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Imoen Romance V3.0 Release



  • MidnightVoyagerMidnightVoyager Member Posts: 31
  • amberCoffeeCatamberCoffeeCat Member Posts: 90
    edited April 2021
    LMTR14 wrote: »
    by that logic you also must think a bowdlerised version of Shakespeare is an improvement, lol. the Imoen romance mod literally changed my life (I'm not kidding), and what happened to it is a disgrace even worse than anything George Lucas ever did to SW (for example), as a great thing was downgraded to a mediocre thing. like I give the slighest fuck what some bigots might or might not think about the content of the original. my favourite books are American Psycho and Illuminatus! ffs

    and it's not even about anything that was removed (I really don't even know what you are talking about there exactly, it's like at least a third of the original dialogues aren't there anymore, and it's not like there wasn't even anything explicit in the first place) but about the retcons and disgusting additions like Jaheira's truly revolting bitching at the begin of the romance, and plainly, about the downgrade of writing style. can't believe Kulyok had a hand in it (if I remember correctly, the Xan BG1 romance was great and so insightful.

    Sooo maybe don't use the new version? Lord Miraboo's original is still available on his website if you really prefer it. It's not like it was thrown to oblivion. But spitting on the work of people making the (approved) rework, and on people who enjoy the rework? That's just bad taste for you.
  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 289
    I wonder if there are any more updates to the mod coming? It has been a while since the last one.
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 349
    LMTR14 wrote: »
    can't believe Kulyok had a hand in it (if I remember correctly, the Xan BG1 romance was great and so insightful.
    Kulyok has nothing to do with this mod (neither the old version, nor the new one). The mod was created by Lord Mirrabo and he was the one who changed his old texts (after the nickname changed to Israel Blargh). SoA-part was also slightly changed by T.C.Dale.

  • lollerslollers Member Posts: 190
    LOL I forgot about those cut choices. I could almost say that they'd belong in a parody if they weren't in such poor taste.
  • wukewuke Member Posts: 113
    Just play the TOB part and see how much the original author's writing has improved. You can also find his own opinion on the original version somewhere, not very favorable.
  • JarveyJarvey Member Posts: 31
    elyon wrote: »

    The only real legitimate cut to dialogue were the 'joker-random-evil' choices you can make, along the lines of something like:
    Imoen: Some serious dialogue happening
    Cut Choice: Im bored, pick up a rock on the ground and throw it at her splitting her head open.
    Cut Choice: Im bored, tackle imoen and pound her face in.

    Needless to say, no one missed them.

    TBH, I was put off by the few "wacky" dialogue choices still left in SoA. Especially since most of them are relatively early in the mod and gave me a rough first impression. They have that aura that gets called out as "fan fiction" writing. If anything, I think the hatchet could have been applied more to the dialogue. I'm ruthless like that. :p
    elyon wrote: »
    Only bug fixes, if any are reported. But it has been super quiet for ages so no update, perhaps there is just not that many left in the game that people experience.

    Yeah, personally I haven't touched BG2 in a long time. Haven't had the interest or time recently. I hope the lack of activity means users aren't having any problems with the mod, but I'm just glad it's continued to get updates at all over the years.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 584
    Lord Mirrabo's / Israel Blargh's own account is preserved here, if anyone is interested:
  • ConnellyConnelly Member Posts: 79
    edited May 2021
    Sounds like Israel grew up in his writing enough to become aware of what didn't work, and agrees with the rewrite. Good for for him, I guess, I had the impression that he merely gave the go ahead for it.

    (And as a fellow Spaniard, I'm ashamed to recognize only now the joke in "Lord Mirrabo". *facepalms*)
  • amberCoffeeCatamberCoffeeCat Member Posts: 90
    Connelly wrote: »
    (And as a fellow Spaniard, I'm ashamed to recognize only now the joke in "Lord Mirrabo". *facepalms*)

    Care to illuminate us, non-Spaniards? ;-)
  • ConnellyConnelly Member Posts: 79
    Well, basically, it reads as Lord My di*k.
  • rossbach451rossbach451 Member Posts: 168
    So, been gone a while, and I am looking for the DL of this mod. What is the latest mod version, and is it EE? The one link shows a mod for Bg2 SOA/ToB, no mention of EE. What is the real deal?
  • amberCoffeeCatamberCoffeeCat Member Posts: 90
    Yes, it is compatible with EE as well, even EET if you so do wish.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 584
    The description on the website has not been updated, but if you check the readme inside the package you will see the current version number and compatibility instructions.
  • rossbach451rossbach451 Member Posts: 168
    Thank you!
  • DurandalisDurandalis Member Posts: 46
    Anyone know how compatible the most recent version is with Wheels of Prophecy? I saw an earlier comment claiming it conflicted Wheels of Prophecy? That same post also mentioned an incompatibility with Ascension, but I recall that any problems between IR and Ascension were fixed.
  • Fluff42Fluff42 Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2021
    I managed to end SoA without triggering lovetalk 11, I'm just at the beginning of ToB. Will the romance progress if I set the lovetalk to 11, imoenromanceactive to 2, and MRSleptImoen=1.

