Confession: my time spent on Dragon Age is the only game (series) that comes close to the amount of time I spent on the Baldur's Gate series.
Confession: my internet provider just had scheduled maintenance, and the page I was constantly refreshing to see if they were back online was this forum.
@Sjerrie - Yeah, I'm playing DA:O so then I can have something to import in a couple of months when DA:I comes out. I'm in Awakening right now with my Dalish Warden.
Confession: The constant whining about patch 1.3 taking so long makes me want to kick a puppy.
Confession: I don't usually pre-buff before battles, even if I know its going to be a rough battle.
Confession: I think WIld Magic is the best magic ever.
Confession: I wish Vanilla IWD had Wild Mages.
Confession: I wish IWD2, NWN, and NWN2 had wild mages.
Confession: I think I'm going to start a Dragon Age Confession thread in Off-topic. Heh.
Confession: I find Turn Undead to be extremely annoying at lower levels, because usually I have good enough weapons/defenses to whack those skeletons in seconds anyway. I don't want to chase them all around the map for that.
Confession: I always use the zigzag party formation, it's better for corridors than the standard one and much more practical than the straight line one. Any other feels wrong now.
Confession: Wow, Branwen's original voice is great. Polish voiceover made her to be some kind of sultry seductress. Now I like her even more than always, and she is the only cleric I ever consider taking with me in BG1. In BG2 too, now, thanks to the mod.
@Sergio, to each their own, it seems. I found Longer Road overly chatty, giving the "Irenicus' Gate: Throne of Irenicus" feeling, with his constant butting in in every possible place. It was fun, but as an one time thing, since ~redeeming~ him requires doing Watcher's Keep in ToB. Surprisingly easy, too, since the "right" answers often were clearly visible over the others, despite walls and walls of text. And music was annoying. Plus, I always take Sarevok (here I go again, with fawning over him, but ah. Even in vanilla BG2 he's the best NPC. Chunks everywhere!) along and that's just too many mortal enemies of poor Charname for square metre to handle. But hey, such is the charm of the mods that I don't have to take Jonny boy along again and you can:D
Confession: it is only in my current playthrough that I have deviated from the standard column formation. I discovered by accident how useful the wedge formation is because I got annoyed at clearing maps of FoW. Wedge is the widest possible I think, but for that reason I also go right back to column when indoors.
Confession: I almost always meta-play the Firewine dungeon because I hate the pathfinding problems with NPCs running all over the place combined with the constant enemy respawning. I enter from Gullykin, kill the boss, and exit to Gullykin. Even the "Follow the Leader" party formation fails to solve these problems.
@meagloth@bengoshi Confession: the first always-opened tab in my browser is the forum, and I think it has been that way since I pre-ordered BGEE. If it wasn't for the forum trouble and a few occasional crashes (oh, and sleep..) I would have been logged in all this time too.
Confession: It seems the visits counter for me has been set to 1255 long ago. I think that I've actually doubled that number. But who cares since it looks like I'm constantly logged in, even while I sleep.
Confession: this forum recently became, according to Chrome, the website I visit most often. This is such a great place, full of great, intelligent (and wise, or other way around, or both) people with lovely sense of humour. I love just sitting back and watching many of you write great, thought out responses and discuss things. And I love the silly threads almost just as much.
I'm so damn sappy, sorry:D But I like it here. A lot.
Confession: I'm terrible at doing solo runs, and have never finished one to this day.
Confession: Part of this is because I miss all my companions and their banters. If I don't get killed as a low-level mage/while dual-classing, I almost always give up and grab the nearest companion, thus invalidating the run. In the rare cases I DON'T, I can't turn Imoen away from my party. Ever. What can I say, my CHARNAMES get lonely easily and love their little sis too much.
Confession: I've never finished a no-reload run, either. Furthest I got to was Firkaag, because I'm too much of a completionist to leave well enough alone.
@iuventas < CerndMode > as the tree must bend in the wind, so its sap must flow. < /CerndMode >
Confession: I would very much like to try a solo or "minimal NPC" playthrough. Time, alas, waits for no man.
Confession: if I ever do that solo or "minimal NPC" playthrough, creating a character will probably take me a LOT of time. Or it might just be a triple-class.
Confession: I haven't tried the Black Pits nor the Black Pits 2 yet. I'm much more likely to start another character in the main game than to start the Black Pits.
Confession: I imported my full BGEE party into the Black Pits to add that XP to them before starting BG2EE. It seemed to fit in the in-game time between the games.
That of course was before I realized...
...that the events of Black Pits are actually the cause of Baeloth's being dumped on the surface.
Confession: I like platypuses a lot, but I like Quayle even more. You know, the plural of platypus is platypuses, not platypi. I am so smart! S-M-R-T... I mean S-M-A-R-T.
Confession: I have just now discovered that it can be pretty annoying to not have an archer-type. Picking off fleeing enemies is a constant chore, so I was forced to hand a bow to Monty while he should be 'sticking them with the pointy end' from up close.
