I honestly feel like this is the worst thing that his come out in his 18 months as President. And again, in many of these cases, we aren't even talking about people sneaking into the country, but people voluntarily handing themselves over to Border agents seeking asylum.....and this is still taking place. This should be the #1 story in the country, and I guess for this weekend it is. But it's Memorial Day weekend, the kick-off to summer in the US. Hardly anyone will even hear about it before it gets buried by more of Trump's bullshit.
Pretty good article in Slate summing the whole thing up....yeah they are probably left of center as a publication, whatever.....
Well my point is that using the children, and hurting them, to dissuade family is downright stupid. They don't understand what's going on and are separated?
Personal attacks are directed toward a person. Insults are, by nature, directed at a person.
I'm calling a stance or a decision stupid and in most jurisdiction it does not qualify as an insult of a personal attack, no more than calling comments here "bigotry" (that was the term, wasn't it?).
Grond0 clarified his position in his answer. I maintain my comment, decision to separate children from parents in order to dissuade families from applying to asylum is a stupid, moronic, retarded, thing to do.
@Mattieu: Fair enough. Do make sure it's clear whether you're addressing people or arguments, though--we've had problems with that distinction in the past. This part was easy to confuse with the others:
Personal attacks are directed toward a person. Insults are, by nature, directed at a person.
I'm calling a stance or a decision stupid and in most jurisdiction it does not qualify as an insult of a personal attack, no more than calling comments here "bigotry" (that was the term, wasn't it?).
Grond0 clarified his position in his answer. I maintain my comment, decision to separate children from parents in order to dissuade families from applying to asylum is a stupid, moronic, retarded, thing to do.
Suggest using other words than stupid, moronic and retarded. Here's why, and by the way I agree with you that this is wrong.
For one thing, a lot of thought went into this. The people doing this are not stupid or moronic. The people who implement this policy are probably of at least average intelligence. Perhaps in some other aspect of their lives they are decent but here they are being evil. Maybe they don't intend for it to be evil but it really is.
This Republican policy is intentionally trying to harm and distress families and children. Maybe they've bought into Trump's 'animals' rhetoric and don't see these kids and families as people any more. This might be along the same lines as people in Germany who went along with putting jews and gypsies in concentration camps for torture and death. Some of those Germans later claimed they just went along with things against those "other" "people". Just following orders.
Anyway the words stupid, moronic, and retarded are not quite what we have here. These are words are used as an insult meaning people with limited mental abilities.
It's the acts here that are the problem. It's true these acts are caused by people but the words to describe them best probably isn't some variation on "stupid".
Horrific, torturous, vindictive, terrible, evil. Something like that might fit better.
Horrific, torturous, vindictive, terrible, evil. Something like that might fit better.
They have different meaning.
I really mean stupid here. Everyone knows that this decision is borderline inhuman, and it certainly is, I really mean it's stupid.
As I explained, applying for political asylum is no crime and to try to dissuade migrant to do so by separating children is not wrong, it's also idiotic. It's not going to work and it's pushing people to not do a lawful act.
EDIT: if the services in charge of granting asylum are giving a disproportionnate amount of these or overwhelmed by requests then the procedure and criteria must be clarified. That's what the previous (socialist) government did her. Asylum is clearly defined and who do no not in these cannot claim it, thus ending in the demand being rejected.
For exemple plenty of migrants from Côte d'Ivoire had their application rejected because there is no war there and this is not a dictatorship. Economy is not considered a reason for asylum but migration. (and they now all apply in Germany)
EDIT: if the services in charge of granting asylum are giving a disproportionate amount of these or overwhelmed by requests then the procedure and criteria must be clarified. That's what the previous (socialist) government did her. Asylum is clearly defined and who do no not in these cannot claim it, thus ending in the demand being rejected.
For example plenty of migrants from Côte d'Ivoire had their application rejected because there is no war there and this is not a dictatorship. Economy is not considered a reason for asylum but migration. (and they now all apply in Germany)
Here I agree, rather than separating parents and children at the border as a deterrent just turn them away. Not getting in is the ultimate deterrent and kills the incentive to make the trip. Revise the whole system and make it crystal clear who can stay and who needs to go, and when.
Similar bills have been introduced by Republicans in Arizona and Texas that would make it illegal to film police officers. Nothing says "we aren't doing anything wrong" like attempting to criminalize documentation of those actions.
Similar bills have been introduced by Republicans in Arizona and Texas that would make it illegal to film police officers. Nothing says "we aren't doing anything wrong" like attempting to criminalize documentation of those actions.
Sounds familiar. When bad news comes out go after the "leakers" . The bad news itself is not the problem, oh no.
Freedom hating fascist Republicans think they are above the law, above oversight.
