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[MOD] Lefreut's enhanced UI (for BG1EE, SoD, BG2EE and EET)



  • bon003bon003 Member Posts: 27
    edited December 2018
    Quest journal is bugged
    I check in fresh copy BG and my old modded version
    After loading the save game, quests are always spread in the quest journal like this:

    And if i want to have only task titles i must manually close them/curl
    I want to have always closed quests i journal [after load game], how to do it ?

    CLOSED quest manually because game always open all quest after loading save :(

  • GimmickGimmick Member Posts: 7
    First of all: EPIC work on the UI mate. This is how it should've been! (except maybe the +- switch, haha)

    BUT: I think this mod is incompatible with BG:EE Classic Movies, more specifically the "restore BG1 chapter and Dream Screens" part. No errors during installation of either, it's just that the vanilla dream/chapter screens are ignored and new style ones are displayed. Movies are replaced used just fine ingame, and vanilla are displayed.

    It tested and this happens even with only the core component of your UI mod. As soons as I uninstall it, its fine. I've used the latest version (BG1 style). Swapping installation order did not solve my issue.

    Is there anything that can be done about this? I much prefer old movies/sequences because I'm an old and cranky gamer and I can't handle flashy new stuff.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Gimmick Do you use version 2.2.0 ? It says Added compatibility with lefreut's Enhanced UI (BG1EE skin) mod
  • bon003bon003 Member Posts: 27
    edited December 2018
    Hello again
    Why all my quests [description details] always is open after load game.
    Anyone known the way in which all quests will be automatically closed in the quest log [after load game]

    When i have lot of quests manual closing every single quest [always when i load game] is annoying
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    Gimmick said:

    First of all: EPIC work on the UI mate. This is how it should've been! (except maybe the +- switch, haha)

    Thanks :)

    There is an option to reverse the +- buttons if you want.
    bon003 said:

    Hello again
    Why all my quests [description details] always is open after load game.
    Anyone known the way in which all quests will be automatically closed in the quest log [after load game]

    When i have lot of quests manual closing every single quest [always when i load game] is annoying

    There is an option when you install the mod to have the quests closed by default.

  • bon003bon003 Member Posts: 27
    Damn, I probably missed it
    Ok now work fine thx for advice
  • GimmickGimmick Member Posts: 7
    edited January 2019
    ALIEN said:

    @Gimmick Do you use version 2.2.0 ? It says Added compatibility with lefreut's Enhanced UI (BG1EE skin) mod

    Yes. I checked.
    Does installation order matter? I installed Classic Movies after lefreut UI. (I installed Cl. Mov. last actually.)
    I'll test this further this evening.

    Clean, fresh install of BGEE with only BGEE-Classic-Movies-2.2.0 installed gives vanilla movie and vanilla prologue screen B)
    Now installed LeUI-BG1EE-master core component only on top of that and I get vanilla movie but BGEE prologue screen :'(

    I can't believe noone else has this, it's easy to reproduce...

    edit 2: ALTHOUGH I moved my BGEE folder out of G:\steam\steamapps\common to G:\games; could that pose any issues? Will test in OOG folder... Makes no difference.

    Post edited by Gimmick on
  • GimmickGimmick Member Posts: 7
    lefreut said:

    Thanks :)

    There is an option to reverse the +- buttons if you want.

    I know, that's why I love you.

    One further question: I can't seem to find a way to disable/uninstall just the new spellbook (rightclick spell shows description on right page). In what component is that?

  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    Gimmick said:

    Clean, fresh install of BGEE with only BGEE-Classic-Movies-2.2.0 installed gives vanilla movie and vanilla prologue screen B)
    Now installed LeUI-BG1EE-master core component only on top of that and I get vanilla movie but BGEE prologue screen :'(

    You must install Classic Movies after LeUI. The other order won't work.
    Gimmick said:

    One further question: I can't seem to find a way to disable/uninstall just the new spellbook (rightclick spell shows description on right page). In what component is that?

    At the moment, there is no option for that. I will add it or maybe just remove this feature and switch back to how the vanilla screen works as I don't like the description on the right either. I only need to find time to do it.
  • GimmickGimmick Member Posts: 7
    edited January 2019
    lefreut said:

    You must install Classic Movies after LeUI. The other order won't work.

    I'm sorry but this yields the exact same result. Did fresh install -> start BG once -> your UI mod BG1 style -> movies mod -> start new game with standard char import (so no save loaded)
    Vanilla movies but EE prologue.

