Shinnen Omedeto! Joyeux Noel! Fröhliche Weihnachten! Buone Feste Natalizie! Feliz Navidad! Feliz Natal! Kala Christouyenna! God Jul! С Рождеством!
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!
I want to congratulate all forumites and wish all your dreams to come true!
Including but not limited to: @abacus I wish you to continue to stay with us and entertain us! @Abel I wish your lists and tables to become even more accurate! @Abi_Dalzim I wish you to continue to share your jokes with us! @Adul I wish you to be happy, as simple as! @Aedan I wish your translation skills and knowledge of languages to become even better! @agris I wish happiness to your family! @AHF I wish you to become an Awesome Human Fighter! @Anduin I wish the nation of gnome mummies to grow and prosper! @Anton My fellow moderator in the Russian section, I wish you piece and economic happiness! @Archaos I wish you to have powers like the ones the character from your pic has! @Ardul I wish you to stay firm in every life situation! @argent77 I wish you to get a near infinity amount of happiness! @Aristillius I wish you to complete the most difficult chapters with a smile! @artificial_sunlight I wish you success in your modding skills! @AstroBryGuy I wish you to have a life as interesting as your mod is! @Astafas I wish you to find a Manual of Wisdom! @atcDave I wish you to have endless D&D games with your friends! @Awong124 I wish you to live up to 124 years and more! @Azzara I wish you to have the same options as Amellyssan! @bbear I wish you to beat every working task with a level 1 co-workers! @Belanos I wish you success in all your deeds! @badbromance I wish you to have "bearly" no problems in romances! @BelgarathMTH I wish you to become a teacher of the year in your country! @Bercon I wish you to get all things right! @Blackraven I wish you to be as creative in life as you're in your playthroughs! @bob_veng I wish you to always have friends and family around you! @booinyoureyes I wish you to finally witness a Greece - USA final! @Cahir I wish you to have wonderful holidays! @CaptRory I wish you to find the stability the stone walls provide! @CField17 I wish you to be happy with the laptop you buy! @CharlestonianTemplar I wish you to finally beat the whole trilogy with the character you like most! @ChildofBhaal599 I wish you to be as cool as Commander Shepard! @Cluas I wish you to reach your aims! @CoM_Solaufein I wish you to be recognised as the only Solaufein there has ever been! @CoryNewb I wish you to fulfill your dreams! @Cr4zyJ I wish you to retain your spirit in the years to come! @CrevsDaak I wish you to be able to buy everything you want! @Danathion I wish you to stay as cool as ice! @Daralon87 I wish you to make friends all around the world! @Darkcloud I wish you be see the bright sky above you! @DarKelP I wish you to never lose an IP adress! @Darkersun I wish you to succeed in any collecting you like! @Davide I wish you stay among the first ones signing on this forum AND among the last ones ever leaving it! @DavidW I wish you to release the SCS ver. 100 one day! @decado I wish you to become the grandmaster in you profession! @deltago I wish you to taste delicious food from each part of the world! @demented l wish you to enjoy life as if it's a tea with mint! @dib I wish you to dig deep into knowledge! @Djimmy I wish to to be a DJ of what's going on around you! @DJKajuru I wish you to be successful on your path! @DJ_Sweatz_2013 I wish you to never sweat about any trouble! @dockaboomski I wish you to cause a big BOOM! @DreadKhan I wish you to stay as cunning and as hilarious as you're! @dreamrider I wish you to combine your abilities with @dreamtraveler and to make dreams come true! @DullSkullTheSecond I wish you to become first! @dunbar I wish you to have life as full of good emotions as a bar is full of good beverages! @Dungeonnoob I wish you to be a worldmaster! @dustbubsy I wish you to be full of ideas! @Edvin I wish you to meet a party of simians! @Effiny I wish you to be even more attractive as the lady on your pic! @element I wish you to get a HiPS ability! @elminster I wish you to become a developer one day! @Elrandir I wish you to find your way in life! @Elzarath I wish you to get your most secret wish to come true! @EnterHaerDalis I wish you to succeed even in most restrictive conditions, such as the 75-max roll! @Erg I wish you to get a permanent Luck