@zenblack I said it was my thinking in my very first phrase of my previous post. I don't know why you have to tell me what I already know, it sounds aggressive and un-respectful for me.
My guess is the Android release. Once that is out of the way maybe they can focus more on bug fixing.
Does the play store have a review period like apple? I assume they do, and a countdown wouldn't work for this. Apple held bg2 for a month after beamdog submitted it, without any explanation.
The play store does not have any review period, only apple does silly things like that.
But certainly it can't be so immediate that they could have a countdown?
Seeing as they started using the Google Play store for the Android beta, and there is already (paid) early access of the full game for people signed up for the beta, it is about as hard as hitting a single button to make it public (ok, I may be exaggerating here, they probably have to go through several menu options to do this, but you get the idea). So I think it is very possible this is what the countdown is for.
I agree that it is most likely about the Android version. Seems "to me" to be an awful lot of pomp and circumstance around the launch, but who am I to say?
I can still hope that it is the announcement of something new and shiny.
I agree that it is most likely about the Android version. Seems "to me" to be an awful lot of pomp and circumstance around the launch, but who am I to say?
I can still hope that it is the announcement of something new and shiny.
An unlockable hardcore (heart of fury like) mode that includes werebears.
I'm hoping for an Adventure Y announcement or something else in addition to an Android game. Seems pretty weak to me for a countdown clock to get put up for the Android release of a game that is now nearly two years old.
Ah great, the countdown ends at 5 AM my time so by the time I'm up and conscious the forum will already be full of rants/expressions of joy/dissapointment/complaints/threats/broccoli necromancy/werebears/more or less unrelated offtops. YAY :]
Midnight (12 a.m.) in Sao Paolo, from Thursday to Friday
Midnight in Buenos-Aires, from Thursday to Friday
I have yet to find any city named 'Sao Paolo' in the planet, Ilmater's hairy buttcrack, I've yet to find any saint named 'Paolo' to gave its namesake - maybe an Italian Mafia boss?
And I have also yet to find any source indicating the use of a dash between the Goods and Airs of the Queen of the River of Silver, as @CrevsDaak can attest.
Your wrongdoings are among the gravest of offenses, ones which should be punished by gentle maceration of the ear canal through force-listening to the latest Justin Bieber album. What would you do if I suddenly called New York 'Nu Yawk', London 'Londão' or Edmonton "Edimoto" - you'd think of me uncultured, if not outright intellectualy challenged, right? Now take a guess of what your actions make transparent to the those who boast satisfactory grey matter processing power.
Of course this is a farce in case you're wondering - I'd obviously not lower myself to such a level in a futile attempt to educate the unenlightenable - nor would it prove to be beneficial to the advancement of the transcendent to try and bring a transient closer to their dogmas.
Nay, I truly jest - my being is just trying to "have a laugh" as @jackjack describes, by this one's very strange standards, might my person add. That's me - trying to boil your brains in milk gravy through my grandiose vocabulary and childish insults - and deriving pleasure from ingesting them, disregarding the innate risk of prion diseases and coronary maladies that come from consuming such organs.
Now, for the third time, just to keep in line with the rules of Planescape, in the simplest of forms: I am joking, as evidenced by my obvious use of a satiric persona in this text, which no one but a certain madman from Baumschneis has enough mental instability to comprehend.
In closing, I'd like to congratulate @bengoshi for having sufficient intellectual capacity to correctly establish a connection between time zones and the end of the countdown on the official homepage for the Gates of Balduran. And I also want to make transparent that I am evidently under psychosis, which means I'll have to inject Diazepam in my butt so it will reach my bloodstream and affect my brain, effectively knocking me out until my own judgement is not clouded by my insanity.
I have yet to find any city named 'Sao Paolo' in the planet, Ilmater's hairy buttcrack, I've yet to find any saint named 'Paolo' to gave its namesake - maybe an Italian Mafia boss?
San Paolo is in Brazil and is Portugese for Saint Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles. It is also one of the sites where the World Cup will be played in the coming months unless social disorder completely closes down the city, as I have it from friends who live in San Paolo, that the city is on the edge of knife right now, with violence against the government possible at any moment.
I said it was my thinking in my very first phrase of my previous post. I don't know why you have to tell me what I already know, it sounds aggressive and un-respectful for me.
Also you can't trust decimal clocks. Use optical lattice clocks instead.
So, the clock has already had an immediate effect:) I want the result of that countdown to be even more mind blowing. Raagh!
I can still hope that it is the announcement of something new and shiny.
9 p.m. in Edmonton, Thursday
11 p.m. in New York, Thursday
8 p.m. in Los Angeles, Thursday
Midnight (12 a.m.) in Sao Paulo, from Thursday to Friday
Midnight in Buenos-Aires, from Thursday to Friday
10 p.m. in Mexico City, Thursday
12 noon (12 p.m.) in Tokyo, Friday
11 a.m. in Beijing, Friday
1 p.m. in Sydney, Friday
4 a.m. in London, Friday
5 a.m. in Paris, Friday
5 a.m. in Berlin, Friday
5 a.m. in Rome, Friday
5 a.m. in Madrid, Friday
6 a.m. in Istanbul, Friday
7 a.m. in Moscow, Friday
7 a.m. in Dubai, Friday
And I have also yet to find any source indicating the use of a dash between the Goods and Airs of the Queen of the River of Silver, as @CrevsDaak can attest.
Your wrongdoings are among the gravest of offenses, ones which should be punished by gentle maceration of the ear canal through force-listening to the latest Justin Bieber album. What would you do if I suddenly called New York 'Nu Yawk', London 'Londão' or Edmonton "Edimoto" - you'd think of me uncultured, if not outright intellectualy challenged, right? Now take a guess of what your actions make transparent to the those who boast satisfactory grey matter processing power.
Of course this is a farce in case you're wondering - I'd obviously not lower myself to such a level in a futile attempt to educate the unenlightenable - nor would it prove to be beneficial to the advancement of the transcendent to try and bring a transient closer to their dogmas.
Nay, I truly jest - my being is just trying to "have a laugh" as @jackjack describes, by this one's very strange standards, might my person add. That's me - trying to boil your brains in milk gravy through my grandiose vocabulary and childish insults - and deriving pleasure from ingesting them, disregarding the innate risk of prion diseases and coronary maladies that come from consuming such organs.
Now, for the third time, just to keep in line with the rules of Planescape, in the simplest of forms: I am joking, as evidenced by my obvious use of a satiric persona in this text, which no one but a certain madman from Baumschneis has enough mental instability to comprehend.
In closing, I'd like to congratulate @bengoshi for having sufficient intellectual capacity to correctly establish a connection between time zones and the end of the countdown on the official homepage for the Gates of Balduran. And I also want to make transparent that I am evidently under psychosis, which means I'll have to inject Diazepam in my butt so it will reach my bloodstream and affect my brain, effectively knocking me out until my own judgement is not clouded by my insanity.
Please disregard....
Did someone say "Anthrax" and "time"????