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'Story mode'?



  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    edited October 2014
    DreadKhan said:

    So, lets just say this as bluntly as a 14lb mallet: Because you won't use an option it's stupid and should be unavailable to others?

    This would be like me insisting everyone else wears only size 15 boots, because I do.

    You misunderstand. I just don't see why even a casual player would like a mode that makes them invincible. Maybe there is a reason and I'm just not seeing it, so I would like to see it.

    Look, if someone is playing the game for the story, then why would they want to sit through all the pointless combat which they literally can't lose?
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    edited October 2014
    the story mode would make sense for BG trilogy which actually has a complex story and some out-of-combat challenges (puzzles, riddles, different quest resolutions...)

    doesn't make sense for IWD. story is not even that important there (although it's quite ok).
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    I think that the thought behind this mod is that the game is gonna be out like brand new and new people who don't know the game, don't even know what E2, TACH0 or AC or whatever the rules of the game are, like the less the AC the better, will buy it and as long as one don't know the mechanical of the game it is hard to understand, even the magic system isn't an easy one, so all that and hard game that you die all the time because it too hard is gonna be a really really frustrating to those people, so letting them know the game this way can really help them learn it and keep playing it instead of just quitting and not enjoy it at all.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    kaguana said:

    I think that the thought behind this mod is that the game is gonna be out like brand new and new people who don't know the game, don't even know what E2, TACH0 or AC or whatever the rules of the game are, like the less the AC the better, will buy it and as long as one don't know the mechanical of the game it is hard to understand, even the magic system isn't an easy one, so all that and hard game that you die all the time because it too hard is gonna be a really really frustrating to those people, so letting them know the game this way can really help them learn it and keep playing it instead of just quitting and not enjoy it at all.

    The "less AC is better" rule is pretty easy to figure out. When a new player puts armor on one of their characters, they notice that it lowers their armor class. The only possible reasons for this are either that low armor class is better, or wearing armor actually makes you LESS of a tank. The first possibility makes more sense.

    As for THAC0, can't Beamdog simply put in the game some way of explaining how it works? I feel like the IE games would be a lot easier for new players to understand if the games explained more game mechanics.
  • CasadoomCasadoom Member Posts: 68
    edited October 2014

    The "less AC is better" rule is pretty easy to figure out. When a new player puts armor on one of their characters, they notice that it lowers their armor class. The only possible reasons for this are either that low armor class is better, or wearing armor actually makes you LESS of a tank. The first possibility makes more sense.

    As for THAC0, can't Beamdog simply put in the game some way of explaining how it works? I feel like the IE games would be a lot easier for new players to understand if the games explained more game mechanics.

    Well, they also could convert, at least on the UI display and rolls, THAC0 and AC to increase upwards similarly to simulate how it is done in IWD2.

    So much easier for a new player to actually understand what is going on when the indicator starts from zero and goes upwards rather than some seemingly random base AC/THAC0 and going downwards.


    Personally, I think the best solution would be doing it by adding a help button like Temple of Elemental Evil does that has, essentially, all the games rules.
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328

    The "less AC is better" rule is pretty easy to figure out. When a new player puts armor on one of their characters, they notice that it lowers their armor class. The only possible reasons for this are either that low armor class is better, or wearing armor actually makes you LESS of a tank. The first possibility makes more sense.

    As for THAC0, can't Beamdog simply put in the game some way of explaining how it works? I feel like the IE games would be a lot easier for new players to understand if the games explained more game mechanics

    Well I don't know if it easy to all people to understand the ac system at first sight it take time but don't forget that the armors themselves are the lower the better not everyone that start playing understand that, people need help to understand thing like that maybe not all but some do.

    AS for the THAC0 an explanation in the game can be good, as for if BD can do It I don't know it a question for @Dee and the others.
    Casadoom said:

    Well, they also could convert, at least on the UI display and rolls, THAC0 and AC to increase upwards similarly to simulate how it is done in IWD2.

    So much easier for a new player to actually understand what is going on when the indicator starts from zero and goes upwards rather than some seemingly random base AC/THAC0 and going downwards.


