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#11155 Saemon Havarian should appear next to the pirate ship after leaving the Vulgar Monkey Inn

DevantharDevanthar Member Posts: 6
edited December 2015 in BGII:EE Bugs (v1.3.2064)

After him telling me that I need to find the horn during the "Leaving the island" quest, which I did, he disappears. He's not at the inn, the Docks nor at the ship. Any way I can fix this?

I'd rather not use the portal and miss out on a whole area. :s

Also playing this on android, any way I can get console commands to work to fix this? I edited the .ini file and got a keyboard I can pull up during gameplay but it seems not to work.
Post edited by Gate70 on


  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    This bug has happened to me before in the vanilla game. If you talk to Saemon then then you leave the tavern before he does, it breaks the game. This can happen in the drow quests too.
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    Zip and attach a save if you can please @Devanthar‌
  • TriangleheadTrianglehead Member Posts: 40
    Can I just say that I have had this issue as well? After trying multiple times to find him on the docks with no success, I attempted to talk with him in the tavern again immediately after agreeing to get the horn and Saemon acted like he was on the docks, and even asked for the horn. If you could console in the horn into your inventory, that would probably fix the problem, but something's not right here.
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    Issues 9528 and 7268 should both have been fixed in version 1.3 of the game. If you are on that version and have encountered Saemon after patching, we need to investigate further.

    If you have met him before patching to 1.3 or the patch is not currently available on your platform, you are probably experiencing one of these known issues. If you are stuck as a result, provide a save and we'll get you past that point.
  • TriangleheadTrianglehead Member Posts: 40
    I have the Mac version, and have the latest patch as well. How would I provide a save, exactly (sorry, not that good with "technology")?
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    Hi @Trianglehead‌
    In your documents folder there should be a subfolder with the games name. Within that folder there will be a "save" folder then a series of 0000nnnnn- folders. You would need to zip the appropriate one of those 00000nnnnn-, and once done use the "attach a file" option just below the "Leave a comment" section on these forums. I think right-click on a Mac give a "Compress" option, which is a built-in zip function.

    & when you say latest version, from the screen where you choose SoA/ToB/BPII what version number do you see (assuming there is one there). I've attached a sample shot showing exactly where.
  • TriangleheadTrianglehead Member Posts: 40
    Thank you for your clear directions. When I open the game, the version number I see is 1.3.2064, which is the latest patch. However, I started this game during version 1.2.
    Let's see if this works. This save is right before talking to Saemon and accepting to get the horn.
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    Try this one @Trianglehead‌

    I've consoled a Saemon in after speaking to him at the inn, you should be able to retrieve the horn and meet him near the ship. I'll see if I can work out what is happening in your save.
  • TriangleheadTrianglehead Member Posts: 40
    Thanks, that worked perfectly.
  • ScourgeScourge Member Posts: 97
    I don't know if you can fix it, but this bug happens because you leave the inn/save before Saemon leaves the inn.

  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    It does in v1.2 of the game but the two tickets I mentioned earlier should see version 1.3 work as intended (unless Saemon has already been spawned before the patch was applied).
  • ScourgeScourge Member Posts: 97
    @gate70. You are welcome. I apologize for the 'useless' post, so.

    Happy new year :D
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    Only 'useless' if the fix works in all scenarios - if still encountered in 1.3 the cause(s) would still need to be tracked down.

    & happy new year to you (~7 hours to go in UK)
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    For the record I can confirm that this is still an issue on my 1.3 version of the game (for macs) from Steam. This is with a game that was created after the patch was released. Unfortunately however I don't have a save from before the issue happened (well I do but its from a long time before game wise).
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    Don't suppose either of you have NearInfinity available (or DLTCEP) and could check the final section of BCS file AR1600.BCS to see if it is as below.

    RESPONSE #100
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Mine reads this

    RESPONSE #100

    Which looks to be the same.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Well it probably won't help, but for the record in my group I have Minsc, Jaheira, Wilson, Rasaad, and Imoen (I came to Spellhold with Yoshimo). Just in case its an NPC who is messing things up (though based on the script and poking through dialogue files it doesn't seem like this would be the case).
  • KrischiKrischi Member Posts: 4
    I started a game using version 1.3 and still have this issue on a 2013 Nexus 7. See the attached save. Help please? I also have a save from immediately prior talking to Seamon if it helps with tracking down the issue ....
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    Yes, attach the earlier save please @Krischi‌ also any information about what options have been discussed with Saemon when first discussing escape and so on, or if playing in multiplayer etc.

    I think this edit should get you going in the meantime.
  • KrischiKrischi Member Posts: 4
    Thanks. The asked-for save is attached. This is single player. I don't remember off the top of my head what options were discussed in Spellhold, but I'm also attaching the save just prior to triggering the Spellhold encounter, in case it helps. The dialog options chosen in the tavern were all 1s. The only unusual thing I remember is that upon resting in the tavern the slayer-at-will cutscene is triggered. I've never had it happen so late in any of my numerous playthroughs on the PC original in the late 1990s.
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    Ah, sounds like Slayer script and Saemon script might interfere with each other so will check that out.
  • KrischiKrischi Member Posts: 4
    That's what I thought, too, but resting before or after talking to Seamon didn't make a difference when I tried.
  • KrischiKrischi Member Posts: 4
    One more thing - I play at the Core Rules difficulty level. Old school and all that.
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883

    However, a save where he goes to the docks shows as having fog of war in the Vulgar Monkey. A save where he disappears has no fog of war. This indicates the inn should be reset in some way but that's not happening for whatever reason.
  • Scrapper0159Scrapper0159 Member Posts: 1
    Good evening, sorry if I am necroing a thread up. I am having the same issues as described above. This was all done in patch 1.3. I allowed Seamon to leave the inn before doing anything else and cannot prompt him to spawn. I did attempt to create the item to see if that would prompt the spawning which it did not.

    Other than you manually fixing this is there another way that this can be overcome through current gameplay?

  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    Unfortunately not @Scrapper0159‌

    He's there now - obscured though.
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    I think I've worked out what is happening.

    The penultimate statement in the Brynnlaw script looks like it triggers every time if a certain pirate is dead, meaning the final statement (spawning Saemon) is never reached for players who have done that task. I've swapped the last two statements around as a temporary test.

    @Scrapper0159‌ @Krischi‌ @elminster‌ @Trianglehead‌ @Devanthar‌ if any of you fancy testing this on your original saves before I get it raised (will be another 18-24 hours now) that would be helpful. You'd need to unzip the attached file to your override folder.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited January 2015
    So I assume I just throw this bcs file in my override folder.
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    Yep, unzipped.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Yea that worked :)
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