Who don't you like?

Are there any characters that every time you bump into them you think "Oh, not that guy! I hate that guy!"
With me it's Drizzt. When I first played BG I knew nothing of the lore of the Forgotten Realms and so hadn't heard of him and right from the start I thought he seemed like a dick. He asks for your help but it's only so he can show off how much better than you he is. And even if you do help him you get nothing for it (except the gnoll treasure he can't be bothered to pick up for himself).
Plus he's got all this cool gear but the only way to get your hands on it is to go heavy on the cheese and for me that breaks any immersion in the game. And even if you do get his gear you are going to end up wielding a sword called Twinkle. I ask you, what kind of loser calls their sword Twinkle?
Drizzt Do'Urden - I hate that guy.
With me it's Drizzt. When I first played BG I knew nothing of the lore of the Forgotten Realms and so hadn't heard of him and right from the start I thought he seemed like a dick. He asks for your help but it's only so he can show off how much better than you he is. And even if you do help him you get nothing for it (except the gnoll treasure he can't be bothered to pick up for himself).
Plus he's got all this cool gear but the only way to get your hands on it is to go heavy on the cheese and for me that breaks any immersion in the game. And even if you do get his gear you are going to end up wielding a sword called Twinkle. I ask you, what kind of loser calls their sword Twinkle?
Drizzt Do'Urden - I hate that guy.
Jaheira and Khalid being too low level for seasoned adventurers. Or Xzar? Sent by the Zentarim to investigate, so why would they send a level 1 noob for that? Not that I have really read the backstory though, perhaps there's a reason I've missed.
Elminster trying to be cool with all his less-than-great advise. Luckily, 6 traps later, he's dead. Several times and at least that helps on road 161.
A mage that powerful has nothing better to do than sit in the lowest level of the mines and WAIT for my party to show up and slaughter him. He can't even be bothered to even help his own bodyguard who's literally in the next room! Then he acts like he's such a bad-ass after he's sacrificed his entire militia and all of cronies. "Uh yeah, you're SO bad. Where were you when I waded through about 50 hobgoblin, 100 guards, 10 of your cronies, your personal bodyguard and an ogre mage? Did you just hope we'd get tired and go home? Or maybe trip on the bodies and hurt ourselves?"
Also the ToB big bad, I saw through the act immediately but had to sit through the whole game anyway
Edit: Oops this is BG, in that case Edwin, I found him intensely annoying and couldn’t believe he was one of the few npcs to return in BG2, especially with Minsc having survived too and them both apparently having travelled with you
Also Jaheira, Gorion’s friend, a Harper and a mother figure but who moans constantly and undermines charname when his rep gets too high from solving problems in the region at her request (corrected in the EEs but it still chaffs from 1998)
Ulcaster, holmes just wonders around and sometimes doesn't even appear when im trying to bring his book back, so sometimes i have to rest and hope that he comes or even reload because sometimes he doesnt like to spawn
Khark, this guy is a colossal pain in the EEs, back in the good ol' vanilla days, you could just cast dispel magic and actually be able to do stuff to this guy, but now that the EEs use the dispel magic rules of SoA, you have no hopes in that affecting him, and unless you have breach ( which you can't get at this point ) and spell thrust, he is a very difficult/annoying enemy, i could only imagine how ridiculous he must be on SCS ugh
team mate wise;
jaheira, can't give much love to her, especially in vanilla, the EEs almost save her with the fact that she gets the updated spell book of SoA so she gets call woodland creatures, but stat wise, she will never be a good melee'er like she can become in SoA, her DEX and STR both are garbage and you can't get both to be good ( without rasaad ) so she always has to sit in the back throwing sling a ling ding a ling bullets, but i guess she does an okay job of that
ajantis, pretty much the same case scenario as jaheira in that all of his top 3 stats are mediocre at best, for someone who is supposed to be in melee he sure as hell does not shine in this aspect, while 17 STR sounds cool, thats absolute crap, only giving +1 to hit/to damage, 13 DEX is so laughable even if you were insane and wasted a tome of DEX on the holmes, he would still NOT receive an AC bonus, and 16 CON; BORING, for someone in melee 16 CON is kind of crap as well, now i know that every joinable team mate doesnt need to have power game stats or the such, but this guy is dictionary definition of mediocre, and in all seriousness, khalid brings this guy to school when it comes to melee, because unlike wadjantis, he has decent CON of 17, an acceptable DEX of 16, and that 15 STR can be brought up with mits of ogre power, and sillyjantis can't have both, sorry lamejantis, but i just can't keep bringing you around, kivan,khalid and even minsc ( lewls ) are better than you combat wise bud
shar-teel, she was one of my favourite evil joinables and now i despise her, for some reason this is the only joinable character that beamdog dramatically changed and gave her two weapon fighting style, and one proficiency point on longsword and one wasted point on dagger, now im forced to dual class this clown to get her grandmastery out of longsword, and if i want to choose another weapon, then i have to do some exploit - wait to level up shenanigans to get grandmastery in again, and to top it all off, she doesn't play well with dorn and one day they will fight one another, but ironically after that, she is still actually one of the best evil melee'ers and speaking about dorn....
