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[MOD] Shades of the Sword Coast



  • Fishmalk_1Fishmalk_1 Member Posts: 58
    Trouveur wrote: »
    Duron wrote: »
    can someone tell me where all the pieces of night's passionate kiss are? (mace) I obviously missed a part somewhere.
    Ice Island, Durlag's Tower and I always forgot the third
    bandit camp
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 723
    Fishmalk_1 wrote: »
    Trouveur wrote: »
    Duron wrote: »
    can someone tell me where all the pieces of night's passionate kiss are? (mace) I obviously missed a part somewhere.
    Ice Island, Durlag's Tower and I always forgot the third
    bandit camp
    Thank you 🙂
  • hahahaguyhahahaguy Member Posts: 1

    Just wanted to comment on how fantastic this mod is. I liked how many of the quests introduced fit seamlessly into the original BG areas, giving it a breath of fresh air.

    I also like the new items introduced, most are not too OP and helps to fill up some of the empty equipment slots in the party
    (Edwin was the only one with a free off-hand so I gave him the Teddy bear, LOL)

    Just a question,
    Is there any quest related to the Ettin Revenant and skeleton found in the cave below the two dead Ormyrs?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    Thank you! :)
    Is there any quest related to the Ettin Revenant and skeleton found in the cave below the two dead Ormyrs?
    Yes! I mean, the skeleton is a quest item, and the revenant is just an enemy you need to get rid of to get the bones. You will need them later in the game, during the quest you may pick in Baldur's Gate city.
  • Mikey205Mikey205 Member Posts: 307
    Playing a new BG install with mods and just wanted to provide some feedback as I really like this mod so far. I love the random encounters. It has the feel of BG: Quest Pack and Unfinished Business which is the sort of content I mostly like.

    One small criticism I would have is that the dialogue feels a bit different in style to BG1 and even mods like NPC Project or Quest Pack. In particular some of the sentence structure is a bit roundabout and there's an excessive usage of "..." in places I didn't feel necessary and started to take me out a bit. The quests are so much fun and the ideas are unique, so I really just wanted to mention as this is my only complaint with the mod so far.
  • Mikey205Mikey205 Member Posts: 307
    I continue to play through with this mod. Really enjoying the new encounters. I thought the shadow gnoll fortress was good fun and I was quite impressed with the changes you made. I was going to say that the
    Long Sword +2
    felt like a bit much but then I remembered Greywolf. It's certainly a more interesting visual and felt more earned. Overall really impressed. I'm playing your mod with a couple of other quest add-ins and it's definitely spicing the game up a bit. The
    was an awesome touch - literally the sort of thing the original game was full of.

    Like I mentioned in previous post. There's definitely a couple of grammar things I spotted while playing. Be happy to share if it's helpful if you're looking to do an update.

    I'm looking forward to trying some of your BG2 mods.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    Hi! I'm glad you're enjoying the mod!
    As for the typos and grammar errors - feel free to send that using a private message. Ideally, it would be great if you could send .tra files with the corrections. If you need more info (I have no idea how familiar you are with a mod structure) then let me know - also in such private message.
    Have a nice day!
  • Mikey205Mikey205 Member Posts: 307
    Yes sure no worries. I've been mucking around with weidu for a minor mod I'm thinking of making for SoD so a little familiar. Im still playing through now so I won't spoil myself. Ill have a look through once Ive finished BG1 playthrough with mod.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    Thanks! :)
  • zelurkerzelurker Member Posts: 172
    I installed the mod after visiting the friendly arm inn a 1st time, by mistake, I was sure I had installed it, but since there were a few problems in the mods setup it was not installed in the end. The result is that I couldn't get to the cellar in the friendly arm inn, nor get the quest from the mage outside.
    I got the idea to reset both areas using nearinfinity. Well it worked wonderfully ! It's very easy to do, these are actually the 2 1st areas in the list normally, area 2300 or 2301 from memory, just read the title for the description, it's friendly arm inn exterior and then friendly arm inn, ground level (Bentley). Just delete these 2 files from the .sav file, recompress, save, and voila.
    You'll meet again the assassin who was on the stairs of the friendly arm inn, he's a joke now, but there were no duplicates of khalid and jaheira in the inn for me, and this time I had access to both the cellar and the mage's house so I could complete the cellar's quest and start the mage's quest !

