No, not really. Our launch of our new value chain system went very well, so now I'm mostly gearing down and preparing for the summer vacation period. So I'm calm now, alot more so than the last couple of weeks (except for the short spike in excitement yesterday when Iceland played).
The next poster has wet the bed as an adult (meaning; pee'd him or herself whilst sleeping, I will leave NO room for misinterpreting this one )
False. Bought nothing other than bg 1 and 2 for android. A little stuck at char transfer for soa. But playing exiled kingdoms. Apparently made by one single guy..
The next poster likes to ride the hurricanes eye.
The next poster wears purple shoes
The next poster believes shiny white leather sneakers is the ultimate footwear.
The next poster thinks bill posters should be prosecuted...
The next poster has forgotten to do something important.
The next poster have an acquaintance who keeps ferrets.
The next poster has sat on an elephant.
The next poster owns an ever growing liquor collection.
The next poster is a raging baldurholic.
The next poster is trying to figure out the "Who Am I" riddle.
The next poster is not a moron.
The next poster likes his/her own body.
The next poster is very busy.
The next poster is planning on relaxing after a Monday.
The next poster is excited.
The next poster has wet the bed as an adult
(meaning; pee'd him or herself whilst sleeping, I will leave NO room for misinterpreting this one
Next poster has a Ferrari..
The next poster would have voted to REMAIN in the EU.
Next poster wants to be a dog.
The next poster has recently purchased something costly.
Next poster is going to hell
The next poster thinks Hell isn't in Michigan at all, but is instead in the Lanke area of Stordal in Norway.
The next poster likes to swim.
Next poster thinks being beutyfull has disadvantage..
Next poster wants Messi to un-retire from international football
The next poster will buy Tyranny before Torment: Tides of Numenera.
The next poster owns chickens.
The next poster is chicken.