spell! @Etamin I wish you to live a life full of vitamins! @Fandraxx I wish you to publish your story! @Fardragon I wish you to be as mighty as a dragon! @FinneousPJ I wish you to win a prediction game once with a good prise! @Flashburn I wish you to meet Santa! @Foggy I wish you to see how Bulgaria gets the world domination! @Fredjo I wish you to be for your friends and family as cute as a red panda! @Frogman I wish you to be as wise as the mythical frogs of China! @Gate70 I wish you to find and to fix all bugs in the real world around you! @GamingFreak I wish you to freak your way through troubles! @GemHound I wish you to be a real gem among your friends! @Gotural I wish you to deal 700 damage to your enemies every 6 seconds! @GreenWarlock I wish you to find the Perpetuum Mobile! @HaHaCharade I whish you to meet any trouble with HaHA! @Heindrich I wish you to learn all historical mysteries you're interested in! @hexxactly I wish you to be always spot on! @Hurricane I wish you beat a tornado! @ifupauline I wish you to be even more beautiful than characters from the pics you use for your team members! @iKrivetko I wish you to be as much cheerful as you are:)! @lroumen I wisho you to get a new game of which you'll have 50 finishes a year one day! @jackjack I wish you to always play the main role! @Jaheiras_Witness I wish you to witness Elminster! @Jarrakul I wish you to find a magical jar! @jaysl659 I wish you to find your own pillars of eternity! @JLee I wish you to become second Brucelee! @JonelethIrenicus I wish you to explore the untapped power! @kaguana I wish you to become a wonderful cleric! @Kaltzor I wish you to have INT Edwin has! @Kamigoroshi I wish you to ooze class! @kamuizin I wish you to have many friends, both in the real life and online! @karnor00 I wish you to complete all your quests and move to the next chapter! @kcwise I wish you to gain the Wisdom of Mystra! @kensai I wish you to cut through every trouble as a level-30 kensai! @Khyron I wish you to perform as a badass drummer one day! @killerrabbit I wish you to make friends with killerfox and killerwolf! @Kilivitz I wish you to participate in the best ever rock concert! @kiwidoc I wish you to get all the pics of women in sensible armour together! @KidCarnival I wish you to discover pleasant online communities! @Klorox I wish you to find truth about many things! @Koson I wish you to find all your journal entries in the real life! @LadyRhian I wish you to hit 1 mln of views with your portrait thread! @laptopman666 I wish you to listen to 666 new Metal songs! @Lemernis I wish the Fate decides you should get a Natural 20! @lolien I wish you to see how your child becomes Rembrandt of the modern world! @LordRumfish I wish you success in your writing skills! @Lord_Tansheron I wish you to find the most powerful build ever! @lunar I wish you to be considered as insightful in the real world as you're here! @Luridel I wish you to always perform! @Mathsorcerer I wish you to find out the deeps of Math! @mch202 I wish you to witness a dwarves NPC for BG2! @meagloth I wish you to visit all places on Earth you want to visit! @Merina I wish you to become Merlin-a one day! @Messi I wish you to become as popular as Messi! @Metalloman I wish you to always stay as positive as you are and to always enjoy the music! @Mhamza I wish you to get a mhammer! @Michail I wish you to become Jackson! @mlnevese I wish you to have 20 CON! @Montresor_SP I wish you to have a reason to smile everyday! @Moradin I wish you to get an army of dwarves! @MrGoodkat I wish you to become MrGreatkat! @mumumomo I wish your knowledge of the world to be as precise as your knowledge of a solo monk run! @Musigny I wish you to me amusing! @NaturalBornKieler I wish you to always stay kieler without killing anything! @Necomancer I wish you to release a comics one day! @Night_Watch I wish you to never lose your sense of humour! @Niuenso I wish you to enjoy your life as we all enjoy your gifs! @Nimran I wish you to become an artist for a game developer! @Nonnahswriter I wish you to become a well-known writer! @NoTra I wish you to reach grandmastery in editing pictures! @O_Bruce I wish you to witness the moment there're foreign VO for BG! @Oudyn I wish you to meet Thor one day! @OlvynChuru I wish you to laugh as often as we do when we're reading about your characters! @OneAngryMushroom I wish you to always have friends next to you! @Onestep