An honest question... Do peas get a shorty bonus based on there constitution?
While I admit they may be restricted on armour types due to their shape, they do indeed gain shorty saving throws, and they even gain excellent bonuses to their dexterity due to their low fat content. A vote for peas is a vote for health! That's right, all you rogues, bards, and archers! Come to our side for optimal agility!
I would think they would get quite a large dexterity bonus. Having had plenty of experience chasing them around a plate, I can attest to their quickness.
I’m afraid you will need weapons more powerful than pugs if you are to build your army. You have your work cut out for you. Hmm… Perhaps you could go one better. Baby Pugs!
Pah! I don't need adorable animals to bring me followers! What I need is adorable veggies! You think other vegetables are cute?! Hah! You haven't even SEEN cute!
They even make fine jewelry!
Not to mention, if you're mean and don't join, they'll be sad!
Also, peas come in many varieties and have many interests. You might think that peas, like many lesser veggies, are unappreciative of the cold. Bah! Snow peas adore the cold!
Lol You fellas just don’t play fair! What is a girl to do when faced with such incessant cuteness! Sigh…….. I am so torn………. (Is seriously considering becoming a double agent.)
*chuckles evilly in his lair* They think the pugs are on the side of bananas? Hah! That's what I'll let them think. My pea pug forces will slowly weave their way into the hearts of the enemy then tear them out! For now I must continue to bide my time, however...
Day 47. I have made my disguise work wonders but sadly I think I may have goofed. At one point I interbreed with one of them, producing a genuine abomination. I am not without love for it, but I fear for the future of my offspring.
Day 47. I have made my disguise work wonders but sadly I think I may have goofed. At one point I interbreed with one of them, producing a genuine abomination. I am not without love for it, but I fear for the future of my offspring.
Well, if I cannot a-peas you and you don't carrot all for my displays of aggression...lettuce try a diplomatic solution.
Day 47. I have made my disguise work wonders but sadly I think I may have goofed. At one point I interbreed with one of them, producing a genuine abomination. I am not without love for it, but I fear for the future of my offspring.
Well, if I cannot a-peas you and you don't carrot all for my displays of aggression...lettuce try a diplomatic solution.
Eh, what the hell.
THE CARROTS (Okay, carrot) HAS OFFICIALLY JOINED WITH THE BANANA EMPIRE! Now wheres my riding pug? I believe I was promised a riding pug.
Now wheres my riding pug? I believe I was promised a riding pug.
Here it is, here it is, your personal riding pug!
I'll take it! Now if you excuse me I'm going to ride off into the sunset and become a pirate harassing travelers on the sea while having a deep inner depth and sense of honor over a war lost. I might assemble a crew of other misplaced vegetables and have a boat named serenity.
Frog faces... frog faces everywhere. Can we get something cute for a change? Like durian loving naked mole-rats? 'Tis getting disturbing to my demeanor!
I know you're not one for alliances, @Kamigoroshi but look! Even some of your kind are MADE from peas! Split peas to be exact. Join the pea army as a merc. Good pay, and some of your oozy brethren already work for me!
Does that mean taverns which have Apfelwein/cider on their menu are run by witches and warlocks too? Come to think of it, that could actually explain the daily behavior of my ex-boss.
I’m afraid you will need weapons more powerful than pugs if you are to build your army. You have
your work cut out for you. Hmm… Perhaps you could go one better. Baby Pugs!
Pah! I don't need adorable animals to bring me followers! What I need is adorable veggies! You think other vegetables are cute?! Hah! You haven't even SEEN cute!
They even make fine jewelry!
Not to mention, if you're mean and don't join, they'll be sad!
Also, peas come in many varieties and have many interests. You might think that peas, like many lesser veggies, are unappreciative of the cold. Bah! Snow peas adore the cold!
(Is seriously considering becoming a double agent.)
((Seriously, you have both my husband and myself rolling with laughter over here…))
Bring it, heathens!
(Credit to visunu on Deviant Art. I googled Carrot Warrior and was not disappointed.)
(from murfish at DeviantArt)
As are your most feared adversaries.
Day 47. I have made my disguise work wonders but sadly I think I may have goofed. At one point I interbreed with one of them, producing a genuine abomination. I am not without love for it, but I fear for the future of my offspring.
THE CARROTS (Okay, carrot) HAS OFFICIALLY JOINED WITH THE BANANA EMPIRE! Now wheres my riding pug? I believe I was promised a riding pug.
Can we get something cute for a change? Like durian loving naked mole-rats? 'Tis getting disturbing to my demeanor!
So we are all in accord. We are going to go bananas.
Unfortunately, I feel that instead of uniting us... The choosing of our plant matter hero has opened up gaping wounds in the children of mother earth.
I would plug it if I had the power...
Electricity always helps I feel...
If it can defeat armed men with rifles and grenades... I think we should reconsider...