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Clara DLC/Patch. Spoilers inside.



  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    Clara does not have Boo to talk her through life
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    edited December 2013

    Minsc's not strictly insane, he's just dumb as a dumb child can be. Did you ever get to watch "Dumb&Dumber"?

    "Radio? Who needs a radio? Ready Harry?"
    I have actually watched "Dumb & Dumber".

    Minsc is more comparable to that movie, as well as "Forrest Gump", and Lennie from "Of Mice and Men". When it comes to his characterization anyway.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    Minsc as a far more boisterous Forest Gump is a good call
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    Since when is sanity directly proportional to intelligence? There are dozens of insane mages throughout the Baldur's Gate series, I'm sure most or all of them are quite intelligent. The "insane mage" is one of the most enduring and common villains of these sorts of games, after all.

  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244

    @Lathrael - Seeing as Minsc is a ranger though, he can talk to animals, as can Kivan, Faldorn, Jaheira, Cernd, and Valygar, at least when they reach a certain level.

    Yes, rangers can talk to animals, but animals usually (Melicamp) dont talk back... :D
    Rangers can only detect the mood of the animal, calm down them or make them friendly to him.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    I really can't disagree with that because none of them are Beast Master kit.

  • @CommanderRPG - Again, an enema is a way to force a bowel movement. So, if The Joker is using that word, then he's saying that Gotham City needs to have a bowel movement. Basically, you're saying that the game needs to have a forced bowel movement.

    Now that I think I've some people's childhood memories by explaining what an enema is. For that, I apologize.

    Yes, that was the intent of the quote. It's a gross way of saying 'Just relax!' :)

  • KiroKiro Member Posts: 1
    I didn't even like her at all, mostly because she behaved all the time like an undead being, empty inside, dispite a beautiful portrait, which I don't really care about. But after seeing her, being killed by Hexxat, I just procceded to cut the vampire's head off, without further explanation. Because I realised the truth.

    Remaining alone and empty handed, without a single thief into my small party, I though about how bad the quest was developed, my chaotic good character, without a chance, without further way to express myself into a game that is supposed to be about role-playing. Not a change to enjoy the inminent outcome more than taking another look upon hexxat's dead body. I thought it wasn't even possible such a bad quest design. ¿My character doing absolutelly nothing as her companion get sucked dry by an entity came out from an ancient coffin? "No way" I said to mysef, "Clara will live no matter what"
    I reloaded again, but this time as the spell got casted upon her, I saw her leaping aside. I killed Hexxat, but this time Clare was alive, still under the vampire's spell. I saw Clare walking away as I reffused to help her further into her delusional quest. But she remained alive, she didn't even tried to search for the tomb. I haven't seen her again further into the game, but somewhere inside myself, I know she's still alive.

    Such a beautiful bug I came across. Though she took away that sweet bow I gave her, that smart little girl XD. Doesn't really matter 'cause I have finally peace within myself.

    Apologies for my engish, it isn't my first language, I never had the change to learn it, it's just a side effect from astral traveling.
  • KhyronKhyron Member Posts: 639
    With recent discussions around the inept implementation of Hexxat, I'm curious wether or not people's oppinion around Clara has changed.. hm?

    I for one still see Jan as my only proper thief option.

    Nalia and Imoen are both stuck on their thief levels, Yoshi dies and Hexxat is just.. well, not a very good npc in any way, shape or form.

    Which leaves us with Jan, the only active class thief who can get the traps and all the other juicy thief abilities.

    As a consequence of this, I still feel forced to play an active class thief Charname. I always have, due to the lack of a proper thief. I want use any item, i want the traps, i want evasion, open locks, remove traps, backstabs etc..

    I still see Clara as a very good way of bringing all of this to the players. Let her be neutral, let her join us on our epic quest.. and foremost of all, let her bloody live.
    An excellent picture, a very good voice actor, a mallable person who can be molded and influenced by Charname. Of all the new NPC's you Dev's made (most of which were fairly good), Clara is the most promising one. Go figure.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Still have the same opinion in this matter.
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    edited January 2014

    Not interested in restarting an argument here, but I must ask: What discussions? I haven't seen people calling Hexxat "inept" at all, especially recently. Even if you don't like her recruitment quest, she's still a powerful party member, an interesting character, and a provider for several exciting side quests and tons of great banter.

    I'd also be interested to hear your response to a question of mine from the previous page:
    This is a viable story direction for a character, but it seems very difficult to actually incorporate into the existing story of Baldur's Gate. An average person finding themselves in an extraordinary adventure is compelling material, but successful versions of that archetype have some driving force thrusting the character into their adventure.

