I hate that....

[fill in the blank and share your BG follies, embarrassments, frustrations, and disasters here*]
* There have been enough discussions about features and bugs. I'd prefer to restrict this to actual gameplay.
* There have been enough discussions about features and bugs. I'd prefer to restrict this to actual gameplay.
I hate that the children always harass me and tell me that I'm funny looking.
Greater Wolfwere. Only able to be harmed by two items in the game. Nobody in the party keeps holding those weapons by the blade and try to hit the wolfwere with the pommel.
So I paralyze the guy, haste everyone, and then slowly take him down. All the while he is probably thinking:
"To end...like this?!"
Then again, an rp walkthrough would take me twice as long of it would
8. I hate that you can't have a peaceful solution when you talk to the Fallen Paladins for the second time.
9. I hate ... when 75/78/78/84/79/87/75/94/80 happens.
Two days ago, for example, I defeated Aec Le'tec with a two-member party. As I was running around the room and checking for treasure, I noticed Eldoth had been stunned. While I understand Aec Le'tec's abilities from previous playthroughs, I admittedly totally forgot about this one. In fact, I even rationalized Eldoth's stun, noting that it occurred immediately after he tried to paralyze Aec Le'tec, making me believe the Nabassu simply reflected the paralysis back to Eldoth.
So there I was looting the room. I looked at Eldoth in his state of discomfort and assured him, "Don't worry old buddy. We'll share the spoils that are well-earned. I won't leave you." At that point, Eldoth looked like he was experiencing an incredible amount of ineffable pain before, to my horror, exploding, leaving only a Ghoul that vaguely resembled his form in his place.
In a state of shock, I fumbled around minimizing the loot box to no avail before quickly reaching for the Pause button, which took a few attempts in my desperation. I gathered myself whilst in this state of trance, successfully minimizing the loot box and switching weapons, arrogantly reasoning, "I hate to kill Eldoth, but this isn't Eldoth anymore and it must be done. Fortunately, I've killed hundreds of these foul creatures already and one more will assuredly be a non-issue for a warrior of my caliber."
In an ironic turn of events, I resumed the game before watching my Paladin get stunned, over and over and over again, as the Ghoul of Eldoth sadistically dismembered him slowly piece by piece, no one near to hear the tormented screams.
Alas, that was the last anyone saw of my level 8 Paladin. Rest in pieces friend, rest in pieces.
They also use a wombat inventory icon which is almost equally disturbing.
Non-friendly NPCs that are Blinded will no longer stand still; they will wander aimlessly until they are close enough to see someone worth attacking
Most freaking annoying change ever! Seriously, I love you Beamdog, but please quit screwing around with stuff that you have no need to screw around with.
I wish they would implement a more pure "vanilla BG1 mode" or something, that gets rid of all the new NPC, items, and nanny modder-mentality tweaks. I like the resolution changes, true sizeable windowed mode, and some of the BG2 engine enhancements, but things like this are adulterating the game.
(Sorry I had to vent.)
"This scroll seems...off. I haven't seen anything like it before."
"What do you mean? It looks like a protection from acid scroll to me."
"Yeah, it does, doesn't it? I don't know...it seems off. I wouldn't read it if I were you, not until we figure out exactly what it does."
Edit: sry for not following the thread rules, edited now.
On topic: I hate that there isn't a single F/M or F->M NPC.
I hate that when you approach Imoen in the Spellhold her level is a lot lower if you've been going though the majority of Athkatla quests.
BTW, this reminds me, did anyone else traverse Wyrm Crossing with a great deal of paranoia the first time? I think every Final Fantasy game I have ever played used long bridges for ambushes or confrontations. I distinctly remember approaching Wyrm's Crossing and thinking, "Oh man! Here we go!," making sure I was ready for serious battle.
I hate that druids don't have their domain choices implemented into the game (whenever they're mountain druids, tundra druids, jungle druids, cavern druids, sea druids, ect.). As well as the advantages/disadvantages that come with the selected choice.
I hate the lack of proper hygiene of Adventurers. Or the utter absence of bath tubs whatsoever!
But more importantly... I hate that the burning heat outside is even hotter than in the Firewine Bridge region... urgh!
Werebane +1
Bastard Swords
Kondar +1 (+3 vs Shapeshifters)
Albruin +1
Sword of Balduran
Long Swords
Burning Earth +1
Weapons created through spells
Shocking Grasp
Cause Serious Wounds
Cause Critical Wounds
All items on this list (with the exception of Albruin +1) are also considered to be "Cold Iron" weapons. So they can hurt Greater Werewolves/Loup Garou in BGEE.