Here I agree, rather than separating parents and children at the border as a deterrent just turn them away. Not getting in is the ultimate deterrent and kills the incentive to make the trip. Revise the whole system and make it crystal clear who can stay and who needs to go, and when.
Yes that's what I'm saying. It's also putting the "asylum" back in "asylum seeker". Someone that flees powerful cannot be considered as seeking asylum.
There's a process, if you aren't eligible then you can't claim asylum. If you are then you can. Even if you are eligible, you still probably won't get it.
If this would of happened five years ago he would of been labeled as a Hero, nothing more. I see him as a Hero because I don't have a political agenda nor do I side with any political ideology. He is a man who sprang into action to save a child. Hero.
I used the illegal immigrant term to relate it to the current context. Had he not been one I wouldn't have posted it, there was no relation to this subject.
I guess the federal government has had enough of the provincial spat that has been raging between British Columbia and Alberta for years regarding a proposed pipeline connecting the oil industry with a port. It got so bad that Alberta started banning B.C. wine because of some of the tactics that B.C. had been using to block the pipeline including taking the entire project to court, and toppling its own minority government, to municipalities in B.C. denying permit requests for the project.
It got to a point where Kinder Morgan, the company in charge of building the pipeline, stop investing in it and gave a deadline of May 31 for the federal government to make sure there was more certainty in its outcome. And that was B.C.'s tactic, stall until the company gives up which would hinder other private sector businesses from investing in Canada.
As of now, Canada's only trading partner for the Alberta oil sands is the United States. This causes two problems, the first is it lowers the cost of how much revenue Canada can generate from the sale of the oil to the alleged tune of $15 Billion per year. Second, with Trump being the tool that he is, and NAFTA in the balance, tariffs could be applied to the oil making the profits even lower.
As a new Crown Corporation, the pipeline will have more flexibility than if it was owned by a private company. Once the pipeline is built, the Canadian government will sell the pipeline to a private owner(s). Our finance minister has said pension and indigenous groups have expressed interest in purchasing it already.
Hopefully this two year spat (Timeline) can finally come to an end.
Rewarded with French citizenship and a job as a fireman
Muslims have murdered over 200 people and injured over 300 in 52 separate attacks since the start of Ramadan 10 days ago. But, hey, one saved a kid on a Paris balcony. I guess that fixes everything.
Most murderers in France are Christians. Do we therefore stereotype Christians as violent or dangerous people? Of course not. That would be silly... and also against the Site Rules.
Thing is, in France, most people care very little about religion. Even modern muslims hardly do. I mean I live in an area which has experienced strong muslim immigration these last 10 years (not it's not a poor suburb). These guys own kebab restaurants, are barbers, they're hard working people in highly lucrative businesses and you know, most people don't care about it.
Yeah, they may be muslim, but you can go eat in their place in the middle of the day despite Ramadan...
Fact is, some people do care too much about religion, even in 2018, but they aren't quite many. Most people I know, they're jews, muslims or whatever like I'm christian... which means nothing. How many times I've seen drunk arabs in the middle of the night in the streets.
One day I've even seen an orthodox jew (with the distinctive haircut) in a stripclub. So much for religion.
Rosanne TV show canceled after racist, anti-semitic, lie filled tweets from the star.
It'll probably be picked up by Fox.
Another star that just can't keep their mouth (fingers?) shut and enjoy it when things are going good for them. I can't believe anybody cares what most of these people think anymore...
Rosanne TV show canceled after racist, anti-semitic, lie filled tweets from the Trump supporting star.
It'll probably be picked up by Fox.
Roseanne is Jewish... I'm half Jewish as well and I don't see criticism of George Soros' political activities as necessarily anti-semitic. No one bats an eye when celebs criticize the Koch brothers.
Anyways, the main reason her show was cut was due to a separate tweet where she made a bad joke about Valerie Jarrett's appearance.
EDIT: Unsure if Rosanne even knew that Jarrett was part black when she made the Planet of the Apes joke - Jarrett has very light skin and Roseanne has a habit of blurting stuff out without doing research. Regardless of splitting hairs of intent, we all know how that kind of joke looks.
There was a time when I was naive enough to not consider monkey jokes a big deal - back in Hawaii when growing up it was considered no more harmful than comparing someone's appearance to a horse. Part of becoming a mature adult is avoiding appearance-based jokes in general, even if Ron Perlman reminds you of a gorilla.
Pretty good article in Slate summing the whole thing up....yeah they are probably left of center as a publication, whatever.....
I'm calling a stance or a decision stupid and in most jurisdiction it does not qualify as an insult of a personal attack, no more than calling comments here "bigotry" (that was the term, wasn't it?).
Grond0 clarified his position in his answer. I maintain my comment, decision to separate children from parents in order to dissuade families from applying to asylum is a stupid, moronic, retarded, thing to do.
