@Permidion_Stark Any class that is even partially Fighter can wear helmets for future reference. It's only the types of weapons, armor and items you can use that are effected by multi-class
Shields are also like that. 1 level of fighter lets you use even the mightiest tower shield without effecting your magic or thief skills at all.
@Permidion_Stark Any class that is even partially Fighter can wear helmets for future reference. It's only the types of weapons, armor and items you can use that are effected by multi-class
Shields are also like that. 1 level of fighter lets you use even the mightiest tower shield without effecting your magic or thief skills at all.
I didn't know that either (considering I've been playing the game for about 20 years it is embarrassing how much I don't know). I won't be giving my character a shield though. I'm playing her as a knife-thrower and backstabber who only uses daggers and the idea of her skulking around trying to hide in the shadows behind a tower shield just seems silly.
@Permidion_Stark Any class that is even partially Fighter can wear helmets for future reference. It's only the types of weapons, armor and items you can use that are effected by multi-class
Shields are also like that. 1 level of fighter lets you use even the mightiest tower shield without effecting your magic or thief skills at all.
I didn't know that either (considering I've been playing the game for about 20 years it is embarrassing how much I don't know). I won't be giving my character a shield though. I'm playing her as a knife-thrower and backstabber who only uses daggers and the idea of her skulking around trying to hide in the shadows behind a tower shield just seems silly.
@Permidion_Stark Any class that is even partially Fighter can wear helmets for future reference. It's only the types of weapons, armor and items you can use that are effected by multi-class
Shields are also like that. 1 level of fighter lets you use even the mightiest tower shield without effecting your magic or thief skills at all.
I didn't know that either (considering I've been playing the game for about 20 years it is embarrassing how much I don't know). I won't be giving my character a shield though. I'm playing her as a knife-thrower and backstabber who only uses daggers and the idea of her skulking around trying to hide in the shadows behind a tower shield just seems silly.
How about a bucler?
I might try one at some point but I have just put a second pip in two-weapon style so I might try a dagger in each hand instead.
I swear by @subtledoctor 's Scales of Balance component that turns light crossbows into 1-handed weapons, allowing for the use of shields. Makes for a cool visual, and gives light crosbows a much needed boost against bows.
I just died. Again. I've been soloing as a Fighter/Thief and got all the way to Cloakwood without any real problems. Then I came to the area where Faldorn and the druids are hanging out. I normally just walk straight through and go to the next area but this time I thought I would take a look around.
I wandered into the cave where Peter of the North is training the baby Wyverns and thought this should be an easy fight, I mean how hard can a baby wyvern be?
I just died. Again. I've been soloing as a Fighter/Thief and got all the way to Cloakwood without any real problems. Then I came to the area where Faldorn and the druids are hanging out. I normally just walk straight through and go to the next area but this time I thought I would take a look around.
I wandered into the cave where Peter of the North is training the baby Wyverns and thought this should be an easy fight, I mean how hard can a baby wyvern be?
Was wandering around the upper levels of Durlag's Tower. Stumbled upon a basilisk on the battlements but luckily my main character had potions of mirror eyes in his quick slots. Gulped a potion and killed the basilisk. Went up to the next level and ran into more basilisks. Main character charged the basilisk and then realised that mirror eyes potions last for a lot less time than protection from petrification spells.
I just died. Again. I've been soloing as a Fighter/Thief and got all the way to Cloakwood without any real problems. Then I came to the area where Faldorn and the druids are hanging out. I normally just walk straight through and go to the next area but this time I thought I would take a look around.
I wandered into the cave where Peter of the North is training the baby Wyverns and thought this should be an easy fight, I mean how hard can a baby wyvern be?
I swear by @subtledoctor 's Scales of Balance component that turns light crossbows into 1-handed weapons, allowing for the use of shields. Makes for a cool visual, and gives light crosbows a much needed boost against bows.
Thanks. I also think it meaningfully (tactically) distinguishes light crossbows from heavy ones (which tend to be superior in every other way). But, credit where credit's due, I only implemented it; the actual idea, and confirmation of its feasibility, came from that Chimera guy.
So.. this applies to xbow of speed, right, since that's a light xbow IIRC? Hmm.. double APR in one hand? Hello blackguard spamming three bolts of acid/lightning + poison attack at level 7 before haste in BG1 or Blade using offensive spin and acid/lightning bolts for also 3 APR in BG1 while having a buckler, or 2 APR with defensive spin for ridiculous AC with still very good APR.
I don't mod, but now I am tempted I would also try eekeeper to force add a xbow in each hand, just to see what would happen. Using an Archer and called shot. I try to do that with a dagger kensai but the offhand kept attacking in melee even with a force-added throwing dagger in the offhand. I don't understand the background mechanics, so it's probably hardcoded someway so it can't be done. Would be worth testing just for shits and giggles though.
Edit: a wet dream of mine has always been to have a char dual wield throwing weapons, a dwarf using two throwing axes or similar. I still have fond memories of the old babajongs in DII doing that.
I swear by @subtledoctor 's Scales of Balance component that turns light crossbows into 1-handed weapons, allowing for the use of shields. Makes for a cool visual, and gives light crosbows a much needed boost against bows.