    So, someone writing this content would need to address two glaring issues: Why would Clara want to adventure with a demigod, and why would that demigod want to bring Clara around? I personally don't see those questions being believably answered within the frame of BG's story.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    edited January 2014
    An Clara DLC doesn't meant the banishment of Hexxat as an NPC, one can exist at the side of the other (not in the same gameplay of course). I didn't liked Hexxat quests, romance or behavior, did not feel it faithful to the personality the devs presented her to have, but none of those arguments are in discussion here, this shouldn't be a thread to complain about hexxat but to raise points to add Clara as an DLC/future update NPC.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    I haven't changed, though I've now played the storyline out personally. I don't think hexxat is interesting but Clara hasn't really shown anything and I'm afraid that she won't meet the expectations/desires that the people calling for her believe she would/should be.

    That said I wouldn't be against the option (though mods would be a better source for this since ppl have very different opinions on what they want from her.hence diversity is preferable).

    What I want more though is a better role playing option upon the appearance of hexxat and in picking up Clara. I hate how my street smart bards only options to access the new content is saying stuff like "sure lets go to the crypt because creepy mind controlled crazy ppl promising treasure are clearly the most trustworthy and not-suspicious people in the world. The other option is literally "I'll buy you a drink"
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    The only additional content I think would really benefit the entire Hexxat/Clara thing is a bit of a rehash of Baeloth's entrance in BG1:EE - i.e. "Die Drow!"

    It galls me a bit that after seeing a mind-controlled slave killed by her vampire mistress your character's dialogue options amount to either "Hey, I like the cut of your jib! Welcome aboard!" or "You know what, maybe later. See you down the pub, yeah?". There is no hidden option 3 - "Die Vampire!". In fact, Hexxat is pretty frickin' unkillable. I bet that annoys people roleplaying Undead Hunters no end.
  • killerrabbitkillerrabbit Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2014
    My opinions haven't changed. I still like my idea of having Clara act like Hexxat but I have to say that the notion of having Clara be possessed by Hexxat is an even better idea that still allows good / neutral parties access to the Hexxat areas.

    Yet another idea would be have her complete the slave lords / twisted rune quest. Clara was a shadow thief and prostitute -- and we know that the the copper cornet prostitutes were slaves. Perhaps there are pro and anti slavery factions withing the shadow thieves and she ran afoul of the pro slavery faction? Perhaps she wants the party to aid her campaign against the slave lords?

    I'm not sure why the 'blank slate' is seen as a bad thing -- there are lots of options, many different directions to go. There will be expectations with any character. I'd be equally happy with way to save Clara and new good or neutral single class thief.

    Oh and yes, I played through Hexxat's first two quests but I got bored and never made it to the third. She was just blah -- like Brawen from BG1. Necessary in a party but not so interesting. I think that the authors were expecting the reader to be drawn in, to want to solve the mysteries and start making up interesting back stories for her character but I never felt intrigued. There were a few good lines -- I liked the response to you 'you bury your feelings . . .' But a few cherries in the porridge doesn't make for a satisfying meal.

    Perhaps others who liked the surprise and didn't mind the 'you meant to help someone but you just delivered dinner' plot felt differently.

    Oh and @Dee -- you seem like the Dev most likely to respond :) Would be possible to get some idea of what the devs are thinking? Are you working on new NPCs? Making plans to overhaul other games?
  • KhyronKhyron Member Posts: 639
    Madhax said:


    Not interested in restarting an argument here, but I must ask: What discussions? I haven't seen people calling Hexxat "inept" at all, especially recently. Even if you don't like her recruitment quest, she's still a powerful party member, an interesting character, and a provider for several exciting side quests and tons of great banter.

    I'd also be interested to hear your response to a question of mine from the previous page:

    This is a viable story direction for a character, but it seems very difficult to actually incorporate into the existing story of Baldur's Gate. An average person finding themselves in an extraordinary adventure is compelling material, but successful versions of that archetype have some driving force thrusting the character into their adventure.

    So, someone writing this content would need to address two glaring issues: Why would Clara want to adventure with a demigod, and why would that demigod want to bring Clara around? I personally don't see those questions being believably answered within the frame of BG's story.
    Well there's several ways to go about it, without complicating the matter needlessly.

    1. Clara could need convincing to come along.
    2. Clara might actually want to become an adventurer herself.
    3. Saving her from Hexxat would probably make her feel indebted to you.
    4. She might not have anywhere else to go.
    5. Being in the presence of Charname might give her a sense of purpose.