For one thing, a lot of thought went into this. The people doing this are not stupid or moronic. The people who implement this policy are probably of at least average intelligence. Perhaps in some other aspect of their lives they are decent but here they are being evil. Maybe they don't intend for it to be evil but it really is.
This Republican policy is intentionally trying to harm and distress families and children. Maybe they've bought into Trump's 'animals' rhetoric and don't see these kids and families as people any more. This might be along the same lines as people in Germany who went along with putting jews and gypsies in concentration camps for torture and death. Some of those Germans later claimed they just went along with things against those "other" "people". Just following orders.
Anyway the words stupid, moronic, and retarded are not quite what we have here. These are words are used as an insult meaning people with limited mental abilities.
It's the acts here that are the problem. It's true these acts are caused by people but the words to describe them best probably isn't some variation on "stupid".
Horrific, torturous, vindictive, terrible, evil. Something like that might fit better.
I really mean stupid here. Everyone knows that this decision is borderline inhuman, and it certainly is, I really mean it's stupid.
As I explained, applying for political asylum is no crime and to try to dissuade migrant to do so by separating children is not wrong, it's also idiotic. It's not going to work and it's pushing people to not do a lawful act.
EDIT: if the services in charge of granting asylum are giving a disproportionnate amount of these or overwhelmed by requests then the procedure and criteria must be clarified. That's what the previous (socialist) government did her. Asylum is clearly defined and who do no not in these cannot claim it, thus ending in the demand being rejected.
For exemple plenty of migrants from Côte d'Ivoire had their application rejected because there is no war there and this is not a dictatorship. Economy is not considered a reason for asylum but migration. (and they now all apply in Germany)
Similar bills have been introduced by Republicans in Arizona and Texas that would make it illegal to film police officers. Nothing says "we aren't doing anything wrong" like attempting to criminalize documentation of those actions.
Freedom hating fascist Republicans think they are above the law, above oversight.
What did I tell earlier, in 6 months they'll have a new government anyway...
Rewarded with French citizenship and a job as a fireman
I wouldn't use the label "illegal migrant" for this man. I would of used Hero.
He is a man who sprang into action to save a child. Hero.
I guess the federal government has had enough of the provincial spat that has been raging between British Columbia and Alberta for years regarding a proposed pipeline connecting the oil industry with a port. It got so bad that Alberta started banning B.C. wine because of some of the tactics that B.C. had been using to block the pipeline including taking the entire project to court, and toppling its own minority government, to municipalities in B.C. denying permit requests for the project.
It got to a point where Kinder Morgan, the company in charge of building the pipeline, stop investing in it and gave a deadline of May 31 for the federal government to make sure there was more certainty in its outcome. And that was B.C.'s tactic, stall until the company gives up which would hinder other private sector businesses from investing in Canada.
As of now, Canada's only trading partner for the Alberta oil sands is the United States. This causes two problems, the first is it lowers the cost of how much revenue Canada can generate from the sale of the oil to the alleged tune of $15 Billion per year. Second, with Trump being the tool that he is, and NAFTA in the balance, tariffs could be applied to the oil making the profits even lower.
So today, The Federal Government bought the pipeline from Kinder Morgan for $4.5 billion.
As a new Crown Corporation, the pipeline will have more flexibility than if it was owned by a private company. Once the pipeline is built, the Canadian government will sell the pipeline to a private owner(s). Our finance minister has said pension and indigenous groups have expressed interest in purchasing it already.
Hopefully this two year spat (Timeline) can finally come to an end.
EDIT: Mamoudou Gassama... it's not a muslim name, where does that muslim shit comes from?
Yeah, they may be muslim, but you can go eat in their place in the middle of the day despite Ramadan...
Fact is, some people do care too much about religion, even in 2018, but they aren't quite many. Most people I know, they're jews, muslims or whatever like I'm christian... which means nothing. How many times I've seen drunk arabs in the middle of the night in the streets.
One day I've even seen an orthodox jew (with the distinctive haircut) in a stripclub. So much for religion.
It'll probably be picked up by Fox.
Anyways, the main reason her show was cut was due to a separate tweet where she made a bad joke about Valerie Jarrett's appearance.
EDIT: Unsure if Rosanne even knew that Jarrett was part black when she made the Planet of the Apes joke - Jarrett has very light skin and Roseanne has a habit of blurting stuff out without doing research. Regardless of splitting hairs of intent, we all know how that kind of joke looks.
There was a time when I was naive enough to not consider monkey jokes a big deal - back in Hawaii when growing up it was considered no more harmful than comparing someone's appearance to a horse. Part of becoming a mature adult is avoiding appearance-based jokes in general, even if Ron Perlman reminds you of a gorilla.