Patch 2.6 Launches Today!

We are launching Patch 2.6 for Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II, Siege of Dragonspear and Icewind Dale Enhanced Editions on Steam, GOG, the mac App Store and the Beamdog Store (tablet/mobile updates coming soon).
This ?massive patch upgrades the games to 64-bit systems, fixes hundreds of bugs, and adds brand new portraits & voice sets to customize your heroes— including two sets from the legendary Mark Meer (voice of Commander Shepherd in Mass Effect)!
?Huge thanks to our heroic community for their tireless adventuring in beta builds for this mammoth patch. Thank You!
Note: Patch 2.6 won't fix every issue in the games, but don't worry— we're still working on future updates!
Patch Highlights
New Localizations
Attention! Known Issues

Updates | All Games
- CEO & Co. | You'll also be treated to the barbarian battle cries of Beamdog CEO, Trent Oster (who lost his voice for a few days after the recording session), plus four more Beamdog team voices!
Multiplayer Improvements
General Fixes
BG:EE Patch Notes
BGII:EE Patch Notes
IWD:EE Patch Notes
This ?massive patch upgrades the games to 64-bit systems, fixes hundreds of bugs, and adds brand new portraits & voice sets to customize your heroes— including two sets from the legendary Mark Meer (voice of Commander Shepherd in Mass Effect)!
?Huge thanks to our heroic community for their tireless adventuring in beta builds for this mammoth patch. Thank You!
Note: Patch 2.6 won't fix every issue in the games, but don't worry— we're still working on future updates!
Patch Highlights
- Upgrade to 64-Bit | A much needed upgrade for modern machines— this improves system compatibility
- 7 New Character Voice Sets | New player voice sets, including two from the legendary Mark Meer reprising his roles as Alveus Malcanter and Baeloth Barrityl
- 11 New Character Portraits | New character portraits to customize your hero’s look
- Hundreds of Bug Fixes | Includes scores of fixes to spells and hero abilities
- Improved Pathfinding | Smoother party movement and navigation
New Localizations
- Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition | Added French text localization (beta)
- Baldur’s Gate: Siege of Dragonspear | Added French (beta), Italian, German, Ukrainian and Polish text localizations
- Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition | Added Brazilian Portuguese and Chinese (Simplified) text localizations
Attention! Known Issues
- New System Requirements | 32-bit operating systems are no longer supported. Check out the updated system requirements below, or visit game pages for details.
- Crossplay with Mobile | Crossplay between computers and mobile devices will not be available until we release the 2.6 patch for iOS and Android (this is in the works!!).
- Multiplayer Latency | Some players report multiplayer latency (delay in communication between game clients)
- French Localizations in Beta | We consider the new French text localization to be a beta release. We welcome feedback from the community!
- Haste Spell | The spell works correctly, but the combat log doesn't reflect the correct double speed/damage that is taking place

Updates | All Games
- Upgrade to 64-bit
- New Character Options
- 11 New Character Portraits | New character portraits to customize your hero’s look
- 7 New Character Voice Sets | New player voice sets to customize your hero's battle cries
- CEO & Co. | You'll also be treated to the barbarian battle cries of Beamdog CEO, Trent Oster (who lost his voice for a few days after the recording session), plus four more Beamdog team voices!
Multiplayer Improvements
- Area Names | Area names now display correctly on multiplayer saves
- Character Imports | Fixed issue with multiplayer character imports, specifically thief skills
- Chat Hotkey | Added a hotkey for multiplayer chat: hit “T” to open the chat
- Crash Fixes | Fixed several multiplayer crashes
- Client Connection | Fixed a few conditions preventing client connection
- Error Handling | Improved internal error handling
- Host Reload | Hosts reloading no longer cause clients to get stuck in level-up
- New Characters | New characters joining multiplayer sessions no longer receive default equipment
- Player Familiars | Player familiars and their stat blocks now load correctly in multiplayer games
- Time Played | Fixed error in multiplayer time played information
- Troubleshooting | Improved multiplayer troubleshooting by adding a network.log file and a fix to how the jingle.log file resets
General Fixes
- Character Imports | Advanced AI now loads correctly with character imports
- German Font | Fixed German text font size in menu for character voice selection
- Item Comparison | You can now disable item comparison
- Map | Fixed visual issues in map area backgrounds
- Text Input | You no longer need to click before typing in text inputs— the cursor will remain active
- Abilities, Spells & Magic
- Aid Bonuses | Aid bonuses to hits and damage now display correctly on the inventory screen, and the status icon displays on the character record screen
- Bigby’s Hand Spells | Updated spell graphics and fixed saving throws for Bigby’s Clenched Fist and Bigby’s Crushing Hand
- Breach | Breach now uses projectiles and visuals consistent with the other spell protection removal spells
- Detect Illusion | Corrected the casting range on Detect Illusion
- Call Lightning and Pillar Spells | Effects that involve pillar animations, such as Call Lightning have been remastered into a single animation sequence rather than several stacked animations
