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Ask Beamdog



  • StaranStaran Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 295
    Mothor wrote: »
    Raduziel wrote: »
    "in the console version".

    Great. Just [expletive] great.
    Indeed great, as it is backported to the pc version.

    Good...but which will come out first? And how big is the release gap going to be?

    If we get the console version first, then the console gets an intensive hotfixing tango and we have 2020 and there is still no definitive announcement of the PC version aside from "Hopefully soon"...then people might get angry.

    Console version of nwn comes out in November. It was announced a few months ago.
    iOS version was was announced over a year ago. No date. Any ETA?

    Will the new renderer be done for the console version?
    So many question with 0 answers
  • MusaabMusaab Member Posts: 94
    Where is 2.6? When is 2.6? Are we shooting for 2019? I think Obama was President when 2.6 was first announced.
  • DonCzirrDonCzirr Member Posts: 165
    Raduziel wrote: »
    Musaab wrote: »
    Where is 2.6? When is 2.6? Are we shooting for 2019? I think Obama was President when 2.6 was first announced.

    Now that would be an interesting exercise to put things in perspective: what changed in the world since 2.6 is announced?

    This will fit perfectly in a paper I'm writing about Beamdog for my MBA. Thanks for the idea.

    Anyone knows the month and year that 2.6 was first announced to exist? If so, please, send me a PM. I appreciate that.

    +1 on getting that info.

    Also, before Beamdog's change in priorities and general decline, there was to be a voice pack released?

    Any word of that?

    Unlike a couple of years ago, I only drop in rarely to check on their progress with non-A & A and console deliverables.

    A very sad turn for a company I had previously admired ....
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    edited October 2019
    Can Beamdog share some features/fixes that are positively making it into patch 2.6? Did something come out with enhancing the IE backgrounds via ESRGAN? What about the long overdue algorithms besides the currently present nearest neighbour scaling one?

    Transparency like that is honestly long overdue. Especially in this case where it's questionable whenever there will be “a patch beyond 2.6“ or not.
  • VerticorVerticor Member Posts: 119
    Getting discouraged is the right of every customer.

    So is picking up other games, when you eventually get fed up with what you perceive as sluggish developers. Not saying that applies to me specifically ( I have a BG run going as we speak), but that seems to be the underlying current in other statements.

    How many of those can Beamdog afford to overhear in the long run, I wonder?

  • fetito666fetito666 Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 204
    Will we ever get new Enhanced Editions of other D&D games? Eye of the Beholder?

    The war game looks interesting, but it's not what Beamdog got famous for. I want dungeonssssssssss!
  • SilvergoldSilvergold Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2019
    hi what are the chances of Beamdog doing Enhanced Editions for Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance 1 and 2 (ps2 and Gamecube), Champions of Norrath Realms of Everquest 1 and 2 (ps2) and Dungeons and Dragons Heroes (original xbox)? with ports for Nintendo Switch, XB1 PS4 and PC?
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    Any plan to enhance NWN2, IWD2, ToEE, or Pool of Radiance 2 in future??
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited October 2022
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
    Post edited by [Deleted User] on
  • SorrowSeerSorrowSeer Member Posts: 144
    Your feedback has been incredibly helpful and does not go unnoticed. While we cannot answer every single question, I read every single piece of feedback that's been given and pass it to the rest of the development team, and it's already helped quite a bit, including the 2.6 patch change list (which we still can't share)!

    We have this thread, and we reply to what we can. We believe in communication: I believe in it, other team members do. It's impossible, however, to provide a substantial reply to a few questions, especially if they're formulated as: "When will the patch X be released?", "When will the iOS version of NWN:EE be released?", "When will the renderer work be finished?". Impossible because these are tasks which are being worked upon with no estimations, and with difficult obstacles on the way (eg., the renderer re-write has turned time and again a much harder issue than imagined).

    That said, what @StummvonBordwehr says is something I and other moderators agree with - a few pages back we asked people in this thread to stay on topic.

    That's good.
    Me, personally, and, I'm sure, few pals here, are for communication.

    So, if We are to communicate here

    can You, please, comment a post from @SorcererV1ct0r ?

    It, somehow, mentions all the same games that are on my mind:

    "NWN2, IWD2, ToEE, or Pool of Radiance 2"
  • StaranStaran Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 295

    We have this thread, and we reply to what we can. We believe in communication: I believe in it, other team members do. It's impossible, however, to provide a substantial reply to a few questions, especially if they're formulated as: "When will the patch X be released?", "When will the iOS version of NWN:EE be released?", "When will the renderer work be finished?". Impossible because these are tasks which are being worked upon with no estimations, and with difficult obstacles on the way (eg., the renderer re-write has turned time and again a much harder issue than imagined).

    That said, what @StummvonBordwehr says is something I and other moderators agree with - a few pages back we asked people in this thread to stay on topic.

