[v3.1] Glam's NPC Pack for BG:EE, BGTutu and BGTrilogy! 4 new NPCs inside!

Glam's NPC Pack includes the original Vynd, Drow Assassin NPC mod as well as four brand new NPCs, all of whom will interact with each other and the classic Baldur’s Gate cast. Each one includes a friendship track and an array of player-initiated dialogue, with more options opening up as the game progresses.
You want quests? This time we got ‘em! Three of the four new characters come with their own personal missions, which must be completed to unlock all their player-initiated dialogue, plus a final, loyalty-inspired talk in the endgame.
You want loot? There’s plenty of new and unique items to be had; some supplied with the characters, others found through their quests, or just indiscriminate slaughter. Hoard them all!
You want romance? Nope. Sorry.

“I don’t necessarily like shooting people. Some people just need shot.”
When asked about her past, Littlun proudly informs you of how she was taken in as a baby by a tribe of elves, who raised her as one of their own. However, while she is very much a product of the wilds, the mechanical, rapid-fire crossbow she carries is the work of her long-deceased father, once a master craftsman and wandering scholar. She is a walking contradiction, a juxtaposition of untamed nature and advanced technology.
Race: Halfling
Class: Archer
Alignment: Neutral Good
STR: 13
DEX: 18
CON: 16
INT: 12
WIS: 14
CHA: 12
Proficiencies: Crossbow, Axe, Dagger


“Why leave? Because in the Underdark, there are mind flayers, beholders and aboleths. Up here, there are sheep. And trees. So I weighed things up and I thought, you know what? How bad could a little sunburn possibly be?”
When asked about his past, Vynd wonders aloud how you'd feel if some nosy bastard you barely know asked for your life story. You've pieced together that he's not new to the surface world, and he left the Underdark by choice. Beyond that, he remains a mystery. A snide, abrasive mystery.
Race: Drow
Class: Assassin
Alignment: Neutral Evil
STR: 16
DEX: 19
CON: 15
INT: 16
WIS: 10
CHA: 11


“Violence is a fact of life, war is a corpse mill, and blood is red juice that stains. I won’t put out my eyes to see glory where there is none.”
When asked about her past, Moidre says little, which you've quickly come to realise is normal for her. Her helmet, which she refuses to remove even when ordered, hides her countenance from the world, and her voice rarely wavers from its flat inflection, making her as easy to engage with as a brick; however, her intense discipline marks her as something more than common sellsword.
Race: Dwarf
Class: Dwarven Defender
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
STR: 18/87
DEX: 15
CON: 19
INT: 11
WIS: 10
CHA: 6
Proficiencies: War Hammer, Sword & Shield Style


“See, killing a Talassan is easy for you. Same way killing a Helmite is easy for us. But killing Joe Such-and-Such, who it turns out grew up in same town as you and makes wood carvings on his days off and still misses his mum sometimes...that's not easy. Not for anyone.”
When asked about his past, Dave chuckles and says it's not the past you should be interested in, but the present. Born to a single mother in a quiet village, Dave seems to have joined the church of Talos on a whim, for there was no outside force, nor troubled childhood, nor deranged power-hunger to compel him. Despite this, he expresses no doubts or regrets over his chosen path, and refuses to be swayed from it.
Race: Human
Class: Priest of Talos
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
STR: 13
DEX: 16
CON: 12
INT: 12
WIS: 18
CHA: 14
Proficiencies: Flail/Morning Star, Sling


“Perhaps there are beings as wise as dragons, or as strong, or as majestic, but never all three. We are second to gods, and only some even then.”
Before you even had the chance to ask about her past, Flara insisted she was once a powerful red dragon, who is now trapped in human form. This may be true, or it may not; she can offer no concrete explanation for how such a predicament came about, nor does she recall much of her time before it. Nevertheless, the air around her ripples with heat, and her fiery breath is difficult to argue with, though not as much as her temperament.
Race: Human(?)
Class: Dragon Disciple
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
STR: 17
DEX: 9
CON: 15
INT: 18
WIS: 13
CHA: 15
Proficiencies: Dagger

