Florida Jury awarded the family of a black man shot and killed by police through a garage door $4 for pain, suffering, funeral expenses, and lost future earnings.
Florida Jury awarded the family of a black man shot and killed by police through a garage door $4 for pain, suffering, funeral expenses, and lost future earnings.
As I stated, chemical composition theory is not the same as the feen (fiend) that uses said drug. If you put them side by side and observe. If you haven't observed then.
There is a reason why the 80's called it the rich mans drug. Crack cocaine is devastating.
What's more devastating is putting people in prison for decades for using it.
You seriously believe that people that use crack, or meth or heroin or cocaine (powder) should not be disciplined for breaking the law and causing chaos in society? Drug dealers and users of course.
Of course they should be disciplined. The question we have is about what happens after someone makes a bad choice.
These people will eventually rejoin society, will they be able to fit in once they get out?
Harsh punishment does not stop crime. Locking nonviolent people up for decades around dangerous criminals will train and condition
As I stated, chemical composition theory is not the same as the feen (fiend) that uses said drug. If you put them side by side and observe. If you haven't observed then.
There is a reason why the 80's called it the rich mans drug. Crack cocaine is devastating.
What's more devastating is putting people in prison for decades for using it.
You seriously believe that people that use crack, or meth or heroin or cocaine (powder) should not be disciplined for breaking the law and causing chaos in society? Drug dealers and users of course.
Of course they should be disciplined. The question we have is about what happens after someone makes a bad choice.
These people will eventually rejoin society, will they be able to fit in once they get out?
Harsh punishment does not stop crime. Locking nonviolent people up for decades around dangerous criminals will train and condition more criminals. What kind of person do you want to get out of jail, when their debt to society is over?
American criminal justice system needs reform - less focus on punishment and more on rehabilitation. more criminals. What kind of person do you want to get out of jail, when their debt to society is over?
American criminal justice system needs reform - less focus on punishment and more on rehabilitation.
I wish that every country took a page out of Portugal's laws on drugs. The number of people incarcerated with up to a 10 day supply went down but I want to know the numbers on the crimes committed by people who need money to sustain their habit.
The use of the drug and theft are two different crimes. The person SHOULD be punished for the theft.
Alcoholics do NOT kill for their fix, drug fiends do.
This is a generic misconception and known fear tactic.
I am hard pressed to find a single case that states an individual was killed because a person was looking for a “fix.”
Most crimes associated with illegal drug trade is theft and prostitution.
I am not trying to place fear in anyone. Then why don't we all volunteer in a social experiment. We all walk into police known crack areas/houses with our everyday clothing. Make sure to put on your Yeezys if you own a pair. Then we all come back, those that survive, and share our experiences.
I am guessing you personally do not know any one who is addicted to drugs or have personally dealt with people under the influence.
And once again, all I am asking is one news story that states a person was killed because a known drug user was looking for a fix. I personally could not find any.
I deal with people every day that are affected. I work for the Children's aid society of Toronto/ Boost CYAC. I also volunteer at several drug rehab centers in the city. I do not LARP as a social justice warrior, I am one.
It all started years ago when Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper and his Conservatives made a law that did not allow people from European countries to claim asylum in Canada. This law affected the Roma communities in Europe. Today I am the father of two beautiful Roma boys from Slovakia. Thanks to the Liberal government they received Canadian citizenship this year.
EVERYDAY I see the destruction of drugs on people, even when I have to go out and take a child from their parents. Three months ago a colleague of mine was called out to a government housing unit to collect a child. The older brother had attempted to kill his mother for money, he needed it for drugs. The little guy is doing Ok.
So that is one of my personal case studies. Never assume you know someone. If you live in the Toronto area I would be more than happy to 'hook you up' with some volunteer work with the above stated organizations.
Great, so you personally should know that the great majority of your cases do not involve homicide due to someone needing a fix and that violence in the household is not equated squarely on drug usage.
One exadurated anicodote about an alleged attempted murder does not equate “drug users murdering people for a fix.”
I agree, drug use and addiction does cause a lot of destruction in someone’s life, but as jjstraka mentioned so does things like alcohol and just being in possession of a drug like crack should not equate to lengthy prison sentences that the U.S. sees.
"exaggerated anecdote", really? Calling me a liar, coming from an astute member of this forum is a compliment I guess. I will not entertain this discussion further until you take me up on my offer. I'll keep trying to change the world while you think of ways to insult people over the internet.
By the way (sharing again) I made some porn flix while I lived in Vancouver years ago... Mine is definitely bigger.
