Vanilla broke it again!

Since Vanilla breaks our forum so much I thought I would make a master tread for discussing what is broken on the forums. Any time you notice something is broken then post it here and I (or another moderator) will edit the OP here to list what you can expect to be not working properly.
What is currently not working:
What is currently not working:
Post edited by Tresset on
Firefox 45.0.1
Fonts & Images zoomed to 120% original size
I assume this is due to recent changes to the Vanilla software because it wasn't happening before the recent discussions about HTML/BBCODE.
Edit: and it's fixed now.
Edit: Checked it myself again, and i can confirm the above report. If i try to open a new discussion, while i'm in the Localization sub-forum, category is greyed out at selection.
When opening a new discussion from main site i don't have this problem:
Edit2: It seems the issue consists only in the Localization subforums, in all other subforums clicking on new discussion opens a new thread in that subforum automatically, the category selection don't even pops up.
Sometimes code tags are preferred to avoid auto-conversion of special characters, such as words starting with @ ('at' sign).
In addition to these software bugs it was impossible to log in at all for several hours.
Btw, I have noticed a couple more issues lately:
- Gaps between text paragraphs in comments is twice as big as usual
- Smileys are sometimes vertically misaligned
- Text is invisible (i.e. uses same color as background) when switching to full page mode for editing or creating comments
- Text in edit window is barely readable (light gray on white background) when removing focus from the window
Skynet@Minion trying to take over the worldThe issue regarding missing indentation in code blocks, that I posted earlier is still open though.
When creating a post, the gap looks correct if you click on the "Preview" button, but it's gone after you create the actual post.
{ "Code": 0, "Exception": "You are not allowed to upload files in this category.", "Class": "Exception" }