There's a conversation in the politics thread about the costs of eating healthy and how many people don't have the time to cook healthy meals. Reading it has reminded me (as I'm constantly reminded by other things) just how awesome my wife is. Even though she works a full time job, volunteers with the HOA, and takes occasional sewing commissions, she still cooks full, balanced meals everyday. I can count the pre-packaged foods we eat regularly on one hand. She cooks most of the meat on the weekends, so we just have to heat it up in the evenings. Even things like pizza (my Italian grandmother taught her) and hamburger buns are made from scratch. She never uses recipes, she just knows how things should look and smell and taste.
So, yeah, Emma the Cat lost her place at the firehouse, but she was adopted, and is now in a "Furrever" home. I am sad that the Firehouse lost her, but I am glad that a first reponder adopted her. As I now have no cat. I am glad that she has a happy ending to her story.
Also, another heartwarming story in the papers was that a mosque in Texas burned, and the local Synagogue handed the keys to the local Imam. It's wonderful to see how, even with the hate and division in our society, that people can still step forward and do things like this. (The Mosque had been previously buglarized and is being investigated as a crime).
1. My son was singing along with Blind Guardian in the car for errands today. I must be raising him right.
2. Was able to get to the food pantry for the first time this year, so we a bigger buffer on food and I don't have to choose between eating more than twice today, or eating tomorrow.
@ThacoBell , the only Blind Guardian I know is the "Sacred 2" song. It's a really good song, though. They had an in-game cut scene performance of the song with computer generated animated versions of all the musicians, and they appeared in the game as NPC's who would give you their instruments after the concert, which could be wielded as some really good legendary quality weapons. (The bass player's "axe" was guitar shaped but useable as an actual, literal axe.)
In every town, there was a a bard singing lines from the song. "I'm bleeding, I'm fading, here in my final hour, when long lost memories return, and a voice keeps calling, 'All dead and gone.' "
"Oh, it's now or never, we shall stand together, one by one, this land is sacred."
@ThacoBell , The game is huge, but really fun. I highly recommend it. The Blind Guardian quest is referenced in the first major city you get to, Thylisium, and then the quest chain is given by Hansi, who is standing outside of a town northeast of Thylisium, called Clearview. (Hansi accompanies you as an unkillable companion from then on, until you finish the quest chain. He shoots lightning out of his microphone. )
However, here's the cutscene for you if you'd like to watch and hear the song without having to play your way to it, in case you don't have the time.
My daughter was actively recruited into a basketball travel-league at 11 years old. My dad was an all-state basketball player in Minnesota but because of that I never really played sports in high-school or college (subconsciously didn't want to live in his shadow, probably). Who would've guessed I'd wind up being a Soccer Dad!
I've been upgrading my computer. A couple of weeks ago, I started with a new motherboard, processor and memory. Last week, it was another hard drive to replace one that crashed last year. This weekend was the piece de resistance, a new video card and a 43" 4K TV to serve as a monitor.
Civ VI looks absolutely gorgeous on this. My only problem is finding appropriately sized wallpapers.
Had a CT scan and ultrasound today. One of two that I have every year for long term cancer prevention/early detection. The ultrasound tech that I know gave me a big smile and whispered there was no changes from last time. Made me happy.
I use mine for mirroring my notebook screen I'm around 6' away... get too close and you just can't see the entire screen. Of course I never tried anything with a really tiny font
2.75 to 3.5 ft. I lean back for games and lean forward for text. I'm usually not trying to see the whole screen at once. Just like using multiple monitors, I focus on each area at a time. Those recommendations that @mlnevese posted are for TV's. When you watch TV, you want to see the whole image at once.
Of course, I've only had the monitor a few days, so I'm still getting used to it and adjusting. At the moment, I've got app scaling set to 150%, but I might bump it up to 175%. Thursday's my first telecommute day since I got it, so I'll see how it goes to use the thing for 8 hours straight.
So after a week, it's working out pretty good. I even like the ergonomics. With my old dual monitor setup, I'd have to cant left or right to look at one of the monitors squarely. Now I put what I'm working on in the middle and the lists and such that I'm working from around the outside, allowing me to sit square on to the desk.
The webpage in the middle is an inch or two bigger than of one of my old monitors.
I just finished a two-day training session called Capturing Kids' Hearts. Contrary to the name, there's very little bloodshed involved--it's mostly about how school teachers can relate better with their students and handle the classroom more easily. The instructors showed us some tools we could use in the classroom, and they used those tools on us in the process (today we finally checked the back of our booklet and saw the same exercises we had been doing the previous morning!). I entered the class not knowing what I had signed up for and feeling a little nervous and wondering if I should have stayed home, but they dispelled that fairly quickly and got us feeling comfortable in the class and with each other.
I really connected with one of the other women in the class. We started talking over lunch, we shared a lot of personal details and talked about some high-level stuff (she was very intellectual, very perceptive), and by the second day we were hugging constantly and sticking close together. I've known her for just two days, but I already feel very close to her.
After failed attempts in the past, and a 3-hour visit to the office today, my family has officially be approved for food assistance. Our benefits start tomorrow. I get to start cooking again!
After failed attempts in the past, and a 3-hour visit to the office today, my family has officially be approved for food assistance. Our benefits start tomorrow. I get to start cooking again!
Ugh! Ain't no bureaucracy like welfare bureaucracy. I remember having to reapply after every month with 5 Fridays in it. How efficient!