**Edit** If you do take me up on my offer I will show you case files with the info you seek.
Nope. Not once did I call you a liar.
But your response to me asking for a link or court case involving someone murdering someone to get a fix equated to “this guy I knew had a case where the mother said her son attempted to kill her for drug money.” A 3 degree story does not fix the first misconception you posted “that drug fiends kill for a fix.”
This is unacceptable. Using a word that civilized societies are trying to erase. Also this should be a case study of what happens to moderate Canadians when they throw their hat into the cesspool called American politics.
Agreed. While that word is more like "jerk" or "a-hole" it's unacceptable. She should be fired to or at least this should be her first warning towards firing. God know Rosanne had plenty of chances.
It's not the first time she has used that word. Also, her saying that Ivanka should put on something tight and revealing to talk to her father should not sit well with anyone.
That statement is an off shoot from Trump himself appearing in the Howard Stern show saying she’s hot, and I’d date her remarks.
If it is unacceptable for Samantha Bee to joke about it, how appropriate is it for her own father to say it? That is where this line of joke is coming from and what it is suppose to repersent, that Trump has said this about his own daughter.
So I guess your saying if one sick and deranged degenerate says something inappropriate, it's ok for another sick and deranged degenerate to say something inappropriate?
Give me a break with the indignation from the right about "offensive speech". All we have been hearing about for TWO YEARS since Trump came on the scene is how people should be allowed to say ANYTHING without consequence. College campuses, SJWs, safe spaces, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. And now a curse word is an issue?? No, it's only an issue because the previous day, Roseanne compared a black woman to an ape. This is nothing by straight-up sophistry from the "free speech" crowd.
NO President in modern history has issued these kind of high-profile pardons so early in their term.
NOT true - look at Jimmy Carter's pardon history.
So Carter pardoned people who blatantly broke the laws and pardoned them because they were friends of his political party and fellow conspiracy nuts? Joe Arpaios policies led directly to deaths and multimillion dollar lawsuit settlements, Carter did something similar to that? Desouza was so blatant about funneling money to politicians that the politician herself got nervous, Carter did that huh? Yeah sorry doubtful about the false equivalency here.
Yes, Carter (and numerous other prezzes - probably the majority, in fact) pardoned people for political reasons, some of whom were indeed quite vile.
Besides even if it was true didn't your church or parents teach you that two wrongs don't make a right?
No, they taught me that what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Though again, it was you who made the initial comparison of "NO President in modern history ..." to which I'm responding in the first place.
I said the bottom part, and that would entirely depend on what the definition of "modern" is in the context of the conversation, but I said nothing about church or parents, that was @smeagolheart. If we are going to do direct quotes, let's at least get them correct.
This is unacceptable. Using a word that civilized societies are trying to erase. Also this should be a case study of what happens to moderate Canadians when they throw their hat into the cesspool called American politics.
Agreed. While that word is more like "jerk" or "a-hole" it's unacceptable. She should be fired to or at least this should be her first warning towards firing. God know Rosanne had plenty of chances.
It's not the first time she has used that word. Also, her saying that Ivanka should put on something tight and revealing to talk to her father should not sit well with anyone.
That statement is an off shoot from Trump himself appearing in the Howard Stern show saying she’s hot, and I’d date her remarks.
If it is unacceptable for Samantha Bee to joke about it, how appropriate is it for her own father to say it? That is where this line of joke is coming from and what it is suppose to repersent, that Trump has said this about his own daughter.
So I guess your saying if one sick and deranged degenerate says something inappropriate, it's ok for another sick and deranged degenerate to say something inappropriate?
What I am saying is if some sick degranged person in control of what is considered the most powerful country in the world says something inappropriate, it is ok for someone to remind others that this is how this sick degranged person thinks.
It is completely different from calling someone “Muslim brotherhood and planet of the apes having a baby,” just in case we forget what language Barr actually used to describe a former White House aide.
This is unacceptable. Using a word that civilized societies are trying to erase. Also this should be a case study of what happens to moderate Canadians when they throw their hat into the cesspool called American politics.
Agreed. While that word is more like "jerk" or "a-hole" it's unacceptable. She should be fired to or at least this should be her first warning towards firing. God know Rosanne had plenty of chances.
It's not the first time she has used that word. Also, her saying that Ivanka should put on something tight and revealing to talk to her father should not sit well with anyone.
That statement is an off shoot from Trump himself appearing in the Howard Stern show saying she’s hot, and I’d date her remarks.
If it is unacceptable for Samantha Bee to joke about it, how appropriate is it for her own father to say it? That is where this line of joke is coming from and what it is suppose to repersent, that Trump has said this about his own daughter.