I wish you to go step-by-step to glory! @Pecca I wish you to decorate your life to make it beautiful! @Pibaro I wish you to get a magical dog familiar! @plesples4cql I wish you to be simplsimplsimly amazing! @Proteus I wish you to get your desired reincarnation if possible! @Qbert I wish you to reach you aims and never stop dreaming! @Quartz I wish you to always stay as direct and open as you are! @QueenQuinzel I wish you to taste a tea ceremony in Japan one day! @RAM021 I wish you to become a master of eastern arts! @Ravenslight l wish you to create an ideal NPC! @recklessheart I wish you never lose your ability to think not standardly! @Redrake I wish you to be as powerful as a red wizard! @ronaldo I wish you to never lose to messi! @rufus_hobart I wish you to be always among your furry friends! @SapphireIce101 I wish you to never stop trying something new! @sarevok57 I wish you to get the throne! @SCARY_WIZARD I wish you to become a very_scary_wizard:)! @Sceptenar I wish you to become as crafty as Cespenar! @Scooter I wish you to go through your life as if you're on a scooter! @Scourge I wish you to never abandon good communities! @scriver I wish you to always be a Dad to new! @Sed I wish you to become as popular as Moby! @ShadowHunter I wish you to be able to speak English fluently! @Shandyr I wish you to become a developer to enhance HOMM! @SharGuidesMyHand I wish you to really be guided by Shar in any difficult circumstances! @shawne I wish you to never lose faith in good things! @Shikao I wish you to continue reaching your aims! @Silchas I wish you to become a friend of Sil the nymph! @Silverstar I wish you to stay as funny as you are! @Sjerrie I wish you to make new friends! @smeagolheart I wish you to get your precious! @Schneidend I wish you to get a cool costume like the one from Kill La Kill! @Sniiiimon I wish you to never lose your inspiration and continue role-playing! @Son_of_Imoen I wish you become as powerful as Immy is at the end of ToB! @Soulmarine I wish you to have success with your modding ideas! @Southpaw I wish you to never stop improving your mind controlling skills! @Squire I wish you to become a knight! @Starflower2525 I wish you to get a Wish spell! @Stormvessel I wish you to see how BG meets Elder Scrolls! @Stratosj I wish you to get acquainted with a hilarious half-horse character! @subtledoctor I wish you to create a pack of 1000 kits! @sunset00 I wish you to be happy! @supposedly I wish you to have a good time, supposedly! @Swifty_Magee I wish you to get Improved Alacrity! @Sylvus_Moonbow I wish you to ever stop shooting arrows of joy! @Syntia13 I wish you to get 5 pips in drawing skills! @Tad_Has_A_Cold_Olive I wish you to get a hot olive! @Teflon I wish you to acquite multiple mirror images! @TethorilofLathander I wish The Morning Lord always smiles upon you! @Tetraploid I wish you be tetravictorious! @TheCoffeeGod I wish you to watch every anime there is! @TheElf I wish you to live as long as elves live! @The_Potty_1 I wish you to be always spot on! @TJ_Hooker I wish you to always hook around the important things! @thespace I wish you to get an invisibility ability a Stalker has! @the_spyder I wish you to fulfill your most sacred wish! @Thrasymachus I wish you to thrust you way forward! @Tresset I wish you to play BG-HOMM crossover once! @Troodon80 I wish you to EEkeeper your stats to max! @typo_tilly I wish you to see all cute animals with your own eyes! @Vakarian I wish you to be happy! @Varwulf I wish you to be as fast as a wolf! @Vasculio I wish you to be a heart of a friends' company! @vierrae I wish you to stay creative and improve your talents even further! @Wanderon I wish you an inspiration! @whitemushroom and @Lisaralin I wish you to release your series of BG NPC tales in English! @Wiggles I wish you to live happily with your family! @WithinAmnesia I wish you to manage to stay away from @withindestruction ! @Wowo I wish you to get the most optimal ways of solving any problem! @wubble I wish you to always guess the next winning lottery ticket! @Xzar I wish you to try a nice Chianti! @xzar_monty I wish you to listen to good bird singing! @Ygramul I wish you to successfully beat BG with the hardest setup possible! @Zyzzogeton I wish you to never get ZZZ! and many-many others!
Additionally, I would like to congratulate the members of the Team! Without your dedicated work, it wouldn't be so merry for us!