    As test I also deleted the folder in My Documents, to no avail.
    I'll report this issue to the creator of BGEE-Classic-Movies as well, will search how/where tomorrow

    Does me using the steam version of EE matter at all?

  • FlapFlap Member Posts: 5
    @lefreut Frist off, thanks a lot for your work with this mod. It is really awesome, and imo a vast improvement compared to the 2.x UI.

    There is only a minor thing that bothers me somewhat, and that is the lack of documentation regarding the optional components of your mod.

    Granted, most of the stuff can be found while reading through the 15 pages of this thread, but without doing so, some things are a bit... well, unintuitive to someone with limited knowledge of BG modding (wtf is a BG2 vanilla bam, and how does it affect my spells? What does the vanilla font look like compared to the EE one? Which +/- buttons are reversed and why? How small are the small right sidebar buttons, compared to the original ones?)

    Maybe it's possible to add a few more detailed descriptions to your start post of this thread, or even a HTML readme file with the informations into the package itself, similar to other mods like TweaksAnthology or UB?

    Thanks in advance for your consideration, and again, thank you so much for creating and updating this UI mod! :smile:
  • mashedtatersmashedtaters Member Posts: 2,266
    Hello @lefreut

    I just want to say this is an excellent, beautiful mod!

    I know this isn't a popular opinion on these forums, but I really like the sliding journal that came with V2.0+. I've been banging my head around for hours trying to figure out how to get your mod (for BG1) installed with the 2.0 journal fixes, but I can't seem to figure it out. I'm kind of overwhelmed by the options available here. So I figured I would ask if it's possible to install your GUI with the 2.0+ sliding journal.

    Can you help me out? I've installed the EEUI compilation here, but it doesn't give me the option to install your GUI for some reason at all that I can't figure out.

    Thanks in advance.
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462

    Hello @lefreut

    I just want to say this is an excellent, beautiful mod!

    I know this isn't a popular opinion on these forums, but I really like the sliding journal that came with V2.0+. I've been banging my head around for hours trying to figure out how to get your mod (for BG1) installed with the 2.0 journal fixes, but I can't seem to figure it out. I'm kind of overwhelmed by the options available here. So I figured I would ask if it's possible to install your GUI with the 2.0+ sliding journal.

    Can you help me out? I've installed the EEUI compilation here, but it doesn't give me the option to install your GUI for some reason at all that I can't figure out.

    Thanks in advance.

    This mod replaces the whole UI. And the changes to implement the old journal are big. Unfortunately, it's not possible to use this mod with the 2.0 journal.

    Your best solution is to only use EEUITweaks. Most of the components from LeUI are available in EEUITweaks and can be installed separately.
  • VnavekulVnavekul Member Posts: 181
    After uninstalling the last version, installing the new SoD one, nothing seems to change for me. Can that be? For instance: spells in the spellbook still just open up on the right tab and World Map is still named World Map on the button (not Area Map). Downloaded the SoD via the link here.
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    @Vnavekul you can check the version number inside the weidu.log. It should be 3.8.
  • VnavekulVnavekul Member Posts: 181
    It was 3.7 (weird, since I did download via the link here and copied everything oer), but I just installed the game again. I think files got messy. Still got the same errors with text size. Was the dialogue code trying to fix that?
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    Vnavekul said:
    Still got the same errors with text size. Was the dialogue code trying to fix that?
    The goal was to be closer to how the dialog used to work. I had hope that it may improve things related to text size. But it can't completely fix it as it's an engine bug.
  • FebruariusFebruarius Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2019
    Hi Lefreut,

    first of all let me thank you for your excellent UI mod (BG2 skin). Without it playing EE versions wouldn't be an option for me. There is only one small detail that annoys me, scroll bar button when dialog box is minimized.

    When fully minimized you can see button (small ball) on top of the arrow. This looks like a glitch. Would it be possible to see only arrows when dialog box is minimized to this size?
    Also is it possible to use edit mode to move dialog box closer to quick buttons? Or would it be possible to change arrangement to have dialog box and buttons all in one line. Maybe remove some quick buttons completely to make space for dialog box in bottom line.
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    Would it be possible to only see arrows when dialog box is fully minimized? The same was in original BG2 UI. When fully minimized you would see only top and down arrow. Like this it looks like a glitch.
    The game renders the scrollbar, you can't customize it. So no it can't be fixed.
    Also, would it be possible to use UI edit mode to move dialog box closer to the quick buttons?
    You can do that by editing the file.