i hate that guy as well, tsunami in more irony of me complaining about characters being to weak, this holmes here is way to strong, that 19 STR is just way too good for BG1, notice how with minsc he has 18/93 and his other stats are complete trash? yeah, there's a reason for it, because big STR is really good in BG ( half-orc CHAR are just unfair in BG, hence the reason why they were only originally in SoA where only charname could be one and 19 STR in bg2 isnt such a big deal ) and mix this in with an extremely powerful class kit and dorn just wipes the floor of adversary filth, and two handed sword, holy sweet jeebus, how many joinable chums need to be using two handed swords? minsc, keldorn, dorn, sarevok, there are just too many two handed swords on the dance floor, despite the fact that it is my favourite weapon, it is really getting played out a little much, with that silly STR of his, dorn should have been specialized in something like a spear or quarterstaff to make up for that insane stat, or at least a halberd to switch it up a bit
For some reason the only good aligned Dwarf is at the bottom of the mines and you get him so late in the game
I actively dislike Safana, never had her in my parties and never will
I mildly dislike Xzar and Montaron, when I reach them I always roll my eyes, but I often pick them to have some more meat shields when dealing with Tarnesh
I used to dislike Dynaheir, until I realized that she was voiced by Jennifer Hale, and starting to use BG1 NPC project also helped in flesh her out too.
As for EE NPCs, they are mostly OK in BG1... the only one I tend to avoid is Rasaad, for game-mechanics reasons... but I completely hate Hexxat and Dorn in BG2.
I never used Ajantis, Alora, Eldoth and Quayle yet... so no opinion on them.
As for enemy NPCs, the only one I hate is Tarnesh... specially with SCS installed... he's one of a hell road block if you want to avoid reloading, and it's completely random (in my experience) on how the encounter will going to go on a given playthrough... I haven't found a reliable way to be sure I can deal with him when following the intended starting path, so I often just sigh and take the reloads I need to pass him.
Well, I for one won't. Never understood the community's obsession with this guy.
Haha maybe they r not obssesed with Him exactly! Remember of Boo! Cute little puppy! How not to LOVE him!
I dont like Irenicus... Yeah... I mean hes a Villain of some weird sort. Thinks he ate all brains, have some power gods-know-from-where... If i didnt know him sience Bg2 already i would Love him in SoD. Mysterious, sinister, he really build some atmosphere there. Sadly we know about Bg2 and how overambitious he is. Im absolutely in love in his dubbing (both eng and pl - aye, im from poland) Just somehow the way he think annoy me... also that he always has to have the last word, and our answers never hits him.
Melissana - ough! Worst type rly! Just as the whole, sorry lass.
Jan Jansen - talks TOO much! Omg! Had him once in a party but those dialogues sooo boring i always skipped.
I never managed to stick with Dorn and Neera for long. Both act like 80's cartoon characters, IMO. 'Sides, it's like they were written for paralel quests, as they have no comments whatsoever about Gorion's ward main quest.
I like BG1 Minsc, but in BG2 he becomes such a one note character, not evwn Dynaheir's death gave him a new personality layer .
Finally, Voghlin. He's just annoying .
Eldoth. He's just a gross, one-dimensional playboy scoundrel, and not even a whole lot to look at as far as his character sheet goes. Could we get a Bard with a good Wisdom? The poison arrows just aren't that good a gimmick, in my opinion. I hope the next game he's in, he gets blown up into a million pieces! There would be Eldoth Kron everywhere!
Coran. o look a scuzzbucket deadbeat loser Wish the treatment he got in BG II were canon and he didn't show up in Legends of Baldur's Gate.
Sendai Argrim. Stinky bully, thanks for the cool equipment you and your friends dropped. Too bad I had to have Neera cast prestidigitation to make it not stinky. Stinky bully.
Corsone. STOP POISONING PEOPLE. What is WRONG with you?!