Special Merry Christmas goes to @AlveusMalcanter ! Remember: Santa can't be expendable!
Also I would like to congratulate those forumites who either visit the forum rarely these days or haven't been here at all for some time!
Including but not limited to: @ajwz - I wish you make a new eternal thread one day - we still use your EE items lists for BG! @alnair - I wish you to remember "there's still hope"! @Aristillius - I wish you to stay as pin-point as you were when you came here! @Basillicum - I wish you to be happy and to never give up! @bigdogchris - I wish you to create a new manual, a manual of INT! @Brude - I wish you to find your place in the world! @Buttercheese - I wish you to come back, we still remember your humour and paintings! @CaloNord - I wish you and @ Jessica Crystal to always love each other! @Cheesebelly - I wish you to never part with your love whom you met here! @Corvino - I wish you to be as smart among men as the raven is smart among birds! @Delvarian - I wish you to get a level up! @Demonoid_Limewire - I wish you to find pleasure on the Net no matter you no longer can be here! @Dexter - I wish you to go steadily to your aim! @Dragonspear - I wish you to found a castle! @EntropyXII - I wish you to learn to play a guitar as Jimmy Hendrix! @Eudaemonium - those gossip threads which you participated will always stay in the heart of this forum and will be even bloodier than you hoped! @FinaLfront - I wish you come back here one day to further enlighten us on the mechanics of HiS/MS! @franco - I wish your family consisting of an Italian and a Japanese to be happy! @Imperator - I wish you to become GrandImperator! @Isandir - I wish your life in Thailand and your work as an artist to prosper and develop! @Kalesra - I wish your house to be a desired destination of all your friend! @Kurumi - I wish you to enjoy everything you do! @LadyEibhilinRhett - I wish you to act as a real lady in any situation! @MacHurto - I wish your RP-ing aspects always help you in the real life too! @Malicron - I wish you to learn an improved lighting spell and to reflect it on the forum pic! @marceror - I wish you to feel an emotion of first launching the game again! @Melicamp - I wish you to acquire more magic knowledge than Thalantyr possess! @Mortianna - I wish you to get a prestige class! @nano - thanks for a thousand of useful and hilarious posts, we still remember them! @Necdilzor - I wish you to have a wonderful year! @Oxford_Guy - I wish you to find a place in the real world suitable for an Oxford graduate! @ReadingRambo - I wish you to read all the books you wish to read! @reedmilfam - I wish other communities you will be part of become dependent on your wisdom, just as it used to be here! @Shin - I wish you all the success in your work! @Skaffen I wish you stay here "lazy & always prepared"! @SionIV - I wish you were here so that we could eventually meet your heir, SionV! @Tanthalas - I wish you to come back and continue posting here, as simple as! @The_New_Romance - I wish you to try a new romance that would become a romance of all your life! @TvrtkoSvrdlar - I wish you to witness special and rare weapons in the IE games one day! and many-many others!
The wonderful people is the reason this forum is so great! I hope it will be forever that we come here and discuss what we find interesting!
Enjoy your holidays!
At least one our wish comes true - the long awaited patch is here, let's believe other wishes will follow!
As an atheist, I find this extremely offensive Thank you for your kind words bengoshi, have fun in the upcoming year! In fact, have fun during the final days of 2014 as well!
@bengoshi wow! you really took your time to get just about everyone who has more than 1 post. for all that work I am going to just give you an insightful as they are given out the least out of the feedbacks
I do love a good holiday season. Cheers, @bengoshi. As for me, I'll enjoy a well-deserved day off. Hopefully I can finish my story's prologue before New Year's!
Joyeux Noel!
Fröhliche Weihnachten!
Buone Feste Natalizie!
Feliz Navidad!
Feliz Natal!
Kala Christouyenna!
God Jul!
С Рождеством!
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!
I want to congratulate all forumites and wish all your dreams to come true!
Including but not limited to:
@abacus I wish you to continue to stay with us and entertain us!
@Abel I wish your lists and tables to become even more accurate!
@Abi_Dalzim I wish you to continue to share your jokes with us!
@Adul I wish you to be happy, as simple as!
@Aedan I wish your translation skills and knowledge of languages to become even better!