So I guess your saying if one sick and deranged degenerate says something inappropriate, it's ok for another sick and deranged degenerate to say something inappropriate?
What I am saying is if some sick degranged person in control of what is considered the most powerful country in the world says something inappropriate, it is ok for someone to remind others that this is how this sick degranged person thinks.
It is completely different from calling someone “Muslim brotherhood and planet of the apes having a baby,” just in case we forget what language Barr actually used to describe a former White House aide.
I would also provide not only deleted tweets of Roseanne Barr saying the EXACT same word about Hillary Clinton BEFORE she got her show back, but I can show you scores of merchandise SOLD AT THE RNC that is on the same level or worse. But it would frankly be against site rules as far as I know. Again, this manufactured indignation with a word that is simply a much, much stronger way to say "bitch" being compared to the decades-old comparison of black people with primates isn't even REMOTELY the same thing.
Also I will tell you exactly WHY Samantha Bee, along with the NFL protests are actually about free speech and Roseanne Barr getting fired isn't. And it is because the Executive Branch of the United States, JUST like they did with the NFL protests, weighed in on the controversy today DEMANDING action be taking. Sarah Huckabee Sandres is the OFFICIAL spokesperson for the President of the United States. That is the GOVERNMENT inserting itself into the debate directly.
This is unacceptable. Using a word that civilized societies are trying to erase. Also this should be a case study of what happens to moderate Canadians when they throw their hat into the cesspool called American politics.
Agreed. While that word is more like "jerk" or "a-hole" it's unacceptable. She should be fired to or at least this should be her first warning towards firing. God know Rosanne had plenty of chances.
It's not the first time she has used that word. Also, her saying that Ivanka should put on something tight and revealing to talk to her father should not sit well with anyone.
That statement is an off shoot from Trump himself appearing in the Howard Stern show saying she’s hot, and I’d date her remarks.
If it is unacceptable for Samantha Bee to joke about it, how appropriate is it for her own father to say it? That is where this line of joke is coming from and what it is suppose to repersent, that Trump has said this about his own daughter.
So I guess your saying if one sick and deranged degenerate says something inappropriate, it's ok for another sick and deranged degenerate to say something inappropriate?
What I am saying is if some sick degranged person in control of what is considered the most powerful country in the world says something inappropriate, it is ok for someone to remind others that this is how this sick degranged person thinks.
It is completely different from calling someone “Muslim brotherhood and planet of the apes having a baby,” just in case we forget what language Barr actually used to describe a former White House aide.
Roseanne should get more for that joke. Firing isn't enough. Bee said it on TV, on a show that is tapped. Alot of people write her material and everything goes through a bunch of checks. Still it aired. Roseanne is one idiot, Bee is surrounded by them.
Also I don't care about this person Roseanne tweeted about. Seeing the outcry I researched, Obama aide, nuff said.
This is unacceptable. Using a word that civilized societies are trying to erase. Also this should be a case study of what happens to moderate Canadians when they throw their hat into the cesspool called American politics.
Agreed. While that word is more like "jerk" or "a-hole" it's unacceptable. She should be fired to or at least this should be her first warning towards firing. God know Rosanne had plenty of chances.
It's not the first time she has used that word. Also, her saying that Ivanka should put on something tight and revealing to talk to her father should not sit well with anyone.
That statement is an off shoot from Trump himself appearing in the Howard Stern show saying she’s hot, and I’d date her remarks.
If it is unacceptable for Samantha Bee to joke about it, how appropriate is it for her own father to say it? That is where this line of joke is coming from and what it is suppose to repersent, that Trump has said this about his own daughter.
So I guess your saying if one sick and deranged degenerate says something inappropriate, it's ok for another sick and deranged degenerate to say something inappropriate?
What I am saying is if some sick degranged person in control of what is considered the most powerful country in the world says something inappropriate, it is ok for someone to remind others that this is how this sick degranged person thinks.
It is completely different from calling someone “Muslim brotherhood and planet of the apes having a baby,” just in case we forget what language Barr actually used to describe a former White House aide.
I would also provide not only deleted tweets of Roseanne Barr saying the EXACT same word about Hillary Clinton BEFORE she got her show back, but I can show you scores of merchandise SOLD AT THE RNC that is on the same level or worse. But it would frankly be against site rules as far as I know. Again, this manufactured indignation with a word that is simply a much, much stronger way to say "bitch" being compared to the decades-old comparison of black people with primates isn't even REMOTELY the same thing.
