- You know, icewiddale.com was registered on Trent
- "I have a habit of buying domains"
- IWDEE announced
- You know, siegeofdragonspear.com was registered on Trent
- "I have a habit of buying domains"
- SoD announced
- Some gaming sites state SoD will be released in March
- "The official date hasn't been announced yet"
- SoD is announced to release in March
- Beamdog states that SoD will be released in early 2016 (Dec 2015)
- Some gaming sites state SoD will be released on randomly selected dates early in 2016 (one of those happens to be March 22)
- "The official date hasn't been announced yet"
- SoD is announced to release on March 31 (which is not March 22, nor was it ever going to be March 22)
- Beamdog states that SoD will be released in early 2016 (Dec 2015)
- Some gaming sites state SoD will be released on randomly selected dates early in 2016 (one of those happens to be March 22)
- "The official date hasn't been announced yet"
- SoD is announced to release on March 31 (which is not March 22, nor was it ever going to be March 22)
You guys just moved the date from March 22 to March 31 to make a birthday gift to @Gotural !
- Beamdog states that SoD will be released in early 2016 (Dec 2015)
- Some gaming sites state SoD will be released on randomly selected dates early in 2016 (one of those happens to be March 22)
- "The official date hasn't been announced yet"
- SoD is announced to release on March 31 (which is not March 22, nor was it ever going to be March 22)
You guys just moved the date from March 22 to March 31 to make a birthday gift to @Gotural !
I think that a better birthday gift would be to release the game earlier
I think that a better birthday gift would be to release the game earlier
I wouldn't mind getting some deli meat, a head of lettuce, a knife with some mayo on it, and an unsliced loaf of bread, but on the whole I'd be happier to get a sandwich.
I encourage everyone, except for those who don't want spoilers, to watch the latest video.
In the video by gamereactor we can hear Phillip Daigle explaining whey they went for sprite outlines.
"What we did get from Bioware was a big archive of documention and whatnot for the Baldur's Gate series. And within that documentation was a very interesting list that they had written down of what people wanted to see what people wanted to see in more Baldur's Gate content after Throne of Baal that they weren't able to execute on. And at the very top of that list of what people wanted was: I want to be able to command a huge army and be involved in massive battles that you just haven't seen in Baldur's Gate before. So we're happy to say that we've finally executed on that. Because we've upgraded the Infinity Engine so much it can handle hundreds of characters at once..."
According to Daigle, new sprite outlines and highlight feature can help to distinguish certain characters when there're hundreds of them on the screen. Also, they decided to make every option toggeable because there're purists of the BG style. In the same time, graphical tweaks could help new players, players who didn't play BG, enjoy the game more.
He also coveres that with higher difficulty enemies start targeting your mages and clerics rather than attacking your tanks.
Also, the toggle Map Background feature is shown (you can see the walkable area of the map)
One of the first thoughts that enter the Daigle's head is always "What about those guys who want BG to look exactly like it was years ago". Great to hear, thank you for that!
Internally they call the upgraded engine "Infinity Plus Plus".
Also, Phillip reveals something about Imoen and the plot:
One night assassins strike the Ducal Palace where you stay after dealing with last Sarevok's allies (the first quest and action of SoD). They try to take you down but they fail. However, "Imoen takes a big hit", and the Grand Dukes are also targeted, so they ask you to deal with it, taking Flaming Fist forces to the North. It turns out those assassins were the people of the Shining Lady.
Before you do that you can explore the city of BG, to find allies.
A better view of the city map:
In SoD Safana is a much more deep character than a sexy thief. She's a great character now, with lots of lines.
BTW, Daigle has confirmed that the Hooded Man is indeed voiced by David Warner.
Also, a spoiler about Safana:
This is what Dynaheir says before the actual siege of the castle:
It may very well be that Safana indeed betrays you in SoD.
A map with new locations:
40-50 creatures are on the screen and it runs just fine:
The game continues after that siege, there's "more than only SoD in SoD".
"All the features will be backported to BGEE, BG2EE and eventually to IWDEE."
In the latest Familiar Magazine issue introduces some items from SoD. I especially like that items have downsides and special conditions on them:
Chill Axe +2
An Axe. 1d8+2 slashing damage, +1 cold damage, adds +1 to STR but also has +2% chance of causing the wielder to become berserk with each hit.
Bloodied Guardian
A Shield. +3 AC, +20% fire resistance, +1 to STR when HPs drop below 50%
Fleshripper +2
A Shortbow. THAC0 +2, damage +2, 5% chance of hasting the wielder for 4 rounds with each hit; +2 Movement speed while equipped (from the description) or +1 APR and grants elves and half-elves +1 to movement speed (according to @AlexT)
Robe of Red Flames
All fire damage is increased by 10%, with 30% decrease to any fire damage taken)
According to Amber Scott, originally they had a default starting party of Minsc, Dynaheir, Jaheira, Khalid and Safana. But the team decided that was too limiting. They couldn't add every companion from BG into SoD, they were able to redo the opening chapter to give players more flexibility and continuity with their parties.