@agris I wish happiness to your family!
@AHF I wish you to become an Awesome Human Fighter!
@Anduin I wish the nation of gnome mummies to grow and prosper!
@Anton My fellow moderator in the Russian section, I wish you piece and economic happiness!
@Archaos I wish you to have powers like the ones the character from your pic has!
@Ardul I wish you to stay firm in every life situation!
@argent77 I wish you to get a near infinity amount of happiness!
@Aristillius I wish you to complete the most difficult chapters with a smile!
@artificial_sunlight I wish you success in your modding skills!
@AstroBryGuy I wish you to have a life as interesting as your mod is!
@Astafas I wish you to find a Manual of Wisdom!
@atcDave I wish you to have endless D&D games with your friends!
@Awong124 I wish you to live up to 124 years and more!
@Azzara I wish you to have the same options as Amellyssan!
@bbear I wish you to beat every working task with a level 1 co-workers!
@Belanos I wish you success in all your deeds!
@badbromance I wish you to have "bearly" no problems in romances!
@BelgarathMTH I wish you to become a teacher of the year in your country!
@Bercon I wish you to get all things right!
@Blackraven I wish you to be as creative in life as you're in your playthroughs!
@bob_veng I wish you to always have friends and family around you!
@booinyoureyes I wish you to finally witness a Greece - USA final!
@Cahir I wish you to have wonderful holidays!
@CaptRory I wish you to find the stability the stone walls provide!
@CField17 I wish you to be happy with the laptop you buy!
@CharlestonianTemplar I wish you to finally beat the whole trilogy with the character you like most!
@ChildofBhaal599 I wish you to be as cool as Commander Shepard!
@Cluas I wish you to reach your aims!
@CoM_Solaufein I wish you to be recognised as the only Solaufein there has ever been!
@CoryNewb I wish you to fulfill your dreams!
@Cr4zyJ I wish you to retain your spirit in the years to come!
@CrevsDaak I wish you to be able to buy everything you want!
@Danathion I wish you to stay as cool as ice!
@Daralon87 I wish you to make friends all around the world!
@Darkcloud I wish you be see the bright sky above you!
@DarKelP I wish you to never lose an IP adress!
@Darkersun I wish you to succeed in any collecting you like!
@Davide I wish you stay among the first ones signing on this forum AND among the last ones ever leaving it!
@DavidW I wish you to release the SCS ver. 100 one day!
@decado I wish you to become the grandmaster in you profession!
@deltago I wish you to taste delicious food from each part of the world!
@demented l wish you to enjoy life as if it's a tea with mint!
@dib I wish you to dig deep into knowledge!
@Djimmy I wish to to be a DJ of what's going on around you!
@DJKajuru I wish you to be successful on your path!
@DJ_Sweatz_2013 I wish you to never sweat about any trouble!
@dockaboomski I wish you to cause a big BOOM!
@DreadKhan I wish you to stay as cunning and as hilarious as you're!
@dreamrider I wish you to combine your abilities with @dreamtraveler and to make dreams come true!
@DullSkullTheSecond I wish you to become first!
@dunbar I wish you to have life as full of good emotions as a bar is full of good beverages!
@Dungeonnoob I wish you to be a worldmaster!
@dustbubsy I wish you to be full of ideas!
@Edvin I wish you to meet a party of simians!
@Effiny I wish you to be even more attractive as the lady on your pic!
@element I wish you to get a HiPS ability!
@elminster I wish you to become a developer one day!
@Elrandir I wish you to find your way in life!
@Elzarath I wish you to get your most secret wish to come true!
@EnterHaerDalis I wish you to succeed even in most restrictive conditions, such as the 75-max roll!
@Erg I wish you to get a permanent Luck spell!
@Etamin I wish you to live a life full of vitamins!
@Fandraxx I wish you to publish your story!
@Fardragon I wish you to be as mighty as a dragon!
@FinneousPJ I wish you to win a prediction game once with a good prise!
@Flashburn I wish you to meet Santa!
@Foggy I wish you to see how Bulgaria gets the world domination!
@Fredjo I wish you to be for your friends and family as cute as a red panda!
@Frogman I wish you to be as wise as the mythical frogs of China!
@Gate70 I wish you to find and to fix all bugs in the real world around you!
