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My best roll ever



  • Eadwyn_G8keeperEadwyn_G8keeper Member Posts: 541
    I know the feeling. You finally rolled that dream of a Fighter/Mage with 18'00 strength and it is so tempting to go toe-to-toe with the Ogre if it manages to plow through my Grease pit. Bad idea.

    Same for the Ogrillons south of Beregost and they don't even have the nasty Morningstar. Beastly weapons!!
  • LegendLegend Member Posts: 36
    Lateralus said:

    Lateralus said:

    I rolled up some new characters after getting SoD, and the rolls have been very lucky for me since then! 96 point gnome F/I, 99 point Blade, and just now...a 98 point elven fighter/mage/thief! In all honesty, it didn't take me long to land any of those rolls. BTW the gnome got a 96% str and the elf a 73%. Time for a solo run...

    Some classes are just easier to roll and some are not. For instance, Fighter/Illusionists are easier to roll than Fighter/Mages because their mininum roll is I believe 48 (including a minimum 16 for dexterity - a stat you need). FIghter/Mage has a minimum of 42, I believe. Blades are pretty easy as well (52 minimum). F/M/T is hard to roll...44 minimum, I believe. A 98 for a F/M/T is very good.

    Paladin is, I believe, the easiest class to roll. Get a load of this (I didn't even keep the character...I ended up deleting it):

    After looking at my Paladin, read this dude's post and laugh (a REALLY entertaining thread):

    For some reason there are people who are really proud of rolling high on Paladins and Rangers - as if it's some sort of accomplishment or something.
    I've been playing this game since back when they didn't even add up your roll total for you, and your 18/00 Pallyy somehow triggered a funny story. Way back when I rolled a 95 point Pally with a 18/00 str, at the time I thought it was a sign from "Torm", because re-rolling was ted-i-us. Left the Keep, recruited Immy, next map, first hit he takes was a crit from a gibberling. DEAD. lol I forgot to wear my helmet!

    But yeah Paladins and Bards are easy. in my gazillion years of rolling 99 is the highest I have ever seen. I'm calling BS on the 104 and 101 rolls!
    I gotta say, my highest role was between 103 and 105 (I don't remember, it was probably 103). I've been playing for decades too and it's only happened once. Apart from that I've rolled exactly 100 or just over at least two or three times, and I've rolled high 90's a good fair few. All I'm trying to say is, it definitely does happen.

  • shaldonshaldon Member Posts: 37
    I'm currently playing a 99 roll Half-Elf F/M/T (went Half-Elf as I'm using daggers and staves so don't care about the swords/bows bonus).

    Best ever was a round 100, gnome Fighter/Illusionist. But I abandoned him after a few hours - as a gnome for Charname just seems...wrong.
  • Mush_MushMush_Mush Member Posts: 476
    The highest I ever got was 97 on a sorcerer I believe but today I created a replacement for Minsc (because he had such awful HP rolls his HP were lower than Imoen's so he had to go for his own saftey)... I rolled 92 pretty quickly which isn't surprising for a Paladin, was going to go with 17 str til I popped it up to 18 and realized it was 18/99 ...felt like it'd be a crime not to use it.

  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    shaldon said:

    Best ever was a round 100, gnome Fighter/Illusionist. But I abandoned him after a few hours - as a gnome for Charname just seems...wrong.

    Because Bhaal wouldn't stoop that low?

  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    Hey, there is a theory going around that Boo is in fact Bhaalspawn, so if he can stoop to a hamster, space or no, he can stoop to a gnome.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    I mean, he stooped to a chinchilla...
  • OrlonKronsteenOrlonKronsteen Member Posts: 905
    edited October 2017
    I've been pretty blessed with rolling, though admittedly I spend a lot of time doing it (I should probably be telling this to a psychiatrist, not you guys). The funny thing is that my best, astronomically ridiculous rolls always seemed to happen almost right away. When I don't get lucky early and roll for awhile it's usually for not. But, I've had 100 on paladins twice, 99 on paladins two or three times, 96 with 18/00 strength on a paladin, 99 on a blackguard, rangers in the very high nineties multiple times, 97 on an elven fighter/thief, and a 96 on a shapeshifter. All those great rolls happened within a few minutes of character creation. And just today I rolled this on a blackguard:

    Edit: P.S. I know it's not that amazing to get those rolls with paladins and rangers who get biased rolls, but it's still pretty cool.
  • malachi151malachi151 Member Posts: 152
    I hate it when I'm rolling a multi-class Fighter and I get like 90+, but then get like 18/05 STR :p
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    Rolled a 95 human mage (unkitted). I would have been happy with a 90... but the 95 will have to suffice
  • OrlonKronsteenOrlonKronsteen Member Posts: 905

    I hate it when I'm rolling a multi-class Fighter and I get like 90+, but then get like 18/05 STR :p

    I hate it when I roll any fighter and get a low exceptional strength modifier. You just have to hang int there until you get the tome.
  • malachi151malachi151 Member Posts: 152

    I hate it when I'm rolling a multi-class Fighter and I get like 90+, but then get like 18/05 STR :p

    I hate it when I roll any fighter and get a low exceptional strength modifier. You just have to hang int there until you get the tome.
    True, but for most straight fighters I just use Half-Orcs, so it doesn't matter (except DD) or the stats don't matter so much so you can just keep rolling for anything in the mid 80s+ and be fine.