Your choice of character race and class will have an effect on how certain dialogues and quests play out in SoD.
Amber wrote one quest where a half-orc has some fun at your expense if you're an elf.
"We know that people put a lot of thought into their characters and it's fun when those decisions mean something in the game". Oh yes! "Even small reactions in the game can make the world seem more real". Thumbs up for that!
According to Phillip Daigle, the original BG had a canceled second expansion pack after TotSC. this was supposed to involve a sinister individual who is trapped in stone, but can reach into the world to influence events. The sages of Candlekeep were to send the party on a quest to retrieve the stone. They took some of these concepts and modified them for use in SoD.
"The story itself was actually inspired by the description of an item from D&D. I won't reveal which item it was because that would spoile the plot, but I originally read about it 15 years ago and it has stuck with me ever since as a really cool idea".
And you know, I've been thinking about the link between IWD and SoD, which we had been told months ago.
This is an addition from the Familiar Magazine: "Caelar isn't the only notable figure among the Crusade. Their number includes an infamous half-orc bandit called the Barghest, who seems to follow the Shining Lady out of faith alone, as does a skilled hunter called Delgar Munsh and Adras Ashatiel, a soldier of noble birth. Despite this wealth of talent, it's not immediately clear what the Crusade's goal is (though Daigle does hint that the plot ties into IWD)".
A Shortbow. THAC0 +2, damage +2, 5% chance of hasting the wielder for 4 rounds with each hit; +2 Movement speed while equipped (from the description) or +1 APR and grants elves and half-elves +1 to movement speed (according to @AlexT)
The Familiar article was written a few months ago and a couple of items have been rebalanced since then, including that shortbow, which is why the description screenshot of that shortbow doesn't match the article text.
A Shortbow. THAC0 +2, damage +2, 5% chance of hasting the wielder for 4 rounds with each hit; +2 Movement speed while equipped (from the description) or +1 APR and grants elves and half-elves +1 to movement speed (according to @AlexT)
The Familiar article was written a few months ago and a couple of items have been rebalanced since then, including that shortbow, which is why the description screenshot of that shortbow doesn't match the article text.
I thought so, this is why I tagged you Which version is the newer one?
Yeah, it was supposed to be an item for Minsc, so that Jim Cummings could say "Chillaxe!" But then they remembered Minsc didn't have proficiencies in axes, and tweaked some things. But the name was left.
Yeah, it was supposed to be an item for Minsc, so that Jim Cummings could say "Chillaxe!" But then they remembered Minsc didn't have proficiencies in axes, and tweaked some things. But the name was left.
Instead of the axe, there's a special two handed sword that Amber and I designed for Minsc (though it can be used by others too but not as efficiently). It's one of the most complex items ever created in an Infinity Engine game and it showcases some of our new engine features.
That sword also imports into BGII:EE, if you have it in your protagonist's inventory at the end of SoD.
man now i'm worried all those sprites on the screen is gonna cause the game's framerate to chug.
Phillip Daigle specifically mentions in the video that the game runs fine no matter how many creatures are on the screen, it's a part of their reworked code.
It reminds me a bit of this:
- You know, icewiddale.com was registered on Trent
- "I have a habit of buying domains"
- IWDEE announced
- You know, siegeofdragonspear.com was registered on Trent
- "I have a habit of buying domains"
- SoD announced
- Some gaming sites state SoD will be released in March
- "The official date hasn't been announced yet"
- SoD is announced to release in March
You mean you haven't seen http://www.siegeofdragonspearreleasesonmay3forandroidandios.com yet?
(in all seriousness, I'd trust what Amber said, given that she's in charge of our publishing and marketing coordination.)
You guys just moved the date from March 22 to March 31 to make a birthday gift to @Gotural !
I think that a better birthday gift would be to release the game earlier
I wouldn't mind getting some deli meat, a head of lettuce, a knife with some mayo on it, and an unsliced loaf of bread, but on the whole I'd be happier to get a sandwich.
In the video by gamereactor we can hear Phillip Daigle explaining whey they went for sprite outlines.
"What we did get from Bioware was a big archive of documention and whatnot for the Baldur's Gate series. And within that documentation was a very interesting list that they had written down of what people wanted to see what people wanted to see in more Baldur's Gate content after Throne of Baal that they weren't able to execute on. And at the very top of that list of what people wanted was: I want to be able to command a huge army and be involved in massive battles that you just haven't seen in Baldur's Gate before. So we're happy to say that we've finally executed on that. Because we've upgraded the Infinity Engine so much it can handle hundreds of characters at once..."