@GamingFreak I wish you to freak your way through troubles!
@GemHound I wish you to be a real gem among your friends!
@Gotural I wish you to deal 700 damage to your enemies every 6 seconds!
@GreenWarlock I wish you to find the Perpetuum Mobile!
@HaHaCharade I whish you to meet any trouble with HaHA!
@Heindrich I wish you to learn all historical mysteries you're interested in!
@hexxactly I wish you to be always spot on!
@Hurricane I wish you beat a tornado!
@ifupauline I wish you to be even more beautiful than characters from the pics you use for your team members!
@iKrivetko I wish you to be as much cheerful as you are:)!
@lroumen I wisho you to get a new game of which you'll have 50 finishes a year one day!
@jackjack I wish you to always play the main role!
@Jaheiras_Witness I wish you to witness Elminster!
@Jarrakul I wish you to find a magical jar!
@jaysl659 I wish you to find your own pillars of eternity!
@JLee I wish you to become second Brucelee!
@JonelethIrenicus I wish you to explore the untapped power!
@kaguana I wish you to become a wonderful cleric!
@Kaltzor I wish you to have INT Edwin has!
@Kamigoroshi I wish you to ooze class!
@kamuizin I wish you to have many friends, both in the real life and online!
@karnor00 I wish you to complete all your quests and move to the next chapter!
@kcwise I wish you to gain the Wisdom of Mystra!
@kensai I wish you to cut through every trouble as a level-30 kensai!
@Khyron I wish you to perform as a badass drummer one day!
@killerrabbit I wish you to make friends with killerfox and killerwolf!
@Kilivitz I wish you to participate in the best ever rock concert!
@kiwidoc I wish you to get all the pics of women in sensible armour together!
@KidCarnival I wish you to discover pleasant online communities!
@Klorox I wish you to find truth about many things!
@Koson I wish you to find all your journal entries in the real life!
@LadyRhian I wish you to hit 1 mln of views with your portrait thread!
@laptopman666 I wish you to listen to 666 new Metal songs!
@Lemernis I wish the Fate decides you should get a Natural 20!
@lolien I wish you to see how your child becomes Rembrandt of the modern world!
@LordRumfish I wish you success in your writing skills!
@Lord_Tansheron I wish you to find the most powerful build ever!
@lunar I wish you to be considered as insightful in the real world as you're here!
@Luridel I wish you to always perform!
@Mathsorcerer I wish you to find out the deeps of Math!
@mch202 I wish you to witness a dwarves NPC for BG2!
@meagloth I wish you to visit all places on Earth you want to visit!
@Merina I wish you to become Merlin-a one day!
@Messi I wish you to become as popular as Messi!
@Metalloman I wish you to always stay as positive as you are and to always enjoy the music!
@Mhamza I wish you to get a mhammer!
@Michail I wish you to become Jackson!
@mlnevese I wish you to have 20 CON!
@Montresor_SP I wish you to have a reason to smile everyday!
@Moradin I wish you to get an army of dwarves!
@MrGoodkat I wish you to become MrGreatkat!
@mumumomo I wish your knowledge of the world to be as precise as your knowledge of a solo monk run!
@Musigny I wish you to me amusing!
@NaturalBornKieler I wish you to always stay kieler without killing
@Necomancer I wish you to release a comics one day!
@Night_Watch I wish you to never lose your sense of humour!
@Niuenso I wish you to enjoy your life as we all enjoy your gifs!
@Nimran I wish you to become an artist for a game developer!
@Nonnahswriter I wish you to become a well-known writer!
@NoTra I wish you to reach grandmastery in editing pictures!
@O_Bruce I wish you to witness the moment there're foreign VO for BG!
@Oudyn I wish you to meet Thor one day!
@OlvynChuru I wish you to laugh as often as we do when we're reading about your characters!
@OneAngryMushroom I wish you to always have friends next to you!
@Onestep I wish you to go step-by-step to glory!
@Pecca I wish you to decorate your life to make it beautiful!
@Pibaro I wish you to get a magical dog familiar!
@plesples4cql I wish you to be simplsimplsimly amazing!
@Proteus I wish you to get your desired reincarnation if possible!
@Qbert I wish you to reach you aims and never stop dreaming!
