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Imoen Romance V3.0 Release



  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    Hizaka99 said:

    So I noticed, I started a new game, with the Imoen Romance installed (Along with Acension and Dungeon Be Gone) both the Dungeon Be Gone and Imoen, had very weird...text instead of what they normally said. It was like a string of numbers. Im going to try reinstalling both and see if it helps though.

    it's becuse the game updated a couple days ago and you need to clean out your whole overide folder and reinstall all mods.
  • KcoQuidamKcoQuidam Member Posts: 181
    edited April 2016
    Question, I have heard about this mod in good and bad way. In some place people say the mod have pretty hard/triggering thing, I can totaly handle the sister/sister (or brother) aspect (I think, i have heard it's pretty well writen) but is there other aspect to worry about ?

    (It's not for starting a debate, I have just heard about it and wanna know if it's the kind of mod I research. Just ignore the question if it start a debate ^^' ...)

    Other question, is this mod compatible with the other Imoen overhault ? (
  • There is an instance in the mod where rape is discussed in a potentially triggering fashion, so if that's a concern I'd watch out for that. It's not terribly graphic (it may have been toned down from the original mod, I can't remember), but it's worth noting ahead of time.
  • Sarevok08Sarevok08 Member Posts: 82
    Alot of the more abrupt stuff was rewritten with version 2. I'm not certain about the specific scene mentioned, as I haven't gone through the mod since its rewrite.
  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 214
    Yeah it seems since the rewrite a lot of the more "questionable" elements of the mod were removed. If you're cool with kinda/sorta incest then I don't think there's any other content of note to be concerned about.
  • KolvarKolvar Member Posts: 6
    KcoQuidam said:

    Other question, is this mod compatible with the other Imoen overhault ? (

    Well, they may be compatible but the author of the friendship mod specifically wrote it because he hated the Imoen romance so installing both would be a bad idea imo.

    (Source (because I'm a serious guy) :
    LiamEsler said:

    I wrote the friendship mod in part because I disliked the romance mod so much, and felt Imoen needed extra content.

  • Sarevok08Sarevok08 Member Posts: 82
    edited April 2016
    Yeah, that quote was in relation to the original mod, as there was a fair bit of imersion breaking.

    If you don't activly persue the romance in the romance mod, then the two mods will be similar, just different takes on Imoen's personality, since there wasn't much to go off (she was originally meant to
    die in spellhold)
  • KcoQuidamKcoQuidam Member Posts: 181
    Ok thank everybody. I'm gonna take all of this in mind. o/
  • Drizzt101Drizzt101 Member Posts: 7
    I have made an account here purely to chip in on this subject.

    The Imoen Romance Mod is easily one of, if not the best mod for Baldurs Gate 2. I've never stuck with Imoen because she was boring and there was nothing to her. This mod adds so much to her its unreal. I really enjoy the Romance. In my opinion the whole sibling thing is very tastefully done and even without the romance it adds so much.

    The TOB portion is this mods biggest strength. Her interactions in the pocket plane are outstanding. So glad I didn't listen to the naysayers. I honestly haven't seen anything untoward or gratuitous.

    Bravo Sarevok08. Fantastic mod my friend. I highly recommend this mod. At least give it a go before you write it off.

    Side Note: Most Mod Romances contain adult content, this mod seems to follow the 'baldurised' route of fade to black. Have I messed up the install or is this as intended? Either way I love it.
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    edited May 2016
    Drizzt101 said:

    Side Note: Most Mod Romances contain adult content, this mod seems to follow the 'baldurised' route of fade to black. Have I messed up the install or is this as intended? Either way I love it.

    Intended, there was a conscious effort when i was doing the SOA coding and israel writing the TOB dialogue and i scripting the rest to make it more in line with original Baldurs gate romances so the player has an easier time to figure out what to do.

