And you make it sound like it's good news?

I know I will get fireballed for this, but: for me this is bad news. It only means even less resources for the BGII patch which we're waiting for since November 2013 where we still have different versions on all platforms and glaring to gamebreaking bugs. I was an evangelist and had bought four EE versions of BG and BGII. My son is still waiting for the multiplayer I had promised him last Christmas.
No more.
A company that so blatently disregards its existing customers, continously overstretches their resources and is deaf to any argument will ot get any more money from me, at least until they have shown a change of heart and at least three patches for IWD are out (2020 I'd assume going by past performance).
It really pains me to say this but it's time to put my wallet to where my mouth is. I really really loved the company and that they support mac but there is no learning from past mistakes visible at all.
No more.
A company that so blatently disregards its existing customers, continously overstretches their resources and is deaf to any argument will ot get any more money from me, at least until they have shown a change of heart and at least three patches for IWD are out (2020 I'd assume going by past performance).
It really pains me to say this but it's time to put my wallet to where my mouth is. I really really loved the company and that they support mac but there is no learning from past mistakes visible at all.
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For this reason I don't think the announcement of IWDEE will postpone the patch for BG2:EE. The delay already took place and, majorly, I think they've tested everything about the engine that will work for BG2:EE.
So, after the 1.3 patch for BG:EE was released, the work on the 1.3 patch for BG2:EE is basically about fixing quest and dialog bugs. If compared with other issues that are already solved it won't take the same time.
Moreover, I think that IWDEE is already nearly 99% ready. All that time while the beta-testing of the 1.3 patch for BG:EE has been made, the new game has been created. Now they just polish it. If not, why do they estimate a time before the release as only a month?
1) I'm totally satisfied with the only one I've bought so far, i.e. BG:EE (I'm not there yet)
2) the new product has been adequately patched (no more alphas or betas at day 1; BGII:EE is still in a sorry state for example)
3) a reasonable amount of mods is available
If others want to happily throw money at them, they are free to do so.
Personally I'm in somewhat the same boat as you and Erg; I'm in no rush to buy a new enhanced Infinity game. Not out of vindictiveness though, I just feel I should finish the last one I bought. BGII. Which requires patching so I can finish it.
I am patiently waiting for the patch for BGII as well and I know it is coming soon and much before Icewind Dale is released. I'd also want them to release a fully polished patch than one where they fix one thing and break another, so patience is needed. How much, depends on how well the next patch performs.
But good on you, talking with your wallet. No one is making you preorder and it may even be beneficial to wait for a sale if you are interested in IWD.
That said, however, I can understand other's hesitation. While to some of us (myself included, at first) Skaffen's post seems unnecessarily harsh and unforgiving, he's not wrong to think that way. Companies learn from their pocket books, even ones with people we like working for them. Mistakes are made, but the best way to avoid that is to talk with your wallet. I don't feel as strongly as others do, since I'm content with what I have currently. But others may not be, and as long as we make sure it's tempered with reason and level-headedness, constructive criticism is a vital part of the consumer-creator process.
I love IWD, and I'll definitely buy the EE not TOO long after it comes out, but I'm not pre-ordering. My reasons for not pre-ordering are more due to my personal philosophies on pre-ordering in general, but I can see why others have different reasons. Hopefully I'm not going too far off topic with this video, but this video sums up everything I think about pre-orders. (Note: Heavy langue and sometimes crude, albeit clever, metaphors.)
I've said my piece
I mean, people here are rolling out the "they're a small group!" defense as if we're somehow forcing Beamdog to take on these projects. If they don't have the resources to support the games they've got now, why should anyone believe IWD:EE will be any different?
I am only speculating here as I am not privy to the internal workings of the company or the legal complexities surrounding these games. It may just be that the EE concept is not lucrative enough to fund a massive development and support team to shorten the patch cycle, or there may be other constraints we are not aware of.
Regardless I am happy to hear the announcement for IWD:EE because it means BG:EE and BG2:EE were at least profitable enough for them to press on with further projects, and that can only be a good thing because these EE games have given new life and won new fans to these ageless classics. I am one of those new fans.
Oh yeah, and the EE games gave life to this awesome forum and online community.
They didn't say they had the full team dedicated to that and that alone or that bg1 and 2 EE were being neglected. They're constantly working on stable patches, operative word being "stable" and release them when ready. They've proven all along since they first started with BG1:EE that they are a dedicated bunch of people. I'm not discounting the op's statement out of hand, I understand the frustration you must be experiencing, but your negative points are baseless. If anything, this team has shown that it DOES listen to what their fans say, but implementation is often problematic when dealing with missing resources, stubborn IP owners(wotc) and publisher instability(atari). There are many things I don't doubt they're keeping from us(not maliciously but probably for legal reasons) so I tend not to pass judgement on crap like that. If they release something I like(both BG1 and 2 EE and despite some bugs, most of the glaring ones which have pretty much been fixed) those so called 400 still existing bugs(i think that #'s a bit off) but even if true, none of them are game-breaking in any way, shape or form and I've played through both already and I have seen a few things like misspelled words but not much more than that.
As for pre-ordering, I NEVER pre-order, never have, never will not because I don't support the games whether from bioware, beamdog/overhaul or any other developer, but I prefer to wait for patched up versions before I buy them. I support your desire to "talk with your wallet", but do it for the right reasons and that's all anyone could ask I would think. I think you presented your opinion well despite the venom dripping off some words (teasing), but at least you didn't troll it by saying "this sucks" and not make any points as to why which is probably the reason no one has fireballed you as you feared. This community, positive and negative, for the most part is quite good, even semi-condescending sounding goombas like me. People need to keep posting issues/bugs, wants and desires and stop casting doubt about the team's dedication or competence by questioning them at every turn. That doesn't make me a fanboi, it makes me practical and level-headed I hope since I've been around games since I first popped a data cassette into my old Vic-20 and played Garden Wars till I wore the tape out.(*groan...why did I have to remind myself just how old I am).
Apparently Colombian neck-tie from the looks of things in this thread.
@Skaffen and @Shawne - It's kind of beating a dead horse at this point for me to point this out, but exactly how much experience do you have at computer program development?
What I got in BGII was a bugfest, still playable (though with difficulty on an ipad where you can't use the console for workarounds) but especially the new content is a disaster bugwise. No problem, this will be fixed I thought. Now it's months and months later, the patch is nowhere to be seen, that oh so small poor company keeps working on new stuff and nice to have type of fixes for a pretty polished product while the bugfest of BGII is not addressed at all, advertised features are not there or poorly implemented and all requests for a fix of at least the low hanging fruits and most glaring bugs keep getting ignored. The company is putting new cashflow from new products and platforms ahead of keeping the people who have already paid happy.
This has turned me from a true evangelist promoting their product into an ardent critic. A single patch or two would have kept me happy. I do not consider their business model good and I will not give any more money to a company that puts so little value on the satisfaction of existing paying customers until I see that things have changed and promised content and essential bugfixes have been delivered. As much as I would like to play IWD, but I will spend my money elsewhere till then (if ever). I think their business model is shortsighted and unsustainable in the long run. Happy customers with good word of mouth will sell more products in the long run than a ponzi scheme of always shiny new products trying to win a new segment of the market.