Is Saving Viconia worth the trouble

I really don't like the situation dealing with rescuing Viconia. On one hand you have to watch her get murdered in cold blood by the a called member of the "Red Fist". On the other hand you kill him an lose half of your Reputation points. When you let her join the party you lose 2 more rep' points. Which means you are now marked as "Evil." I really don't think there are enough free Rep" points in the game to boost you where you need to catch up and move onward unless you spend a lot of gold pieces that are just not there early in the game. Any one have some positive ideas about this. I think she asks the PC at some point if he wants her to change her alignment from evil to just neutral. I not sure if that is in the old BG or BG2.
And a good aligned character certainly wouldn't let the officer kill Viconia in cold blood before knowing what she did. Letting the officer kill her just because she's drow borders on fanaticism, and that's jerk paladin territory.
If you're playing a mostly-Evil party, then you don't want too high a reputation else some of your party members will walk out, so losing the 2 points for recruiting Viconia may suit you just fine. She's a fine Cleric, so Evil parties will generally want her in.
If you're playing a mostly-Good party, you probably don't want her, or at least not for very long, because she'll walk out when your reputation goes over 18.
Neutral parties might go either way. She's quite useful, although Branwen is also quite useful and a more natural choice if you want a pureclass Cleric in a Neutral (or Good) party. I'm currently playing a mixed Neutral and Evil party, and I've got Viconia as my Cleric and (with a strength-enhancing item) doubling up as a front-row tank, and she's doing fairly well.
Yes, there is eventually an opportunity for Viconia to change alignment, but that's late in BG2 (and only if you've successfully completed a BG2 romance storyline with her), so it's pretty irrelevant for the time being.
Or if your rep is already pretty high, just kill some innocent in a house. Else without spending money I think you can barely reach 20 or a bit over it. So keeping a steady rep of maybe 12-14~ should be easy.
Used her in 2 'good' runs in BG2 as well, after chapter 3 the rep gain is so tiny, that if you leave with ~10 you'll never reach 18+ by the time you can re-enter Athkatla again.
@topic: you can turn her either neutral or good in ToB (can't remember) and only if you 'perfectly' romance her. If you screw up at some point, you might not be given the option...I think while doing or after the last pocketplane challenge.
I kill flaming fist guards for fun.
From a technical standpoint his faction has been changed on purpose so that there is no loss of reputation in killing him.
From a roleplaying standpoint you can think of him as a rogue guard acting without proper authorisation.
I kill the bastard even if I was playing a Paladin. "She's obviously evil" is a garbage, unlawful and unjust excuse.
Even a Paladin would give her a second chance to redeem herself and turn herself to good or at the very least, capture her and take her to the nearest authorities to be judged on her crimes, if she did any, other than being a Drow.
With my Blackguard, I kill him because he's an idiot and she's awesome.
Even if you dislike Vicky, it's a very early opportunity to score some free Plate Armor, and early in the game that stuff is actually kind of expensive.
From a character standpoint - and obvious spoilers coming for the three people who haven't played BG2 - I like the parallel of the situation Charname and Viconia both find themselves in.
You meet Viconia on the road, chased by a zealot who is hell-bent on destroying her just because what she was born as, not for anything she has actually done. Charname, obviously a Bhaalspawn, runs into this exact situation multiple times where (s)he is hunted, manipulated, and murder is attempted simply based on heritage as well.
Even if I'm not going to take her into the party (usually runs where I'm playing a Something/Cleric myself), that Flaming Fist is dogmeat.