- Chaos Shield | Chaos Shield and Improved Chaos Shield now use graphics distinct from Miscast Magic
- Chaotic Commands | Chaotic Commands now use the correct projectiles at all levels
- Cloud Projectiles | Updated Cloud Projectiles so they are cleared by Zone of Sweet Air
- Cloud Spells | Several Cloud Spell visual effects have been updated to match their color descriptions (including Cloudkill, Stinking Cloud, Death Fog, and Incendiary Cloud)
- Club Proficiency | Club proficiency now displays correctly on character records
- Fire and Cold | Fire and cold graphics of numerous items, spells, and abilities have been recolored to appear more realistic
- Fire Shields and Blade Barriers | Fire shields and similar effects no longer display text feedback if the striking creature is out of range of the struck creature
- Fire Shields and Blade Barriers | Damage suffered when striking a protected creature now ignores mirror image
- Fire Shields and Blade Barriers | These spells may now be refreshed before their durations expire
- Fireball | Updated visual effects for the Fireball spell and for items that use Fireball style explosions
- Haste Scrolls | Haste Scrolls now correctly target an area rather than a particular creature
- Hit Dice | Spells affecting creatures based on their hit dice now work as expected
- HP Drain | Spells that drain HP now work as expected, and cannot drain more HP than available from a target
- Invisibility, 10' Radius | Invisibility, 10' Radius now no longer affects enemies and uses a 10 foot radius area of effect
- Lightning Bolt | Restored Lightning Bolt to behavior in the original games: the bolt continues in a straight line beyond the initial target, hitting all in its path and bouncing off obstacles
- Magic Resistance | Spells such as Glitterdust, Contagion, and Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere no longer bypass magic resistance
- Melf's Minute Meteors | Updated damage type from piercing to missile
- Movement Effects | Movement effects from spells such as Entangle now relate properly with stacking or counteracting effects from spells or the environment
- Non-Detection | Spells blocked by Non-Detection will no longer play visuals or sound effects on targeted creatures
- Physical Mirror | Physical Mirror effects now have consistent duration and dispel behavior
- Poison Immunity | Creatures immune to poison no longer visibly recoil in combat when hit by poison or disease effects
- Polymorph Self | Fixed inconsistencies, casting time and minor issues with Polymorph Self
- Power Levels | Corrected the power level of several items and spells to make sure they interact properly with spell protections, such as Spell Turning or Globe of Invulnerability
- Power Word and Symbol Spells | audio and visual spell effects will only play if targets are actually affected by the spell
- Projectile Speeds | Updated projectile speeds so they are more consistent
- Projectile Speeds | Thrown darts and dagger speeds have been sped up to appear more realistic
- Priests of Tyr | Divine Favor and Exaltation now play expected graphics and sounds
- Priests of Tempus | Chaos of Battle now plays different animations on allies and opponents
- Psionic Blast | Description for Psionic Blast now appears in the innate ability menu when you shapechange into a Mind Flayer
- Raise Dead & Resurrection | Raise Dead and Resurrection type spells can no longer be cast on living targets, only dead targets
- Recurring Effects | Spells and items with effects that refresh each round now reapply the recurring effect properly
- Regeneration | Updated Regeneration status icon used on portraits
- Repulse Undead | Aligned School of Magic for Repulse Undead’s parent and child spells
- Saving Throws | Corrected saving throw messages and functionality on a handful of spells and magic items
- Shaman Spirits | The spirit animals summoned by shamanic dancing are now correctly dispelled when they reach the edge of the shaman’s visual range
- Shamanic Spells | Shamanic spells and abilities now play consistent visual effects with “shamanic themed” colors
- Shapechange | Fixed inconsistencies, casting time and minor issues with Shapechange
- Simulacrums | Simulacrums and Projected Images no longer incorrectly inherit temporary abilities from casters
- Sleep & Unconsciousness | Fixed a few minor issues in the Sleep and Unconsciousness effects; status icons on character record screen now differentiate between Sleep and Unconsciousness
- Spell and Potion Icons | Added or updated portrait icons to portray suitable magical effects for several spells, potions and abilities
- Spell Protection Removal | Spell Protection Removal spells may now be cast onto invisible creatures
- Spell Target Glow | Creatures targeted by spells now glow consistently
- Spellstrike | Spellstrike now uses projectiles and visuals consistent with the other spell protection removal spells
- Spirit Armor | Spirit Armor saving throws now work as expected
- Spirit Fire | Aligned School of Magic for Spirit Fire’s parent and child spells
- Time Trap | Trap projectile for thieves’ Time Trap ability now plays audio
- Wish and Limited Wish | These spells now behave correctly as level 9 and level 7 spells when interacting with spell protections
- Modding
- Missiles | Corrected a handful of labelling inconsistencies for missile ids
- Missiles | MISSILE.ids now accurately label projectiles
- SPLPROT.2da | Added labels and standardized SPLPROT.2da across Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II and Icewind Dale Enhanced Editions
