The next poster thinks that the village council should have payed the crazy combination of the pied piper and the gingerbread house witch for whatever they had her do... they're never seeing those kids again.
I used to have a cat, but he ran away, definitely because he knew more than he wanted me to believe...that little bugger was a ferocious hunter, and may I say that little Charles was the best...(prattles on like an old lady about her long lost cat)
The next poster now has a music with the words "don't stop now " playing inside his/her head....
The next poster thinks that the village council should have payed the crazy combination of the pied piper and the gingerbread house witch for whatever they had her do... they're never seeing those kids again.
The next poster likes to bike recreationally.
The next poster knows where the expression 'pied piper' comes from without looking it up.
The next poster wants pie now.
The next poster is dreading tomorrow.
The next poster can easily pronounce what I just wrote.
The next poster plans on getting more than 4 hours sleep when they next go to sleep
The next poster always fails at going to bed at a reasonable time due to smartphones/netflix/games/other super-important-nighttime-activities.
The next poster would like to stop this madness.
The next poster is macho.
The next poster prefers sweet 'taters > regular 'taters.
The next poster likes Dynaheir.
EDIT: WOW! I earned the 5000 Comments badge with this post! Thank you, Dynaheir!
The next poster dreams of getting the 50000 posts achievement. (Yes fifty thousand. No typo here)
The next poster will not help me reach that goal, because fishing for likes is super-lame. Almost as lame as using the term "lame" in 2016.
False, but that's why I use swear words, other words may come and go but swear words always mean what you want them to mean.
The next poster is currently listening to the bg2 soundtrack.
The next poster is currently listening to the first Aqua album
The next poster thinks that Tanya is better than Barbie.
The next poster played with My Little Pony as a child.
The next poster wants to catch a wild @Shandyr in a beamdog ball.
The next poster believes that their cat knows more than it's letting on...
The next poster is a grandfather or grandmother.
The next poster is of course wearing a tie, since friday is tieday.
The next poster accidentally dipped his tie in a bowl of...mashedtaters. (What is it with me and mashedtaters, anyways?)