Also I will tell you exactly WHY Samantha Bee, along with the NFL protests are actually about free speech and Roseanne Barr getting fired isn't. And it is because the Executive Branch of the United States, JUST like they did with the NFL protests, weighed in on the controversy today DEMANDING action be taking. Sarah Huckabee Sandres is the OFFICIAL spokesperson for the President of the United States. That is the GOVERNMENT inserting itself into the debate directly.
Why are all these divisive moves bothering anyone, do you really care what a Hollywood clown has to say about a Political one?
This is unacceptable. Using a word that civilized societies are trying to erase. Also this should be a case study of what happens to moderate Canadians when they throw their hat into the cesspool called American politics.
Agreed. While that word is more like "jerk" or "a-hole" it's unacceptable. She should be fired to or at least this should be her first warning towards firing. God know Rosanne had plenty of chances.
It's not the first time she has used that word. Also, her saying that Ivanka should put on something tight and revealing to talk to her father should not sit well with anyone.
That statement is an off shoot from Trump himself appearing in the Howard Stern show saying she’s hot, and I’d date her remarks.
If it is unacceptable for Samantha Bee to joke about it, how appropriate is it for her own father to say it? That is where this line of joke is coming from and what it is suppose to repersent, that Trump has said this about his own daughter.
So I guess your saying if one sick and deranged degenerate says something inappropriate, it's ok for another sick and deranged degenerate to say something inappropriate?
What I am saying is if some sick degranged person in control of what is considered the most powerful country in the world says something inappropriate, it is ok for someone to remind others that this is how this sick degranged person thinks.
It is completely different from calling someone “Muslim brotherhood and planet of the apes having a baby,” just in case we forget what language Barr actually used to describe a former White House aide.
I would also provide not only deleted tweets of Roseanne Barr saying the EXACT same word about Hillary Clinton BEFORE she got her show back, but I can show you scores of merchandise SOLD AT THE RNC that is on the same level or worse. But it would frankly be against site rules as far as I know. Again, this manufactured indignation with a word that is simply a much, much stronger way to say "bitch" being compared to the decades-old comparison of black people with primates isn't even REMOTELY the same thing.
Also I will tell you exactly WHY Samantha Bee, along with the NFL protests are actually about free speech and Roseanne Barr getting fired isn't. And it is because the Executive Branch of the United States, JUST like they did with the NFL protests, weighed in on the controversy today DEMANDING action be taking. Sarah Huckabee Sandres is the OFFICIAL spokesperson for the President of the United States. That is the GOVERNMENT inserting itself into the debate directly.
Why are all these divisive moves bothering anyone, do you really care what a Hollywood clown has to say about a Political one?
I'm saying the Samantha Bee "controversy" was drummed up specifically as a response to Roseanne being fired. And they aren't remotely the same thing. There is a long history in the US of a racial stereotype comparing black people to apes. Somehow, I don't see how calling a billionaire princess who has a White House position because of nepotism the "c" word compares in any universe.
This is unacceptable. Using a word that civilized societies are trying to erase. Also this should be a case study of what happens to moderate Canadians when they throw their hat into the cesspool called American politics.
Agreed. While that word is more like "jerk" or "a-hole" it's unacceptable. She should be fired to or at least this should be her first warning towards firing. God know Rosanne had plenty of chances.
It's not the first time she has used that word. Also, her saying that Ivanka should put on something tight and revealing to talk to her father should not sit well with anyone.
That statement is an off shoot from Trump himself appearing in the Howard Stern show saying she’s hot, and I’d date her remarks.
If it is unacceptable for Samantha Bee to joke about it, how appropriate is it for her own father to say it? That is where this line of joke is coming from and what it is suppose to repersent, that Trump has said this about his own daughter.
So I guess your saying if one sick and deranged degenerate says something inappropriate, it's ok for another sick and deranged degenerate to say something inappropriate?
What I am saying is if some sick degranged person in control of what is considered the most powerful country in the world says something inappropriate, it is ok for someone to remind others that this is how this sick degranged person thinks.
It is completely different from calling someone “Muslim brotherhood and planet of the apes having a baby,” just in case we forget what language Barr actually used to describe a former White House aide.
So why don't Americans rally together to and walk straight to the White House and overthrow this Tyrant? Get rid of him if he is Hitler incarnate. The more people B...h about him, the more they play into his hands. He owns Liberal voters, they hang off of every words he says, waiting like TMZ for that 'Money Shot' . Bunch of scavengers looking for ratings.
I would't be surprised that Trump is actually in on this with CNN and NBC. Wasn't the producer of Celebrity Apprentice now the CEO at CNN? He's got everyone chasing their tails for a story, meanwhile back at the ranch...