    Personally, I think the best solution would be doing it by adding a help button like Temple of Elemental Evil does that has, essentially, all the games rules.

    The can't convert the THAC0 and AC that the E2 rules and as far as I know (if I'm not mistaken) IWD2 is on the E3 rules set not the E2.
  • CasadoomCasadoom Member Posts: 68
    edited October 2014
    kaguana said:

    The can't convert the THAC0 and AC that the E2 rules and as far as I know (if I'm not mistaken) IWD2 is on the E3 rules set not the E2.

    Yes, IWD2 is on uses 3rd Edition.

    However, correct me if I am wrong but doesn't THAC0 more or less translate to 20-THAC0=Attack Bonus and 20-AC=True AC.

    With this in mind, while it certainly is not as easy as it might seem (since all item/spell/kit tooltips need to be changed) changing the UI elements to display Attack Bonus (which is used in the die rolls on the chat log) and True AC is certainly possible right?

    Personally, I do not really care since THAC0 and AC are trivial for me to understand but certainly seems like an improvement to me for newer players.

  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    bengoshi said:

    One of the greatest mysteries has been solved ;)

    It turns out the genesis of the Story mode is based on feedback from a team member who was new to Infinity Engine games (from the latest interview).

    That explains a lot.

    A person like that should never be allowed to work on an old school RPG game, let alone an Infinity Engine game, even if he/she is just a writer and not a coder. Any chance he/she can be fired? IMO, if they do fire him/her, it can only be beneficial to the game in the long run.
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    bengoshi said:

    we, as customers

    Well technically I'm not a customer, as I have no intention to buy IWD:EE. One of the main reasons why I'm not a customer is that ideas like the "Story Mode" go against anything an old school RPG is supposed to be and if IWD:EE is not an old school RPG I'm simply not interested in buying it.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    If you want to include a story mode, then so be it. I just don't feel that making players invincible is a great way of doing it.
  • ElectricMonkElectricMonk Member Posts: 599
    @Pibaro @kaguana the possibility of someone else enabling the story mode certainly isn't an actual issue for those that won't, it's only a potential issue in that it could end up decreasing the overall level of enjoyment of the game for those that do use it. Either way, it's not much of a concern.

    The only actual problem as far as I'm concerned is that an invulnerable mode seems like a clearly sub-optimal way to deal with the stated issue of the easy mode being too hard for some people.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    @Erg‌ so does the Beamdog cleaning lady need to be an obsessed gamer too, or will she have no street cred with the RPG grognards around here?? Not every company employee has to be good at games, not even playtesters.

    Also, since you already stated you aren't interested in buying IWDEE, why would anyone care about your opinion?
  • FaydarkFaydark Member Posts: 279
    Story Mode or Ctrl R/Ctrl Y.. what's the difference. So much hate for IWD:EE here because of Story Mode, yet no where near as much for the BG:EE's with the cheat keys.

    I don't get it.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300

    Why would anybody play IWD for the story alone? It isn't exactly Planescape or Fallout New Vegas...


    Sometimes I replay IWD for its beautiful scenario design.
  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 1,421
    edited October 2014
    Spoony made a video some time ago about challenge in RPGs or games in general and he brings an example from an ADnD campaign he run as a DM.

    Basically he said, "a game where you cannot lose is not a game but it's basically masturbation".
    And I agree, if you cannot lose in a game, it's not a game, it's a boring chore.

    (Spoony for those that don't know is a popular retro RPG/game reviewer, comedian and has DMed DnD games since ADnD to Pathfinder and 4E and also played in them)

    Personally, I agree with the people above that said that if people can just play the game being invulnerable they will feel no satisfaction and would get bored.

    This is the point where he talks about the challenge factor in RPGs. But if you got curious, watch the whole video it's quite entertaining and interesting.

    Go to 29:00 minutes.
  • scriverscriver Member Posts: 2,072
    Well, that would depend on what you're looking for in a game, wouldn't it.
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