OOC: I don’t think so. I am on my phone so the background is white with a grey box and the roll doesn’t show up until after you post (and can’t be edited)... so I don’t think there is any way to stylize it.
AH! Okay, good to know. So, last I have noted, These are the current exp totals- Aerie 4394, Agnatic 1323, Alora 1658, Anomen (Assnomen) 1707, Arkanis 1598, Jaheira 1598, Minsc 1598, Neera 1133.
And you guys have racked up quite a list of treasures. Pity you have nowhere to trade them/cash them in at present...
Here are the list of magic items, though... +1 Shield +1 Chainmail (currently being used by Anomen) +1 Two-Handed sword (currently being used by Minsc) +2 Spear (being used by Anomen) Elven Boots (Can be used by anyone- move silently effect at all times- Were being used by Alora) +1 Ring of Protection (Useless if being used with magical armor, of course) 2 P. invisibility Scroll (Sleep) Scroll (Web) P. Healing Vial Holy Water Ring of Warmth (Good for not being cold/chilled) Ring of Protection +1 (Gold and Ivory) claimed by Alora Scroll (Neutralize Poison)
Alora - completely ignoring the need to gather her party before venturing forth - is keen to go and look at the hump in the ground ahead. " Come on everybody! Let's go exploring!"
Okay, Alora leads 'her' Marauders to the mound. It's long and fairly low, but at one end, you an see an opening. Not so much a door as a space at one end, capped by large grayish-white stones. From the end, however, you can see a large rock door, balanced on a pivot point. It looks like it's going to be difficult to move. And, like it was *made* to be difficult to move. Probably, so Alora is sure, to make some poor adventurer's day just that much more difficult.
"I think we've found a burial mound!" says Alora excitedly. "It's probably full of treasure. That's why they've put that big rock there - to stop us getting to the treasure. I'll go and check that it's not a trap and then all the big strong people can push the door open." Alora is about to set off when she notices Arkanis standing beside her. "The little strong people can help too," she adds thoughtfully.
A strange, animal smell in this low, dark tunnel which leads gently down into one end of the mound. Shielding your eyes from the light outside, you can make out the gray stone slabs of the floor, covered with small, muddy footprints. Above, the low ceiling is a single, massive slab, its weight supported by smaller slabs set on edge to form the walls. 20 feet or so away from the tunnel, it ends at what seems to be a blank wall, but the fact that the ceiling slab continues marks some kind of space beyond.
The ceiling here is only four feet or so tall, meaning the bigger people (Bigger than Alora, and say, Jan, if he were here) are going to have to bend nearly double to enter this place.
"It's quite tight here, even for me." Arkanis go ahead and examines the wall at the end. He searches for hidden pulls, and tries to determine if there's open place behind it.
We’re not suppose to be exploring girl. We’re suppose to be returning this magic water to the priestess of Silvanus to repay a debt.
Can we not head back to civilization post haste instead of exploring every crack we find in the ground.
*Anomen says this outside the little cave and does not crawl through with them.*
OOC: I am currently rereading this amazing thread, but if I recall we should have had more potions from the pools. We bought 8 vials and Anomen found more in the dungeon (when Neera got Oops) and filled them.
@deltago I read this thread over about two days, and damn if you guys didn't crack me up more than a few times! I even showed a friend of mine the "Tomb of Horrors" thread, and she just about died watching, "The Birchbark Heroes do The Tomb of Horrors" after reading the entire thread. I thought I was going to have to carry her back to bed, she laughed so hard. "Tomb of Horrors" FTW!
OOC: I need to reread this thread so I remember where we are in the story. If I recall correctly, Aerie is still feeling mopey, but has found a huggable friend in Neera.
OOC: I need to reread this thread so I remember where we are in the story. If I recall correctly, Aerie is still feeling mopey, but has found a huggable friend in Neera.
We’re not suppose to be exploring girl. We’re suppose to be returning this magic water to the priestess of Silvanus to repay a debt.
That poor priestess has been waiting two years for her magic water... XD
OOC If the end of the world can wait until you reach level 99 and do some 200 side quests in some RPGs then the priestess certainly can wait two years for the water
"Do you think this is where the uni-bunnies live? Bunnies are a bit like hares aren't they? But don't hares have bigger feet than bunnies?" Alora ponders this for a moment. "If I don't find any traps on the door I think all the strong people should try to push the door open so we can get the treasure before the big-footed bunnies come back."
We’re not suppose to be exploring girl. We’re suppose to be returning this magic water to the priestess of Silvanus to repay a debt.
Can we not head back to civilization post haste instead of exploring every crack we find in the ground.
"We're not exploring every crack, just the ones that look like they have treasure in them," Alora explains a little tersely. She then starts muttering to herself that she doesn't know why a person would join a group called Alora's Marauders if that person didn't want to do any marauding in the first place.
Okay, okay, it's only been like...a year and a half...
Welcome back, @LadyRhian ! I'm so glad you're not dead!
And yes, I still have ALL my notes. Not for no reward is the life of the obsessive notetaker!
I also have all the treasure and experience point totals for the group.
And you guys have racked up quite a list of treasures. Pity you have nowhere to trade them/cash them in at present...
Here are the list of magic items, though...
+1 Shield
+1 Chainmail (currently being used by Anomen)
+1 Two-Handed sword (currently being used by Minsc)
+2 Spear (being used by Anomen)
Elven Boots (Can be used by anyone- move silently effect at all times- Were being used by Alora)
+1 Ring of Protection (Useless if being used with magical armor, of course)
2 P. invisibility
Scroll (Sleep)
Scroll (Web)
P. Healing
Vial Holy Water
Ring of Warmth (Good for not being cold/chilled)
Ring of Protection +1 (Gold and Ivory) claimed by Alora
Scroll (Neutralize Poison)
Alora checks for traps and secret doors.
The ceiling here is only four feet or so tall, meaning the bigger people (Bigger than Alora, and say, Jan, if he were here) are going to have to bend nearly double to enter this place.
Alora looks at the muddy footprints. Do they look like they were made by an animal or a humanoid creature?
Arkanis go ahead and examines the wall at the end. He searches for hidden pulls, and tries to determine if there's open place behind it.
Can we not head back to civilization post haste instead of exploring every crack we find in the ground.
*Anomen says this outside the little cave and does not crawl through with them.*
OOC: I am currently rereading this amazing thread, but if I recall we should have had more potions from the pools. We bought 8 vials and Anomen found more in the dungeon (when Neera got Oops) and filled them.
"We're not exploring every crack, just the ones that look like they have treasure in them," Alora explains a little tersely. She then starts muttering to herself that she doesn't know why a person would join a group called Alora's Marauders if that person didn't want to do any marauding in the first place.