    The communication went from weekly streams (too much) to What we have now.
    It was supposed to be a monthly q&a.
    It was supposed to be blogs.
    It was supposed to be a video of the new renderer.
    Has this been communicated?

    i really do feel that something is terribly wrong. Without anything substantial from someone in beamdog, it isn’t hard to start to become frustrated
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    edited October 2019
    I stand corrected on what I said. However, I really do wish we could return to the expectations set in the original post. It would do a lot for morale to communicate. We get there is an NDA but surely that doesn't prevent communication to this extent. Even if the nature of the communications had to change to stuff like office and community highlights like we had in the past. It'd be much better than the relative silence we currently have.
    Post edited by themazingness on
  • DoubledimasDoubledimas Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,286
    SorrowSeer wrote: »

    So, if We are to communicate here

    can You, please, comment a post from @SorcererV1ct0r ?

    It, somehow, mentions all the same games that are on my mind:

    "NWN2, IWD2, ToEE, or Pool of Radiance 2"

    NWN2: it's made by Obsidian so there's a higher chance to get an EE by asking them.
    IWD2: source code is lost thus a dead end.
    ToEE & PoR2: (extremely) highly unlikely as Beamdog wants to move on to their own game
  • archcrawley42archcrawley42 Member Posts: 1
    Why are the console releases of the baldurs gate games and planescape+icewinddale being pushed back to the 29th of oct at eb games?
    Every other store still lists the release date at the 15th of oct.
    What is going on beamdog?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Nothing has been moved to Oct, 29. All IE games on console will release on Oct, 15.

    Check out the initial impressions here:
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    deltago wrote: »
    About monthly blogs - the general feedback was that we hadn't been saying anything new, so we moved on from that. We posted a July update on one of the biggest issues.

    Or you know, you can talk about something new each month.

    There can be a lot of things you can talk about in a blog, such as meet a developer Controlled Q&A, a community highlight (such as a new NWN or IE mod that has been developed for your games) or a feature update once it is ready to be announced.

    Fluff like this can keep people distracted long enough until you have something solid to announce, keeps people looking at your blog every month and you can take back control of the conversation about the company.

    Fluff like that is something everyone at Beamdog would be happy to do but they're fully focused on development. Trent managed to do an interview with Matt Barton, Luke did an interview for Nintendo Life.
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    I won’t freely fund or pay a poorly managed company. We can agree on that

    But I am going to pay Beamdog again - although just the following titles:
    nwn:we for iOS
    Bg1:ee, bg2:ee, sod:ee and nwn:ee for a console I am yet to buy.

    Speaking of the above: have the considerations about community made mods for iOS and consoles reached a conclusion or are they still being pondered on?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    have the considerations about community made mods for iOS and consoles reached a conclusion or are they still being pondered on?

    I have an answer to that, yes.

    Apple and all the consoles (we know Xbox One is an exception, but it was impossible to take different approaches towards this or that particular console, engine-related) are against user-made changes, so our console versions don't support mods. As for the iOS - no change.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    People managed to (partially) get mods on iOS to work for the IE:EE's. So I imagine similar unofficial work-arounds will happen with NwN:EE's iOS port as well.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Indeed, we praise all those people contributing to getting mods on iOS work, but officially it's hard to do anything considering the platform rules.
  • StaranStaran Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 295
    To be clear mods for nwn= haks and overrides?
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Staran wrote: »
    To be clear mods for nwn= haks and overrides?
    As well as fan modules, portraits, voice sets, custom .tlk's and whatnot. Also most PW's that require CEP, PRC or other mods to work properly. It's likely though that future iOS NwN players will run into the same modding limitations that the iOS IE:EE modders faced. Only time will tell.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    I don't have access to the iOS version of NWN:EE (it is still in development) so I don't know for sure, but at the moment I think @Kamigoroshi is correct.
  • realshemprealshemp Member Posts: 33
    People managed to (partially) get mods on iOS to work for the IE:EE's. So I imagine similar unofficial work-arounds will happen with NwN:EE's iOS port as well.

    What do you mean partially? I have an older version of iTunes running on one of my work PCs so I am able to get the .ipa files from each game. From those I extracted a full install (at least in the eyes Weidu) of all my iOS versions on my PC which I use to install the addons. I'm then able to zip the updated files and send them to my iPad using Dropbox. From there it's simple to Export that file into the game.

    I'm running NPC project, unfinished business, Ascalon's quest pack, mini quests and encounters, Romantic Encounters, critter parts, Extra expanded encounters, Northern Tales of the sword coast, Dark Side of the Sword Coast, Lure of the Sirine's Call, The Stone of Askavar, Sword Coast Stratagems, Simple XP Cap Remover and Portraits Portraits Everywhere on my iPad version currently. I think all told, once I was able to get the iPad versions on my PC, it took me an hour maybe an hour and a half to get these all set up correctly and transferred.

    I just dread having to do it all over again when 2.6 hits.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    realshemp wrote: »
    What do you mean partially?
    Taken from the iOS modding thread:
    * I said almost everything because there are some mods that may still not work... A couple of examples:
    1. EET: well, this speaks for itself.......
    2. Dragonspear UI++, Lefreut enhanced UI (for BG1EE/SoD): the problem here is SoD: unlike the desktop version (where BG1EE and SoD are combined into a single game), SoD is a standalone game on iOS ----> As a result, I don't know if they'll work properly on iOS.......
    3. Probably something else........

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