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[MOD] Shades of the Sword Coast



  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    I think they're
    near the mountain cemetery, on the ship wreck (the original one on the shire), and in the pirate caves (the Ulgoth's Beard lighthouse quest)
  • MapekMapek Member Posts: 57
    I think they're
    near the mountain cemetery, on the ship wreck (the original one on the shire), and in the pirate caves (the Ulgoth's Beard lighthouse quest)

    Yeah I missed the third one. Thank you so much
  • cccowcccow Member Posts: 2
    Anyone have a hint on where that Pirate Cave is - I have trailed all around Ulgoth's - feel like I am missing something in front of my eyes!
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    The mod makes it possible to enter the lighthouse.
  • cccowcccow Member Posts: 2
    Ah I really was missing the obvious...
    Thanks...enjoying the small tales a lot....and looking forward to trying your BG2 mods...
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    Thanks! Have fun!
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 723
    Mapek wrote: »
    Hi there. One question. I am doing Ghost Ship quest and I forget where to get the bones of skeleton's three children. I got two ( don't even remember where from). Could you tell me where to find them all?
    - a cave in the Old cimetary in the south west
    - a cave below the lighthouse in Ulgoth's Beard
    - in the shipwreck in the coastal area to the west of High Edge
  • PasitoPasito Member Posts: 2
    I just installed this mod - among other ones, just to make it messy - and while it has installed successfully it seems to have duplicated every npc added by it.

    There were 2 'Crying Woman' outside of Nashkel mines for example, and within it I found two of the 'Unlikely Hero'. Obviously this is affecting every npc added by it that I've noticed.

    I'm yet to see anything detrimental from this, no broken quests or anything too strange, but I'm not sure how I caused it, or what mod conflict could cause it. I don't suppose you know of this bug or a way to fix it short of a reinstall? All things equal, I'd just rather not reinstall and waste time if it's nothing worse than a cosmetic bug.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    I never encountered such a problem so it's hard for me to say what may be the problem with your setup. It's also hard to say anything about consequences, but... I wonder if enemies are also going to get doubled. If so, that may become a bit problematic.
  • PasitoPasito Member Posts: 2
    Something I've noticed with a bit of extra thought - The Friendly Arms Basement was part of this pack, right?
    The Innkeeper had duplicated dialogue. The option to start the quest was repeated. I'm unsure about the expected Dire Rats inside, but there was plenty, followed by 2 Carrion Crawlers. But the named humanoids weren't duplicated.

    SOME other areas that I confirmed were part of this pack had everything duplicated. But there was only one Golem and the Omyyr weren't weird. I had two npcs tell me about Apex Predator though.

    I'm only playing on core so it's nice and easy all the same, so whatever, I'll just hope nothing breaks. Some weird dialogue interactions where npcs are set to approach players. I believe there's one (two) outside the Friendly Arms Inn who approach about some circles and asks me to enter his house. The clone npc then says "thanks for coming inside, go do this stuff for me". But again, nothing broken that I can tell. Same for Apex Predator; the first one gave me the quest, the second one asked me why it wasn't finished 0.2s later.

    Seeming it's just a me issue I'll blame it on a bug/mod installation order/whatever and leave it at that, thanks for the reply.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    I think I would just reinstall everything... The characters initiate dialogues twice because even though their talks set the variables, the script of the duplicated character stills forces them to talk to you, but since the talk already set the variable... so it just gets weirdly messy.
  • KaliestoKaliesto Member Posts: 282
    Hello Lava, I haven't play it yet, but I've played some of your older mods.

    I just want to say thank you for the Friendly Arm Inn expansion, and excited to see what it holds one day.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    Thank you! I hope you will enjoy your run with the mod :)
  • SourSour Member Posts: 118
    edited November 2024
    I give feedback to mod makers when I play their mods and the first time I played SOTSC was way back at beta 1 and I forced it on an EET install even though it didn't support it back then which caused me to miss out on some major quests. This was around the time Beamdog released the 2.5 version of the game which caused massive issues with SCS and other mods that I used. It also broke path finding and LOB mode so while my initial impressions of SOTSC were positive, I feel that I was unhappy with the state of the game and it effected my opinion of the mod.

    Since then this mod has added EET support and many new items and quests. Some items were rebalanced and some added enemies have also been included. Over time, the other mods that I used have been updated to work around the issues caused by 2.5 and 2.66.

