This is a 20' (north-south) by 30' (east-west) room. Directly across the room from the door in the northern wall is a huge wooden table. Behind it is set an ornately carved wooden chair. On the table is a candlestick, a feathered quit pen and several pieces of parchment that are scattered over the table.
Alora will enter cautiously, looking out for anyone lurking in the shadows. She will go over to the chair and table and examine the pen, candlestick and parchments then the table itself (which she will check for secret drawers and compartments). She will also check the chair and then the walls and floor of the room.
The pen is a normal quill pen. The candlestick is of wood, dyed black. It is nicely carved. The papers look like someone has been letting a small child scribble on them. They make no sense whatsoever, if what is on them is even words of some sort. If they are, it is no language Alora recognizes.
On the wall behind the desk, Alora discovers a small button hidden as a knot in the wood. Across the room, a door opens in the southwest wall. Beyond is a 10' wide dark passageway running west. After 30', it turns to the south.
Around the corridor, you find another 30' or corridor ending in a door on the west wall. It doesn't seem to have a lock on it, and opens with another button on the wall. You see a 30' (east-west) by 40' (north-south) room.
This room holds four double bunk beds. Sleeping in the beds are 8 orcs. Despite this, they are wearing ill-fitting uniforms of palace guards. The uniforms are slightly dirty as well, with food-stains and other, more regular dirt.
Alora will tiptoe away and check with the rest of the party to find out what they want to do. "This seems to be a dead end so we could just go back and spike the door at the other end so they can't get out."
Arkanis grabs his weapon, and starts to march into the room without further finesse. "Spare one for questioning" speaks the dwarf to the others as he go. When arriving in the middle of the room he yells: "YOUR DOOM HAS COME!"
Anomen's spear goes right through the orc, like a hot knife through butter. The orc doesn't stand a chance and dies instantly. Anomen's spear is now bright red.
On the wall behind the desk, Alora discovers a small button hidden as a knot in the wood. Across the room, a door opens in the southwest wall. Beyond is a 10' wide dark passageway running west. After 30', it turns to the south.
Alora will trot down the corridor looking for more adventure ....
This room holds four double bunk beds. Sleeping in the beds are 8 orcs. Despite this, they are wearing ill-fitting uniforms of palace guards. The uniforms are slightly dirty as well, with food-stains and other, more regular dirt.
Minion, roll 1d20 for Edwin attack
Minion, roll 1d4 damage for dagger
Follows the dwarf into the room and skewers the first orc he sees with his racist spear
Minion, roll 1d20 for spear +3 against orcs
Minion, roll 1d8+6 for Anomen spear damage
(+3 magic, +3 strength)
Minion, roll 1d20 for Alora's hail of lead
Minion, roll 1d20 for Arkanis the doombringer
Minion, roll 1d20 for meeting
Minion, roll 1d20 for Tiax’s fury!
Minion, roll 1d100 for Tiax Crit