    Search for "name 'WORLD_MESSAGES'". The next line contain an offset. Change the value -66 to whatever you like.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,449
    I did notice that a tiny scrollbar can sometimes also lead to issues on the inventory page. If I get a 3 line text, I can't properly get the 3rd line on the screen. Not a big issue, because you can generally figure out what it says. Only quirk I have with the UI.

    Well, that and the install options aren't too clear. A small readme on what each option does would be lovely.

    Overall, though, awesome mod, lefreut! While I always play on a modded game with your UI installed (though I tend to reserve the brown look for BG2 and use the blue look for BG1), sometimes I have to start up a vanilla game, for example, to confirm a bug in vanilla before reporting, and I get reminded how horrendous the default UI looks.
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    Thels said:
    I did notice that a tiny scrollbar can sometimes also lead to issues on the inventory page. If I get a 3 line text, I can't properly get the 3rd line on the screen. Not a big issue, because you can generally figure out what it says. Only quirk I have with the UI.
    How do you get 3 lines of text in the inventory?

    Thels said:
    Well, that and the install options aren't too clear. A small readme on what each option does would be lovely.
    Yeah, I know that I should do that. But in my defense, readmes are not the most interesting thing to do :p
  • MedianAuraMedianAura Member Posts: 7
    edited February 2019
    I installed your mod and I encountered and issue when I went out of Irenicus Dungeon. It seem like some dialog don't scroll down properly making you lose part of the dialog.

    I was wondering if it was a known issue or if there was something I could do to fix that. I will attach an image of the issue.

  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,449
    lefreut said:
    Thels said:
    I did notice that a tiny scrollbar can sometimes also lead to issues on the inventory page. If I get a 3 line text, I can't properly get the 3rd line on the screen. Not a big issue, because you can generally figure out what it says. Only quirk I have with the UI.
    How do you get 3 lines of text in the inventory?
    Here's an example picture:

    Which apparently I can no longer directly paste into my posts like I could before this annoying WYSIWYG forum update, and when I save it and manually attach it, it appears at the top of the post? :|

  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    I installed your mod and I encountered and issue when I went out of Irenicus Dungeon. It seem like some dialog don't scroll down properly making you lose part of the dialog.

    I was wondering if it was a known issue or if there was something I could do to fix that. I will attach an image of the issue.
    This is with the latest version (v3.8)? It may be a problem with the new dialog code or how I integrate it. I'll take a look to see if there is something I can do or @Adul may know what's wrong.
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    lefreut said:
    I installed your mod and I encountered and issue when I went out of Irenicus Dungeon. It seem like some dialog don't scroll down properly making you lose part of the dialog.

    I was wondering if it was a known issue or if there was something I could do to fix that. I will attach an image of the issue.
    This is with the latest version (v3.8)? It may be a problem with the new dialog code or how I integrate it. I'll take a look to see if there is something I can do or @Adul may know what's wrong.
    I believe that issue is caused by the 2.5 engine bug that makes font sizes unpredictable inside lists. Essentially, when the font size is different between the visible dialog list and its invisible dummy counterpart, the mod cannot correctly predict the amount of space the current dialog takes up, so the height of the padding at the bottom will be either set to too large or too small.

    I don't think there's a workaround, or at least I couldn't find one. Let's hope Beamdog will fix the issue at some point.
  • valkyvalky Member Posts: 386
    Couldn't really pin-point the cause as well, but a few things, that do seem to help to kinda prevent this.
    (though, there is often a thought-chatline in paranthesis, that's once it's getting displayed in smaller font cripples the chat as well)

    - alt-tabbing, while any kind of chat/dialog is open (record/journal/etc seem to be fine)
    - no scrolling (!) in npc-dialogs

    The latter triggers the behavior right away for me, but since exit+load in bg2ee are so friggin' fast I don't care.

    The UI mod is awesome, though! love it
  • MedianAuraMedianAura Member Posts: 7
    Thank you for the answer. I really hope Beamdog fix this eventually. In the meantime I will do as @valky said and try to avoid alt-tabbing during conversation and when it break just reload the game.
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    The alt-tab crash bug is a different thing, and it's probably fixable. I'll take a look.
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    edited February 2019
    @lefreut I think I've found the issue.

    For whatever reason, the game engine seems to crash when it loses focus (alt-tab) while there is any text on the screen using a font with a 1-point-tall font size, which is what I've used to set the height of the padding.

    Changing the font size of the "onepixel" font in BGEE.LUA to 2 points seems to fix the issue. Using a slightly larger font size should mean that there is a small tradeoff in accuracy, e.g. that the size of the padding will not be quite as accurate as before, but honestly, I couldn't see any difference.
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