I decided to make it BG2EE friendly at this time instead of waiting for version 3s completion is because I need feedback on its current status before I get too involved in V3.
The Dark Side is right around the corner. I'll upload it tomorrow most likely. Right now I am redownloading Fallout New Vegas. Can't jam up my internet connection.
Dark Horizons now includes a French translation and the Undying now includes a German translation.
I've been out of the modding scene since IWDEE came out and plan on being out for some time. Due to the lack of enthusiasm in getting Dark Side of the Sword Coast out for BGEE and other mods of mine, I have decided to focus on my post-apocalypse novel that I've been writing for some time. Time to stop procrastinating over it and get it done and hopefully published.
My out of the modding scene didn't last too long, unfortunately how ever you look at it. Just started working on The Undying 3.0 which I will probably get done sooner than any novel. Since nuking my BG2 mod files when I mistakenly did an update on the game, I am working on the TP2 file to add in the new content into the game which is time consuming. Now the other new files, I didn't lose since I had those in my original non EE game. But I did lose the newer files that had alterations and fixes to them for EE.
I'll make damn sure I have multiple backups of this mods files stored far away from the Beamdog game this time.
I'm a computer major who forgets to follow rule number one in computers, BACK UP, BACK UP, BACK UP FILES!
Seems IE modding is like a narcotic Cool that you got back to it, I'm pretty sure there is a bunch of players waiting for the new Undying. Did you plan to tinker with DSotSC or does this ship already sailed?
Dark Side is done unless the other team members all of a sudden showed up and wanted to add in content. I'll just fix bugs if and when they are reported, other than the world map problem.
Dark side of the sword coast seems to make many unnecessary overrides of vanilla items that I don't know why it would be touching at all.
For instance it overwrites DAGG05.ITM which is the default throwing dagger and removes the strength bonus from it that it should be getting. It also makes it so you don't get the +1/2 attack from weapon specialization for that same weapon. I can only imagine there are similar issues with some of the other overwrites.
@CoM_Solaufein, I think I found a solution for the problem regarding the worldmap on DSotSC...
If you use the sc#addWmpAre, you either need to add the entrance names like ExitS, ExitW, Exitwmp, etc. (If an Entrance does not exist the game crashes like original BG1 and BG2 ) to the areas or you change the sc#addWmpAre macro to use the default entrances (West, North, South, East)
I have changed the macro myself, you can find it in the attachement, I tested the macro with the Wood of Sharp Teeth and it looks good (have a look in the testcode.txt for how to using it...)
(I tried posting this on baldursgatemods.com, but I got this message: "Session verification failed. Please try logging out and back in again, and then try again.", also if I hit the Logout button... )
I would like to obtain permission to create a mod to modify Dark Horizons with the aim of making all overpowered items undroppable to avoid issues with creating overpowered PCs
I would like to obtain permission to create a mod to modify Dark Horizons with the aim of making all overpowered items undroppable to avoid issues with creating overpowered PCs
My store mod for IWDEE that has a couple of items from the dead Return to the North mod. But I guess I'll let it sit on my computer, due to the lack of excitement.
Info at this forum.
I decided to make it BG2EE friendly at this time instead of waiting for version 3s completion is because I need feedback on its current status before I get too involved in V3.
I've been out of the modding scene since IWDEE came out and plan on being out for some time. Due to the lack of enthusiasm in getting Dark Side of the Sword Coast out for BGEE and other mods of mine, I have decided to focus on my post-apocalypse novel that I've been writing for some time. Time to stop procrastinating over it and get it done and hopefully published.
I'll make damn sure I have multiple backups of this mods files stored far away from the Beamdog game this time.
I'm a computer major who forgets to follow rule number one in computers, BACK UP, BACK UP, BACK UP FILES!
For instance it overwrites DAGG05.ITM which is the default throwing dagger and removes the strength bonus from it that it should be getting. It also makes it so you don't get the +1/2 attack from weapon specialization for that same weapon. I can only imagine there are similar issues with some of the other overwrites.
If you use the sc#addWmpAre, you either need to add the entrance names like ExitS, ExitW, Exitwmp, etc. (If an Entrance does not exist the game crashes like original BG1 and BG2
I have changed the macro myself, you can find it in the attachement, I tested the macro with the Wood of Sharp Teeth and it looks good (have a look in the testcode.txt for how to using it...)
(I tried posting this on baldursgatemods.com, but I got this message: "Session verification failed. Please try logging out and back in again, and then try again.", also if I hit the Logout button...
Also it would be good, if you add support for BP-BGT_Worldmap, which just got an update for BG:EE
@CoM_Solaufein if you want to read about it more, follow http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/comment/635485/#Comment_635485 and the following discussion about your awesome mod.
Ginafae http://www.baldursgatemods.com/forums/index.php?board=27.0
She is a female drow that will be romanceable with the male tall folk of the realms. She will have banters with other fellow NPCs and interjections.
Go show your support for this mod. We don't want her to disappear for a couple years again in frustration.