I need help getting my G.F. to accept my new "familiar"... *Small quest spoiler!*

It's my first playthrough of Baldur's Gate, and I'm playing along with my [highly experienced!] G.F~... I've awed at her glorious Fairy Dragon familiar from the very start, but here I sit, as a lonely, psychopathic fighter/thief, unable to have a small critter to call my own. [Small spoilers from here on?] Much later, we come across a waterfall I presume many of you know... the one where I found a dead cat. I attempted to bring the cat to it's owner, but after completing the quest [multiple times, because glitches!], I've found that the cat is stuck to my inventory like a statue in a basilisk farm. It was a sign. This dead cat... it's the familiar I always wanted! It even knows several cat-trips, like "Play-Dead", and unfortunately for me, "Turn G.F.". As enthusiastic I have been to drag around this lifeless feline around with me, and sending it out to play with the Fairy Dragon, my G.F. has been less than supportive for my choices, and expressed worried feelings for my actions of befriending this carrion. In what ways can I help convince her to be accepting of my choice?

Post edited by GreenWyvern on
I am sorry for your (not-)loss
Also, I'm so F---ING jealous that you get to play with your GF
(And Gods please, if she reads this let her take it in the humorous tone it was meant to be. I never know how what I say here will be perceived.)
recruited them to the team! Currently, Albino and I have spent a few hours in
of them a few times, but I'm making sure to keep a close eye!
Stinky, Albino and I have had lots of fun times! I think we're starting to get along~ The last taxidermist refused to serve me, and demanded this was a crime against nature. Must have been the
smell! Stinky hasn't bathed since we found him, of course... And here she is summoning skeleton warriors! The double standards, puh! Racist against cats, maybe, considering her love for polymorphing into, and summoning WOLVES! I think it lost a life for each rock it hit on the way down from the waterfall... Glad you enjoyed
I'll take this time to talk out of character; I love Albino, and thank her so much for showing me this glorious game! I've had so many amazing and funny moments with her, I just need to say how much I appreciate everything~
[alright, back to my roleplay self!] Owch, what if I said that about your Fairy Dragon, huh? I'll pour as many Elixirs of Health on Stinky as I need to, until he stops rotting away! That's... how potions works, right?... er... Now I'm thinking abotu Ferret Dragons. Uh. Pshh, she's only right like, what, 75% of the time? I mean, come on now, the odds are obviously in... someones favour... uh... probably mine, because I'm intelligence! Mmm, I would say I'm more so lucky that I ever found someone as truly amazing as Albino is~