According to Daigle, new sprite outlines and highlight feature can help to distinguish certain characters when there're hundreds of them on the screen. Also, they decided to make every option toggeable because there're purists of the BG style. In the same time, graphical tweaks could help new players, players who didn't play BG, enjoy the game more.
He also coveres that with higher difficulty enemies start targeting your mages and clerics rather than attacking your tanks.
Also, the toggle Map Background feature is shown (you can see the walkable area of the map)
One of the first thoughts that enter the Daigle's head is always "What about those guys who want BG to look exactly like it was years ago". Great to hear, thank you for that!
Internally they call the upgraded engine "Infinity Plus Plus".
Also, Phillip reveals something about Imoen and the plot:
Before you do that you can explore the city of BG, to find allies.
A better view of the city map:
In SoD Safana is a much more deep character than a sexy thief. She's a great character now, with lots of lines.
BTW, Daigle has confirmed that the Hooded Man is indeed voiced by David Warner.
Also, a spoiler about Safana:
This is what Dynaheir says before the actual siege of the castle:
It may very well be that Safana indeed betrays you in SoD.
A map with new locations:
40-50 creatures are on the screen and it runs just fine:
The game continues after that siege, there's "more than only SoD in SoD".
"All the features will be backported to BGEE, BG2EE and eventually to IWDEE."
I do hope to see some new content in BG1EE and BG2EE as well, which deals about bigger battles.
Would be a shame if it's SoD only.
Chill Axe +2
An Axe. 1d8+2 slashing damage, +1 cold damage, adds +1 to STR but also has +2% chance of causing the wielder to become berserk with each hit.
Bloodied Guardian
A Shield. +3 AC, +20% fire resistance, +1 to STR when HPs drop below 50%
Fleshripper +2
A Shortbow. THAC0 +2, damage +2, 5% chance of hasting the wielder for 4 rounds with each hit; +2 Movement speed while equipped (from the description) or +1 APR and grants elves and half-elves +1 to movement speed (according to @AlexT)
Robe of Red Flames
All fire damage is increased by 10%, with 30% decrease to any fire damage taken)
Your choice of character race and class will have an effect on how certain dialogues and quests play out in SoD.
Amber wrote one quest where a half-orc has some fun at your expense if you're an elf.
"We know that people put a lot of thought into their characters and it's fun when those decisions mean something in the game". Oh yes! "Even small reactions in the game can make the world seem more real". Thumbs up for that!
"The story itself was actually inspired by the description of an item from D&D. I won't reveal which item it was because that would spoile the plot, but I originally read about it 15 years ago and it has stuck with me ever since as a really cool idea".
This is an addition from the Familiar Magazine: "Caelar isn't the only notable figure among the Crusade. Their number includes an infamous half-orc bandit called the Barghest, who seems to follow the Shining Lady out of faith alone, as does a skilled hunter called Delgar Munsh and Adras Ashatiel, a soldier of noble birth. Despite this wealth of talent, it's not immediately clear what the Crusade's goal is (though Daigle does hint that the plot ties into IWD)".
The Familiar article was written a few months ago and a couple of items have been rebalanced since then, including that shortbow, which is why the description screenshot of that shortbow doesn't match the article text.
I thought so, this is why I tagged you
Yeah, it was supposed to be an item for Minsc, so that Jim Cummings could say "Chillaxe!" But then they remembered Minsc didn't have proficiencies in axes, and tweaked some things. But the name was left.
The one in the screenshot.
Instead of the axe, there's a special two handed sword that Amber and I designed for Minsc (though it can be used by others too but not as efficiently). It's one of the most complex items ever created in an Infinity Engine game and it showcases some of our new engine features.
That sword also imports into BGII:EE, if you have it in your protagonist's inventory at the end of SoD.
I'm 100% certain that this has nothing to do with @AndrewFoley 's sense of humor, and everything to do with...uh...Chill Hobgoblins!
Will this replace a different item like the helm of balduran or work more like the golden pantaloons?
I feel like an idiot for not getting that earlier...
Items that import from SoD won't replace any of the existing items that import from BG:EE.
Phillip Daigle specifically mentions in the video that the game runs fine no matter how many creatures are on the screen, it's a part of their reworked code.
Anyway, he's another fact:
Alan Miranda of Ossian Studios produced the Collector's Edition box. Alan Miranda was one of the producers on Throne of Bhaal back at Bioware. He is also a producer on Siege of Dragonspear. Alan is involved in much more than just the Collector's Edition, according to AlexT. http://www.rpgcodex.net/forums/index.php?threads/beamdogs-bg-ee-expansion-siege-of-dragonspear.96369/page-61#post-4447550