This is unacceptable. Using a word that civilized societies are trying to erase. Also this should be a case study of what happens to moderate Canadians when they throw their hat into the cesspool called American politics.
Agreed. While that word is more like "jerk" or "a-hole" it's unacceptable. She should be fired to or at least this should be her first warning towards firing. God know Rosanne had plenty of chances.
It's not the first time she has used that word. Also, her saying that Ivanka should put on something tight and revealing to talk to her father should not sit well with anyone.
That statement is an off shoot from Trump himself appearing in the Howard Stern show saying she’s hot, and I’d date her remarks.
If it is unacceptable for Samantha Bee to joke about it, how appropriate is it for her own father to say it? That is where this line of joke is coming from and what it is suppose to repersent, that Trump has said this about his own daughter.
So I guess your saying if one sick and deranged degenerate says something inappropriate, it's ok for another sick and deranged degenerate to say something inappropriate?
What I am saying is if some sick degranged person in control of what is considered the most powerful country in the world says something inappropriate, it is ok for someone to remind others that this is how this sick degranged person thinks.
It is completely different from calling someone “Muslim brotherhood and planet of the apes having a baby,” just in case we forget what language Barr actually used to describe a former White House aide.
I would also provide not only deleted tweets of Roseanne Barr saying the EXACT same word about Hillary Clinton BEFORE she got her show back, but I can show you scores of merchandise SOLD AT THE RNC that is on the same level or worse. But it would frankly be against site rules as far as I know. Again, this manufactured indignation with a word that is simply a much, much stronger way to say "bitch" being compared to the decades-old comparison of black people with primates isn't even REMOTELY the same thing.
Also I will tell you exactly WHY Samantha Bee, along with the NFL protests are actually about free speech and Roseanne Barr getting fired isn't. And it is because the Executive Branch of the United States, JUST like they did with the NFL protests, weighed in on the controversy today DEMANDING action be taking. Sarah Huckabee Sandres is the OFFICIAL spokesperson for the President of the United States. That is the GOVERNMENT inserting itself into the debate directly.
Why are all these divisive moves bothering anyone, do you really care what a Hollywood clown has to say about a Political one?
I'm saying the Samantha Bee "controversy" was drummed up specifically as a response to Roseanne being fired. And they aren't remotely the same thing. There is a long history in the US of a racial stereotype comparing black people to apes. Somehow, I don't see how calling a billionaire princess who has a White House position because of nepotism the "c" word compares in any universe.
Societal values? Morals? Being the better man/woman? Not stooping to someone's level so you have the high ground when it comes down to pointing out someones wrong doings?
So why don't Americans rally together to and walk straight to the White House and overthrow this Tyrant?
People have already marched and rallied and called for his impeachment, but only Congress can actually impeach the president. Both houses of Congress are controlled by Trump's own party, so the chances of impeachment are virtually zero unless the Democrats gain some seats. Public opinion doesn't become relevant until the 2018 elections, and the law doesn't become relevant until the Mueller investigation concludes.
Back to the steel tariffs that are being taken into effect at midnight:
Canada has hit back with a dollar for dollar tariff on u.s. imports. These tariffs will kick in July 1, so Trump and Co do have a month to back down from their stupidity. Some quotes:
"This is a very strong Canadian action in response to a very bad U.S. decision." ~ C. Freeland, Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister.
"We will continue to make arguments based on logic and common sense and hope that eventually they will prevail against an administration that doesn't always align itself around those principles." ~ J. Trudeau, Prime Minister.
So why don't Americans rally together to and walk straight to the White House and overthrow this Tyrant?
People have already marched and rallied and called for his impeachment, but only Congress can actually impeach the president. Both houses of Congress are controlled by Trump's own party, so the chances of impeachment are virtually zero unless the Democrats gain some seats. Public opinion doesn't become relevant until the 2018 elections, and the law doesn't become relevant until the Mueller investigation concludes.
A rally is not the same as throw him out. He is Hitler incarnate, why wait?
Even if they win seats the Democrats do not have the hard evidence needed I don't think. Atleast Monica left some cigars behind.
Also I do believe Putin interfered in this last U.S. election. There was no way he was going to let Hillary who is backed by Soros win. Soros, single handed, collapsed the Russian Ruble just by speculation. There is still a warrant out for his arrest in Russia if I'm not mistaken.
Back to the steel tariffs that are being taken into effect at midnight:
Canada has hit back with a dollar for dollar tariff on u.s. imports. These tariffs will kick in July 1, so Trump and Co do have a month to back down from their stupidity. Some quotes:
"This is a very strong Canadian action in response to a very bad U.S. decision." ~ C. Freeland, Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister.