    SOTSC is the largest custom mod that I have played for BG1. The only mod I have installed for BG1 that is larger than SOTSC is Icewind Dale in EET which is a full game made by a pro studio of employees and the only "mod" part of it was importing it into the BG world and rebalancing it for a level 7-8 party.

    I completed all quests for SOTSC in my current playthrough and managed to find and do everything without needing to look anything up on the internet.

    The approach to adding content in this mod is different than most mods that focus on adding a story or a dungeon. SOTSC strengthens the existing areas buy adding random locations and quests to areas that lacked depth originally. This makes the game stronger as a whole but lacks the writing strengths that mods like Baldran's Sea Tower and Black Hearts provide. These quests and areas have there own mini stories that are enjoyable but they don't build on one another to push story telling or character depth to new heights. What SOTSC does well is add random depth to areas that match the original content really well regarding quests and new areas to visit within existing maps.

    I'm playing with SCS, Difficulty Tweak and EET Tweaks on insane mode with double damage. I found the gameplay in this mod to be in line with the original game content in terms of challenge most of the time but some of the new enemies push difficulty up a notch on some maps which I enjoyed. I remove +1 weapons with SCS and some of the added enemies from SOTSC require +1 magic weapons to hit which makes the number of party members that can fight them limited and also adds importance to SOTSC's new magic items. Blinding bug bears and other tanky enemies was a must at the start of the game and finding a +1 Katana in the mines was great. Improved SCS spiders combined with the Bassalisc monsters in the tree of shades area was a really fun challenge that worked out great.

    I have some self imposed rules so I don't steal from any merchants and I don't recharge any items in the game. Once I use them they are gone. The items in SOTSC were a concern of mine and they do add up over time and give the party a notable boost in power via higher saving throws, THAC0, and boosted armor class. However, the most offending items have been balanced since the last time I played the game and the issues I had with the increased casting level and chromatic orb are no longer present in the game thanks to SCS. By refusing to charge items I had to get buy on a single wand of paralysis and monster summoning until I reached the city of Baldur's Gate which was quite a challenge considering I gave all enemies 3x HP with Difficulty tweak and improved AI with SCS.

    I used the wand of Cloudkill 2 times. Once against the spider queen in the Cloakwood area because that many SCS spiders with that many hitpoints in a confined space was near impossible otherwise. I also used it in the fight with Daveorn to wipe out a buildup of Black Talan soldiers who I webbed during the battle and didn't want to interfere with me. At the end of the game I still had one charge left on the wand and I could cast cloud kill every day because I had a mage that memorized the scroll by that point in the game. My advice to players of this mod is to improve the difficulty a little higher than normal so that you can enjoy the new items without breaking game balance. The new items provide something new to collect and to adventure for. They give you something to spend the extra money you earn on as well. I enjoyed finding new maces, scimitars, and Katana's in this mod but my own self imposed rules and game difficulty mods are what kept it fun and challenging. Know your own limits and balance the game yourself accordingly. It can be done with little effort.

    The new explorable areas match the original art design of the game very well. After a while the new areas start to add up and you realize just how much work and content has been added to this game overall with SOTSC. This is a fairly large expansion of the game overall and I experienced no bugs.

    I played this with Black hearts and Baldran's SeaTower as well as the NPC project. I only experienced 1 crash during the 160 hours it took me to beat everything with this much content on the difficulty settings I'm using. The single crash occurred in the sewers of Baldur's Gate near the new "collector" room that was added by SOTSC. I remember experiencing this crash the last time I installed this mod but it's hard to say with certainty what is causing it. The crash is not repeatable upon reload.

    This mod adds alot of new XP and combined with the other mods I'm using, I needed to cut XP in order to maintain gamebalance. I used a custom XP setting of 60% with EET Tweaks. This gave me 90,000 XP when I left the Candlekeep Catacombs and 157,000 XP when I finished Tales Of The Sword Coast. After finishing the game I had 175000 XP which is just 14,000 XP beyond the original BGEE XP cap so everything balanced out nicely. This made my characters 1 level lower than normal during the early parts of the game but I didn't find it to be that big of a deal. I used the 6 person cannon party the entire game and traded all of the XP that I could with the tree of shades.

    EDIT: Updated score on 11/13/24: Reflects my new review standards in order to insure fairness between all mods that I have reviewed.