    But when you need lots of stats, for like a Fighter/Mage or Fighter/Thief, etc., and you see like 92 come up and it's like awesome!, then you bump the STR and see like 18/11, it's like, hmmm....
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    Guess I am the only impatient here whose highest roll ever was 93 (granted, I almost never play paladins or rangers). Not a big deal - 93 is plenty even for a Baalspawn - but looking now at all those big numbers here I feel a bit jealous :) (I do have EEkeeper and know about Ctrl-8, we are talking about honest rolls here)
  • tbone1tbone1 Member Posts: 1,985
    I think I had a 92 - once - on a Cavalier. I am a dirty little min/maxer, though, so anything over 86 is gravy.
  • tbone1tbone1 Member Posts: 1,985
    Ah, but you inherit from the mother as well as the father, and Bhaalspawn was not, um, choosy.
  • StormvesselStormvessel Member Posts: 654
    edited October 2017

    I hate it when I'm rolling a multi-class Fighter and I get like 90+, but then get like 18/05 STR :p

    I don't blink, thanks to the tome of bodily exercise. I couldn't care less what the strength roll is as long as I'm prepared to play through the entire saga. There's plenty of potions to raise your strength for the hard battles - and you don't otherwise need it. And since you said multi-class, if it's a multi-class cleric (like a fighter cleric) it's even more pointless. Sometimes for a fighter/cleric 17 will suffice because you can raise it to 19 (tome BG1, Lum's Machine BG2) and in the mean time you still get the +1 to hit and multiple ways of raising your strengh as a Cleric that you SHOULD be using anyway. Believe me - it's a waste of time to sweat the strength roll at all. I'd MUCH rather roll a 94 with 18/01 than a 93 with 18/00.

    Icewind Dale is another story. Give me the 93 with the 18/00, even over a 96 with a 18/01 - unless it's a multiclass cleric or Paladin (in which case I'd rather have the 96 with 18/01).
    Post edited by Stormvessel on
  • OrlonKronsteenOrlonKronsteen Member Posts: 905
    tbone1 said:

    Ah, but you inherit from the mother as well as the father, and Bhaalspawn was not, um, choosy.

    I confess that I'm poorly versed in FR lore.
  • StormvesselStormvessel Member Posts: 654
    edited October 2017
    tbone1 said:

    Ah, but you inherit from the mother as well as the father, and Bhaalspawn was not, um, choosy.

    I thought it was Bhaal himself who went about sowing his seeds...I could be mistaken though. Maybe it was his spawn that perpetuated even more spawn, on down from the Time of Troubles. But I'm pretty sure the ToT occurred not long before the start of BG (because Wild Magic is a new thing to the people of the world, and Wild Magic was a product of the ToT), so it would be Bhaal himself who wasn't "choosy". I could be wrong though.

    Either I've forgotten or the game isn't clear. I don't think it actually gives a date for the ToT.


    Taking place during the Year of Shadows, 1358 DR...

    [during this time] ...arcane magic (a force channeled from The Weave by wizards and sorcerers) ceased to be regulated by its steward, Mystra, and became dangerously unpredictable...

    So it was Bhaal himself that was doing the nasty. That's...not an image I want to imagine. :#
  • tbone1tbone1 Member Posts: 1,985
    Should have been Bhaal, not Bhaalspawn. Thanks, autoconnect. Er, autocorrect.
  • StormvesselStormvessel Member Posts: 654
    tbone1 said:

    Should have been Bhaal, not Bhaalspawn. Thanks, autoconnect. Er, autocorrect.

    I considered the possibility it was an oversight but honestly wasn't sure. Sorry.
  • AltairAltair Member Posts: 128
    In almost 20 years of playing BG I only rolled once a total of 100+ (I think it was 102 if I remember well). I usually roll until I get around 95. I mostly play on Legacy of Bhaal mode now so my Charname needs high stats...
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592

    tbone1 said:

    Ah, but you inherit from the mother as well as the father, and Bhaalspawn was not, um, choosy.

    I thought it was Bhaal himself who went about sowing his seeds...I could be mistaken though. Maybe it was his spawn that perpetuated even more spawn, on down from the Time of Troubles. But I'm pretty sure the ToT occurred not long before the start of BG (because Wild Magic is a new thing to the people of the world, and Wild Magic was a product of the ToT), so it would be Bhaal himself who wasn't "choosy". I could be wrong though.

    Either I've forgotten or the game isn't clear. I don't think it actually gives a date for the ToT.


    Taking place during the Year of Shadows, 1358 DR...

    [during this time] ...arcane magic (a force channeled from The Weave by wizards and sorcerers) ceased to be regulated by its steward, Mystra, and became dangerously unpredictable...

    So it was Bhaal himself that was doing the nasty. That's...not an image I want to imagine. :#

    Well actually not all Bhaalspawns were conceived during the Time of Troubles. I am unsure wheter it ever was clearly stated, but for instance there's no way a Half-dragon could reach maturity and breed with another dragon to have a son (Draconis) who himself has reach some kind of maturity (both his human and dragon form have an adult body) in the approx 20years that separate the moment Bhaal's killed and the moment the game happens
  • WindruWindru Member Posts: 10
    Hi all, after reading some posts here, I thought I would give it a go.
    Yesterday I rolled a natural 98 for my gnome fighter/illusionist.
    I think I put my stats like this:
    str 18/80
    dex 18
    con 18
    int 19
    wis 14
    cha 11

    I've always been a goodie goodie type, so this guy is LG
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,538
    edited October 2017
    Loomis said:

    ... albeit I guess no mods or editors is the trade off

    You can actually install custom portraits, custom sound sets (without subtitles) and override NPC portraits. I can provide you further details if you wish.....
  • LoomisLoomis Member Posts: 25
    Luke93 said:

    Loomis said:

    ... albeit I guess no mods or editors is the trade off

    You can actually install custom portraits, custom sound sets (without subtitles) and override NPC portraits. I can provide you further details if you wish.....
    That would be great ... I only play in iPad no clue how to do it... would love custom portrait though so I don't look like other party members sometimes ;( .... anything to make it more custom on an iPad would be great
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