    The list could go on and on for why she'd plausibly wanna come with Charname.

    Reasons Charname might wanna bring her along:

    1. A sense of responsibility, much like how Minsc is adamant we bring Viconia along when saving her - Which is kind of surprising given the fact that Minsc usually smites evil doers without question.
    2. A useful thief
    3. Entertaining Charname's own wicked soul by leading her to her death (if evil anyway..)
    4. Loyalty towards the person Charname initially thought he/she recruited.

    Again, the list could go on forever.

    Finding plausible reason for either one of your questions seems easy and I'm not even a very creative person. I bet pro and paid writers wouldn't find it hard at all.

    If we're going to need specific requirements for NPC's to exist, then we should probably start by removing some of the old ones. Like Nalia.. that obnoxious lil twat, who comes off as entirely useless and perpetually blind towards the world.. or Cernd.. But that's not the matter at hand really.

    I see no reason to -not- make Clara into a proper npc.

    (And yes, there's been recent discussion around Hexxat. Ended in a big flame war, people were warned/banned/idunnohowfarthemodswent and thread closed. It wasn't pretty :D )
  • VasculioVasculio Member Posts: 483
    edited May 2020
    I'm in favor of having a Clara DLC or patch. I found her interesting.. even though her thrall persona can get annoying over time. I liked how her personality came back when confronted with the Real Hexxat.
    Post edited by Vasculio on
  • VasculioVasculio Member Posts: 483
    edited May 2020
    Someone added her to a already established mod about Mazzy.
    Post edited by Vasculio on
  • MonoCanallaMonoCanalla Member Posts: 291
    I think the opposite. I was truly happy and amused after I discovered the whole Hexxat spoiler. Like Hexxat thousand times more than Clara, her boring voice, and her ugly portrait.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244

    Ugly portrait? She look hot on clean version:

  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155

    I think the opposite. I was truly happy and amused after I discovered the whole Hexxat spoiler. Like Hexxat thousand times more than Clara, her boring voice, and her ugly portrait.

    The sound set was lame. But she was like "possessed" by the real Hexxat, I think that it had too less sounds recorded but then it was OK, anyway I think that the only thing that they've missed is to add a "bugger off psycho!" Option, really, they've missed it (and also with Neera and Dorn).

    @Edvin I also like that portrait much more, but I don't know what it's wrong with the other one/vampire one.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    Well, black vampire is a little strange.
    The only other black vampire was Eddie Murphy :D

  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @Edvin I see... I've seen strangest things, but I know what you mean.
    The only objection I have with Hexxat's portrait is her cone-shaped amulet on her neck, I mean, it should feel horrible to wear it, and it should look like the one from the inventory to make it accurate, that neck-thing is like Waukeen's mantle...
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    True, that "amulet" is ridiculous.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    Edvin said:

    Well, black vampire is a little strange.
    The only other black vampire was Eddie Murphy :D


    Somebody needs to watch Queen of the Damned
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Or Season 3 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    Or Angel: After the Fall
  • TwoWayFinesseTwoWayFinesse Member Posts: 128
    I quite like the way the Hexxat story unfolded (only played SOA so far, not yet got round to TOB). To allow the player to change it (to me anyway) would take something away from there being an evil vampire that's been trapped for many years - they're going to want to kill something aren't they?
    I would prefer the Devs to work on new content, Planescape Torment, IWD1/2, adventure X (or was it Y)fixing bugs, or all of these!
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited January 2014

    Somebody needs to watch Queen of the Damned
    or Blade.
  • uglyducklynnuglyducklynn Member Posts: 61
    If she were able to stay as an NPC, she wouldn't bring much to the table from either a gameplay or a story perspective. I can't imagine she'd have any interesting dialogue like the rest of the NPC's do, and her skills are only average. Hexxat explains that she was basically a nobody, and that is sort of why she picked her to begin with. It'd be different if Clara wasn't so bland. She is just a generic character (anybody could have filled her role). You could take any commoner off of the street and give them a minor backstory and they'd end up being around the same level of a character as Clara was. "I left my home to pursue my dream, my dream didn't work out, guess I'll try my hand at adventuring." That wasn't Clara's role, not everyone's story can play out to be a happy one. I can't even imagine having a chance to save her, anyways. Maybe a chance at revenge, killing Hexxat for being an evil creature responsible for the death of an innocent. But that is all I could see happening.
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