So, can we get an official update on the thief NPC?

I mean, yes, I know people think her name is Hexxat because of screenshots and stuff. But I'm asking the powers that be to give us some kind of update/info on her? We're close enough to launch now; by this point in BG1EE's development we already had info on Dorn, Neera and Rasaad.
You'll just have to trust us on this one.
I can see details beyond that being potential spoilers. Guess we'll see.
Imoen is a vital NPC in BG2 and you describe her as "A neutral good (iirc) theif/mage with enough points in thief skills to get you through the game, and becomes a decent spellcaster as she advances.". No need to mention her being a child of Bhall of being taken to Spellhold.
Should point out I am insanely supportful of the devs whatever they do, I would just like more info on new content.
And they are obviously trying to sell as many copies as possible before people figure out that Hexxat is actually her real name, and then 80% of them won't bother with refunding because they are lazy.
"We're making a brand new NPC for our game, and she'll be what most people want which is a thief! Buuut here's the catch, we're going to name her... Trainbridge #32 just because we can, trololololo"
Let's hope they wake up and are more sensible before release.