    edit:This triggered the scar dialog, I'm not sure if that counts as fixed.
    Post edited by Fluff42 on
  • wukewuke Member Posts: 113
    I guess it will, iirc ToB uses a different lovetalk variable so the only SoA variable that matters is imoenromanceactive.
  • JunctionJunction Member Posts: 3
    Anyone here play through this mod on 2.6 without any issues? Now that Tweaks Anthology's update is finally close to being released, this is the only one I'm wondering about.
  • aamogaamog Member Posts: 1
    Hello Everyone,
    I am trying to install the mod on a M1 mac and I have not been successful thus far.
    I installed BG2EE as a macOS app from the store. This sets up the game folder by default as
    I checked that this is indeed the correct location by installing EE Keeper via Parallels and setting the intstall directory to this path manually, which makes it work.
    I then downloaded the .zip for v4.1 of the mod, extract it, and put it there (after eliminating the superfluous ImoenRomance folder that is created by default when unzipping on a mac). I gave the opportune permissions to the actual binary file via
    chmod u+x setup-imoenRomance
    and try to run it in the terminal via
    but it gets killed by the OS (with message zsh killed : setup-imoenRomance).
    Does someone here know a workaround to this ?
    Thanks a lot!
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    Final version is "Imoen Romance v4.1.0", right?
  • Sarevok08Sarevok08 Member Posts: 82
    Whichever version is downloadable at:
    That should be the latest. I can't confirm which number exactly.
  • xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 200
    edited June 2022
    I'm going to try this MOD recently, so some questions here.

    1) I know this MOD has a component to keep both vanilla romance and Imoen romance at the same time. If I want to have 2 vanilla romance (let say Jaheira and Aerie) run together with Imoen romance at the same time, should I still install the multiple romance from the tweak anthology?

    2) If I have 3 romances at the same time (Jaheira, Aerie, Imoen), who will be adducted by Bodhi? Does any of these romances requires their adduction scene to continue their romance?

    3) I know this MOD added a lot of content even if I do not romance her- romance path, friendship path, Imoen-Aerie path... Which path would you prefer or recommend ?

  • VicardVicard Member Posts: 10
    I'm so happy there's actually a living topic for this mod!
    Anyone want to clue me in on whether I should push Imoen during the scars talk or just back off, when I realize she doesn't have any memories from her childhood?
  • amberCoffeeCatamberCoffeeCat Member Posts: 90
    Vicard wrote: »
    I'm so happy there's actually a living topic for this mod!
    I've done both in separate playthroughs. I don't think it really matters, I didn't fail the romance either way and did not notice any difference later.

  • amberCoffeeCatamberCoffeeCat Member Posts: 90
    xiaoleiwen wrote: »
    I'm going to try this MOD recently, so some questions here.

    1) I know this MOD has a component to keep both vanilla romance and Imoen romance at the same time. If I want to have 2 vanilla romance (let say Jaheira and Aerie) run together with Imoen romance at the same time, should I still install the multiple romance from the tweak anthology?

    2) If I have 3 romances at the same time (Jaheira, Aerie, Imoen), who will be adducted by Bodhi? Does any of these romances requires their adduction scene to continue their romance?

    3) I know this MOD added a lot of content even if I do not romance her- romance path, friendship path, Imoen-Aerie path... Which path would you prefer or recommend ?

    1) Imoen Romance has a component that lets Imoen don't care about other romances, but that component does not automatically allow multiple vanilla romances. You will still need the multiple romance tweak.

    Imoen is never abducted by Bodhi.
    I THINK that with multiple romances, both Jaheira and Aerie will be abducted.

    3) I would recommend role-playing. Just play your character without worrying which path is better content-wise, the mod is rich enough that you won't be dissapointed either way :-)
  • Sarevok08Sarevok08 Member Posts: 82
    @Vicard - Some choices may not affect the romance as AmberCoffeeCat, but there can be consequences beyond affecting the romance.

    @xiaoleiwen - 1) You can, I would say it would work, as I think Imogen's checks are not dialogue to stop the romance, but a background script.
    2) Imoen never is, because of the plot, so in your example, Aerie is chosen, due to her closeness to Imoen
    3) AmberCoffeeCat is correct here (and thanks to their other replies also). In terms of pure content, I'd say romance. Imoen and Aerie bond romance or no, just perhaps not as close, but no romance removes all Imoen's romance plot, and most of the friendship stuff would still be covered.
  • xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 200
    Thanks for explaining, looking forward to it :)
  • VicardVicard Member Posts: 10
    @Sarevok08 & @amberCoffeeCat Thanks! I kind of guessed as much. Maybe the better question would have been if there are negative consequences to pushing her during the dialogue? Or even more importantly, do i miss content if I don't push her?
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