"We will continue to make arguments based on logic and common sense and hope that eventually they will prevail against an administration that doesn't always align itself around those principles." ~ J. Trudeau, Prime Minister.
Not wise, Canada might lose the Automotive jobs that are still left. Trickle down to suppliers and Dealers, mechanics, Engineers, close to 10's of thousand jobs. Nice.
Common sense and logic, two things Justin seriously lacks as well.
So why don't Americans rally together to and walk straight to the White House and overthrow this Tyrant?
People have already marched and rallied and called for his impeachment, but only Congress can actually impeach the president. Both houses of Congress are controlled by Trump's own party, so the chances of impeachment are virtually zero unless the Democrats gain some seats. Public opinion doesn't become relevant until the 2018 elections, and the law doesn't become relevant until the Mueller investigation concludes.
Not even then since Trumps preemptively discredited the investigation and if they feel like it (they probably will) they can ignore it for whatever wild spin or lie that Trump has told that might be believed by gullible or other conservatives that want to believe that Trump is their God emperor.
So why don't Americans rally together to and walk straight to the White House and overthrow this Tyrant?
People have already marched and rallied and called for his impeachment, but only Congress can actually impeach the president. Both houses of Congress are controlled by Trump's own party, so the chances of impeachment are virtually zero unless the Democrats gain some seats. Public opinion doesn't become relevant until the 2018 elections, and the law doesn't become relevant until the Mueller investigation concludes.
A rally is not the same as throw him out. He is Hitler incarnate, why wait?
I think someone--maybe me?--asked roughly the same question about abortion: if it's literally the same as murdering children, wouldn't you have to use any means necessary to stop it? And one of the pro-life people pointed out that even if you do consider it to be murder, that doesn't mean you resort to illegal means to effect change. We live in a world governed by the rule of law, under a government which we ourselves elect. Legal, nonviolent methods work in our system--we're a democracy.
Trump entered office because of an election and he will leave office because of an election.
Even if they win seats the Democrats do not have the hard evidence needed I don't think. Atleast Monica left some cigars behind.
Plenty of evidence of obstruction of justice and campaigners colluding with Russia and illegally funneling money.
Matter of fact Spanish authorities have Trump Jr on tape with a Russian oligarch that they were monitoring (lordy there ARE tapes). They've turned it over to the FBI. Seems the scheme involved Russian government funneling cash to Trump through the NRA. Greedy traitors all.
The Spanish law enforcement guy said: “Mr. Trump’s son should be concerned.”
Even if they win seats the Democrats do not have the hard evidence needed I don't think. Atleast Monica left some cigars behind.
Plenty of evidence of obstruction of justice and campaigners colluding with Russia and illegally funneling money.
Matter of fact Spanish authorities have Trump Jr on tape with a Russian oligarch that they were monitoring (lordy there ARE tapes). They've turned it over to the FBI. Seems the scheme involved Russian government funneling cash to Trump through the NRA. Greedy traitors all.
The Spanish law enforcement guy said: “Mr. Trump’s son should be concerned.”
So why don't Americans rally together to and walk straight to the White House and overthrow this Tyrant?
People have already marched and rallied and called for his impeachment, but only Congress can actually impeach the president. Both houses of Congress are controlled by Trump's own party, so the chances of impeachment are virtually zero unless the Democrats gain some seats. Public opinion doesn't become relevant until the 2018 elections, and the law doesn't become relevant until the Mueller investigation concludes.
A rally is not the same as throw him out. He is Hitler incarnate, why wait?
I think someone--maybe me?--asked roughly the same question about abortion: if it's literally the same as murdering children, wouldn't you have to use any means necessary to stop it? And one of the pro-life people pointed out that even if you do consider it to be murder, that doesn't mean you resort to illegal means to effect change. We live in a world governed by the rule of law, under a government which we ourselves elect. Legal, nonviolent methods work in our system--we're a democracy.
Trump entered office because of an election and he will leave office because of an election.
So you don't believe the impeach garbage then too. cool.
I also believe in Democracy, you don't have to educate me on it, my Ancestors gave it to the world. Too bad the barbarians have corrupted it.
Even if they win seats the Democrats do not have the hard evidence needed I don't think. Atleast Monica left some cigars behind.
Plenty of evidence of obstruction of justice and campaigners colluding with Russia and illegally funneling money.
Matter of fact Spanish authorities have Trump Jr on tape with a Russian oligarch that they were monitoring (lordy there ARE tapes). They've turned it over to the FBI. Seems the scheme involved Russian government funneling cash to Trump through the NRA. Greedy traitors all.