Silke Rosena. Come on, how dense do you think I am?! When I first played your quest at twelve years of age, I didn't buy your whole yarn about the merchants being bad guys!
By introducing you to the job the way she does she establishes what the cover story will be ahead of time, and never openly acknowledges the true plan where prying ears can hear.
There needs to be a third option that involves illithid tadpoles.
Drizzt. In the EEs they made him even more overpowered so I hate him even more. He's just not a fun addition--it's something for the people deep into the lore of Forgotten Realms to enjoy, and for everyone else to scratch their head at--especially if they try and fight him out of curiosity and get absolutely demolished for no reason other than "IT'S DRIZZT AND HE'S POWERFUL AND SO, SO COOL!" Give me a break.
@Permidion_Stark. Screw that guy.
Yeah, this.
Unshey and Zhurlong, who give you garbage quest rewards for retrieving valuable items. I never give them their stuff and rarely even bother to talk to them.
John Irenicus, who is basically evil just because he's throwing a very long, long temper tantrum. His voice acting is great, of course. Definitely not the worst villain ever, just not the best IMO.
Party members:
BG1 Jaheira. She's completely insufferable, bossy, and rude with zero redeeming qualities. In BGII they do a great job fleshing her out by maintaining her rigidity and bossiness while showing she actually is a human being with a heart, gasp! She's in my bottom three in BG1 and in my top three in BGII. Also a total MILF, sorry not sorry.
Eldoth Kron. Yeah, he's a douche with no real redeeming qualities, including stats, as others have stated. There's a great opportunity to make a properly scoundrel-yet-somewhat-charming character here, but BG1's dialogues were fairly limited so he just comes off as a jerk more than anything. There it is.
Minsc. Annoying as all hell and his one-liners are the bane of my existence. There is an odd insistence for pop culture communities to rally around a character or catchphrase despite said character or catchphrase being remarkably less witty than 90% of the other material... So "butt-kicking for goodness" becomes just as cringe-y as Rick and Morty's "I'M PICKLE RICK!" and Portal's "the cake is a lie," for instance. Also, BG1 Minsc comes off as Chaotic Neutral more than anything. He's actually Chaotic Good in BGII and is significantly better-written, I occasionally take him in my group in BGII while I tend to kill him on sight in BG1 (or rather, kill him when he attacks me for refusing to travel 80 hours to rescue some random mage).
Branwen. Just god damn annoying and cringe-y.
Hexxat. Annoying and the writers clearly wanted her to come across as hot shit. Her dialogues with the existing BGII NPCs reminds me of all the times youths/young adults write fan fiction of their favorite franchise, inserts their own Original Character(TM), and the OC proceeds to be a total badass and steal the show. It's just so bad.
BGII Dorn. Evil for the sake of being evil with no clear motivation, after being genuinely interesting in BG1, which makes it all the more upsetting.
Korgan. Pretty much just an edgelord.
Mazzy, who's kind of cringe-y and also treats Valygar like human refuse which turns my ambivalence into disdain.
Nalia. A very over-the-top social critique of being born into privilege. I don't take it offensively, it's just not pleasant. I mean, you're pretty much supposed to dislike her, right? Everyone in every party makes sure to tell you, so...
I kept searching through all the dialogue options looking for one where I came out on top. What's that expression about trying to play chess with a pigeon or something? No matter what you do you look like an idiot when the pigeon just knocks all the pieces off the board.
Lord Binky the Buffoon IIRC
arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon...
... no matter how good your are at chess, the pigeon is going to *defecate* on the board, knock over the pieces and strut around like it won anyway
All right, I'll still pick him up for the Brielbara quest. He needs to face some of the consequences for his actions.
I just thought of something... werewolf-themed party, protagonist is severely annoyed at Coran? His ending in BG2 will be so satisfying. Tsk, tsk. You shouldn't have gotten in the middle of a fight between two packs.
As I said before, my impression of him is quite dubious. There's a friendship dialogue in cloakwood from the npc project that if you tell him that he's being immature and a douche he'll leave the party, and that's usually how I ponder if he fits my current protagonist or not, cause RPwise some of my Charnames would surely tell him to f**k off while others would tolerant his personality. From a tactical point of view he's an amazing npc to have around.
close, it wasn't actually an instant death effect ( although on insane difficulty it might as well should have been ) what happened was, every time he hit you, you had to make a save vs death or take an extra 30 damage ( or 60 on insane, wowzers ) i believe the reasoning behind this was because dual wielding didn't exist in bg1 and this is how the original devs "implemented" it