    By the way congratulations for the mod, definitely one of the most impressive bg1 mods I ever saw !
  • VicenVicen Member Posts: 36
    For the life of me I cannot find the "melting man" I explored so many caves thinking id find him...alas, that is not the case. Any idea what area he's suppose to be in?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    edited April 2023
    It's the same cave as where you go in the Stone of Askavar mod. If you have SoA installed and the plot already started, the Melting Man will be standing outside.
  • VicenVicen Member Posts: 36
    edited April 2023
    Thank you for your prompt response! I found him quite easily enough with your excellent directions!
  • VicenVicen Member Posts: 36
    I will admit now...that I cannot find anyone to finish the quest "Kobolds dream too" any hint for this one?
  • Fishmalk_1Fishmalk_1 Member Posts: 58
    Vicen wrote: »
    I will admit now...that I cannot find anyone to finish the quest "Kobolds dream too" any hint for this one?
    Friendly Arms Inn.
  • VicenVicen Member Posts: 36
    Fishmalk_1 wrote: »
    Vicen wrote: »
    I will admit now...that I cannot find anyone to finish the quest "Kobolds dream too" any hint for this one?
    Friendly Arms Inn.

    Much appreciated!
  • VicenVicen Member Posts: 36
    edited April 2023
    Breeding Gibberlings in Baldurs Gate - does anyone know where the gibberlings are that ARENT in the sewers?
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 723
    Vicen wrote: »
    Breeding Gibberlings in Baldurs Gate - does anyone know where the gibberlings are that ARENT in the sewers?
    It's not a quest from SotSC but from Ascalon's questspack.
    The remaining are in
    Iron Throne headquarters.
  • VicenVicen Member Posts: 36
    Trouveur wrote: »
    Vicen wrote: »
    Breeding Gibberlings in Baldurs Gate - does anyone know where the gibberlings are that ARENT in the sewers?
    It's not a quest from SotSC but from Ascalon's questspack.
    The remaining are in
    Iron Throne headquarters. apologies heh...thank you for answering though!
  • Chicken7023Chicken7023 Member Posts: 26
    Hello ! Thank you for the mod ! I did most of the quests and had a nice time. I had just a tiny question : on my previous playthrough I found the plumsun honey, but I must have missed it this time around. Could you please tell me where it is ? I don't want to re-explore all of the areas. Thanks !
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    I *think* it was in the Xvart village? But I may be wrong.

    I'm glad you like the mod!
  • barker262barker262 Member Posts: 83
    Requesting a favor from Lava, if you're reading this; Do you know how to transfer an item from this BG 1 ee mod into BG 2 ee?
    There is a simitar that you get from under the tree of shades, awesome weapon. I basically built my blade kit bard around it. I tried to move it over to BG 2 with console and ee keeper, each time I do it arrives messed up. It can be seen in the hand and the stats appear correct, but in the inventory it is invisible, just a blank square that has the sound of metal being moved when clicked on, and the description sheet is just random insane rambling.

  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    You can't just copy the item. Your BG2 does not have the .itm, nor the needed line for the description, lines for the identified / unidentified item names and effects (if there were any external effects for that specific item, I can't remember now). Sorry, but you would need a separate mod to move that and/or other items to BG2EE and I am not planning to make such item. There are plenty of other scimitars in there, especially with mods. IIRC, there are cool twin scimitars dropped by the White Queen (in CoI: White Queen, of course), and a truly powerful one in Hephernaan for BG2EE (that one can be even compared with other most powerful items in BG2, but you will need to pay a price for it), then there is a druidic one in Faldorn BG2EE (mostly cool when used by druids, but I think bards can use those too), there is another one in Skie: The Cost of One Girl's Soul (and no, you do not need Skie to get that one)... And those are only in my mods, while there are other mods that also add some items!

    I may, at some point, add something more with a similar theme, but I'm not adding this one. Especially considering that there are better weapons in BG2EE and that one would be helpful for only a portion of SoA.
  • barker262barker262 Member Posts: 83
    Especially considering that there are better weapons in BG2EE and that one would be helpful for only a portion of SoA.
    Lava you're underselling yourself. There might be better weapons in BG2, but yours would hit the enemy with a 'call lighting' bolt on crits. Thats a coolness factor that can't be beat.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    EET (Enhanced Edition Trilogy) isn't entirely what you asked for, but it turns BG1EE, SoD, and BG2EE into a continuous experience where you can keep your gear stashed somewhere between games.
  • mausmaus Member Posts: 24
    Or you use EET_Tweak-Mod to transfer all equipment to Irenicus dungeon (Duergar).
  • barker262barker262 Member Posts: 83
    Keep the suggestions coming lads. One is bound to work.
  • Skull_BearerSkull_Bearer Member Posts: 75
    I really love this mod, but I can't find the aka extract for the Big Appetites quest?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    IIRC, the group you encounter right when you escape Nashkel Mines has the extract.
  • Skull_BearerSkull_Bearer Member Posts: 75
    Ah, that makes sense, thank you!
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