The Spanish law enforcement guy said: “Mr. Trump’s son should be concerned.”
Even if they win seats the Democrats do not have the hard evidence needed I don't think. Atleast Monica left some cigars behind.
Plenty of evidence of obstruction of justice and campaigners colluding with Russia and illegally funneling money.
Matter of fact Spanish authorities have Trump Jr on tape with a Russian oligarch that they were monitoring (lordy there ARE tapes). They've turned it over to the FBI. Seems the scheme involved Russian government funneling cash to Trump through the NRA. Greedy traitors all.
The Spanish law enforcement guy said: “Mr. Trump’s son should be concerned.”
So why not get this out now if the tapes are real? Why wait?
Republican obstruction? Fear that Trump will break the government of the United States by pardoning his own son?
Don't ask me. It exists. The right wing leaning FBI has it. The same FBI that Trump has already fired two of his perceived enemies from.
I want to understand this but I can't. If someone has evidence then bring it forward. Claiming Republican obstruction is a cop out. Also the FBI is right leaning as well? Nazis everywhere then?
I would love to see Trump out, the world will come off this angry vibe that has consumed it. If the evidence is there, show it damn it. What happened to the Russian peeing Hooker? That tape getting obstructed too?
Even if they win seats the Democrats do not have the hard evidence needed I don't think. Atleast Monica left some cigars behind.
Plenty of evidence of obstruction of justice and campaigners colluding with Russia and illegally funneling money.
Matter of fact Spanish authorities have Trump Jr on tape with a Russian oligarch that they were monitoring (lordy there ARE tapes). They've turned it over to the FBI. Seems the scheme involved Russian government funneling cash to Trump through the NRA. Greedy traitors all.
The Spanish law enforcement guy said: “Mr. Trump’s son should be concerned.”
So why not get this out now if the tapes are real? Why wait?
Republican obstruction? Fear that Trump will break the government of the United States by pardoning his own son?
Don't ask me. It exists. The right wing leaning FBI has it. The same FBI that Trump has already fired two of his perceived enemies from.
I want to understand this but I can't. If someone has evidence then bring it forward. Claiming Republican obstruction is a cop out. Also the FBI is right leaning as well? Nazis everywhere then?
I would love to see Trump out, the world will come off this angry vibe that has consumed it. If the evidence is there, show it damn it. What happened to the Russian peeing Hooker? That tape getting obstructed too?
To have a fair and unbiased trial, most (if not all) facts and evidence against a person or person would not be shared with the media until charges are pressed or even during the trial.
The FBI isn't around to fill gossip, they're there to create a case against an individual.
Even if they win seats the Democrats do not have the hard evidence needed I don't think. Atleast Monica left some cigars behind.
Plenty of evidence of obstruction of justice and campaigners colluding with Russia and illegally funneling money.
Matter of fact Spanish authorities have Trump Jr on tape with a Russian oligarch that they were monitoring (lordy there ARE tapes). They've turned it over to the FBI. Seems the scheme involved Russian government funneling cash to Trump through the NRA. Greedy traitors all.
The Spanish law enforcement guy said: “Mr. Trump’s son should be concerned.”
So why not get this out now if the tapes are real? Why wait?
Republican obstruction? Fear that Trump will break the government of the United States by pardoning his own son?
Don't ask me. It exists. The right wing leaning FBI has it. The same FBI that Trump has already fired two of his perceived enemies from.
I want to understand this but I can't. If someone has evidence then bring it forward. Claiming Republican obstruction is a cop out. Also the FBI is right leaning as well? Nazis everywhere then?
I would love to see Trump out, the world will come off this angry vibe that has consumed it. If the evidence is there, show it damn it. What happened to the Russian peeing Hooker? That tape getting obstructed too?
The pee tape, if it exists, was in Putins hands. What he's done with it is not public knowledge. He hasn't released it. Maybe he's erased it like he's erased journalists and critics. Maybe he's hanging onto it for the best time or he's using it to get Trump to do things like ignore sanctions that Congress passed against Russia which he did. Good deal for Russia too its not involved with Trumps terrible trade wars.
Even if they win seats the Democrats do not have the hard evidence needed I don't think. Atleast Monica left some cigars behind.
Plenty of evidence of obstruction of justice and campaigners colluding with Russia and illegally funneling money.
Matter of fact Spanish authorities have Trump Jr on tape with a Russian oligarch that they were monitoring (lordy there ARE tapes). They've turned it over to the FBI. Seems the scheme involved Russian government funneling cash to Trump through the NRA. Greedy traitors all.
