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Is Saving Viconia worth the trouble

I really don't like the situation dealing with rescuing Viconia. On one hand you have to watch her get murdered in cold blood by the a called member of the "Red Fist". On the other hand you kill him an lose half of your Reputation points. When you let her join the party you lose 2 more rep' points. Which means you are now marked as "Evil." I really don't think there are enough free Rep" points in the game to boost you where you need to catch up and move onward unless you spend a lot of gold pieces that are just not there early in the game. Any one have some positive ideas about this. I think she asks the PC at some point if he wants her to change her alignment from evil to just neutral. I not sure if that is in the old BG or BG2.


  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 878
    50% magic resistance? Yes please. High reputation is overrated also, IMHO, even for parties with good alignment. For some reason, I like keeping her in most of my playthrough. It must be because of her personality. Drow rules supreme; it's been true esp recently.
  • HerrderGezeitenHerrderGezeiten Member Posts: 139
    Calmar said:

    I provoked the Flaming Fist dune into attacking me first or something like that) and didn't lose any reputation for killing him.

    Jup only -2 for join

  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    @Redwizard The rep loss is due to the fact that when you go into the next settlement, you have an evil drow with you...
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    You can't get her to change until much later on, and not in BG1 at all. I usually have a very high rep by the time I get to rescue her, so it doesn't really affect me too much. Obviously as she's a Priestess of Shar, and Sharrans don't advance by doing charitable work, it's going to be hard to keep her in a good party. But I usually rescue her anyway.
  • RedWizardRedWizard Member Posts: 242
    @Anduin I see, I thought you lost rep for killing him and then for letting Viconia join.
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    @Redwizard If you boot her out of the party... Your Rep goes up... I once booted Vic and Xar and Monty decided that us goody goodies made them sick and they left too! You have been warned!
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    Talk to Viconia first and agree to defend her, then when the Flaming Fist arrives (almost immediately) wait for him to speak to you before attacking him and tell him that he can't take Viconia. Then he turns hostile and you can kill him without losing reputation. However, you still lose 2 reputation for accepting Viconia into your party (although you get the 2 points back if you later dismiss her from the party).

    If you're playing a mostly-Evil party, then you don't want too high a reputation else some of your party members will walk out, so losing the 2 points for recruiting Viconia may suit you just fine. She's a fine Cleric, so Evil parties will generally want her in.

    If you're playing a mostly-Good party, you probably don't want her, or at least not for very long, because she'll walk out when your reputation goes over 18.

    Neutral parties might go either way. She's quite useful, although Branwen is also quite useful and a more natural choice if you want a pureclass Cleric in a Neutral (or Good) party. I'm currently playing a mixed Neutral and Evil party, and I've got Viconia as my Cleric and (with a strength-enhancing item) doubling up as a front-row tank, and she's doing fairly well.

    Yes, there is eventually an opportunity for Viconia to change alignment, but that's late in BG2 (and only if you've successfully completed a BG2 romance storyline with her), so it's pretty irrelevant for the time being.
  • kavakekavake Member Posts: 17
    Ditto with RedWizard. Thought just flaming that idiot fist would cook most of my Rep and then some. Thanks for all the input guys. Plz excuse me if I don't answer all the posts that reply to this and other questions I posted. If I did that, I could not get anything else done. LOL ;-)
  • valkyvalky Member Posts: 386
    edited February 2013

    If you're playing a mostly-Good party, you probably don't want her, or at least not for very long, because she'll walk out when your reputation goes over 18.

    There are also enough locations to get "free" rep-loss depending on your decision, or you can just get caught by 'accident' while pickpocketing - there are enough houses in Beregost alone :)
    Or if your rep is already pretty high, just kill some innocent in a house. Else without spending money I think you can barely reach 20 or a bit over it. So keeping a steady rep of maybe 12-14~ should be easy.

    Used her in 2 'good' runs in BG2 as well, after chapter 3 the rep gain is so tiny, that if you leave with ~10 you'll never reach 18+ by the time you can re-enter Athkatla again.

    @topic: you can turn her either neutral or good in ToB (can't remember) and only if you 'perfectly' romance her. If you screw up at some point, you might not be given the option...I think while doing or after the last pocketplane challenge.

