OOC: AERIE IS SO CUTE. I CAN NOT EVEN. I guess there was a reason she was the first (and only) BG2 char my charname romanced XD.
Neera smiles a bit and replies, "You know Aerie, you really are a good person. I mean a really, really good person. I'm glad we can have someone like you in our merry band of friends!"
OOC: What can I say, I'm good at writing the cute and fragile ones.
Aerie flushed a little more than she should have, unused to such praise. But, unused as she may be, it's not as if she disliked it. A bright smile spread across her lips, glad that her efforts helped ease her friend back to her perky self.
"O-Oh, thank you, Neera. I'm happy to be in your company as well!"
"As regards the gnomes, i think we should ask themselves." -Arkanis turns to the gnomes- "Would you like an escort to the surface, or continue this adventure with us?"
"We arrived through a door in the room beyond," Gildergloss says quietly. "There is a door the leads outside, but the leader of the bandits had a stone he used to open it. He didn't say, but I suspect the stone was needed to open the door."
You search the bandits more thoroughly, and finally find that one of them has a bit of pinking stone secreted in his boot.
"It glowed," Gildergloss says quietly. "But perhaps it will not do so until we bring it to the door."
Exploring the other end of the corridor, you find a secret door hidden in the wall. Beyond likes another, much larger cavern. From here the gnomes lead you north. "We entered this way," Gildergloss says.
"And what could possibly go wrong?" Jaheira added, out of sarcasm. She didn't know what she thought of these gnomes, but suspected only trouble would come of it.
Alora is able to find a secret door that leads out. A narrow, rocky defile leads down to a forested area. From this side of the secret door, it's almost unnoticeable. Obviously, a secret way out of the fortress if its owners ever needed to flee.
"Yes," Gildergloss says quietly. "We can make our own way home from here." The gnomes bid you all goodbye, pick up their slings and what few possessions they have, and make their way down. The youngest gnome hugs Aerie, whispers something in her ear and follows the others down.
Aerie flushed a little more than she should have, unused to such praise. But, unused as she may be, it's not as if she disliked it. A bright smile spread across her lips, glad that her efforts helped ease her friend back to her perky self.
"O-Oh, thank you, Neera. I'm happy to be in your company as well!"
"As regards the gnomes, i think we should ask themselves." -Arkanis turns to the gnomes- "Would you like an escort to the surface, or continue this adventure with us?"
"It glowed," Gildergloss says quietly. "But perhaps it will not do so until we bring it to the door."
Exploring the other end of the corridor, you find a secret door hidden in the wall. Beyond likes another, much larger cavern. From here the gnomes lead you north. "We entered this way," Gildergloss says.
Can you fellows find your way back from here or do we need to hold your hand all the way back to whatever mud hut village you are from?
We do still need to find magic spring.