
Greetings everyone! I'm Justin (yes I gave up my full name), and I am VERY familiar with this game. I played the original Baldur's Gate, back in 1998, and I remember how we couldn't be Half-Orcs, Sorcerers, Barbarians, Monks, etc. That stuff wasn't introduced until BG2.
1) Broccoli is eeeeevil.
2) Ferrets spread diseeeeease and pestilence.
And... 3) You appeared to have made some poor life choices... The only highlight being you played BG... May I suggest a new fresh (well not that fresh) start and become one with the undead?
Join now and receive a FREE tombstone!
Before you get used to our cauliflower-mushroom-undead chaos, I advice to always have the Protection from Dull casted.
Don't worry, this chaos will never end so you'll never fail your saving throw against Dull here.
Due to your lack of education... Please allow me to illustrate.
Although, I feel we have stumbled onto the motherload of evil with Ronaine Lettuce...
Oh. Mummies spread curses. Not disease...
Please join the forces of good before its too late!
Hang on... Do you like gnomes?
Welcome @JTerzin I see you jumped straight into the forum madness... good