The name sure takes a lot of getting used to it, at least for me. Hexxat, Hexxat, Hexxat, Hexxat, Hexxat, Hexxat, Hexxat, Hexxat, Hexxat, Hexxat... I still can't get myself to like the name, argh...maybe someday!
Atleast have them put in a banter where Jan or Edwin teases her mercilessly. It's the only way i can see this working out, her name being a very important part of her questline and banter.
"You know my lass, i once had this monkey that... What did you say your name was? Hexxat? Ahaha... Hah... Hahaha. I'm sorry but my monkey story just won't be able to compete with this, let me tell you about this turninp i found once instead. Hexxat.. Hehehehehe"
Edwin - Is your name really Hexxat?
Hexxat - Yes
Edwin - ... Do you mock me?
Hexxat - Um, no.
Edwin - What could your parents possible have been thinking?
Hexxat - What? It's not that bad!
Edwin - It makes Montaron and Xzar look good....
[Aran Linvail]
Aran - Please come inside CHARNAME.
CHARNAME - Thank you.
Aran - Oh wait, you have to leave that lady behind.
CHARNAME - Huh? Why?
Aran - Because i don't trust people with names i can't pronounce.
I see it now infront of me... Why bother to spend time on storyline when you can just make fun out of her name and let that be her character? Minsc #2 with no hamster.
I'll admit I wasn't 100% sold on the name (it was locked in before I got here) until I heard the voice actress say it in character. Now I can't imagine it being anything else.
Oh, hey, check it out, I managed to comment on the name without actually writing the name. Coincidence...?
@SionIV Once her character is revealed in BG2:EE, we'll most likely learn the context behind her name, so what may seem like an unfitting name at the moment might just make sense then.
Of course, it's speculation, but "Hexxat" sounds like a feminine Infernal name to me. Since "hex" means "six," maybe she has some link to Malbolge: the 6th layer of Baator.
I doubt anything is going to sell that name for me. Not to mention i already got worried with BGEE because the NPC's did not fit in with the rest and made them stand out. Now it's already started again before we even know anything about her.
@SionIV Once her character is revealed in BG2:EE, we'll most likely learn the context behind her name, so what may seem like an unfitting name at the moment might just make sense then.
Of course, it's speculation, but "Hexxat" sounds like a feminine Infernal name to me. Since "hex" means "six," maybe she has some link to Malbolge: the 6th layer of Baator.
Of course, it's speculation, but "Hexxat" sounds like a feminine Infernal name to me. Since "hex" means "six," maybe she has some link to Malbolge: the 6th layer of Baator.
Hexxat does make a good hellish name. Maybe her character is spoilery because she's an agent of the Baatezu/Tanar'ri (Erinyes/Succubus?).
Of course, it's speculation, but "Hexxat" sounds like a feminine Infernal name to me. Since "hex" means "six," maybe she has some link to Malbolge: the 6th layer of Baator.
Hexxat does make a good hellish name. Maybe her character is spoilery because she's an agent of the Baatezu/Tanar'ri (Erinyes/Succubus?).
Of course, it's speculation, but "Hexxat" sounds like a feminine Infernal name to me. Since "hex" means "six," maybe she has some link to Malbolge: the 6th layer of Baator.
I believe it stems from a horrible miscommunication in a development meeting. Where they discussed how they need to have more 'Six' in the game to sell copies.
@LiamEsler: Any particular reason for that? She's mentioned on the website, it's not like her existence is a secret...?
We want to leave more for players to discover this time.
I have discovered that there is a likelihood that she is between three feet...and eight feet...
And what is the base for this wild guess of yours?
I, uh... On the spot. On the spot. Don't mess this up, SCARY_WIZARD. This is your chance. I happen to know the person who made her! And for the remainder of this thread, and as often as I think to post in it, I will take on a very snobby, authoritarian air. Oh, wait, this isn't the 1990s. If I claim to know game developers and act snobby towards people about alleged acquaintances, I will get into trouble. I don't know the basis.
I'll admit I wasn't 100% sold on the name (it was locked in before I got here) until I heard the voice actress say it in character. Now I can't imagine it being anything else.
Oh, hey, check it out, I managed to comment on the name without actually writing the name. Coincidence...?
I should also point out that this is one major reason her name will not be changing (Voice Acting).
I admit, at the bare minimum, I'd like to know if there are any restrictions on her romance path (we have confirmed that she'll be romanceable, right? Or am I making that up?). On the other hand, I can always romance one of the other Overhaul NPCs on my first playthrough.
Well, we know there is a lesbian romance path, so its either Hexxat or Neera has become bi. I'm assuming Neera is still heterosexual, so that implies Hexxat is either lesbian or bisexual. I am going to assume there are no race restrictions since none of the new NPCs have them. There might be alignment restrictions, however, since there is precedent for that (Rasaad will only romance the good girls).
Well Neera's a wild mage so she's just a spellsurge away from any possibility.
Assuming her tastes don't transmogrify along with her sex, she's a spellsurge away from being a gay man, but I wouldn't say that was quite 'any possibility'.
Unless she becomes something weird. In which case I suppose it will depend on the Bhaalspawn's tastes more than hers.
Given that we've had hex = six already, a hex is also a term for a curse or spell, which would again lead credence to the theory that that's something magical or otherworldly to our new "thief". Or it could be a Red Herring, as so many things seem to be.
Plus, as @AndrewFoley said, you guys. AND GIRLS. Just wait until you hear her say it.
It works so much better in context, I promise.
Okay, how about this? Just 1 soundclip. Just 1. Not of her saying her name. Just of her saying her version of "okay, I'll go do that." Then we'll have something. As opposed to nothing.
This is the second time you've made reference to her being some kind of alien. I sense you are trying to tell us something. Spelljammer crossover character?
"You know my lass, i once had this monkey that... What did you say your name was? Hexxat? Ahaha... Hah... Hahaha. I'm sorry but my monkey story just won't be able to compete with this, let me tell you about this turninp i found once instead. Hexxat.. Hehehehehe"
Edwin - Is your name really Hexxat?
Hexxat - Yes
Edwin - ... Do you mock me?
Hexxat - Um, no.
Edwin - What could your parents possible have been thinking?
Hexxat - What? It's not that bad!
Edwin - It makes Montaron and Xzar look good....
[Aran Linvail]
Aran - Please come inside CHARNAME.
CHARNAME - Thank you.
Aran - Oh wait, you have to leave that lady behind.
CHARNAME - Huh? Why?
Aran - Because i don't trust people with names i can't pronounce.
I see it now infront of me... Why bother to spend time on storyline when you can just make fun out of her name and let that be her character? Minsc #2 with no hamster.
Oh, hey, check it out, I managed to comment on the name without actually writing the name. Coincidence...?
Of course, it's speculation, but "Hexxat" sounds like a feminine Infernal name to me. Since "hex" means "six," maybe she has some link to Malbolge: the 6th layer of Baator.
I doubt anything is going to sell that name for me. Not to mention i already got worried with BGEE because the NPC's did not fit in with the rest and made them stand out. Now it's already started again before we even know anything about her.
I happen to know the person who made her! And for the remainder of this thread, and as often as I think to post in it, I will take on a very snobby, authoritarian air.
Oh, wait, this isn't the 1990s. If I claim to know game developers and act snobby towards people about alleged acquaintances, I will get into trouble.
I don't know the basis.
*looks at Watcher's Keep alu-fiends* Go.
It works so much better in context, I promise.
Unless she becomes something weird. In which case I suppose it will depend on the Bhaalspawn's tastes more than hers.
So people, what are your guesses? I'm going to say French. Just because.