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Little things that annoy you



  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    Or maybe the map in IWD is just not pointed north. Like that other one above.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Hmm... I just came across something in Hrothgar's dialogue: he tells the party to "Leave town by way of the south bridge and scout the hills west of Lac Dinneshere - between Easthaven and Caer-Dineval."

    What do we make of this?
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    Real maps are great to get in a game with... well... a large map. There are plenty of times I pull out the one that came when I bought Skyrim. Plus it's just a cool map.
  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    edited August 2016
    Rodrian said:

    Please D&D, explain yourself! :rage:
    Pre-WotC D&D and Post-WotC D&D. Biggest and simplest explanation that covers so much. Different people and different artists.

    Now Gnomes changing how they look every blasted edition, THAT doesn't make much sense.

    Other things of note would be the popularity of other RPGs and their monsters. For example, how many orcs look like they do now because of the Warcraft series' orcs?
  • dunbardunbar Member Posts: 1,603
    For further confusion try Tom Holt's take on Norse mythology in "Expecting someone taller".
  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028

    Also, can we talk about the fact, that dwarves in D&D are shown as non-magical even though they should be able to cast some of the most powerful magic among all the races? Where my shapeshifting, spellslinging dwarves at?

    Dwarves aren't really any less-magical than just about any other race (at least now-a-days.) They're just distrusting of Arcane magic, they perfectly love and accept Divine magic, as their gods are very important to them. Well, Shield Dwarves, anyway. Gold Dwarves and Duergar are perfectly accepting of Arcane magic, with all three probably greatly enjoying Arcane magic when it comes to crafting their weapons. A weapon enchanted to hit harder or shock something with lightning would be well received by all dwarves.
  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    So they work hard and party hard. A good way to live life.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited August 2016
    Montaron's stats allocation.

    I mean, 17 DX and 13 WIS really hurts. Plus the 15 CON.

    He had a terrific roll and choosed to ruin his character sheet like this.

    Why not:

    ST 16 / DX 19 / CON 16 / INT 12 / WIS 10 / CHA 9.

  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    Yeah, that's one reason why I really like Neverwinter Nights 2's companions, they tend to have their stats laid out in fairly good places, and you have full control over fixing them if you so desire. Of course, that's also 3.5 compared to 2e, so...
  • SirBatinceSirBatince Member Posts: 882
    edited August 2016
    Now I remember why I don't like Black Pits 2 either. But this time it's technically my fault, sort of.

    I almost exclusively play solo and this game beats my ass hard, but I can understand and live with that. I know I'm supposed to get wrecked, but this is beyond that. I'm not super good at IE but I can usually get stuff done.

    This rant isn't going to change anything and is completely useless but hey that's what a forum is for so I'll vent.

    The fights are super interesting and unique. I have given countless chances to BP2 because I'm in love with the story / background but there are some awkward things.

    For instance, the mid-wave quests. They're relentless fetching and item recipes. It's also confusing when like 5 different NPCs can create the same 1 poison you need, you end up with a ton of useless components that you no longer need but that you aren't completely sure you should get rid of. There's a ton of people with a ton of lines each and sometimes you just hunt the entire complex down to see if you have new lines to tell them. fetch fetch fetch. I liked it better in BP1 when you were sure you weren't missing anything special.

    Bp1/Bp2 needed buyable containers. It's awkward to carry 50 naked potions in your backpack. Especially with the 50 quest items. Just a little pet peeve.

    Next, putting player scripts on enemy AI was also a grave mistake. If you don't have any way to dispel invisiblity, sometimes the enemy just goes trolling mode and runs around pointlessly forever without doing anything. You are forced to waste your time doing nothing because ooh the ai is "smerts". And we're talking 15-20 real world minutes here, and that's if the enemy doesn't *recast* invis immediately after the previous instance ends. This is so ridiculous even the battle music stops. I don't understand how this got past quality assurance beyond "oh we will assume all the players will have True Sight". Plus, nobody likes chasing idiotic zig-zaggers either (yes I understand that's what we real players do all the time against enemies. But that's why enemies have different powers that aren't accessible to us). I don't need to explain how bad Infinity is with melee weapons hitting fleeing targets.

    Infinite PFMWs is not fun. It might pass on enemies that aren't innately immune to normal weapons. But not when they aren't. Just no. At least it would be tolerable if they only cast it like 2-3 times max. Not infinite.

    I think the game should have done an autosave everytime Dennaton finishes the intro speech to a fight, so we don't have to go through the whole sequence over and over again every reload.

    Topaz dragon breath needed a save vs breath weapon. The unavoidable unstoppable STR drain is stupid.

    Vorpal hits have no place in this game, considering there's zero option to prepare yourself or retreat or reload fast. There's like 4 different fights with vorpal hitters. That 10% chance sure happens quite alot.

    Ravager fight is thematically super cool. Except the part where if you fail to kill him before his form change you might aswell reload. And his use of it is absolutely random and unpredictable. Stupid.

    Even EASY skill doesn't change much. You only get a small damage resistance and it's meaningless since everyone hits like a truck.

    Are these things the reason why these games are rarely mentionned around here? If so, I can definitely understand.