The Spanish law enforcement guy said: “Mr. Trump’s son should be concerned.”
So why not get this out now if the tapes are real? Why wait?
Republican obstruction? Fear that Trump will break the government of the United States by pardoning his own son?
Don't ask me. It exists. The right wing leaning FBI has it. The same FBI that Trump has already fired two of his perceived enemies from.
I want to understand this but I can't. If someone has evidence then bring it forward. Claiming Republican obstruction is a cop out. Also the FBI is right leaning as well? Nazis everywhere then?
I would love to see Trump out, the world will come off this angry vibe that has consumed it. If the evidence is there, show it damn it. What happened to the Russian peeing Hooker? That tape getting obstructed too?
To have a fair and unbiased trial, most (if not all) facts and evidence against a person or person would not be shared with the media until charges are pressed or even during the trial.
The FBI isn't around to fill gossip, they're there to create a case against an individual.
About a week ago I presented the length of time major investigations of Presidential scandals have gone on. The Russia probe hasn't even come CLOSE in length yet to any of them.
Baldwin rips Samantha Bee: What she did is beneath her.
It's always been reputable though it suffers from an establishment bias and allowing "both sides" type debate. "one guy says the earth is flat, this other guy says its round"
It's not preconceived opinion journalism where the boss tells you what to say about the story like you get on Fox.
Trump's America people.
But your response to me asking for a link or court case involving someone murdering someone to get a fix equated to “this guy I knew had a case where the mother said her son attempted to kill her for drug money.” A 3 degree story does not fix the first misconception you posted “that drug fiends kill for a fix.”
What I am saying is if some sick degranged person in control of what is considered the most powerful country in the world says something inappropriate, it is ok for someone to remind others that this is how this sick degranged person thinks.
It is completely different from calling someone “Muslim brotherhood and planet of the apes having a baby,” just in case we forget what language Barr actually used to describe a former White House aide.
Also I will tell you exactly WHY Samantha Bee, along with the NFL protests are actually about free speech and Roseanne Barr getting fired isn't. And it is because the Executive Branch of the United States, JUST like they did with the NFL protests, weighed in on the controversy today DEMANDING action be taking. Sarah Huckabee Sandres is the OFFICIAL spokesperson for the President of the United States. That is the GOVERNMENT inserting itself into the debate directly.
Also I don't care about this person Roseanne tweeted about. Seeing the outcry I researched, Obama aide, nuff said.
I would't be surprised that Trump is actually in on this with CNN and NBC. Wasn't the producer of Celebrity Apprentice now the CEO at CNN? He's got everyone chasing their tails for a story, meanwhile back at the ranch...
Canada has hit back with a dollar for dollar tariff on u.s. imports. These tariffs will kick in July 1, so Trump and Co do have a month to back down from their stupidity. Some quotes:
"This is a very strong Canadian action in response to a very bad U.S. decision." ~ C. Freeland, Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister.
"We will continue to make arguments based on logic and common sense and hope that eventually they will prevail against an administration that doesn't always align itself around those principles." ~ J. Trudeau, Prime Minister.
Even if they win seats the Democrats do not have the hard evidence needed I don't think. Atleast Monica left some cigars behind.
Also I do believe Putin interfered in this last U.S. election. There was no way he was going to let Hillary who is backed by Soros win. Soros, single handed, collapsed the Russian Ruble just by speculation. There is still a warrant out for his arrest in Russia if I'm not mistaken.
Common sense and logic, two things Justin seriously lacks as well.
Trump entered office because of an election and he will leave office because of an election.
Matter of fact Spanish authorities have Trump Jr on tape with a Russian oligarch that they were monitoring (lordy there ARE tapes). They've turned it over to the FBI. Seems the scheme involved Russian government funneling cash to Trump through the NRA. Greedy traitors all.
The Spanish law enforcement guy said: “Mr. Trump’s son should be concerned.”
I also believe in Democracy, you don't have to educate me on it, my Ancestors gave it to the world. Too bad the barbarians have corrupted it.
Don't ask me. It exists. The right wing leaning FBI has it. The same FBI that Trump has already fired two of his perceived enemies from.
I would love to see Trump out, the world will come off this angry vibe that has consumed it. If the evidence is there, show it damn it. What happened to the Russian peeing Hooker? That tape getting obstructed too?
The FBI isn't around to fill gossip, they're there to create a case against an individual.
The spanish tape exists and the FBI has it.
Baldwin rips Samantha Bee: What she did is beneath her.
It's not preconceived opinion journalism where the boss tells you what to say about the story like you get on Fox.