Thanks. I also think it meaningfully (tactically) distinguishes light crossbows from heavy ones (which tend to be superior in every other way). But, credit where credit's due, I only implemented it; the actual idea, and confirmation of its feasibility, came from that Chimera guy.
So.. this applies to xbow of speed, right, since that's a light xbow IIRC? Hmm.. double APR in one hand? Hello blackguard spamming three bolts of acid/lightning + poison attack at level 7 before haste in BG1 or Blade using offensive spin and acid/lightning bolts for also 3 APR in BG1 while having a buckler, or 2 APR with defensive spin for ridiculous AC with still very good APR.
I don't mod, but now I am tempted I would also try eekeeper to force add a xbow in each hand, just to see what would happen. Using an Archer and called shot. I try to do that with a dagger kensai but the offhand kept attacking in melee even with a force-added throwing dagger in the offhand. I don't understand the background mechanics, so it's probably hardcoded someway so it can't be done. Would be worth testing just for shits and giggles though.
Edit: a wet dream of mine has always been to have a char dual wield throwing weapons, a dwarf using two throwing axes or similar. I still have fond memories of the old babajongs in DII doing that.
Can't help it but thinking about Kore the Paladin:
IIRC, when I brought him the sword directly, he's all friendly and offers 20 GP or something. When I used the sword (e.g. to kill the rats and the two murderers), you get a different response and only 5 gold.
I've started the game more times than I can remember but I don't think it's ever occurred to me to use Hull's sword. It's amazing, there's always something new to learn about the game after all these years.
Not my greatest but this happened today on a playthrough.
So I solo'd to get my levels up before recruiting anybody as I usually do. And visited the map to kill the nymph who kisses a male NPC (can't remember her name).
But my archery wasn't great and there was a pack of wolves and so I had to keep moving a lot to deal with everything and managed to trigger the big group of ogres ect. on the map. (I think due to SCS, calls for help?) But managed to kill her and then ran for the exit.
But later on I turned up with party to finish the other sirenes and guess what, massive welcoming party waiting just below where you enter the map. So tiny space, no room to manoever, and beserking ogres hit really, really hard.
Trying to beat the werewolf/wolfwere island without anyone who is proficient in the weapons I have at hand. I would've had more weapons at hand, but I didn't go to Durlag's Tower first and I didn't have the lyncathrope bastard sword that is so handy either.
I would've been able to fix these problems, but my only save files were on the werewolf island..oops.
This is more of a glitch than a facepalm moment, but back in the original BG2 (the version with all the discs) there used to be a problem in Rayic's house where if you fled downstairs to get away from the Stone Golems you would only succeed in multiplying the amount of Stone Golems stomping your party into dust.
At one point in time, I decided to see how many I could get on the screen, but I could only manage to increase it to either 8 or 16 (I honestly can't remember which, but it wasn't more than 16) before they either blocked my way back downstairs or just smashed me into the cold stone floor.
Here's another example: I used to just fight all the Shadows at the temple instead of using the mirror. Did not notice that was a thing until about the 3rd time I did that quest. Looking back I have no idea how I survived that because now I have trouble even if I use the mirror.
Maybe the slight improvements in AI made by the Quest Pack really do amount to something other than making Spiders less of a breeze in BG2 (Seriously, Spiders were hell in BG1 but so easy in BG2)
I wandered into the cave where Peter of the North is training the baby Wyverns and thought this should be an easy fight, I mean how hard can a baby wyvern be?
A lot harder than me is the answer.
I don't mod, but now I am tempted
Edit: a wet dream of mine has always been to have a char dual wield throwing weapons, a dwarf using two throwing axes or similar. I still have fond memories of the old babajongs in DII doing that.
I've started the game more times than I can remember but I don't think it's ever occurred to me to use Hull's sword. It's amazing, there's always something new to learn about the game after all these years.
If you play the mod "Romantic Encounters", Hull gives you his sword.
(yeah, yeah, not just "that one" but the one you fetch for him as well)
Not my greatest but this happened today on a playthrough.
So I solo'd to get my levels up before recruiting anybody as I usually do. And visited the map to kill the nymph who kisses a male NPC (can't remember her name).
But my archery wasn't great and there was a pack of wolves and so I had to keep moving a lot to deal with everything and managed to trigger the big group of ogres ect. on the map. (I think due to SCS, calls for help?)
But managed to kill her and then ran for the exit.
But later on I turned up with party to finish the other sirenes and guess what, massive welcoming party waiting just below where you enter the map.
So tiny space, no room to manoever, and beserking ogres hit really, really hard.
You don't want to know how many times I reloaded.
I would've been able to fix these problems, but my only save files were on the werewolf island..oops.
At one point in time, I decided to see how many I could get on the screen, but I could only manage to increase it to either 8 or 16 (I honestly can't remember which, but it wasn't more than 16) before they either blocked my way back downstairs or just smashed me into the cold stone floor.
I used to just fight all the Shadows at the temple instead of using the mirror. Did not notice that was a thing until about the 3rd time I did that quest. Looking back I have no idea how I survived that because now I have trouble even if I use the mirror.
Maybe the slight improvements in AI made by the Quest Pack really do amount to something other than making Spiders less of a breeze in BG2 (Seriously, Spiders were hell in BG1 but so easy in BG2)