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Little things that annoy you



  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    Unless Jan/Imoen is your romance choice.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    edited October 2015
    It annoys me how in Planescape Torment the cranium rat mechanic doesn't seem to work right. I think it's supposed to be that if enough cranium rats get together, they become more intelligent and eventually become able to cast spells. However, instead of the rats' spellcasting having to do with how many other rats are nearby, how it works in the game is that there are certain rats that cast spells regardless of how many other rats are with them. This picture shows that the spellcasting rats can cast spells even if no other rats are nearby:


    I'm guessing that this was done because doing the mechanic "correctly" might be difficult to code, but it still bothers me.
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    It annoys me that my party hasn't been recognized for ending the iron crisis single-handedly. We've brought in the equivalent of a months production at the Nashkel mines in short swords alone, add in the halberds and larger swords, and Sword Coast smiths have enough iron and steel to last them the rest of the year.
  • GemHoundGemHound Member Posts: 801
    edited October 2015
    It annoys me that the Shadows Thieves do not help in the Duchal Palace after all, even though they have a legitimate reason to want to kill Sarevok and promise to help.
  • GemHoundGemHound Member Posts: 801
    edited October 2015
    Agreed. They are so op as you can literally dodge a fireball in my experience.
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    @Grum IMHO Kresselack's Tomb is by far the worst part of the game. The encounters seem like something an inexperienced DM would throw at a party without considering they might not be powerful enough. And to top it off? Mediocre loot.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    The Shield of the Lost looks really pretty but doesn't match with any other equipment.

    The Robe of Vecna has wicked colors but basically the only way to match them with your wardrobe is to set your clothing colors to black.

    The coolest looking helmets are the ones you find on the Cultist Guards in the Unseeing Eye quest, but they have no magical effects.

    Halberds in real life are awesome-looking weapons with lots of cool shapes, but in the IE games they just look like triangles on sticks.
  • SmilingSwordSmilingSword Member Posts: 827
    BG1 shields, all of them. Shields from Amn look great, I can't even bring myself to use shields in BG1 anymore.
  • GemHoundGemHound Member Posts: 801
    edited October 2015
    @SmilingSword I don't know, I rather like the shields from BG, they are based off of real common shields.

    A little thing that annoys me is how the d20 system is after level 20.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    The squeaky sound when you are on ships in BG2; the slavership in the slums especially. I have to turn off the sound when I play that area. Extremely annoying.
  • dunbardunbar Member Posts: 1,603
    All the bloody doorways that will only let the entire party through. Portals I can accept, but ordinary doors? No DM would ever get away with that bovine excrement.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Male human mages all have beards.
    Mages get capes but thieves don't.
    Those disturbing screams in the Athkatlan docks at night.
    Confused party members breaking the game by hitting a random peasant.
    Party members walking into each other and going the opposite direction in narrow pathways.
    Enemy thieves can backstab from the front.
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    Skatan said:

    Also, it annoys me that bucklers and small shields share traits. IRL they where used completely different and I see why a buckler wouldn't add AC vs missiles, but a small shield should (albeit very little). A buckler usually faces forward, defending your weapon hand, whereas a shield, no matter the size, is strapped alongside the forearm and is used for deflecting incoming attacks.

    Shields can either be strapped on or Bossheld. How you hold them is not the distinction between buckler and shield. A buckler is so called because it was small enough to be buckled to your belt, if you felt you needed that extra protection. A small shield could also be held out like a buckler, and while you could strap a small round sheild I doubt this would be done because boss held shields generally lend more control and agility. A strapped shield would be generally be larger, heavier, and not circular; why it was strapped.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    meagloth said:

    Skatan said:

    Also, it annoys me that bucklers and small shields share traits. IRL they where used completely different and I see why a buckler wouldn't add AC vs missiles, but a small shield should (albeit very little). A buckler usually faces forward, defending your weapon hand, whereas a shield, no matter the size, is strapped alongside the forearm and is used for deflecting incoming attacks.

    Shields can either be strapped on or Bossheld. How you hold them is not the distinction between buckler and shield. A buckler is so called because it was small enough to be buckled to your belt, if you felt you needed that extra protection. A small shield could also be held out like a buckler, and while you could strap a small round sheild I doubt this would be done because boss held shields generally lend more control and agility. A strapped shield would be generally be larger, heavier, and not circular; why it was strapped.
    True, but the game doesn't make that distinction between a shield and a buckler, or as you describe it, a bossheld shield or a buckler shield. It just says that a buckler is the same as small shield (the stats from weilding one I mean), thus rendering the definition between them meaningless.

    True, I simplified things in my explanation, but when _generalizing_ I still think my definition is accurate to what they (dev's) originally thought when creating both small shields and bucklers as items to wear and weild, meaning that the buckler is bossheld and that shields generally are not. This is speculative ofc and doesn't really add to the discussion since my main point was about the AC from a buckler is the same as from a shield rather than the discussion about how they are held. I should have phrased it differently, but will leave it as-is for future readers.
  • batoorbatoor Member Posts: 676
    edited October 2015
    Several mages throughout the game seem to have created golems of some sort, but my mighty bhaalspawn, even when he's a wizard never gets the opportunity.

    Yeh send me on some simpletons errand to get mimics blood..That's all my pc is good for eh..:(
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    batoor said:

    Several mages throughout the game seem to have created golems of some sort, but my mighty bhaalspawn, even when he's a wizard never gets the opportunity.

    Yeh send me on some simpletons errand to get mimics blood..That's all my pc is good for eh..:(

    Well you do get the book of golem summoning. So you can run around with your juggernaut golems...

    One thing that I think would be great fun would be to do a blackpits run with a sorceror and 5 golems. Given that the announcer only talks about the party leader, and everyone else seems to be there by themselves, it'd fit thematically.
  • batoorbatoor Member Posts: 676
    Grum said:

    batoor said:

    Several mages throughout the game seem to have created golems of some sort, but my mighty bhaalspawn, even when he's a wizard never gets the opportunity.

    Yeh send me on some simpletons errand to get mimics blood..That's all my pc is good for eh..:(

    Well you do get the book of golem summoning. So you can run around with your juggernaut golems...

    One thing that I think would be great fun would be to do a blackpits run with a sorceror and 5 golems. Given that the announcer only talks about the party leader, and everyone else seems to be there by themselves, it'd fit thematically.
    That's true I guess. I was thinking more like some procedure you did in the planar sphere with that golem who opens the door for you. Laboratory stuff, I guess I could say the same about some sort of necromancy experiments. Mostly for fluff and it's the ''little things that annoy me'' thread so =)
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    Pickpocketing kiiiinda needs you to actually reach someones pockets and have fingers (or similar limbs) to extract its contents. ;) I agree on the stealth issue.

    I always intend to use the familiars but end up with them in the inventory and then forgetting about them due to them being somewhat fragile and the potential loss isn't worth the potentail gains.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    It's strange how characters in the IE games (not to mention in a lot of other games) will wield a "one-handed weapon" in one hand, even if they aren't doing anything with their other hand. Maybe it's actually a reasonable thing to do and I don't know anything about wielding a weapon, but I'm pretty sure that it's always or almost always better to wield a weapon in two hands if you're not doing anything with the other hand, whether it's a "one-handed weapon" or a "two-handed weapon."
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