DAVE: Beregost, near the obelisk
FLARA: Nashkel, Belching Dragon Inn
LITTLUN: Bear River (Area N of Gnoll Stronghold), southwest corner
MOIDRE: Beregost, Red Sheaf Inn
VYND: Beregost, Burning Wizard Inn
Only Vynd and Kivan will come to blows, and it can be prevented by talking to Vynd before things escalate too far.
Flara and Moidre must be recruited before completing the Nashkel mines! If they haven't been in the party before chapter 3, they'll disappear.
While it is intended that none of these characters (except Littlun) care about the party’s reputation, this feature still doesn’t work in the Enhanced Edition. If you want to use them all together, I recommend installing the Happy Patch component of the Tweaks Anthology. It’s okay. You’re not breaking the rules.
While Moidre is neutral, she responds best to a high reputation. If you want to get the most out of her, be good.
Keep Gorion’s letter! Having it in your inventory unlocks some additional player-initiated dialogues for each character.
Don’t tell Vynd you love him. You’ve been warned.
Vynd is the same snarky drow he always was, and aside from his interactions with the new NPCs, nothing’s changed. If you’ve played or intend to play the Vynd mod by itself, don’t worry. You’re not missing anything.
Post edited by Glam_Vrock on
The plan from the beginning was to release all these NPCs at once, but I got Vynd finished early, and I decided it’d be better to cut my teeth on a smaller mod before tackling a project this big. Now, at last, they’re all together, as Talos intended. Big thanks to everyone who’s supported the Vynd mod thus far; if not for you, I probably would never have finished this one.
(Just in case you'll tackle SoD - please do!! - I wrote some SoD NPC tutorials here.)
Thanks for creating awesome stuff.
This should now be fixed. Thanks, folks.
The pieces are in place to make this mod non-EE friendly. I'll make that my next priority. Only issue is kits; I doubt Beamdog wants me straight up copying their content and releasing it in a mod, so Moidre and Flara will probably just have to be a vanilla Fighter and Sorcerer.
I sadly can't switch. Too much work went into my install already.
~1PP/1PP.TP2~ #0 #103 // 1ppv4: Extended palette entries -> Full install (recommended): v4.1.0 BWP Fix
Flara's Major colour in EE is colour 126, and the same colour (126) does also exist in my BGT install because of 1pp4. A little query in the install (does BGT user have 1pp4 installed?) should do the trick.
Hell no. Sorry.
The EET project is run by @k4thos, a very respected modder. Many mods are already EET compatible, please see the Mod Compatibility List for EET.
The crazy Mary Sue character you mentioned is called Sandrah und is a totally different animal. Sandrah is installed on top of EET. I would never promote Sandrah.
What @StefanO said. What you "heard" where the rumors the author of said Sandrah Saga mod spread especially here at BeamDog's using all those fake accounts. Sandrah Saga needs EET. EET has nothing to do with the Sandrah Saga. EET is just BG:EE+SoD+BGII:EE in one go, with an according worldmap and continuity if NPCs die in BG1.
(k4thos is @swit here, I think.)
If you're going to implement SoD content (or BG2 version of your NPCs) at some point please read "Adding support for NPC transition system" section of this file: https://cdn.rawgit.com/K4thos/EET/master/EET/docs/Modder's Notes.html
This is amazing. I'm so hyped to see what she has for these guys.
it was not just the modder making alts that got them in trouble. they make cross mod with out the author's concent.
I don't want to knock on another modder, it takes a ton of work and there was a lot put in here, but it definitely could use some revising to remove some Mary Sue and classical bad fanfiction (modfiction?) elements.
In regards to your own mod, I've spent some time reading over the lines and the characterization and personalities are awesome. I love the quips, quirks, and bounce of the lines, and the humor works. I thought Flara would be my least favorite with the red dragon claiming gig, but it pulls off well as an outrageous absurdity that adds humor and avoids the special snowflake trap. It looks like great work, and I hope to definitely play it once I am done with my SoD Modding, it's definitely taught me a thing or two about dialogue writing. Also really nice portraits, wherever they are from, they fit right in.