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Baldurs Gate Meme Thread II: Enhanced Edition (Careful, everyone, SPOILERS!)



  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428
    Scumbag Nameless One: I met the giant, Genocidal servant of entropy. I set him free.
  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428
    Cloutier said:

    Reminds me of Amora.
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768

    I don't think this needs a caption, but feel free to add one:

    What it needs is someone to replace the magazine cover with the cover of the Adventurers' Guide.
  • QuickbladeQuickblade Member Posts: 957

    The saga continues. Had to slightly censor it from the original, wouldn't want to break any forum rules now, would we ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    I am not familiar with every mod ever, obviously, so feel free to expand the list ~

    What your favourite Baldur’s Gate romance says about you - Mod Edition:

    Ajantis Ilvastarr: Your favourite movie of all time is A Knight’s Tale from 2001.
    Branwen: You only listen to power metal and once bought a drinking horn at a medieval market.
    Coran: Oh honey …
    Dynaheir: You are a huge sub and wear a choker in public.
    Edwin Odesseiron: You regret every one-night-stand you ever had.
    Haer’Dalis: Even if you are not a personal fan of [insert kink here], you sure as hell tried it at some point.
    Imoen: You once got drunk and then made out with your cousin.
    Keldorn Firecam: You unironically call your partner "daddy" and don’t even feel a little bit ashamed about that.
    Kivan: You had the biggest crush on Kurt Cobain.
    Romantic Encounters (BG1): You are a virgin and got all your sexual education from reading adult fanfiction.
    Romantic Encounters (BG2): You write adult fanfiction.
    Saerileth: You are either still a teenager or you should seriously reevaluate your life choices.
    Sarevok Anchev: Same as Imoen, but you are also kinky as f***.
    Shar-Teel: You are 30 and live in your mom’s basement, spending all day watching adult anime on the internet.
    Solaufein: Romeo and Juliet is your favourite stage play ever.
    Tsujatha: You believe that The Lord of the Rings is flawless in every conceivable way and get personally offended when people disagree.
    Xan: You used to make edgy™ Evanescence AMVs as a teenager.
    Please stop talking. You're making me want to try more mods. By which, I mean, do more!

    I could give a relatively complete list of BG2 romances, but I'd suck at making them memes.

    F PC romances:
    Adrian, Angelo, Aran, Arath, Chloe, Dace, Darian, Farin, Gavin, Isra, Kari, Kelsey, Sarah, Sime, Sirene

    M PC romances:
    Amber, Arath, Dace, Fade, Faren, Isra, Kari, Kiara, Kim, Leina, Nalia, Nathaniel, Ninde, Rjali, Sheena, Sime, Sirene, Taim, Tashia, Tyris, Yvette

    /sits back with popcorn
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Hmmm Branwen makes a good case.
  • tbone1tbone1 Member Posts: 1,985

    Branwen: You only listen to power metal and once bought a drinking horn at a medieval market

    Hm, would planning a vacation to L'anse aux Meadows count?

  • Abi_DalzimAbi_Dalzim Member Posts: 1,428
    Crypt Thing is a misunderstood superhero with a spiritual connection to The Black, right?
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875

    Ah yes, I think I have a set of shimmishangas mounted on my wall...
  • ArtonaArtona Member Posts: 1,077
    If he's a lizard king, can he do anything? Can he make the earth stop in its tracks? Did he make the blue cars go away?
    *hides in some abandoned basement with his obscure references*
  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428

    I’ve been browsing some old D&D book pdf’s and decided to take some screenshots …

    I think a Lizard King is supposed to be a Lizard Folk mutated by forces of the Abyss, which explains the chaotic evil alignment while the average Lizard Folk is (true) neutral.
  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428
    edited May 2017
    Some Lolth memes.

    Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428

    Crypt Thing is a misunderstood superhero with a spiritual connection to The Black, right?

    Crypt Thing is a misunderstood superhero with a spiritual connection to The Black, right?

    Crypt Thing is a misunderstood superhero with a spiritual connection to The Black, right?

    Do not bring your evil in my crypt.
  • QuickbladeQuickblade Member Posts: 957

    Some Lolth memes.

    I want to know the origin of this meme pic now. Baby unicorn? Is this sort of like Bavemorda being "defeated" by Elora Dannan in 'Willow'?
  • bleusteelbleusteel Member Posts: 523
  • tbone1tbone1 Member Posts: 1,985
    bleusteel said:
    By Odin's spear, man, why did you bring that up? Now and need steel wool, bleach, and medication to get rid of those memories that I'd thought I'd erased.
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