Shag, Marry, Kill: The Baldur's Gate Version

Okay, classic game. You choose among the romance interests in the Baldur's Gate Trilogy one to spend a single, memorable, steamy night with, one to spend the rest of your life with till death do you part, and one to chunk in any way you see fit. Try to choose options compatible with your gender/preference/orientation/whatever. Feel free to explain your choices 
I'll begin:
Shag: Jaheira (I feel like she'd have some crazy primal nature side. Hopefully not too freaky... being called "omnipresent authority figure" may be a bit much)
Marry: Aerie (I don't like blondes, but she's a sweetheart and my kids may get wings... sweet!)
Kill: Viconia (Almost shagged her... but then she may kill me first, so there you go. Close call just couldn't bring myself to kill Neera)
Neera ain't wifey material, too non-committed and wild surges may not be safe during conception...

I'll begin:
Shag: Jaheira (I feel like she'd have some crazy primal nature side. Hopefully not too freaky... being called "omnipresent authority figure" may be a bit much)
Marry: Aerie (I don't like blondes, but she's a sweetheart and my kids may get wings... sweet!)
Kill: Viconia (Almost shagged her... but then she may kill me first, so there you go. Close call just couldn't bring myself to kill Neera)
Neera ain't wifey material, too non-committed and wild surges may not be safe during conception...
Anyway, Aerie is obviously the one to marry even though I don't really like her romance in game. She's sweet, kind, into DnD (well, she's in it), and she'll take care of you when you get a bit older or come down with dreadful man-flu. Or Nalia if we can have mods, because she has a castle.
As for 'shag'... toss up between Viconia and Neera. Initially I thought Vic, because y'know, drow obviously have a reputation for this sort of thing so it seems the most exciting option. But then I remembered I don't really like pain or anything that might kill me, so I'll go with Neera (wild surges are a risk of course, but it's a relatively small risk).
And kill... I like Jaheira too much, so I'll kill Anomen just because...
Shag: Viconia. I really shouldn't have to explain this.
Marry: Aerie. She's adorable. I can see her fussing around with her and Charname's children, and being cute as a button while doing it.
Kill: Jaheira. I don't dislike her, but it's her or Neira, and I don't think I've ever had Neira in the party, so it would just feel mean. Also, she's likely to end up with Khalid if she dies, right? Or maybe turn into a koala or something. I forget how Silvanus's afterlife works.
*looks both ways*
Viconia, Aerie, Hexxat.
Marry: Aerie
Kill: Dorn
Marry : Jaheira
Kill : Dorn
Adopt : Aerie
Leave to burn in the sun : Hexxat
Marry: Viconia
Kill before she kills me: Viconia
-Or, as @Coutelier said, if mods were an option, Nalia.
-Oh, fine. Neera.
Marry: Aerie. Or Neera. Neera is mai waifu, you know!
-Fine, fine. Aerie. Neera can not be caged! That, and there's a Wild Mage Deposit.
Kill: Anomen. I would DUEL HIM WITH SWORDS!
"I guess I expected more from you, Foul Knave!"
"So did I, Sir Knight, so did I."
Pommel to sinuses!
"Oh ****, I lied!"
and then SCARY_WIZARD was Neutral Good with True Neutral tendencies
Marry: Aerie.
Kill dead with Girdle of Femininity, Poison, Flesh to Stone and Disintegrate: Anomen.
Kill: Neera.
Shag: Viconia.
Quayle would be a better candidate for kill, but you spesified it had to be one of the game's romance options. So basically you spared the life of an obnoxious noem. Be proud.
Edited to follow rule posted below. I'm so nice.
btw, straight males cannot choose Anomen! Too easy a choice then.
mwahahaha, I always wanted to be the cruel, evil Dungeon Master! Finally my time!
The day comes when Tia, er, Boo will point and click!
Marry: Almost Imoen, until Irenicus shows up around "any just reason..."
Kill: Myself, after trying and failing to comes to terms with all those things I did to my sister.
Kill: Aerie
Sleep with: Dorn (would throw in Anomen here if it didn't seem like marrying Dorn would be a catastrophic decision that would either land me in jail or ultimately result in domestic violence)
Marry: Jaheira (okay, so it would be a platonic marriage, but our witty banter would make it work)
Marry: Mazzy, got big love for my shorties
Kill: Anomen, I truly dislike this character and have wanted to kill him on many occasions
Sleep with: anyone who doesn't snore. I'm not exactly a sexual person, so I interpret this as "sleep in same room/bed" and as long as he doesn't snore and stink, I don't care. I guess Anomen, Eldoth, Garrick or Edwin, they are concerned with their appearance and status and are most likely to take a bath every now and then.
Marry: Eldoth, because birds of a feather flock together.
Kill: Fireball Imoen, Neera and Aerie.
Marry: if Jaheria leaned towards the ladies, I'd marry her. She'd be good wife material. As it is, I'll go with Rasaad, who is not crazy, sexist, or overly whiny, which is pretty good when it comes to romance interests in this game.
Kill: Dorn, Hexett, and Viconia (at least at start) are all awful people, so I'd flip a three sided coin. I swear one exists.
Marry: If I can have ANY romance option, Anomen despite the fact we're both male. I think with a lot of guidance on exactly how to be a better person he would mature into someone who really would care about Charname. Anomen's never really had stable people around him, especially growing up, so I think he would be a rewarding partner if you could get past his issues and show him that stability. At the worst we could always just judge people together.
Kill: Neera. I find her less endearing and more annoying than anything else, to be honest. I can't stand her -err, she's a threat to the realms with her wild surges. Yeah. That's it.
marry none
and kill myself when I'd be too old and disfunctional to fully enjoy my life
example 1: Kate Beckinsale, Brunette Jennifer Lawrence and Shakira
example 2: Snooki, Miley Cyrus and Casey Anthony
Marry: Jaheria
Kill: Imoen (not a romance option but...)