  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938
    What trouble?

    I kill flaming fist guards for fun.
  • LoremasterLoremaster Member Posts: 212
    There is another thing to consider whether you want her or not –spells. Clerics get some spells depending on alignment. Since Viconia is evil she will get unholy blight but not holy blight, for example. Unholy blight affects good enemies while holy blight affects evil. I don’t know much of which spells evil respective good clerics get, but I tend to use holy blight a lot so I generally don’t take Viconia. And what spells a player use and how she uses them and is a matter of personal preference. I’m just saying spells might be something to consider when you decide what cleric to play with.
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    edited February 2013
    Doesn't matter if you attack the Flaming Fist or if he attacks you. You don't lose reputation killing that particular guard no matter what.

    From a technical standpoint his faction has been changed on purpose so that there is no loss of reputation in killing him.

    From a roleplaying standpoint you can think of him as a rogue guard acting without proper authorisation.
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    Viconia is awesome, Lolth wanted her personally, I think that is enough of a reason to notice her value. There are some really good clerics in this game though (I'm somewhat counting Xzar as a cleric as well) so not too sure. A great cleric to choose from is Yeslick if you're going for that good party though. Granted, he grows level a bit slower due to being part fighter, he gets more THAC0 and has a very awesome innate ability to dispel magic, so he's definitely worth looking at too.
  • WebShamanWebShaman Member Posts: 490
    Of course it is worth rescuing Viconia - she is good in bed!
  • GlaykithGlaykith Member Posts: 14

    If you're playing a mostly-Good party, you probably don't want her, or at least not for very long, because she'll walk out when your reputation goes over 18.

    The Helm of Opposite Alignment is an option if you want to keep Viconia, or any other evil NPC that can wear a helm, in an 18+ reputation party. Of course, this means giving up more utilitarian headgear options and might be hard to justify from a role-playing perspective.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    WebShaman said:

    Of course it is worth rescuing Viconia - she is good in bed!

    I will ask Baeloth if that is true. According to his claims, he should be able to verify soon enough.

  • boltholebolthole Member Posts: 1
    I always save her and used a cursed helm in bg1 that swaps alignment so she worked well with my goody party
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    Of course. How can you not?
  • SharnSharn Member Posts: 188
    There is no rep loss for killing the flaming fist guy.
  • WilburWilbur Member Posts: 1,173
    edited February 2013
    I would like there to be more of these situation where you have to choose between the lesser of two evils. A good party wants to help a woman that is claiming to be innocent (don't they all), but in helping her they need to kill an officer of the law.
    Post edited by Wilbur on
  • watzwatz Member Posts: 5
    I had Viconia in my first party also I played a good char. She has the best stats of all clerics in the game and she has a lot of dialogue in the stories of Dorn and especially Rasaad. I don´t get a loss of reputation when I killed the guard only -2 for getting her in my party. I had also Dorn in my party so I steel from time to time so it was easy to keep the repution under 19 so they didn´t leave.
  • MathmickMathmick Member Posts: 326
    Yes. Viconia is worth the trouble of taking 12 seconds to kill some annoying guard.
  • NifftNifft Member Posts: 1,065

    Even if you dislike Vicky, it's a very early opportunity to score some free Plate Armor, and early in the game that stuff is actually kind of expensive.
  • PugPugPugPug Member Posts: 560
    WebShaman said:

    Of course it is worth rescuing Viconia - she is good in bed!

    Meh, I thought her romance was kind of annoying, personally.
  • MykraMykra Member Posts: 252
    Absolutely worth it.

    From a character standpoint - and obvious spoilers coming for the three people who haven't played BG2 - I like the parallel of the situation Charname and Viconia both find themselves in.

    You meet Viconia on the road, chased by a zealot who is hell-bent on destroying her just because what she was born as, not for anything she has actually done. Charname, obviously a Bhaalspawn, runs into this exact situation multiple times where (s)he is hunted, manipulated, and murder is attempted simply based on heritage as well.

    Even if I'm not going to take her into the party (usually runs where I'm playing a Something/Cleric myself), that Flaming Fist is dogmeat.
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