Nope. My totem animal is the Crocodile or the American Alligator. A 500 acre Retreat where I once was a Caretaker included several such ancient characters.
The next poster would like to be able to brew a deadly potion from plants he or she has harvested locally.
The next poster would like to dance naked.
The next poster...magic.
The next poster is up at an unusual time for them.
The next poster is a bear.
The next poster would like to be able to brew a deadly potion from plants he or she has harvested locally.
The next poster plans to see Batman V Superman.
The next poster is a cheerleader.
The next poster knows the rules of staying in the Friendly Arm Inn.
The next poster's favourite Pokémon is Garchomp.
The next poster is like...wut?
The next poster is insane.
The next poster has divine powers.
The next poster is an X-files fan.
The next poster has faith in me.
The next poster is brand loyal, and proud of it!
The next poster has had to make sacrifices this year.
The next person has played a pokemon game other than red, blue (green in japan), yellow, silver, gold, or crystal (what can I say I'm old school).
Yes, I've played pokemon ultra violet.
The next poster has a secret agenda.
The next poster is wanted.
The next poster would like to travel across Europe.
The next poster is sorry I feel that way.
The next poster knows that wubble is a Twilight lover.