@bbear It's a one-shot lightning bolt. A scroll in the form of a weapon that does weapon damage (1-6) in addition to lightning damage, but is consumed in the strike.
@bbear It's a one-shot lightning bolt. A scroll in the form of a weapon that does weapon damage (1-6) in addition to lightning damage, but is consumed in the strike.
Does it go bouncing between multiple targets like it does in the game? Sucks to hit Edwin in a friendly fire.
In any case, I'll just defend myself and try to help out the nearest person if not targeted.
Okay. I have had Branwen and Aerie trying to turn Undead this round as I haven't had a post from either of them. Keldorn hits the undead warrior that clawed him for 9. The wraith persists. Kivan also hits, for 9, but a different wraith. Valygar attacks with his luckblade... for no luck. Cernd casts Flame Blade... so no attack. Ajantis whiffs like no one has ever whiffed before- a minor hit for minimum damage-a whole 3! Alora runs back and forth trying to decide which wraiths to attack... and misses her target, despite her speed. Branwen attempts to turn undead... to no effect (needed a 7, rolled a 4). She gets the impression that the undead are laughing at her feeble attempt. Edwin pumps out a Magic Missile spell, for 9 damage. Aerie attempts to turn... and does even worse than Branwen (a 2!). The undead laugh harder. Skie misses. So does Irina.
Next round, and the party yet again loses initiative. Two swipe at Aerie, but miss. Edwin is hit again for 6, and loses another level. Alora gets scratched again for 2 and another lost level. Another misses her completely. Aerie is hit for 6 and loses a mage level. Skie is hit twice for 3 and two lost levels. Valygar is hit for 6 and a lost level. Keldorn is hit again for 2 and another lost level.
New levels and hit points- Keldorn Level 7, 70 hit points, Kivan, Level 8, 80 hp, Valygar Level 6, 66 hit points, Cernd Level 9, 65 hp, Ajantis Level 8, 81 hit points, Alora Level 5, 23 hit points, Branwen, Level 9 69 hp, Edwin Level 5, 21 hp, Aerie Level 7/8 30 hit points, Skie Level 6, 39 hp.
Alright I switched with the spear+3 to improve my "luck".
If memory serve, doesnt someone have the scroll of protection against undead? Cast it on Brawen/Aerie before they get level drained further and cannot cast lesser restoration anymore!
Torm!! Do not let these lesser beings triumph over us, bless my attack and see these foul creatures gone! Valygar, it is too early to think about restoration when we have nowhere safe to rest nor have we even triumphed over a single one of them. Alora will pay for her treachery if anyone dies, including Edwin!
Aerie will attempt to turn the beings. She grabs her holy symbol with all the faith and conviction and levels she can muster and holds it up. "Begone, foul things!" she cries.
That is, I'll try it once again. With feeling. Even more feeling. And no scroll of protection from undead in my list 'o stuff. Alas. On the bright side, I do have a scroll of raise dead if Edwin needs it and Aerie survives.
@Jhart1018 Only one try at turning per encounter. Sorry. Keldorn and Ajantis can try, as a cleric of 2 levels lower than they are currently- and Branwn has, um, shot her wad in this case as well.
OOC: If I'm not mistaken if you die to a wraith you come back as a wraith... so no raise dead for Edwin. Unless he becomes a wraith and we kill him again, which would be sad especially if he dies again.
*has time to cast a glare at the cowering Alora that promises a stern scolding and confiscation of ALL foodstuffs later....feels her holy symbol almost literally wilt in her hands...mutters about gods never being available to help when you want them....
wad well and truly shot on the turning front...(why did that feel so wrong writing that?), Branwen thinks despite his obnoxious manner, we will need the Thayvian wizard and his intellect so she desperately tries to cast negative planet protection on Edwin before he becomes all smoky and scary(er)...
@Jhart1018 Only one try at turning per encounter. Sorry. Keldorn and Ajantis can try, as a cleric of 2 levels lower than they are currently- and Branwn has, um, shot her wad in this case as well.
