Baldur's Gate Console Feedback

So as most are aware the games are finally out for PS4, X-Box and Switch owners to enjoy.
It's an amazing port and the controls work really well I'm happy to report. I thought it would be great to have a thread specifically for the console versions where we could give general feedback that may be able to get "fixed" or added in in a future patch.
Please keep it reasonable in terms of what we can realistically expect the team to add
+ The most obvious for me; a hot quick save button. Essential for harder difficulties so users aren't going into the menus every minute.
+ When I'm checking my characters stats etc it would be great if it switched to whatever character I selected with the bumpers rather than go back to the first of the 5 black rectangles. This instigates 4 more button presses per character to get to where I was i.e when checking how many individual enemies a character has killed from one character in the party to another.
+ The map screen really could be bigger, certainly the text before the mouse cursor hovers over needs to be.
+ Cutscenes seem to zoom out an uncomfortably long way (a medium zoom or user selectable zoom would be ideal).
More a neutral take it or leave it thing... but having the boots of speed equipped for the main character is like all the characters having boots of speed equipped with how the anologue stick movement works (the rest of the party follow a fraction of a second behind).
Feel free to most anymore feedback. I'm sure game vets will be able to go into alot more detail. Overall well done Beamdog and thank you for an amazing port
It's an amazing port and the controls work really well I'm happy to report. I thought it would be great to have a thread specifically for the console versions where we could give general feedback that may be able to get "fixed" or added in in a future patch.
Please keep it reasonable in terms of what we can realistically expect the team to add

+ The most obvious for me; a hot quick save button. Essential for harder difficulties so users aren't going into the menus every minute.
+ When I'm checking my characters stats etc it would be great if it switched to whatever character I selected with the bumpers rather than go back to the first of the 5 black rectangles. This instigates 4 more button presses per character to get to where I was i.e when checking how many individual enemies a character has killed from one character in the party to another.
+ The map screen really could be bigger, certainly the text before the mouse cursor hovers over needs to be.
+ Cutscenes seem to zoom out an uncomfortably long way (a medium zoom or user selectable zoom would be ideal).
More a neutral take it or leave it thing... but having the boots of speed equipped for the main character is like all the characters having boots of speed equipped with how the anologue stick movement works (the rest of the party follow a fraction of a second behind).
Feel free to most anymore feedback. I'm sure game vets will be able to go into alot more detail. Overall well done Beamdog and thank you for an amazing port