@BillyYank: After every month with 5 Fridays in it? That seems extremely specific and arbitrary and hard for anyone to keep track of. I'm guessing it was designed that way to trip people up and give the bureaucracy an excuse to cut people off.
There was a work requirement, so I had a part time job.* I got paid on Friday, so when I reported my income at the end of the month, I would be under the earnings cutoff in a month with 4 Fridays, but over in a month with 5. Instead of just not giving me a check for that month, I would get kicked off the rolls and have to reapply.
*I was married with two kids, going to school and my wife had trouble finding work. If I'd been going to a trade school, my class time would have counted toward the work requirement. Because I was going for a Bachelor's in computer engineering, it didn't count and I had shoehorn a job in among class, lab and family.
I an in a process of selection and maybe my next home will be in a city in southern part of Argentina, where snows 8 months/year. In my current city that is considered "cold" for Brazilian standards, only snowed on time 4 years ago if i remember correctly.
Is very unlikely that i will be selected. There are people with better qualifications and spanish than me but if by i miracle i an selected :
No more hellfire sun-ray incinerating my skin(photo bellow)
Much less trash on streets and graffiti, something that is each time more common in my city
Much more beautiful woman. The first waitress that i saw when i visited as an tourist was an gorgeous redhead woman
High culture. Tango > Funk. Seriously.
Much more firearms freedom, i mean, firearms in ARG still strict but at least is not an Mexican style draconian gun law strict. Is possible to own .30-06, .45-70 and .308 win rifles in ARG
No neighbors with loud annoying music
Cheaper products
Educated people
Much less crime
My skin after sun. This was in one of the "coldest"(or less hot) beaches of my country. Hell de Janeiro is much hotter than SC
Is much better than the "favela" that my city is becoming. No, Argentina is not an Switzerland like developed country, but is certain better than my country; and only be free from this hot as hell weather worth the try.
Got an emergency call from the school about my son today. Turns out they were measuring his oxygen levels compared to a healthy child's. When I notified them of his normal levels, I think I about gave the school nurse a heart attack. Related, turns out my son has asthma. Considering the family history, I'm not surprsied. I've been waiting for that particular shoe to drop since birth.
Also, another heartwarming story in the papers was that a mosque in Texas burned, and the local Synagogue handed the keys to the local Imam. It's wonderful to see how, even with the hate and division in our society, that people can still step forward and do things like this. (The Mosque had been previously buglarized and is being investigated as a crime).
Here you can see my son proudly posing in front of the destruction he has caused:
1. My son was singing along with Blind Guardian in the car for errands today. I must be raising him right.
2. Was able to get to the food pantry for the first time this year, so we a bigger buffer on food and I don't have to choose between eating more than twice today, or eating tomorrow.
In every town, there was a a bard singing lines from the song. "I'm bleeding, I'm fading, here in my final hour, when long lost memories return, and a voice keeps calling, 'All dead and gone.' "
"Oh, it's now or never, we shall stand together, one by one, this land is sacred."
Good times.
However, here's the cutscene for you if you'd like to watch and hear the song without having to play your way to it, in case you don't have the time.
Civ VI looks absolutely gorgeous on this. My only problem is finding appropriately sized wallpapers.
I would like to know as well. I have a 27" 2k, want to upgrade to 4k.
Had a CT scan and ultrasound today. One of two that I have every year for long term cancer prevention/early detection. The ultrasound tech that I know gave me a big smile and whispered there was no changes from last time. Made me happy.
Depends on the font-size. For a computer I don't think you could be 6' away and still read everything even if the screen is 43".
2.75 to 3.5 ft. I lean back for games and lean forward for text. I'm usually not trying to see the whole screen at once. Just like using multiple monitors, I focus on each area at a time. Those recommendations that @mlnevese posted are for TV's. When you watch TV, you want to see the whole image at once.
Of course, I've only had the monitor a few days, so I'm still getting used to it and adjusting. At the moment, I've got app scaling set to 150%, but I might bump it up to 175%. Thursday's my first telecommute day since I got it, so I'll see how it goes to use the thing for 8 hours straight.
The webpage in the middle is an inch or two bigger than of one of my old monitors.
I really connected with one of the other women in the class. We started talking over lunch, we shared a lot of personal details and talked about some high-level stuff (she was very intellectual, very perceptive), and by the second day we were hugging constantly and sticking close together. I've known her for just two days, but I already feel very close to her.
Ugh! Ain't no bureaucracy like welfare bureaucracy. I remember having to reapply after every month with 5 Fridays in it. How efficient!
*I was married with two kids, going to school and my wife had trouble finding work. If I'd been going to a trade school, my class time would have counted toward the work requirement. Because I was going for a Bachelor's in computer engineering, it didn't count and I had shoehorn a job in among class, lab and family.
I an in a process of selection and maybe my next home will be in a city in southern part of Argentina, where snows 8 months/year. In my current city that is considered "cold" for Brazilian standards, only snowed on time 4 years ago if i remember correctly.
Is very unlikely that i will be selected. There are people with better qualifications and spanish than me but if by i miracle i an selected :
My skin after sun. This was in one of the "coldest"(or less hot) beaches of my country. Hell de Janeiro is much hotter than SC
And photos when i visited Patagonia during June of last year
The city that i maybe will live is colder than Bariloche.
And being very honest, this :
source :
Is much better than the "favela" that my city is becoming. No, Argentina is not an Switzerland like developed country, but is certain better than my country; and only be free from this hot as hell weather worth the try.