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Little things that annoy you



  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137
    @marcellus: Maybe @Buttercheese, who I believe is a fellow bearded female dwarf enthusiast, can help you find some?
  • SmilingSwordSmilingSword Member Posts: 827
    marcellus said:

    I can't find a single portrait of a bearded female dwarf, much less the six I need to create my IWD:EE party of confusingly sexy adventurers...

    But all dwarf pictures are unisex.
  • SmilingSwordSmilingSword Member Posts: 827
    While we are on the subject of Dwarves, the fact that Dwarves are Scottish in D&D, what the hell is up with that? D&D Dwarves are based on Tolkien Dwarves, which in turn are based on the Dwarves from Norse mythology, so Dwarves should technically be Scandinavian if anything.

    Pratchett used to play quite heavily into this, giving most of his Dwarves Scandinavian names, like Bjorn, Sven and so on.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    It's my understanding that although the dwarves came from Norse mythology, their language in Middle Earth was actually Semitic. Jewish dwarves.
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    About bearded dwarf women.
    [Spoiler]I do love my bearded dwarf women, but I simply use "male" dwarf images for these chracters. The idea is, that you can't tell wether a dwarf is male or female when they are fully dressed. The concept of gender doesn't exist to them, in my headcanon. Basically the same way dwarves work in the Discworld Novels. If you see an actually feminine looking dwarf (by our standarts), she is shaved because she preferes the beauty standarts of the other kith.

    Though I think what @marcelluss is looking for, are bearded dwarf women that still look feminine, and yes, those portraits *are* hard to come by. I was only able to discover these two so far:

    Artwork by RachelleFryatt .................... Artwork by VNC-Children
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    I think dwarves in games and movies tend to have Scottish accents because the intonation and rhythm of scandanavian languages sound similar to Scottish-inflected English to an English-speaking ear. It's sort of like the Swedish Chef from the Muppets, if he were speaking intelligibly in English but without changing his accent.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Dwarf uniformity bothers me. TVTropes has separate pages for "Our Elves/Dragons/Fairies/Wizards/Angels/Zombies Are DIfferent." But dwarves?
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    edited December 2015

    I was so free to make a seperate thread for this topic, lest we cluster this one too much ;)

  • RodrianRodrian Member Posts: 426
    That moment, when after around 8-9 years of playing IE games, you realise there is a "shift + l-click" movement option! :weary:

    (staying at the topic : is there a thread with all these little facilities like 'shift + l-click', 'Enhanced Pathfinding option in BG ini.' etc. listed?)
  • Abi_DalzimAbi_Dalzim Member Posts: 1,428
    They seem to have altered the scripting for that guy in the Docks who throws a scimitar at you. It used to be he just did that, usually missed, and then ran away, which was kind of funny. Now in EE, though, he's a lot more accurate, which makes the throwing more of an annoyance, and he also *keeps* throwing additional scimitars, to the point where it's basically a real fight. They took one-off joke and altered it to make it really kind of tedious to sit through. Bad move, guys.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    ^- Funny, I haven't even noticed that @Abi_Dalzim. My last playthrough there I recall it being just one scimi.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    In Icewind Dale 1, the most powerful undead creatures you can summon are the Boneguard Skeletons. However, they are summoned with a conjuration spell, not a necromancy spell. If you wanted to go through the game as a necromancer with only necromancy spells, you wouldn't be able to summon these skeletons. Even if you changed your rules to make it so that the necromancer COULD cast this one non-necromancy spell, the problem is that the spell can also summon umber hulks, which aren't undead.
  • SirBatinceSirBatince Member Posts: 882
    My spells with a cast time of 1 get interrupted with no problem while 4 arrows won't ever disrupt that damn hold-person.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    It's annoying how in order to enter the Planar Sphere you need to either have Valygar in your party or kill him. Sometimes I don't have Valygar in my party but I'd still like to go through the Planar Sphere quest, and I don't want to kill him. What's worse is that one component of Crom Faeyr can only be obtained in the sphere, so I barely ever end up making that hammer.
  • biffyclangerbiffyclanger Member Posts: 216
    In Uth Natha after your little dance with Phaere in her bed chamber the journal entry clearly states that you are now favored by her house. For some reason at this point I still can't buy slaves to set them free the slaver drow still doesn't recognize my favored status....
  • biffyclangerbiffyclanger Member Posts: 216
    Oh yeah and you don't get to kick Jarlaxle's ass.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    I've been playing an evil run, and it somehow has annoyed me that when you're back in Candlekeep and you're accused of murdering, you have no option than:

    1) give up to the Gatewarden and go to the jail;

    2) don't give up... and be insta-killed.

    They could change the second option, really, so that if you don't give up you fight somebody (or lots of enemies) that is too-high level for you to deal with it, and in the end you have to give up. Although it would require a change of dialogue with Tethtoril - how he would dare to release a beast who killed a lot of guards in Candlekeep before the capture.
  • SirBatinceSirBatince Member Posts: 882
    Oh yeah, Gatewarden.

    I don't like how they just gave up on his hillbilly accent in chapter 6. If you talk to him in chapter 1 he's like a different person.
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100

    Oh yeah, Gatewarden.

    I don't like how they just gave up on his hillbilly accent in chapter 6. If you talk to him in chapter 1 he's like a different person.

    There is probably more than 1. A single guy can't be at the gate 24/7
  • simplessimples Member Posts: 540

    Oh yeah and you don't get to kick Jarlaxle's ass.

    i kill him on every playthrough..... just choose the right dialogue options and he'll turn hostile. it's an easy fight.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    That every time I sell gems from the bag I have to double click, hit the + button and wait for every gem.

    That in the Watcher's Keep Blood War level Ka'rashur betrays you, while Tahazzar keeps his word. Ka'rashur is a Devil, Devils are just as fundamentally Lawful just as they Evil. If Ka'rashur had given you a reward, then immediately tried to murder you, or the reward was designed to screw you over somehow, that would be a different story, but as it is, the whole thing is completely out of character for both entities.

    That shop keeper inventory ceases to exist when the shopkeeper dies.

    That being stunned for even one round permanently removes a character from your party selection so you leave them behind.

    That as soon as they unstun they go back to doing whatever you last ordered them to do before they got stunned, even if that's casting a fireball on a now corpse onto which your party has moved for looting purposes.

    That wish basically alternates between worthless, mediocre, and gamebreaking rather than using a more consistent list like limited wish. There's not even a choice between "gamble on ultimate cosmic power" vs "weaker but more easily bargained for effect", so Limited Wish can pull off a full party heal and a party wide Wondrous Recall jr, while even at 20 wisdom Wish usually ends up with something irrelevant as your only beneficial choice.
  • biffyclangerbiffyclanger Member Posts: 216
    You can't kill apprentice torturer Douglas...
  • biffyclangerbiffyclanger Member Posts: 216
    simples said:

    Oh yeah and you don't get to kick Jarlaxle's ass.

    i kill him on every playthrough..... just choose the right dialogue options and he'll turn hostile. it's an easy fight.
    Damn!!!! that awesome I gotta try it.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    There are a lot of things whithout any sense.
    How can a newbie mage become an archmage in few dozen days or a kensai, that is supposed to devote his whole life to unprotected combat master his art in the same little time?
    But there are reasons why we have to use so much suspenction of disbelief.
    There are other where is could be avoided.
    Like whith backstabbing.
    There is people that find unreal that is possible to backstab whith staves, I think that doing it whith long swords or katanas is neaely the same. And a stave from the back of an unaware target can break the spine and kill, strong neck musculature protect you only if you are aware and use it, is not a passive protection.
    But my point is another, in real life if someone manage to sneack at your back and cut your throat or push his dagger through your cervical vertebrae you die. A backstab implemented as a 1hit kill, whith some chance of avoiding the hit based on thief hide skill and thaco and target dexterity and the type of armour he uses, but not his AC, seems to me a lot more realistic.
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