    Also less is more and all that.
  • Drizzt101Drizzt101 Member Posts: 7
    vanatos said:

    Drizzt101 said:

    Side Note: Most Mod Romances contain adult content, this mod seems to follow the 'baldurised' route of fade to black. Have I messed up the install or is this as intended? Either way I love it.

    Intended, there was a conscious effort when i was doing the SOA coding and israel writing the TOB dialogue and i scripting the rest to make it more in line with original Baldurs gate romances so the player has an easier time to figure out what to do.

    Also less is more and all that.
    Thanks for the reply. Is this mod complete or you are going to add more content? Also are you (as a team) working on another mod? Love your work ^^
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    edited May 2016
    Drizzt101 said:

    Thanks for the reply. Is this mod complete or you are going to add more content? Also are you (as a team) working on another mod? Love your work ^^

    I consider it complete, there has been no bugs found for the last few weeks, issue's reported ended up being other mods being incompatible with BG2EE 2.0 so its very stable in my point of view.

    The current version is 3.5 (not 3.3) but the changes were mostly to fix a longstanding graphic bug with the fountain water appearing strangely for one of the cutscenes.

    There's no plans to add any content atm, but Israel is the writer and i think he is still finishing his playthrough of the mod so who knows, but any changes i believe would just be changes to existing content if any like Israel wants some dialogue changed.

    We're not working on any other mod, we kind of came together purely for this mod.

    I am planning to use the Monk Overhaul mod for my next playthrough of this game, that mod seem's discontinued though so if it doesn't work anymore i'll probably just make a monk mod lol.

  • Drizzt101Drizzt101 Member Posts: 7
    vanatos said:

    Drizzt101 said:

    Thanks for the reply. Is this mod complete or you are going to add more content? Also are you (as a team) working on another mod? Love your work ^^

    I consider it complete, there has been no bugs found for the last few weeks, issue's reported ended up being other mods being incompatible with BG2EE 2.0 so its very stable in my point of view.

    The current version is 3.5 (not 3.3) but the changes were mostly to fix a longstanding graphic bug with the fountain water appearing strangely for one of the cutscenes.

    There's no plans to add any content atm, but Israel is the writer and i think he is still finishing his playthrough of the mod so who knows, but any changes i believe would just be changes to existing content if any like Israel wants some dialogue changed.

    We're not working on any other mod, we kind of came together purely for this mod.

    I am planning to use the Monk Overhaul mod for my next playthrough of this game, that mod seem's discontinued though so if it doesn't work anymore i'll probably just make a monk mod lol.

    Well thankyou for your work.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    edited May 2016
    @vanatos I have found a few misspelled variable names:
    1. A blank character in the middle of a variable name in "imoenRomance/dialogues/TOB/PID/PidTreesQuarrels.d" at line 675: Global("IRTCooldow nCounter","GLOBAL",2)
    2. A blank character at the end of a variable name in "imoenRomance/dialogues/SOA/Underdark/InUstNatha.d": "MRSleptPhaere ". I've counted 11 instances of it in this file.
  • HalfwiseHalfwise Member Posts: 78
    edited May 2016
    Someone mentioned that there was some content removal of "harsher" stuff?

    I remember a scene in the druid stronghold with imoen, involving a plant (or lying about a plant). Is that still active? Hopefully, it's mostly the same. Last I played was before there was TOB content.
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    argent77 said:

    @vanatos I have found a few misspelled variable names:
    1. A blank character in the middle of a variable name in "imoenRomance/dialogues/TOB/PID/PidTreesQuarrels.d" at line 675: Global("IRTCooldow nCounter","GLOBAL",2)
    2. A blank character at the end of a variable name in "imoenRomance/dialogues/SOA/Underdark/InUstNatha.d": "MRSleptPhaere ". I've counted 11 instances of it in this file.

    cheers fixed.
    Halfwise said:

    Someone mentioned that there was some content removal of "harsher" stuff?

    I remember a scene in the druid stronghold with imoen, involving a plant (or lying about a plant). Is that still active? Hopefully, it's mostly the same. Last I played was before there was TOB content.