@Quartz I wish you to always stay as direct and open as you are!
@QueenQuinzel I wish you to taste a tea ceremony in Japan one day!
@RAM021 I wish you to become a master of eastern arts!
@Ravenslight l wish you to create an ideal NPC!
@recklessheart I wish you never lose your ability to think not standardly!
@Redrake I wish you to be as powerful as a red wizard!
@ronaldo I wish you to never lose to messi!
@rufus_hobart I wish you to be always among your furry friends!
@SapphireIce101 I wish you to never stop trying something new!
@sarevok57 I wish you to get the throne!
@SCARY_WIZARD I wish you to become a very_scary_wizard:)!
@Sceptenar I wish you to become as crafty as Cespenar!
@Scooter I wish you to go through your life as if you're on a scooter!
@Scourge I wish you to never abandon good communities!
@scriver I wish you to always be a Dad to new!
@Sed I wish you to become as popular as Moby!
@ShadowHunter I wish you to be able to speak English fluently!
@Shandyr I wish you to become a developer to enhance HOMM!
@SharGuidesMyHand I wish you to really be guided by Shar in any difficult circumstances!
@shawne I wish you to never lose faith in good things!
@Shikao I wish you to continue reaching your aims!
@Silchas I wish you to become a friend of Sil the nymph!
@Silverstar I wish you to stay as funny as you are!
@Sjerrie I wish you to make new friends!
@smeagolheart I wish you to get your precious!
@Schneidend I wish you to get a cool costume like the one from Kill La Kill!
@Sniiiimon I wish you to never lose your inspiration and continue role-playing!
@Son_of_Imoen I wish you become as powerful as Immy is at the end of ToB!
@Soulmarine I wish you to have success with your modding ideas!
@Southpaw I wish you to never stop improving your mind controlling skills!
@Squire I wish you to become a knight!
@Starflower2525 I wish you to get a Wish spell!
@Stormvessel I wish you to see how BG meets Elder Scrolls!
@Stratosj I wish you to get acquainted with a hilarious half-horse character!
@subtledoctor I wish you to create a pack of 1000 kits!
@sunset00 I wish you to be happy!
@supposedly I wish you to have a good time, supposedly!
@Swifty_Magee I wish you to get Improved Alacrity!
@Sylvus_Moonbow I wish you to ever stop shooting arrows of joy!
@Syntia13 I wish you to get 5 pips in drawing skills!
@Tad_Has_A_Cold_Olive I wish you to get a hot olive!
@Teflon I wish you to acquite multiple mirror images!
@TethorilofLathander I wish The Morning Lord always smiles upon you!
@Tetraploid I wish you be tetravictorious!
@TheCoffeeGod I wish you to watch every anime there is!
@TheElf I wish you to live as long as elves live!
@The_Potty_1 I wish you to be always spot on!
@TJ_Hooker I wish you to always hook around the important things!
@thespace I wish you to get an invisibility ability a Stalker has!
@the_spyder I wish you to fulfill your most sacred wish!
@Thrasymachus I wish you to thrust you way forward!
@Tresset I wish you to play BG-HOMM crossover once!
@Troodon80 I wish you to EEkeeper your stats to max!
@typo_tilly I wish you to see all cute animals with your own eyes!
@Vakarian I wish you to be happy!
@Varwulf I wish you to be as fast as a wolf!
@Vasculio I wish you to be a heart of a friends' company!
@vierrae I wish you to stay creative and improve your talents even further!
@Wanderon I wish you an inspiration!
@whitemushroom and @Lisaralin I wish you to release your series of BG NPC tales in English!
@Wiggles I wish you to live happily with your family!
@WithinAmnesia I wish you to manage to stay away from @withindestruction !
@Wowo I wish you to get the most optimal ways of solving any problem!
@wubble I wish you to always guess the next winning lottery ticket!
@Xzar I wish you to try a nice Chianti!
@xzar_monty I wish you to listen to good bird singing!
@Ygramul I wish you to successfully beat BG with the hardest setup possible!
@Zyzzogeton I wish you to never get ZZZ!
and many-many others!
Additionally, I would like to congratulate the members of the Team! Without your dedicated work, it wouldn't be so merry for us!
