Staran wrote: »
    Not a word on nwn for iOS or 64 bit.
    I guess I shouldn’t be holding my breath.
    I am done.

    64-bit and the new renderer are in the process, and quite advanced.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 457
    edited February 2019
    @JuliusBorisov Looking back at the dates of my questions, I originally posted them on January 30th then edited them February 1st. I checked both the January and February Beamdog Update links, yet did not see answers to any of my questions. Is it possible they were simply overlooked? Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    Hmm... this update was disappointing. I mean, I get why certain stuff is ignored (Soultaker plot is more of a meme at this point). But I asked about TTFs and get no response, and I think there are other good questions that are being ignored.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    edited February 2019
    Those questions just didn't make it into this iteration. There were 25 questions I gathered.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    I'm definitely not happy about anything at the news.

    @JuliusBorisov do you have a list of what will be fixed in 2.6?
  • ckoeckoe Member Posts: 26
    Well, I have been postponing my next modding attempt/playthrough since well before christmas waiting for 2.6 which was, if I remember correctly, rumored to be released in time for christmas.

    Bugs like are show stoppers for me. I cannot bring myself to invest the time to mod the game (and I would install quite a number of mods) and start playing if I know things like this are broken (this bug was not in 2.3 as far as I remember ?). This takes the fun out of it, for me at least. I can to some extent feel with the people complaining about the UI I believe, although I take the current UI every time over broken game mechanics.

    So, I am really hoping patch 2.6 gets released. On the plus side maybe SCS 32 will be released by then and work with 2.6 flawlessly :-)
  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    deltago wrote: »
    "We have one full-time writer in-house, and work with external writers as opportunities arise"

    I thought Gaider hired 5? Where did the other 4 magically disappear to. This does not give me any hope that a new game is being worked on at all.

    even though this is said right after:

    "it’s likely that the next things you see from Beamdog will be original products, instead of more Enhanced Editions. We can’t say for certain what the next project is. Right now we’re looking at our options."

    So it is sounding like whatever Gaider was brought in for has been shelved, or else that would have been the next project.

    This is exactly what I've been arguing for many months now in the face of some here (not you @deltago) who kept getting mad at me for saying so. Now Beamdog has confirmed it. The project Gaider was hired for was canceled, and there is no current project for a new game.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    edited February 2019
    lefreut wrote: »
    Catmull-Rom was in a previous version no? You can't reuse the code?

    The way the answer was phrased leads me to believe my question was fundamentally misunderstood.

    I mean, can ESRGAN even be used for dynamic in-game scaling? IIRC, ESRGAN was discussed on these boards to upscale art assets regardless of zoom level; once put into the game, they'd look generally prettier but would still be subject to the in-engine Nearest Neighbor or Bilinear scaling when zoomed in or out. Catmull-Rom would replace either of the latter two. In other words, ESRGAN and Catmull-Rom are not mutually exclusive and would do different things.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    We can’t get into any specifics regarding new story content for Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition, but there are things currently in the works.

    That's all I need to hear. Take all the time you need. Start a Kickstarter if necessary. Long as I know NWN:EE isn't dead :)
  • Ludwig_IILudwig_II Member Posts: 379
    edited February 2019
    There are some resources still looking at PC (for the Infinity Engine games)...
    The guy who sits at the dark corner of the Beamdog basement is still spending 45 minutes per week on this.

    We’ve been doing extensive updates to our UI system that could very possibly end up paying dividends for the PC versions into the future
    UI updates scheduled to come to PC by Christmas 2023
  • gugulug5000gugulug5000 Member Posts: 248
    I'm not really a fan of the idea of completely abandoning doing more enhanced editions. I'm all for new games, but one of the things that drew me to Beamdog was that it would take old games and then remaster/fix them and even release new content. There are still plenty of great games out there that need to be remastered. I would love if Beamdog managed to balance making new games with remastering old ones.
  • Ludwig_IILudwig_II Member Posts: 379
    edited February 2019
    To be honest, I'm still content that there is some work going on the IE games, even if they are for the console ports which I have no interest in. At least it can potentially bring more customers, and eventually can lead to more attention and care from Beamdog again. So much better than IE getting abandoned.

    However, my concern is every time a new store/environment is supported and included in the release process, it adds more time to the release times of the updates. And I'm not talking about additional weeks here, I'm talking about years. So, with the addition of consoles, it looks like every new update to these games will take around 4-5 years.

    Either Beamdog will find a solution to break this cycle, or this is the way I see things will be moving on.
  • oakheartoakheart Member Posts: 66
    I'm interested in the demand for console ports of the EE stable. They just don't strike me as the sort of games that would appeal to console owners. I could be vastly wrong about this (I don't own a console, or a TV for that matter), but I'm puzzled by the thinking behind this decision. On mobile - tablets especially - sure, I see why that'd be a good match.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,226
    Hmm, not really good news for PC gamers here, though myself I didn't have high expectations either. I think until Beamdog officially shuts down the support for IE:EE games, people will still have hopes for updates according to their preference and I think most of them will just get disappointed, because required resources are simply not there anymore.
    Until console port was released I was kind of hoping that the game's life cycle is coming to its end so there would be some kind of closure to it (which would be really practical for me as a modder), even if some bugs remained. Instead, there will be more waiting, possibly for years, with only vague indications of what might happen with it.

    But to close this comment on a more positive note, I am curious about the console port. Like, reeally curious, because I somehow can't imagine it. If it ended up well, I might even think about purchasing it, because I do own a console and I play some coop games with my wife on it (D3 currently). It would have to allow modding though.
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