Confession: I can not get past the bhaal cultist battle in bp2. On the "pussy ass wimp" setting(I swear it said that)
Confession: I do don't repeat battles in the black Pits. It feels to cheesy, and it doesn't make any sense to go in and battle the thing you just killed.
Confession: the latter is why I can't beat the bhaal cultist battle in bp2.
Confession: I do don't repeat battles in the black Pits. It feels to cheesy, and it doesn't make any sense to go in and battle the thing you just killed.
I don't either. Confession: I only played BP once and it was with a level 5 character.
Confession: I can not get past the bhaal cultist battle in bp2. On the "pussy ass wimp" setting(I swear it said that)
Confession: I do don't repeat battles in the black Pits. It feels to cheesy, and it doesn't make any sense to go in and battle the thing you just killed.
Confession: the latter is why I can't beat the bhaal cultist battle in bp2.
I don't know what reaction should I give you. It should be "insightful" because it sheds some light onto BP for me but I try to avoid spoilers so I try not to read your post in detail It can't be "agree" because I haven't tried BP yet so I don't know the context. So, I'll just stop and will give you "like" because every additional confession, even if some of us don't understand the details, gives us something new, something to think about.
Confession: Boots of Speed/Boots of Evasion/Boots of Quickness serve only one specific purpose in my game, and that is for my thief to catch up to escaping quest-givers and the like to steal their stuff before they leave the area. (E.g. Elminster's rings...)
Confession addendum: This is because I find it annoying to see one NPC run into battle with the rest of the party still a screen length away.
Confession: my time spent on Dragon Age is the only game (series) that comes close to the amount of time I spent on the Baldur's Gate series.
Confession: my internet provider just had scheduled maintenance, and the page I was constantly refreshing to see if they were back online was this forum.
Confession: I played DA:O because everyone was calling it the spiritual successor to BG.
Confession: I hated DA:O. Too many high hopes.
Confession: I like DA2 more because I had no hopes. (My best reasoning.)
Back to BG confessions: I've never done a no-reload challenge. Mostly because I always forget to look for traps.
Confession: The constant whining about patch 1.3 taking so long makes me want to kick a puppy.
Confession: I don't usually pre-buff before battles, even if I know its going to be a rough battle.
Confession: I think WIld Magic is the best magic ever.
Confession: I wish Vanilla IWD had Wild Mages.
Confession: I wish IWD2, NWN, and NWN2 had wild mages.
Confession: I think I'm going to start a Dragon Age Confession thread in Off-topic. Heh.
Confession: Wow, Branwen's original voice is great. Polish voiceover made her to be some kind of sultry seductress. Now I like her even more than always, and she is the only cleric I ever consider taking with me in BG1. In BG2 too, now, thanks to the mod.
@Sergio, to each their own, it seems. I found Longer Road overly chatty, giving the "Irenicus' Gate: Throne of Irenicus" feeling, with his constant butting in in every possible place. It was fun, but as an one time thing, since ~redeeming~ him requires doing Watcher's Keep in ToB. Surprisingly easy, too, since the "right" answers often were clearly visible over the others, despite walls and walls of text. And music was annoying.
Plus, I always take Sarevok (here I go again, with fawning over him, but ah. Even in vanilla BG2 he's the best NPC. Chunks everywhere!) along and that's just too many mortal enemies of poor Charname for square metre to handle.
But hey, such is the charm of the mods that I don't have to take Jonny boy along again and you can:D
This is such a great place, full of great, intelligent (and wise, or other way around, or both) people with lovely sense of humour.
I love just sitting back and watching many of you write great, thought out responses and discuss things.
And I love the silly threads almost just as much.
I'm so damn sappy, sorry:D But I like it here. A lot.
Confession: I'm terrible at doing solo runs, and have never finished one to this day.
Confession: Part of this is because I miss all my companions and their banters. If I don't get killed as a low-level mage/while dual-classing, I almost always give up and grab the nearest companion, thus invalidating the run. In the rare cases I DON'T, I can't turn Imoen away from my party. Ever. What can I say, my CHARNAMES get lonely easily and love their little sis too much.
Confession: I've never finished a no-reload run, either. Furthest I got to was Firkaag, because I'm too much of a completionist to leave well enough alone.
Confession: I would very much like to try a solo or "minimal NPC" playthrough. Time, alas, waits for no man.
Confession: if I ever do that solo or "minimal NPC" playthrough, creating a character will probably take me a LOT of time. Or it might just be a triple-class.
That of course was before I realized...
(My party was Imoen, Minsc, Jaheira, Neera... and I don't remember no. 6 but it wasn't Baeloth
Confession: I do don't repeat battles in the black Pits. It feels to cheesy, and it doesn't make any sense to go in and battle the thing you just killed.
Confession: the latter is why I can't beat the bhaal cultist battle in bp2.
Confession: I only played BP once and it was with a level 5 character.
I don't believe you
Confession addendum: This is because I find it annoying to see one NPC run into battle with the rest of the party still a screen length away.