Merry Christmas, @Ardanis @Avenger_teambg @AlexT @AlexM @AndreaColombo @AndrewFoley @Balquo @Boozilla @CamDawg @Cerevant @Coriander @Cuv @Dee @Jalily @LiamEsler @Miloch @SethDavis @Skary @ScottBrooks @TrentOster @PhillipDaigle and @CameronTofer !
Special Merry Christmas goes to @AlveusMalcanter ! Remember: Santa can't be expendable!
Also I would like to congratulate those forumites who either visit the forum rarely these days or haven't been here at all for some time!
Including but not limited to:
@ajwz - I wish you make a new eternal thread one day - we still use your EE items lists for BG!
@alnair - I wish you to remember "there's still hope"!
@Aristillius - I wish you to stay as pin-point as you were when you came here!
@Basillicum - I wish you to be happy and to never give up!
@bigdogchris - I wish you to create a new manual, a manual of INT!
@Brude - I wish you to find your place in the world!
@Buttercheese - I wish you to come back, we still remember your humour and paintings!
@CaloNord - I wish you and @ Jessica Crystal to always love each other!
@Cheesebelly - I wish you to never part with your love whom you met here!
@Corvino - I wish you to be as smart among men as the raven is smart among birds!
@Delvarian - I wish you to get a level up!
@Demonoid_Limewire - I wish you to find pleasure on the Net no matter you no longer can be here!
@Dexter - I wish you to go steadily to your aim!
@Dragonspear - I wish you to found a castle!
@EntropyXII - I wish you to learn to play a guitar as Jimmy Hendrix!
@Eudaemonium - those gossip threads which you participated will always stay in the heart of this forum and will be even bloodier than you hoped!
@FinaLfront - I wish you come back here one day to further enlighten us on the mechanics of HiS/MS!
@franco - I wish your family consisting of an Italian and a Japanese to be happy!
@Imperator - I wish you to become GrandImperator!
@Isandir - I wish your life in Thailand and your work as an artist to prosper and develop!
@Kalesra - I wish your house to be a desired destination of all your friend!
@Kurumi - I wish you to enjoy everything you do!
@LadyEibhilinRhett - I wish you to act as a real lady in any situation!
@MacHurto - I wish your RP-ing aspects always help you in the real life too!
@Malicron - I wish you to learn an improved lighting spell and to reflect it on the forum pic!
@marceror - I wish you to feel an emotion of first launching the game again!
@Melicamp - I wish you to acquire more magic knowledge than Thalantyr possess!
@Mortianna - I wish you to get a prestige class!
@nano - thanks for a thousand of useful and hilarious posts, we still remember them!
@Necdilzor - I wish you to have a wonderful year!
@Oxford_Guy - I wish you to find a place in the real world suitable for an Oxford graduate!
@ReadingRambo - I wish you to read all the books you wish to read!
@reedmilfam - I wish other communities you will be part of become dependent on your wisdom, just as it used to be here!
@Shin - I wish you all the success in your work!
@Skaffen I wish you stay here "lazy & always prepared"!
@SionIV - I wish you were here so that we could eventually meet your heir, SionV!
@Tanthalas - I wish you to come back and continue posting here, as simple as!
@The_New_Romance - I wish you to try a new romance that would become a romance of all your life!
@TvrtkoSvrdlar - I wish you to witness special and rare weapons in the IE games one day!
and many-many others!
The wonderful people is the reason this forum is so great! I hope it will be forever that we come here and discuss what we find interesting!
Enjoy your holidays!
At least one our wish comes true - the long awaited patch is here, let's believe other wishes will follow!
You WILL accept the gifts offered to you.
Merry Christmas!
Of course, I mean "I will strive to lead responsibly."
Merry Christmas MoFos
To all of you as well, happy holidays!
Thank you for your kind words bengoshi, have fun in the upcoming year! In fact, have fun during the final days of 2014 as well!
But yes, happy holidays to all and the religion-specific well-wishing of choice to each.
Here is one and only 'carol' I listen during Christmas period. I wish you a Gothic Christmas! =D
may be best to not tell someone to be as cool as a player made character
Happy holidays to you ,too! And to everyone else in the forums! \o/ \o/\o/
Aedan casts Summon Cacofiend
Enjoy my Christmas present, @bengoshi!