    All things considered I would give this mod a rating of "B". SOTSC doesn't push gameplay or content in new directions of quality but it has lots of content and items that add depth and strength to the original game and it fits in with the original writing and art design. The game can be easily balanced in a mega mod install but it does have balancing issues regarding gold, XP and many OP items. This mod caused a single crash and has zero quest bugs that I am aware of. There are a few minor encounters that stray away from the core game tonally. It would be nice to have a modular installer that allows items to be nerfed more and to have these minor encounters as optional. The crash and the minor encounters are the only thing keeping me from installing this every time I play. I can balance the game on my own but it would be nice if I didn't have to. Multiple mods like this one can add up to the point where they are no longer able to be balanced even if you know what you are doing like I do.

    One problem this mod has is English translation. I wrote down all of the grammatical problems that I found and the appropriate fixes but I will post them later since this review is getting long in the tooth.
    Post edited by Sour on
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    Thanks for the review! I'm sure it's also going to be helpful for those who are considering trying out the mod.

    To keep the thread clean, perhaps send the list with possible typos (et cetera) to me via a private message. I guess it should concern mostly me rather than others. I don't know when I'll be updating the mod, but then I can go through the suggestions and see if they can be fixed easily.

  • SourSour Member Posts: 118
    Will do, thanks for the mod Lava.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    You're welcome! I'm glad the mod provided you with some fun :)
  • AethelAethel Member Posts: 7
    Hi ! Thanks for the mod first

    But I can't find the entrance for the quest at Friendly arms inn. Shadows bellow the fiendly arm inn. Also I can't interract at all with the new places in tha map (old tower, and house)
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    It looks like you haven't started a new game after installing the mod.
    The entrance would be there - in the Inn's kitchen, next to where a mage interacted with you, and behind the temple.
  • AethelAethel Member Posts: 7 there other ways to enter these areas ? using console maybe ? I don't wanna start over
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    The mod includes over 50 areas, updates existing areas with new entrances, animations, regions. You can't just install them mid-run, because none of these regions, animations, entrances will be present on areas you already visit. Furthermore, all creatures that would normally carry new items will also be missing, because these creatures / characters are already dead in your game.
    Furthermore, you won't see the new worldmap areas, because your savegame is already using your local wmp from your savegame.

    The note in the readme is there for a reason:
    You should start a new game to enjoy new content, as many areas need to be updated and properly loaded into your game.

    Sorry, but I do not have a list of all 56 areas with codes. You may browse them with NearInfinity, but using the console won't fix all the possible problems.
  • AethelAethel Member Posts: 7
    Is there a lot of quest besides these two who are "new game locked" ?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    As depends on what areas / places you've seen already and were saves in your local savegame, but mostly like 70% - 80% of the mod is based on these new regions / entrances etc. Again, that's why the note is there.
  • AethelAethel Member Posts: 7
    I was not far normally. I installed the mod somehwere Between Candlekeep and Friendly Arm Inn So far I had no other issues with added locations (Mutamin garden, Nashkel Festival, Shade plane....
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    The 2 new major locations - Ormyrrs' Peak and Mountain Cemetary - come with new world map icons. It is possible that you won't be able to reach at least one of them. That's because the moment you start a new game, world map and its state is saved in your savegame and savegames use that local data.

    I advise you to download NearInfinity, because by browsing .are you will be able to see what entrances / travel regions should be there and you will be able to see area references you may then use with your console.
  • AethelAethel Member Posts: 7
    edited February 2024
    Do you know which place on the map (approx) they are? I can also (maybe be faster) just start a new game, travel to these location (by the power of teleporting and CTRL+Y) and note the area codes

    It worked for the quests at Friendly arm inn
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    The first area - The Peak - is southwest from the Gnoll Stronghold, and the Cemetery is below that area, but to that one there is no other way but through the worldmap. It appears only if you leave the Peak using the lower edge of the map.
  • luhan5luhan5 Member Posts: 3
    hi first of all thx for your mod and i have been follow your mods for years
    recently i am trying to create a EET myself and wanna install some mods of yours.
    however, the eet installer warns me that SotSc is confilicted with BG1 Npc Project, bonehill, and darkside of swordcoast.
    when i try install mod dirctly to EET, there is obvious bug during compaion dialog document.
    anything i missed ?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    What EET installer? I have a feeling we are talking about EE Mod Setup Tool. You may read more about how this tool works here:

    I would recommend using Project Infinity or creating your setup manually.
  • luhan5luhan5 Member Posts: 3
    i do using EET Mod Setup Tool, and i will take a look of the form and tru to deal with it
    thx a lot :>
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