Alora will keep going north until she sees a door (whether down an offshoot or on the main path). When she sees a door she will check for the traps and wait for the party to get into position before opening it.
The Western Offshoot runs 80', then turns north, then east again (with a mere 10' bump to the west), before dead-ending at a wall, with a door to the south. Alora listens, but hears nothing. When she opens the door, she can see that the room is filled with a jumble of, well, stuff seems the best way to describe it. Hacksaws, rope. chain, pegs, chisels, picks, and a variety of barrels filled with variou sorts of building and/or mining materials.
Ajantis looks to see if the room contains any extra torches, lanterns, or lantern oil. He'll take a light source, if he finds one, and stow it in his pack.
Yes, the rope is in fine condition. There are no torches or lanterns. Just
a box of wooden pegs A coil of light rope, 50' A coil of heavy chain, 70' A coil of fine copper wire, 20' Mining picks (32), all unusable and in poor repair Chisels (15) Shovels (13) Empty barrels (11) Mallets (8) Iron bars (29, each measuring 1" in diameter, 8' in length) An iron vise (12" jaws) Mining jacks (2), broken Crosscut saws (2, 2-man) Hacksaw (4) A mason's toolbox (containing trowel, stone chisel, plumb line, etc.) A cobbler's toolbox (containing small hammer, knife, heavy needles, etc.) A small barrel of unfletched arrows (60, all normal) An empty wooden bench, 10' long
"Quite a lot of equipment to leave behind since we've seen no sign of a swift flight. I suppose some supplies are easier to replace than to transport."
Jaheira's interest in the materials within the room was exhausted after about two seconds, but she stood by for the rest to have their fill. Dwarves tended to have a love for such things, but Jaheira did not. It wasn't that she completely hated the objects, for the items she used to defend nature were crafter from materials, unearthed by such tools, but it was a difficult concept for her to grasp. On the one hand, she pained for the damage done to the earth by such workings, but, on the other, she needed such items to send foul creatures to feed that earth. Balance, she mused, continued to be tricky.
Alora retraces her steps, going back to the main corridor. She then goes north until she comes to the eastern offshoot, which she takes. She will keep going down that until she finds a door.
Okay. This is a weird corridor, weaving up and down for approximately 160' before heading straight south. But at the point where the corridor turns south, there is a door. It is neither locked nor trapped as far as Alora can see. Inside is a rather rough and crude bedroom, with walls chipped out of the black slate that makes up the place, a wooden bed, table and chair. The room is (obviously) unused, but the bed is made, if very dusty.
Under the bed, Alora finds a long-forgotten, dusty pouch tucked into the bed lacing (which holds up the mattress). Opening it, she finds 15 electrum pieces. Unfortunately, there is nothing else.
Alora hasn't seen an electrum piece before and is suitably excited. "Anomen, look what I've found! think of all the stuff we'll be able to buy with this! Maybe we'll find more next door!"
Alora hurries down the southern corridor until she comes to the next door where she listens and checks for traps before opening it.
The second room is laid out exactly like the first, except for a large door across from the entrance to the room. There aren't any treasures, or monsters, either.
*Rolls his eyes at Alora's excitement of finding 7 go worth of coins. Why such a minimal amount was hidden away was baffling. Perhaps this was the workers quarters he wonder*
"I wonder Arkanis, now that you've wandered these halls for a time, can your dwarven affinity for the underground give us any hint at the location of a pool?"
While she wouldn't exactly call Ajantis clever, his idea had much merit. Not as much as, say, asking her for clues, out-of-doors, but better than she expected of the paladinian types. "Yes. The sooner we leave this place, and return to nature, the better."
"Were our wizards interested in mining...?" Aerie wondered aloud as she peered over Alora's head.
a box of wooden pegs
A coil of light rope, 50'
A coil of heavy chain, 70'
A coil of fine copper wire, 20'
Mining picks (32), all unusable and in poor repair
Chisels (15)
Shovels (13)
Empty barrels (11)
Mallets (8)
Iron bars (29, each measuring 1" in diameter, 8' in length)
An iron vise (12" jaws)
Mining jacks (2), broken
Crosscut saws (2, 2-man)
Hacksaw (4)
A mason's toolbox (containing trowel, stone chisel, plumb
line, etc.)
A cobbler's toolbox (containing small hammer, knife, heavy needles, etc.)
A small barrel of unfletched arrows (60, all normal)
An empty wooden bench, 10' long
You are in the upper right corner.
Alora will go into the bedchamber and look under the bed. She then search the table and the floor and walls.
Alora hurries down the southern corridor until she comes to the next door where she listens and checks for traps before opening it.
"Interesting, is Electrum common where you all are from?"