True! Do what you want without feeling bad for asking for more money for completing an easy task that a goody goody would say "keep your money." Rolling with a chaotic evil axe murderer just so he can sass the naive elf with hilarious banter and not feeling guilty for telling him not to shut up. Come on, Neutral is the way to roll.
The next poster has already filled out the Beta tester application for SoD.
False. Can't stand those furballs and their fleas. Also their stench, appearance and annoying barking makes them my natural enemy in the animal kingdom.
Poor Aedan. Don't worry buddy. We'll find you someone. That dark elf with the whip fetish who keeps trying to get you to kiss her boot and says how much more attractive you'd look with only one ear is still single!
Oh, also false. I own it, but my gaming backlog has not yet reached it.
Nope. I'd do it even if someone else knew about it
I've also been known eat whole 12" pizzas, various cakes, and I once even chugged one of those fake maple syrup bottles (it had to be used up). The kind of stuff that no fully sane person should probably be doing.
(high metabolism for the win)
I avoid doing it with pizzas now though. Too much sodium.
The next poster always wanted to play as an Commoner character with steady but low income.
The next poster likes to play neutral characters.
The next poster has already filled out the Beta tester application for SoD.
The next poster likes Shar-Teel.
The next poster owns a pair of pantaloons.
The next poster likes cream cheese icing
The next poster knows that you call cheese that isn't yours... nacho cheese.
The next poster thinks cheating is wrong and wants a donut. These two things are not related.
Next poster can make an omelette without breaking any eggs.
The next poster prefers sausage over bacon.
The next poster likes Crêpes.
The next poster likes pineapples.
The next poster enjoys the Neco Is Bored topic and forgives me for shamelessly self-promoting.
The next poster likes to go commando.
The next poster has some mushrooms on it:
The next poster has a dog.
The next poster has a beard.
The next poster has no hair on his chest.
The next poster has had pet fish.
The next poster thinks vampires are overrated.
Next poster prefers ghosts to vampires.
The next poster likes Twilight, but usually keeps it a secret.
The next poster wanted to wear a fedora when they were a child.
The next poster likes the concept of scientific/medical necromancy (think Frankenstein) more than arcane/divine necromancy.
The next poster would like to date me
The next poster has played Life is Strange.
Oh, also false. I own it, but my gaming backlog has not yet reached it.
The next poster thinks life *is* strange.
The next poster would eat an entire cheesecake in one sitting if no one else knew about it.
I've also been known eat whole 12" pizzas, various cakes, and I once even chugged one of those fake maple syrup bottles (it had to be used up). The kind of stuff that no fully sane person should probably be doing.
(high metabolism for the win)
I avoid doing it with pizzas now though. Too much sodium.
The next person likes going for jogs.
The next poster is now thinking about cheesecake. I certainly am.