Post edited by Hostile_18 on
problems that I encountered:
- Worldmap: The map icon texts are too small to read, but its still useable as the location is shown on the top of the screen when you hover over it.
- Cutscenes: Ingame cutscenes run fully zoomed out. Again not a big issue but everything gets really really small.
- Crashes: I had two "normal" crashes - both on cutscene start (one in Durlags tower and one when you approch Simmeon with Dorn in your party). Not a big problem, as after restarting the game the cutscene played correctly.
- Save corruption: So far the game crashed for me twice on saving. The result of this is that your savefile is gone. I had to rely on the Auto Save, but started to alternate between two savefiles to prevent losing to much progress when it happens again.
- Durlags tower: I exited the tower by talking with Islanne on basement level 4 with the intend to return later. But re-entering the elemental chamber on level 3 (as I did it on the PC version) does not teleport me to the chessboard. So I can not finish the Soultaker quest as I can no longer reach the lowest level.
It's a fantastic port and a lot better than I'd hoped tbh
So big thank you to Beamdog for making this happen..
When using tactical mode, holding down X or A for the highlight shortcut, releasing it will cause an action like move or such. I'd prefer it if it didn't do this. I don't like highlight on all the time but if I hold it down during a fight I have to be careful not to cancel my teams actions.
Individuals with the X cancel action command. When you group people you get the X cancel action command on the hotbar but not for individuals so it can be a bit funny to get them to cancel an action.
When opening containers in stores pressing Circle or B for close exits out the store, feel like it should close the container first. Not a biggie but a nuisance that has caught me a few times because Circle or B is like back key in my mind not exit and I am aware you can close the container using another key but whatevs.
Using the left stick to scroll in store should snap the directional buttons to that section. You can scroll all the way to the bottom of the store using the left stick, then when you move the d pad it snaps you to the top of the store or wherever you were last. Feels kinda clunky.
That's all for now! My other complaints are old issues like defensive fighter script running into melee range with a ranged weapon after completing an action and there being no other good script to not initiate combat unless party are attacked and continue fighting after your target is dead. The Advanced AI script seems to be missing an option for a defensive mode to kinda not make the first move. Bit irritating when an enemy just comes into view and I'm sneaking and Khalid just starts shooting and Jaheria casts Bless then runs right up to an ogres face and pelts him with the sling.
On the left trigger that brings up the party member "circle" where you can select different sub groups within the main group. It would be alot more usable if when you select a subgroup it goes straight back into the game, rather than having to manually exit out of the circle menu each time.
If theres a use I've over looked for selecting characters and it not going straight into the game then ignore this point (obviously triangle wouldn't do this as this assigns groups not selects them, just cross should do this).
Secondly it would be handy if when loading saved games they were ordered so the most recent save is always at the top. This would save time looking at how many days have passed for each save slot. The harder the difficulty the more convenient this would be.
Ah that's not good!
Whatever is causing it I think its limited to the Switch Lite/Switch.
I'm saving a hell of a lot of the PS4 Pro and not one corruption. Maybe 3 hard crashes in 60 hours though.
Hi. Will there be a patch for the console versions? If so will it just be bugs or will a few quality of life features that have been mentioned possibly be added? Just trying to set my expectations as support for games varies greatly from developer to developer. It will also determine when I'll tackle the other games on the disc (just at the end of BG1/Sword Coast now).
Saverok has gone MIA. I was up to the final battle, I was triggering the traps and then going outside and resting up and when I got to the end of the room he isn't there and the important events part of the journal says finished. 3 of my saves I wrote over as I didnt realize it had glitched. So I'm about 2 hours back.
I think the same button that opens the map should also close it. I had to fight alot of muscle memory to stop highlighting the walkable area of the map all the time lol.
Beamdog did actually create an updated online pdf manual for the EE games. The Wild Surge table is on page 31. It's actually an amazing resource that delves into almost everything you could want to know like Summon stats, weapon stat requirements, class level tables and all the spell details.
I also wanted to leave a bit of positive feedback: holy crap this game loads fast. I know it's an older game but from the Switch main menu, pressing A on the game's icon to open it, and hammering A as fast as possible to skip intro stuff and continue the most recent save...I timed it, it's less than 10 seconds to gameplay. That is INSANE. I don't think any game on Switch comes close. Almost every game has at least 30 seconds of cumulative loading, often a minute or more.
however! i just hit some button or did something that made it so the game is highlighting every available object/item, all character names are listed above everyone's heads (PC and NPCs).. it's a mess. anybody know how to get it to revert to normal??
Press X to get to the action bar, then press left to highlight the red diamond. Press A to toggle it on and off.
I actually have it turned on myself because I like it that way, I'm not missing anything interactive. But if you just want it some of the time, you can also hold the A button as you walk around.
That's good to know everything is been considered. Thank you for the update
I answered this just a few posts above. The buttons aren't the same as on Switch but the method is the same. Click the red gem in party actions UI.
During the encounter with Bassilus the intended behavior is either making him angry and needing to fight both him and his undead army, or saying the exact right things (choices 3-1-1) for his entire army to crumble and die as realization dawns. Instead, no matter what you say or do, all his minions will remain passive to you and will neither attack nor die. This was a bug reported in December 2012, and reported fixed in the same thread March 2013:
New one:
While saving the game, when you press down from the New Save option, the game will highlight the most recent UI slot you saved on, and not the most recent save file you used or whatever is at the top of the list. This behavior feels even weirder when your most recent save is below what's visible on screen, as your UI save selector will be scrolled off the bottom in a lower slot and won't be visible. Hard to describe, needs to be experienced.
Steps to reproduce:
- Have 4 existing save files
- Save the game once by scrolling to the bottom and overwriting the bottom-most file
- Without exiting the game or loading, go to save your game again
- You will now be highlighting the New Save option; your most recent save that you overwrote will be visible just below New Save
- Press down
- Your UI selector will now be confusingly below all visible save slots on the screen, and you will have to press up to see where you're at in the list
Playing on PS4.