OOC: Sadly, Inquisitors can not turn undead, Torm can only guide my sword, he won't turn undead away from me.
IC: This is what happens when we rush off to the castle, maybe more time in the village would have helped. Maybe trying to find his holy symbol in the church first... I sadly am not the most adept at slaying undead, it is hounding out and destroying the more typical evil, such as Edwin where I excel. Yes yes, you aren't exactly typical.
Rats. Okay, Aerie casts Holy Smite then, wherever she can hit the biggest number of the wraiths; since it's a small room, she might be able to get all of them. At least a little. Assuming she's not curb stomped by the wraiths for this, she will cast Holy Smite again next round.
The spell description says "evil creatures." Does Edwin count as a creature? If he does count as a creature, I will do something else. I don't want to smite Edwin.
OOC: He should be safe with negative plane protection... however you might want to thin the herd of wraiths a little because even safe from level drain he only has around 30 hit points and there are still 10 wraiths.
Keldorn lashes out with his sword, striking deep into the Wraith for 10. Kivan turns and lashes out, striking the wraith squarely with a 20! for 20 damage!, Valygar hits also, for 7. Cernd strikes out with the flaming sword, cutting deep into the wraith for 10. Ajantis calls on Helm for aid in turning the undead... only to fail miserably. Alora attempts a cut at a wraith, but misses. Branwen casts "Negative Plane Protection" on Edwin. He feels like a warm hand lies over him... He casts Chromatic Orb on the closest wraith, hitting it for 5 points damage. Aerie casts "Holy Smite", and a blinding light fills the room, destroying most of the wounded wraiths, and injuring the rest. Skie misses.
Next round, simultaneous strikes on both side. Let me know what you are doing, if it has changed from this round. Otherwise, just say "same". 4 Wraiths remain.
In any case, I'll just defend myself and try to help out the nearest person if not targeted.
Next round, and the party yet again loses initiative. Two swipe at Aerie, but miss. Edwin is hit again for 6, and loses another level. Alora gets scratched again for 2 and another lost level. Another misses her completely. Aerie is hit for 6 and loses a mage level. Skie is hit twice for 3 and two lost levels. Valygar is hit for 6 and a lost level. Keldorn is hit again for 2 and another lost level.
New levels and hit points- Keldorn Level 7, 70 hit points, Kivan, Level 8, 80 hp, Valygar Level 6, 66 hit points, Cernd Level 9, 65 hp, Ajantis Level 8, 81 hit points, Alora Level 5, 23 hit points, Branwen, Level 9 69 hp, Edwin Level 5, 21 hp, Aerie Level 7/8 30 hit points, Skie Level 6, 39 hp.
If memory serve, doesnt someone have the scroll of protection against undead? Cast it on Brawen/Aerie before they get level drained further and cannot cast lesser restoration anymore!
All right I'll keep fighting the undead.
Still swinging with the +2 scimitar
IC: Edwin will attempt to retreat from battle if possible, if not he will cast chromatic orb at one of the shadowy beasts.
That is, I'll try it once again. With feeling. Even more feeling.
*has time to cast a glare at the cowering Alora that promises a stern scolding and confiscation of ALL foodstuffs later....feels her holy symbol almost literally wilt in her hands...mutters about gods never being available to help when you want them....
wad well and truly shot on the turning front...(why did that feel so wrong writing that?), Branwen thinks despite his obnoxious manner, we will need the Thayvian wizard and his intellect so she desperately tries to cast negative planet protection on Edwin before he becomes all smoky and scary(er)...
IC: This is what happens when we rush off to the castle, maybe more time in the village would have helped. Maybe trying to find his holy symbol in the church first... I sadly am not the most adept at slaying undead, it is hounding out and destroying the more typical evil, such as Edwin where I excel. Yes yes, you aren't exactly typical.
Alora continues to defend Edwin.
She will continue to fight for at least one more turn to see if anyone else feels like running.
"And Alora, you are a stupid poo poo head."
Next round, simultaneous strikes on both side. Let me know what you are doing, if it has changed from this round. Otherwise, just say "same". 4 Wraiths remain.