    Thats still in, though there wasn't anything harsh about that.
  • Drizzt101Drizzt101 Member Posts: 7
    So just finished my playthrough with the Imoen Romance. Awesome.

    However....... She had nothing to say before the BIG decision (aside from her normal stuff) and her epilogue did not reflect our relationship at all.

  • Drizzt101Drizzt101 Member Posts: 7
    Also is there a way for me to read her correct epilogue? Without me having to restart completely?
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    Works for me, could be another mod interfering since the ending talk is pretty complicated dialogue code.
  • Drizzt101Drizzt101 Member Posts: 7
    Oh dear. So I am shit out of luck then? I am using alot of mods. None should interfere with Imoen however. One thing that was weird was how I never installed the Multi Romance portion and yet i could still flirt etc after 'getting' with Imoen. Maybe that was it.
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    Drizzt101 said:

    Oh dear. So I am shit out of luck then? I am using alot of mods. None should interfere with Imoen however. One thing that was weird was how I never installed the Multi Romance portion and yet i could still flirt etc after 'getting' with Imoen. Maybe that was it.

    You can read the epilogues at
    imoenRomance\tra\english\Setup.Tra file

  • HalfwiseHalfwise Member Posts: 78
    vanatos said:

    Thats still in, though there wasn't anything harsh about that.

    I agree. I must admit, whenever I hear about something getting changed, I worry that it might be because of some value-based ideology, rather than to legitimately improve flow of the story.

    I chose that event as a sort of 'litmus test' to kind of judge the extent of the changes. (Sorry I wasn't upfront about it, its a sensitive subject for some.) I'm much more relaxed now, and feel that any story changes were done to polish rather than alter.

    Once again, sorry if that was a little underhanded.

  • Sarevok08Sarevok08 Member Posts: 82
    Yeah, I mostly did some stuff until Vanatos and Israel came along for the coding and writing respectively.
    Great work again guys :)
  • BalladBallad Member Posts: 205
    edited May 2016
    I've been posting in the other thread but I thought I'd make an appearance here as well. Long story short, I just finished playing through the mod for the first time, and all I can say is, wow, I'm genuinely impressed. I had very low expectations due to having tried Lord Mirrabo's original version many, many years ago but was delighted to discover that the mod as it stands now has virtually nothing to do with that old thing. I already wrote a lengthy twopartite review here and here, so all I'm going to say this time is thank you @Sarevok08 , @vanatos and Israel (and everyone else involved) for providing us with such a stellar, emotionally complex, beautifully constructed modification.

    ps: who was the person who did the music for the mod? It kind of grew on me and there were a couple of tracks I really loved. I would be curious to find out if they did more.
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    Israel did the music and the writing for the mod.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    edited May 2016
    @vanatos There is a bug in Imoen's dialog which prevents you to invite her in Spellhold in a friendly way if you have three or more party members and none of them are Bioware NPCs. You have only two options left: "Whoa! We? Who invited *you* along?" and "Because of group balance, I have no room. Can you find your way out alone?".

    Edit: The check for number of party members is not entirely correct either. It currently uses "NumInPartyGT(2)". It should be "NumInPartyGT(1)" instead.
    Post edited by argent77 on
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    Another issue: A number of dialog lines contain special dash characters encoded in ANSI that are displayed incorrectly in BG2:EE (which requires text encoded in UTF-8). WeiDU provides the HANDLE_CHARSETS function for something like this, but it can only be used on traified lines. It's probably less time-consuming to convert the dashes into regular US-ASCII hyphens. Several dialog files in "dialogues/SOA" are affected.

    The file "dialogues/TOB/Misc/RandomComments.d" seems to be encoded in UTF-8 already. While that works fine in BG2:EE it will most likely produce garbled text in the original BG2.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 930
    In order to get the most out of this mod, should the PC 'rush' to rescue Imoen (i.e., get through chapters 2 and 3 as quickly as possible)? Or does it not matter much either way?

  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    Good question.
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