    I really wanted to love bp2 but I have no choice but to skip it since it fails to be >fun<
  • magaritymagarity Member Posts: 52
    Bastard swords are supposed to be optionally wielded with two hands. So shouldn't a character get the two handed weapon style bonus when wielding one by itself?
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    @SirBatince I never played BP2 so I don't have a real opinion about what you tell about.
    But If you don't have any way to dispel invisiblity is just your choice, the choice to go with a one man party who lacks of some of the abilities that a well balanced party has. In notEE BG2 when I can not dispell invisibility the easy way to reveal the enemy is to make my toon vulnerable. The invisible enemy attacks and is revealed.
    Same with zig-zagging enemies, for a full party is easy to hit them, for a ranged attacker same thing. Try to equip weapons with a very low speed factor if you want to use mlee with a soloer.
    Topaz dragon, you can use items and potions to have better saves or use summons to suck the drain.
    As I told I don't have any experience in BP2, but I know that soloing, thing that is supposed to be harder then running a 6 men party, in the original games was really easy as after few minutes of gaming Charname becomes so powerful.
    This is only my opinion about some of the things that you told, obviously what you like or dislike is a different thing, different players different tastes...
  • FinnTheHumanFinnTheHuman Member Posts: 404

    Bp1/Bp2 needed buyable containers. It's awkward to carry 50 naked potions in your backpack. Especially with the 50 quest items. Just a little pet peeve.

    Agree. But also, you can use your footlocker in the fighters quarters for all those non-essential items. Also for the invisible foes, some sort of true sight item that is usable by all classes.

    Next, putting player scripts on enemy AI was also a grave mistake. If you don't have any way to dispel invisiblity, sometimes the enemy just goes trolling mode and runs around pointlessly forever without doing anything. You are forced to waste your time doing nothing because ooh the ai is "smerts". And we're talking 15-20 real world minutes here, and that's if the enemy doesn't *recast* invis immediately after the previous instance ends. This is so ridiculous even the battle music stops. I don't understand how this got past quality assurance beyond "oh we will assume all the players will have True Sight". Plus, nobody likes chasing idiotic zig-zaggers either (yes I understand that's what we real players do all the time against enemies. But that's why enemies have different powers that aren't accessible to us). I don't need to explain how bad Infinity is with melee weapons hitting fleeing targets.

    Infinite PFMWs is not fun. It might pass on enemies that aren't innately immune to normal weapons. But not when they aren't. Just no. At least it would be tolerable if they only cast it like 2-3 times max. Not infinite.

    I kind of hated this too, but somehow also really liked it...?

    I think the game should have done an autosave everytime Dennaton finishes the intro speech to a fight, so we don't have to go through the whole sequence over and over again every reload.


    Ravager fight is thematically super cool. Except the part where if you fail to kill him before his form change you might aswell reload. And his use of it is absolutely random and unpredictable. Stupid.

    Ravager should die if it stays in Ravager form for too long. That's what happens to CHARNAME if he's The Slayer to long.

    I played through BP2 only once, berserker>mage solo on core. I want to play through again, especially since all the NPC's are finicky, and will stop talking to you if you tell them what you really think of them.
  • magisenseimagisensei Member Posts: 316
    @SirBatince BP1-2 was not meant for solo players although you could do it solo if you wanted to just like you can solo the main game.

    I've played BP2 and really had no need for containers of any sort - no idea why you would need 50 potions since I didn't bother with any almost but that could be because I ran with a full party but still i didn't buy potions or have any real need for them except maybe the random anti-poison, healing or invisibility if my team got in a pinch.

    Enemy AI - made the battles tougher - which is good - unlimited invisibility - only a little annoying but if you have a full party not something that is really any bother; plus if the AI cheats with its unlimited resources we cheat too with our spells like mislead and then hiding the clone so we can cast and remain totally invisible or the other cheesy spells/equipment that we can use. Plus micromanaging a battle sometime is usefully if you are facing annoying enemies don't just leave it to the AI to control your party.

    Ravager fight was a tough one - and it makes you wonder how powerful the owner of BP2 really is - if you can hold a Ravager and dragons - how the heck do we actually beat the owner - but lucky for us we never do get to meet the true mastermind behind BP2 which I find a bit annoying - there better be a BP3 that continues this pit story.
  • magisenseimagisensei Member Posts: 316
    Small things that annoy me:

    At Spellhold the labyrinth section - we should be totally unarmed - because really who leaves us with all our armor, magic, scrolls and potions not to mention all of our gold. You'd think they'd rob us and strip us of all our goods like they did in the first dungeon at the beginning of the game. Being fully armed made this section of the game a bit too easy.

    Villains without any sense - Irenicus and his sister have got to be some of the laziest villains around - you take our souls (Imoen and my PC) but you let us live to fight another day. "Hello evil villain - do you think I am not going to come after you for our souls???!!!"

    Hexxat - is not a true vampire with all their powers. Plus her story is inconsistent - eg Jan mentions a niece that was killed by her - but if you go through Hexxat's dialogue she has been imprisoned for 200 years or so with the helmet on meaning even if she wanted to feed she could not kill anyone as no one could get pass the barrier to release her; plus Hexxat's tells us she can only call those that have similar personalities as her own - only a certain mind will be lured to her - so even if Hexxat did lure someone to the tomb because she was under the power of the helmet she could not move and therefore somone else killed Jan's niece and the others that came along before her and during her imprisonment.

    Plus the messenger for M - really can't be human if Hexxat has been imprisoned for 200 years - she has to be an elf or something else but not a human.
  • RodrianRodrian Member Posts: 426
    @OlvynChuru NINE HELLS YOU'RE RIGHT! ;_;
    You devil! :naughty: Now it'll bug  me for months. .
  • Montresor_SPMontresor_SP Member Posts: 2,208
    The Slayer gets 25 Strength and Dexterity. But as a creature of pure instinct, and not someone you'd want to hang out with, it should have a Wisdom and Charisma penalty. And possibly also a penalty to Intelligence.
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