BG:EE Patch Notes
BGII:EE Patch Notes
IWD:EE Patch Notes
Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
Druid Boring Beetle form doesn't have pincers [IWDEE]
Lightning trap spell projectiles should not bounce [BGEE, BG2EE]
Text appears outside of text area for the TotSC werewolf island narrator screen [BGEE]
Importing Ranger from BG2 to ToB causes full inventory when Racial Enemy is selected [BG2EE]
Map closes when immediately opened after travelling [BGEE, BG2EE, IWDEE]
Party AI quaffs potion to heal but potion is not actually consumed and no healing occurs [BGEE]
Dorn's Bloody Path quest encounters party spawn issue during travel encounter with Deva [BG2EE]
AI Script should not attempt to Raise Dead for Hexxat [BG2EE]
Visual issue with AR7000 wallpoly [IWDEE]
HP gained from temporary effects do not persist after loading save [BGEE, BG2EE, IWDEE]
Stacked Power Potions wear off in unexpected increments [BGEE, BG2EE, IWDEE]
Asynchronous animations for headbands and circlets during character animations [BGEE, BG2EE, IWDEE]
Empty Casket in Dragomir's Respite cannot be removed if added to inventory [BG2EE]
Some instances of poor sound content quality [BG2EE]
Blood Rage should work as per description [IWDEE]
Visual issue with Fountain shadow [BGEE]
Spiders have BGEE appearance [BG2EE]
Unintended character Selection and Action sounds for character rare sounds [BG2EE]
Trackpad gesture issue with MacOS when re-ordering party [BGEE, BG2EE, IWDEE]
Games Require Deprecated OpenSSL for Linux [BGEE, BG2EE, IWDEE]
Area OH2010 does not have wall polygons defined [BGEE]
Various item shadows incorrect [BGEE, BG2EE]
Area and Portrait previews incorrect when captured with custom window size [BGEE, BG2EE, IWDEE]
Soft lock leaving Keldorn's house during cutscene [BG2EE]
Golem fight too difficult on Legacy of Bhaal difficulty [BG2EE]
Incorrect Journal Dates on Siege of Dragonspear when importing BGEE save [BG2EE]
"Enhanced Path Search" Option causes pathing issues during cutscenes [BGEE]
Neutralize Poison cures Feeblemind but does not remove Feeblemind portrait icon
Secret Door will not unlock in The Old Tunnels (AR0202) [B2GEE]
It can not be possible to sing to menhir stone during Ancient Menhirs quest [BGEE]
Cancel button on quit game prompt does not close quit game prompt [BGEE, BG2EE, IWDEE]
Is there any possible date in mind for planescape's patch?
I installed the road_to_2.6 beta patch a while ago, do I need to do anything about the new patch?
Thank you.
Can confirm, 2.6 is not live on GOG as of this moment. Cannot get it in Galaxy or in the store.
1) There is a new annoying lag whenever working with items in inventory, such as putting items into bags of holding, moving from one player to another, etc. I think the lag stems from a new <right click> sound effect -- a low rumble sound that plays whenever an item is clicked. This adds an additional 0.5 to 1 second delay per item movement, which is super annoying. Can we turn this off please? Also, adding an option to turn off the constant hum sound effect from cloak of mirroring and cloak of reflection would be nice too.
2) The Linux version of "BaldursGateII" v2.6.5 won't even start for me anymore. I get "exit code 127". Is there some reason why the new version still depends on instead of
Thanks for all the work you've all been doing to develop, build, test, and release this patch!
This is mentioned in the Known Issues. I can imagine that if they want to support a wide range of Linux installations they need to resort to old versions of the very few external libraries that they depend on. That's a bit concerning for a library like OpenSSL, though.
@JuliusBorisov can you confirm whether the patch also includes typo fixes for the English game text, and whether new reports of typos are still considered for future patches?
Also, a question about the sound sets: do I understand correctly that players may now choose a Baeloth sound set for the protagonist?
For you and others who run into problems not mentioned in Known Issues (second post of this thread), please remember to contact Beamdog Customer Support at for troubleshooting or bug reports.
All three BG games are getting stuck about 2/3 in.
EDIT: Uninstalled the games entirely and now I can't seem to install them again.
@JuliusBorisov is there a link to SoD patch notes, too?
And thanks for mentioning explicitly that the french translation is in a beta state, hopefully, it gets improved in the future
Keep up the good work!
The update is coming to GOG hopefully today (it was night for GOG when the release happened).
We haven't announced any patches for PST:EE but we hear you.
Typos and the like - we use the latest version of strings on the Translation site, for the date the build is being created.
GOG will create offline installers in due time.
That said, as one of probably many people here who replayed the games dozens of times it makes me wonder if Beamdog team ever plans to make any new adventuring changes that are not fixes. i.e. new character/locations/minor items/importable sod items/etc.
The in-game slider only goes down to "21".
Why edge-scrolling is no longer disabled by default for windowed mode would be nice to know.
Onwards to console and handheld updates and new adventures.
And perhaps a nice PST:EE patch
The offline installers are live as well.
So that they can be deleted without having to break out the heavy editing gear, that is.
Were the Mac versions supposed to be released too? Still showing 2.5 here (PC version is up to date in both Galaxy and the site).